
An Encounter with Our Helpers — 2 Comments

  1. Mercedes and Susan, thank you so very much for sharing your story and reminding us that we are never alone. It is amazing how often we find that we have lost our trail, or are surrounded by shoulder-high weeds as we walk through our journey of life. Where we are afraid that we cannot fine our way. It is so good to know that we are never alone.
    Blessings of love and light on the two of you.

  2. What a beautiful real life experience, thank you Mercedes and Susan!
    I do acknowledge the supporting presence that is invisible, for at times
    I’ve experienced the most amazing synchronicities.

    Once I was walking with a group of friends along the river Rhine, where no roadsigns are present. I’d invited them for a long walk and I hadn’t been on that part of the riverbank before.

    To my amazement we came near a place where we had to cross about 5 meter of water. “Oh my” I thought “this is embarassing. Now we have to go back a long while, before finding another path” and I wished for a solution out of the blue.

    Lo and behold… what we saw when standing on the shore, was a little rowing boat with a father and son, crossing the water! I greeted them with great relief “Good morning, could we ask you to bring us to the other side please?” And thus, we stepped on board, 2 or 3 at the time and were safely transported to the other side. Life is full of surprises! I believe we only have to be awake to it and be in trust 🙂

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