MARY MAGDALENE: When People Disturb You
Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On February 12, 2014
[Note from Mercedes: This was once again a personal message to me, which I believe will have great value for others, as well.]
Blessings my dear one,
I am here. I am with you. I hear you, feel you, and am aware of you and all that’s going on with you. You have been under tremendous stress. Suddenly there seems to be an avalanche of things falling upon you for you to handle, and it appears to be more than you can take care of and be responsible for. Yet you continue to do what you can, attending to what seems most important or urgent in the moment, trying to be as efficient as you can, working as hard and long as you’re able, fitting in a little bit of fun here and there to try and stay balanced, and doing your best to stay calm and not get overwhelmed, frantic, hysterical, or go into physical or emotional collapse.
Is this accurate? (I affirm silently that it is.) I thought so. I would like to offer my help. First, you have heard that there are powerful energies operating at this time. Perhaps the clearest source for information about this is through astrology. It is not actually necessary to know the specifics, although that might reassure you and provide some comfort. For when you see the larger forces that are occurring and affecting you, it helps to understand that this is not just some anomaly happening to you personally. You’re not just incompetent or a bad time manager. You’re actually experiencing huge energies that are greatly affecting you. And you’re doing your best to stay functional and balanced in the midst of this energetic storm or tidal wave. If you understand that, it can help to give you compassion, patience, and forgiveness for yourself.
And of course, it’s not just you being affected by this. Many, many people are. The more sensitive ones are affected the most. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that they feel the effects the most. That is why your spiritual sensitives often seem to have such difficult lives. It’s because they are open and responsive to these energetic forces. And it affects them powerfully. Others who aren’t so sensitive or open seem to just proceed with their lives without much effect. That’s because they are doing different soul-level work and their life-path is not about being open to energies the way that yours and others are. You would do well to understand that there are many different reasons that beings incarnate on the Earth, and they can produce vastly different lives. That’s why it’s important not to compare yourselves to others or judge others when they’re not responding the same as you in various circumstances. It is all perfect, from a higher perspective, but this is very difficult to see from the human plane.
You are experiencing disturbance in relationship to a particular person in your life. You continue to periodically get triggered by that person’s choices, wishing that they would make the kind of choices that you make, and feeling hurt and pain when they don’t. Not only is it part of that person’s soul path to be making exactly the kind of choices they are, it is also part of your soul path to have this situation in your life and to learn to come to peace, acceptance, and love with it.
This is what many people are missing who are involved in the new-age spiritual beliefs that everyone is creating their own reality. They see others and think, “That person has created their reality.” There is truth in that. But then they tend to think, “That has nothing to do with me.” And that is an error. For you have created them to be in your life, just as they have created their life to be whatever it is. So the important work for you is to consider why you have created them to be in your life. What lessons are they providing for you? What growth are you accomplishing by calling this in?
While these are valuable thoughts to consider, I urge you to go deeper. Go to the emotional level. There is almost inevitably an emotional component to any situation that is coming to your consciousness. If you are thinking about someone else, you are generally either disturbed, happy, intrigued, or something like that in relation to that situation. That emotion will be your most expeditious help in getting directly to the source of why that situation is appearing in your life.
You might think of it as being like an energetic knot. If you’re not having any response to a situation, it’s like a hose that water is freely flowing through. But if you feel some kind of reaction coming up, it’s as though there’s a knot in the hose and the water gets stuck. That knot creates thoughts that arise in your mind. But the thoughts are generally somewhat removed from the core of the situation. Involving yourself in the thoughts will tend to keep you removed from the center of the knot.
What will take you into the center of the knot are your feelings. The advantage of going to the core, or essence, is that you are then most well-equipped to deal with the real issue that is creating the knot. Most of the thoughts that arise are removed from the real issue and, in fact, keep you distracted from the true issue and event. Often when you’re consumed by your thoughts, you don’t even realize there’s something else going on, something which is much more important for you personally. Your thoughts are a protective device, which keep you from this real issue, until you are ready to address it.
Your ally in all of this is your feelings. By making the conscious choice to become aware of your feelings, you are choosing to work at the deeper level, to go into the center of the knot. You do this because you understand that doing so will address what’s really important, what you have come here to accomplish through this situation, why you have created it in your life. And you trust that it will bring you the growth and peace that you desire, including resolving all the thoughts you’re having.
