
5 Ascension Insights Most People Aren’t Talking About: Insight #5 — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you, this is most encouraging to me. At times, I’ve found such weariness, finding spiritual groups (specially in the virtual world) explaining what, why, who, what for and how, comforting often gullible people who’re desperate to find answers amidst their inner turmoil at present. Answers from authorities outside of themselves.

    Which is the same path that brought them to this point, the path of the old paradigm, showing us so clearly what’s become of it in ways we don’t want at all, really. But no, it’s the old song “Help, please save us!!!”

    Isn’t it peculiar how those waking up apparently need to go through a process of waking up to their own discernment and start the quest for truth, still ignorant of the fact that where the alarm clock goes off inside of them, the answer to that call lies next to it?

    We seem to be toddlers learning to drive our bicycles with training wheels. Some of us are brave, they go… “Look dad… no hands!” I’m bruised all over, but I don’t mind 😉

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