A New Book…and a New Website!
Hello Everyone!
I’m thrilled to share my first blog post with you on my brand new website: www.mercedeskirkel.com. So many things have been happening at once, I’m feeling a little breathless. Here’s the list:
- Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is now available through www.marymagdalenebeckons.com and Amazon! Yay!!!!
- I have a new website that’s just going live: www.mercedeskirkel.com, with lots of juicy information on it about my services and products.
- I was interviewed on my first radio program on May 30th (my daughter’s birthdayJ) You can listen to the recording at: http://psychicdilemma.com/radio-shows. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the interview dated May 30, 2012. Soon we’ll have the recording on www.marymagdalenebeckons.com (on the Interviews page of the Media Kit).
I’d love to have you order Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love through Amazon. Receiving orders through them will help get the book listed when people do a search for “Mary Magdalene.” Right now, if you want to find the book, you have to search for “Mary Magdalene Beckons by Mercedes Kirkel.” To go directly to the Amazon listing for Mary Magdalene Beckons, click here. And if you enjoy the book, please write a review on Amazon. That will help other people to connect with Mary’s messages, which is what she wants.
There’s even more, but that’s enough for now. 🙂
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Many blessings to you,
Mercedes Kirkel