In your situation this morning, you initially experienced a long period of allowing your thoughts to finally come out—because you had been suppressing them. This is something many spiritual people do. They keep their thoughts or experiences down, such as anger or judgments of others, because they judge them to be unspiritual. This does not really help, because energy never goes away. In your case, you only suppressed the thoughts for a very brief time, because you’ve come to understand the importance of allowing them to arise to your conscious mind, so that you can work with them. It was good that you gave yourself this space of time to simply experience and witness all of your reactivity, pain, judgments, etc.
Then you finally got to the real root. You realized that your disturbance wasn’t really about the person you were having all the reactive thoughts about. Rather, it was about your pain that your father is declining, your fear that he’s isolated and lonely and unsupported, and your sadness that he doesn’t have family with him where he lives who is going through his life transition with him.
You went deeper and saw that this was really about your own sadness and fear about not having a life partner going through your life and challenges and transitions with you. Ultimately you felt how it’s about your fear of life in general, of life’s pains and the ever-looming fear of not surviving, fear that you’re in this on your own and inevitably going to lose.
Then you remembered about trusting God. In your better, more connected moments, you have a trust in God. You trust that all is in divine order and you can let go into that. You felt how you’d gotten disconnected from that trust. And in that awareness, you became reconnected. Once you were reconnected, you found your peace and the full release that comes from uniting with God. You began to breathe deeply again, to calm down, and your body literally let go into the vast embrace of God. Once again, all was well in your world.
Did anything change in relation to your circumstance? Not as far as you knew. The shift you went through occurred entirely in your feeling–consciousness. Yet it could be said that everything changed. It could be said that your feeling-consciousness is all you have, and from there you create your reality, your so-called “outer world.” So perhaps everything changed. You will see with time what occurs.
The cosmic humor is that even if everything changes from this point, in some ways it doesn’t matter. You have reconnected with God and all is well again, whether things change or not. This is your true freedom, your great release and ecstasy. The more you do this and experience this joy, release, and ecstasy, the more you will naturally want to do this. It will start to become more and more of what your life is about. As you spend more and more time in this release, ecstasy, and freedom, your life will change. I guarantee it. That is what will move you into the higher dimensions, because your consciousness has changed. And you will indeed be creating a new reality for yourself.
I love you, support you, and trust you in the midst of this moment, and all the moments of your life. You are a manifestation of divine light. More and more you are finding your way back to remembering that light and drawing upon it as your source, rather than being locked into the relative darkness of your 3D world. As you bring that light to yourself, as you gravitate more and more to the light that you are, you will not only be transforming yourself. You will be transforming your world. For you are not alone in doing this work of becoming the light. Many, many beings are doing this in their own way. The light that you all collectively bring is enormous, powerful, and capable of transforming your world. And so it shall.
In great love,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: The Secret of Manifestation
Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On February 5, 2014
Blessings dear one,
Hello my dear. I am going to address this to you, because there is so much you have been going through, which I wish to respond to. But it will also be beneficial to so many to hear this, because what you are going through is not unique to you. Many are going through very similar things at this time. So this will be helpful to those others who find themselves experiencing related or close things.
As always, my first response to you is how well you are doing. This may seem repetitious to you, but it is so important for you to hear this, especially when you are going through difficulties. It is very easy to forget, in the midst of the third dimension, what the big picture is. In fact, it is very difficult to see it, and often what is going on is not clear or accessible to you, especially at the time it is happening. So this is why I always remind you of how I see you and how I see your responses to what is happening. As usual, you are doing so very well.
Much of what I want to say is a response and a reflection upon thoughts and questions that you have had. One is that you have wondered if what is happening to you is a purification of your tendency to feel like it is your job to make things happen in a very physical, work-based way. This is very accurate. You are quite a responsible and capable person. You have been able to succeed in your life in many ways through your detailed, concerted, and complete efforts applied to whatever enterprise you embark upon. But now it is time for you to let go of that old way of accomplishing things. You are being called to make space for higher forces to do their work, through you and through your life.
