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Why Mary Magdalene Emphasizes Strengthening the Feminine

Mary Magdalene Beckons


By Mercedes Kirkel


Question: Mary Magdalene has spoken of moving into a new time, a new phase of life for our planet, characterized by an enlivenment of the feminine principle, leading to restored balance of the masculine and feminine. And you described the male principle as the silent, transcendental aspect of life, while the female principle is the expression of that silent source that we observe in the manifest world.


But when I look around at the world I see people with an over-absorption in the expressed aspect of the world and an almost total ignorance and neglect of the silent source of life. In this view it appears that it’s the influence of the masculine silent core of life that’s missing and making life incomplete. In light of this, why does Mary emphasize the need for more of the feminine principle in the world?


Mercedes: The answer to this question lies in understanding that both the Masculine and Feminine have lower and higher aspects, and seeing how those parts interact.


Lets begin by looking at the Masculine. The higher Masculine is the transcendental, that which is beyond and prior to space, time, and all arising. It has been referred to as Consciousness, emptiness, the void, the Divine Masculine, or the Self. I think it’s the state that many people seek when they meditate—which they experience as peace, stillness, quiet, and purity. It’s also the state that many of the eastern spiritual traditions have been oriented towards achieving.


In contrast, the lower Masculine aspect is characterized by our lower mind, which is comprised of our rational, everyday thinking along with our subconscious thinking, such as instincts and beliefs. Willpower and intention are also a part of the lower Masculine. It’s not that the higher Masculine is better or the lower Masculine is worse. We actually need both and they serve us in different ways. The terms “higher” and “lower” are best understood as relating to the higher or lower dimensions, or characterized by a higher or lower frequency.


Now let’s shift to the Feminine. The Feminine is the vibratory energy of manifestation. In its lower form, we see the Feminine as everything manifested physically in our 3D world. But there’s a progressively subtler continuum of energy-based manifestation that includes other realms and forms such as the etheric (the realm that’s an energetic duplicate of the physical), sexual energy, and emotions, all the way up to very subtle forms such as visions, subtle sounds, angelic realms, etc. The highest form of the Feminine is pure Love.


If we put the Masculine and Feminine together, we see that the highest form of each is Consciousness and Love. I would say that both of these are what most people at this time are growing into. Those who are consciously on the spiritual path might be characterized as being more aware of one or both of these states and perhaps more intentionally working on realizing and living on the basis of these states. I say “consciously on the spiritual path” because I believe that everyone is on a spiritual path, whether they recognize it or not, and we’re all growing into Love and Consciousness.


However, for a long time our world has been primarily characterized by the lower aspects of both the Feminine and Masculine, and even now these tend to predominate. So we’ve tended to identify “reality” as the physical world and see ourselves as having a body and a mind. This is a fairly balanced Masculine-Feminine orientation, albeit in its lower form.


But there’s been another dynamic going on, which has also been the case for a very long time. The lower Masculine has been overpowering the lower Feminine. We can see this in many ways and arenas. At the most personal level, this has manifested as our being dominated by our thinking minds—what some people call the “monkey mind.” This has excluded our connection to our bodies, sexuality, energy, and emotions. As a result, many of us have lost touch with these Feminine aspects of ourselves and have become imbalanced by operating almost exclusively from our Masculine—our mind. This is true of both men and women today. And it’s reflected outwardly in our world and culture, including that many people are alienated from the Earth.


This is what Mary Magdalene is pointing to when she says that most of us are currently dominated by the Masculine. She explains that coming back into balance between the Masculine and Feminine is essential for us to move forward in our spiritual growth. In fact, she says this imbalance is keeping us from moving into the next level before us and that correcting this will do more to serve our spiritual growth than anything else. In her instruction to us in the book Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love, she gives the specific steps we need to take to rectify this. And it all occurs at the individual level, within each one of us, men and women alike. Once we make this change within, it will inevitably be mirrored in our outer world.


She also points to a progression of what will occur as we become rebalanced. We begin by strengthening our relationship to our body, sexuality, and emotions. Of the three, she says that it’s our relationship to emotions, and specifically emotional pain, that needs the most help and will make the biggest difference. These three form the foundation of the lower Feminine within. Once they’re strong, they open the doorway for the Divine Feminine, or the higher aspect of the Feminine, to take her seat in the heart. Once this occurs, the lower Masculine, in the form of our rational mind and subconscious can relax into it’s relationship of being in service to the heart. And that allows the opening of the sacred mind, which is the seat of the Divine Masculine within.


There’s one more step, which Mary describes as the inner marriage of the Divine Feminine and Masculine—the union of the heart and sacred mind. This marriage marks the coming into balance, harmony, and union of these two aspects of ourselves and life. And it is the gateway that allows us to move into the next level of our spiritual evolution.


Mary describes herself as a midwife for birthing us into this new age. Helping us is her great passion and gift. To me she is the perfect person to be doing this, because she speaks from her own experience of knowing the magnificence of union with the Divine Masculine in the form of Yeshua (also known as Jesus).


Question: I still don’t understand WHY Mary’s primary emphasis is on developing the feminine to balance the over-developed lower masculine. Why not emphasize softening and reigning-in the lower masculine by bringing it back into full integration with Divine Masculine, and strengthening the overwhelmed lower feminine with more infusion of Divine Feminine? It seems natural to elevate the quality of mundane life by infusing it with more of the qualities of the Divine. If the lower masculine and lower feminine were brought to integration with their source energies, might they not settle into their own masculine/feminine balance?


Mercedes: What you’re describing is actually what the majority of spiritual paths have traditionally recommended. The classic eastern message was, “Don’t focus on this world; instead put your attention on the Transcendental.” The classic western message was, “Just love and create the Kingdom of God on earth.” Most people are attracted to those ideas and would like to do that. Unfortunately, it hasn’t worked for a great many people—certainly not sufficiently that they feel satisfied.


Both of those routes are examples of a Masculine approach, in which the goal or end result is identified and focused on. What Mary has said is that those approaches tend to work for people who are strong in their Masculine—those who respond well to discipline and use of intention. But there are many people who don’t find those approaches accessible or successful. They’ve tried meditation, but don’t feel able to do it. They’ve tried to love unconditionally and manifest positive things, but have come up short. Most of these people are naturally more aligned to the Feminine, either in general or in a particular circumstance. And they often end up concluding that they just aren’t “good enough,” “strong enough,” “spiritual enough,” or some other definition of failure.


What Mary is recommending is that we have access to both the Masculine and the Feminine approaches, so we can utilize whatever will serve us best in any particular situation. Since most of us have been well trained in the Masculine, while receiving very little, if any, guidance in the Feminine, our work at this point is to strengthen our Feminine, in the Feminine way. What that means is that we accept, embrace, and love who and what we are right now. We don’t try to focus on a goal and work on becoming that. We practice being with what is. And that means being with our current state of development. We open to our body, sexuality, and emotions and attend to whatever needs healing or growth or strengthening in those areas.


The body, sexuality, and emotion are exactly what the Masculine tends to want to get away from. This has led to traditional warnings to not get caught up in maya or “the world” or “women and gold.” Even pursuing the higher state of love can be used as a way of avoiding the “messier” parts of embodied life in the Masculine mode. By contrast, the Feminine path is to completely embrace what is right now. On that basis, we fully accept and trust that process and where it leads. It’s the opposite of focusing on the end point. It’s about completely surrendering to the present.


My experience is that this is a very effective process. What I especially appreciate is how it brings me to a place where I can meet and join the Masculine within. But I haven’t suppressed or denied anything. I’ve created a foundation of strength and integrity, which then gives me greater capacity to respond from my Masculine and my Feminine.


I urge people to learn more about this process by reading Mary’s instruction in MARY MAGDALENE BECKONS: JOIN THE RIVER OF LOVE. I believe this book offers the fullest explanation of this process, and can help us all to grow beyond our current limits. That is Mary’s great desire. And from the feedback I’ve heard from many people, her guidance is accomplishing just that.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

What Will Happen on December 21, 2012?

by Mercedes Kirkel


When we crossed over into the month of December, I felt a sudden realization that 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 are almost here. Two questions played through my mind: How did we get here so quickly, almost without me noticing? And what is going to happen?


I’ve heard these same questions voiced from many others. And so I’d like to offer my thoughts in response.


I definitely feel a sense of time speeding up in my life. Over the last month in particular, I’ve made a conscious choice to do less altogether and to do more of what’s really important to me. In other words, as time gets faster my solution is to get slower, or really more essential—as in “living from essence.” I’m living more from my core, who I really am, and less from the periphery. I’m doing the things I really value with more intention and also more peace. And I’m trusting that what needs to get done is getting done, that I’ll be sustained in the midst of this however Spirit chooses.


I’m enjoying this greater surrender into Spirit. What’s happening has become too big for me to try to stay in charge. I’ve become humble, open, trusting.


I’m trusting my emotions more. I’m trusting my guidance, in all its forms. I’m trusting myself. And I’m trusting God.


I do not have an inside line on what’s going to happen in the future, including the dates people have targeted as significant. I was invited by The Sedona Journal of Emergence to be a contributor for their December double issue of predictions for the future. I declined, telling them that my guides don’t offer predictions. They offer help for us to create our own future, because they love us and, at the same time, respect our free choice. They hold the point of view that the future is not fixed. I agree with that.


I do believe that we’re on a path of ascension into higher consciousness, which will manifest outwardly as transformation into higher states of being. I doubt that this will happen overnight sometime this month, but I don’t rule it out as a possibility. What seems more likely to me is that this will happen gradually over a period of months or even years, but at an ever-increasing speed, until we reach a new state of balance at our next level of evolutionary growth.


I don’t think we’re moving into the end of the world or a period of cataclysmic destruction. I think we’re going through the end of an age, one in which we’ve dropped to a very low frequency at times and in certain arenas. Now we’re going through a birth process into a new epoch, which I am very excited and hopeful about.


I think it’s possible that this birthing process could include some “purification,” which might look like destruction and people transitioning out of this lifetime. That is one of the ways that growth and change occur, through the death-rebirth process. And for many of us, this brings up a very deep-seated fear of death, arising out of our survival instinct. This fear is one of the things that Mary Magdalene addressed in Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love:


You fear that death is the end, and you don’t want to “lose” your life. . . . You have this fear because you have a veil over your remembering. This is part of the process you agreed to in choosing to manifest in third-dimensional reality. In this reality, there is a veil over your remembering of all the lifetimes you have lived and of all the other realms you have been in between your lifetimes. There is a veil over your remembering of your greater self, which is so much larger than the part of you that you’re aware of in this third-dimensional reality. And there is a veil over your absolute connection to, your absolute inherence in, God. If you could remember all that and know it as your present-time and never-changing reality, you wouldn’t have the idea of death that so many of you have. You would see death as a change of clothes, like a snake shedding its skin. When you die, you’ve outgrown your physical circumstances and you’re ready to move on to something that’s going to serve your next phase of your soul’s journey. You might think of it as being something like getting a new car.


So we’re back to trust—trust in the greater process of life, greater than what we can currently see, or perhaps understand, or possibly even imagine. Maybe this kind of trust, in the midst of not knowing what’s happening, is what we experienced in our birth into this lifetime. Or maybe we’re being called to a new level of trust that we haven’t known before.


Mary Magdalene likens the transition we’re in the midst of to a human birth. She talks about the revolution that occurred in the modern birthing world when the natural birth movement took hold. I remember when I was pregnant and received training in preparation for childbirth. It was all about learning to relax in the midst of intensity and pain. Even though my natural reaction to extreme pain was to tense up and fight or resist it, there was a lot of motivation for me to learn what seemed to be a completely counter-intuitive response. I strongly believed that learning to relax would help make the birth easier and would provide the best and safest experience for my baby and for me.


I think the same is true for what we’re going through in birthing ourselves into the next age of our evolution. I think we’ll all be helped by relaxing into the process as much as we can, even if it seems unfamiliar or possibly overwhelming at times. I remember being told many years ago that God never gives us more than we can handle, but it may be more than we’re comfortable with.


The other thing I believe is happening, as part of the purification process in preparation for the new to come in, is that whatever yet remains for us to handle, complete, take responsibility for, or let go of from our past is coming up for us to deal with. This might be physical ailments or challenges, emotional issues, old ideas or beliefs, or things in our relationships. What I feel we’re being called to is love, forgiveness, and healing—taking full responsibility for all the circumstances in our life as coming out of our choices, letting go of the victim mentality of blaming others or outside forces for what’s happening with us, and instead reaping the lessons from those circumstances, with gratitude for what we’ve received.


I think it’s called growing up. I think we’re ready.




Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Was Mary Magdalene Jesus’ Wife? New Harvard findings corroborate information given to author Mercedes Kirkel.

A Harvard divinity professor has made front-page news with the announcement of a newly revealed papyrus, offering fresh evidence that Jesus may have been married. The fragments of text on the fourth century paper include Jesus speaking the words “my wife” and “Mary Magdalene” in Coptic, an Egyptian language. This revelation is no surprise to Mercedes Kirkel,  Santa Fe resident and author of the newly released book Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love, in which Mary Magdalene tells about her life and relationship with Jesus.

“In the summer of 2010, I had the incredible blessing of receiving twenty-five messages from Mary Magdalene over the course of a month,” stated Kirkel. “In one of the messages, Mary described her bond to Jesus as holy husband and wife. She said they were both prepared for their relationship through their spiritual training in various sacred traditions. This included instruction in sacred sexuality, which Mary explained was ‘a process of transforming our bodies into light and love, in service to our destinies.’”

Mary also reveals in the book that both she and Jesus knew it would be 2000 years before humanity was ready to hear her story and receive her in her role as teacher and embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Throughout her messages, Mary emphasized the importance of both men and women understanding and strengthening their own Feminine, through changing the way they relate to their bodies, sexuality, and emotions, along with releasing limitations in their thinking. Her focused instruction in these arenas is offered as a means to open the heart, so that “the marriage of the sacred heart and sacred mind can occur.” According to Kirkel, “This is the marriage that Mary is most passionate about, just as Jesus’ teaching was all about us and our spiritual transformation.”

Authors Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis  (Power of the Magdalene and The Magdalene Version) have said, “It is clear to us that Mary’s words contained in Mary Magdalene Beckons are part of a pure transmission of her teaching that is now being restored to the world. If you want to hear the real voice of Mary Magdalene, we recommend . . . this book.”

Mary Magdalene Beckons is available through Amazon U.S. and Europe and through the website It will be available in local bookstores in October. The website also contains a video of Kirkel telling the story of how Mary Magdalene began coming to her.

For more information, go to

Mary Magdalene and Sacred Sexuality: An Interview on Tantra Talk Radio


Sacred Relationship Couple Mercedes Kirkel Mary Magdalene Beckons

July 22nd was the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene. Part of how I celebrated this day was to do an interview with Rundy Duphiney of Tantra Talk Radio on Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Sacred Sexuality. I greatly enjoyed talking with Rundy about Mary Magdalene and what she has revealed to me about her practice and teaching of Sacred Sexuality.

Here’s what Rundy had to say about the interview:

“Last night’s interview with Mary Magdalene channel and author Mercedes Kirkel was a cosmic, otherworldly, and beautiful experience for all. Ms. Kirkel epitomizes humility, compassion, and selflessness and went into great detail explaining Tantric sexuality as channeled to her by Mary Magdalene. It was one of the most beautiful and hopeful explanations of Tantra I have ever heard.”

To listen to the recording of that interview, Click Here.

A New Book…and a New Website!

Hello Everyone!

I’m thrilled to share my first blog post with you on my brand new website: So many things have been happening at once, I’m feeling a little breathless. Here’s the list:

  • Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is now available through and Amazon! Yay!!!!
  • I have a new website that’s just going live:, with lots of juicy information on it about my services and products.
  • I was interviewed on my first radio program on May 30th (my daughter’s birthdayJ) You can listen to the recording at: Go to the bottom of the page and click on the interview dated May 30, 2012. Soon we’ll have the recording on (on the Interviews page of the Media Kit).

I’d love to have you order Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love through Amazon. Receiving orders through them will help get the book listed when people do a search for “Mary Magdalene.” Right now, if you want to find the book, you have to search for “Mary Magdalene Beckons by Mercedes Kirkel.” To go directly to the Amazon listing for Mary Magdalene Beckons, click here.  And if you enjoy the book, please write a review on Amazon. That will help other people to connect with Mary’s messages, which is what she wants.

There’s even more, but that’s enough for now. 🙂

If you’re not already receiving my Into The Heart Newsletter, you can go to and sign up.

And you can also sign up to receive this blog by email. Just subscribe on the right sidebar of this site by entering your email address and clicking subscribe.

Many blessings to you,
Mercedes Kirkel

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