This is really a part of you that is becoming activated, a higher part. It is not as through you are giving yourself over to something outside of yourself, through it may feel like that at first because you are not yet used to this new part of yourself. Rather, you are opening to a higher version of yourself. This higher version does things in a different way. It is not so effortful, hard, or work-oriented. It is much more of a process of allowing the forces of the universe to flow through you to manifest what is called for. This is very much a part of the process of manifestation that so many people are attracted to. But the process works differently than most understand.
Many people are sensing that there is a higher way available for creating and manifesting, even in your world. It is possible at the third-dimension, but it is really based in higher-dimensional capabilities, beginning with the fourth dimension. But many people are still trying to do this in a third-dimensional way, using their willpower and effortful force. This is why so many feel frustrated with their efforts to engage the process of manifestation and are discouraged, feeling that it doesn’t work for them.
What they must understand is that the basis of manifestation is opening to the higher-dimensional part of yourself, which will naturally allow these higher frequencies and capabilities to become activated. This is the process that is occurring for you. You are finding that your work is becoming less about “making” things happen and more about making space for them to happen. And you are doing two very important things that support this.
The first is that you are meditating daily, which is strengthening your connection to the fourth dimension. It is strengthening your being’s abilities to reside in that dimension, to operate from that dimension, and to awaken the capabilities that are available to you in that dimension. It’s awakening your attraction to all of this, so that without you having to “do” anything in particular, your being is gravitating to the fourth dimension more and more, often without you even realizing it. It is simply becoming the place that you reside in and operate from on an increasing basis.
The other thing that you are doing, which is supporting the process of manifestation, is that you are having more fun. This is so important! The fourth dimension is a very pleasurable place, especially compared to your third-dimensional world. Actually, to be more specific and accurate, I should say the higher octaves of the fourth dimension are a very pleasurable place. This is the part of the fourth dimension that those of you on the spiritual path are accessing. And what helps you to access it, while you are still experiencing the third dimension, is pleasure and fun and joy.
This is a secret that most people in your world don’t realize. Even many on the spiritual path still have the idea that spiritual work is difficult, ascetic, demanding, removed from pleasure, and certainly removed from fun. But this is an incorrect perspective. It is a third-dimensional perspective, and sadly one that keeps you bound to the third dimension. In order to break free of the third-dimension and it’s binding limitations, one of the things you will need is to become founded in fun, pleasure, and joy.
Some of you have the idea that becoming founded in these things will lead you to a life of indulgence and self-debasement. But this is not so, as long as you are balanced and bringing all your faculties into play, including your adult-developed judgment and wisdom. It is not really pleasurable or fun or joyful to engage in things that hurt you or deplete your life-force. It is truly fun, pleasurable, and joyful to do things that support your fullest life-energy and engagement in life. This is what ultimately allows people to go beyond the third dimensional trap of things such as addictions.
Most people that are involved in addictions are both seeking the release that the higher dimensions provide (an experience that your soul still remembers) while also seeking to avoid pain. But avoiding pain is not truly fun, pleasurable, and joyful. Embracing pain with the wisdom and tools I have given is actually pleasurable and joyful. You will even come to see it as fun at a certain point, once you overcome your fear of engaging this process and become confident in attaining the beautiful states that embracing pain leads you to. Most of you are not fully there yet, but are in process with coming to this understanding and realization. At that stage, you will begin to actually see embracing pain as fun. But by then, your perception of fun will have enlarged greatly. You will see anything as fun that increases your life-energy, your vital connection to life via your heart and higher mind. And by then, your capabilities to come from your heart and higher mind will be greatly increased, so that you will be experiencing a much greater preponderance of light in your life, and this will most certainly be fun for you.
At your current stage, it is actually very helpful and supportive that you are choosing to have more fun in your life, whether it is by involving yourself in a movie, a TV series, a book, by going dancing, by walking in nature, by engaging in physical closeness with friends or loved ones, by pampering yourself physically, by eating good foods—really it is all about learning to listen to your body and feelings and let that guide you. This is actually a very deep, moment-to-moment process, an ongoing meditation throughout your life of inner listening. Your body and feelings are your guide, along with whatever higher guidance you are in touch with, in directing you in this meditation. If you do this, you will be led to much more fun and pleasure.
You have seen this happening in your life. You are feeling somewhat surprised, even amazed, because you are spending less time “working,” more time having fun, and watching as more is getting accomplished. You are even more surprised because this is happening in the midst of you having emotional and physical difficulties. What you need to understand is that those emotional and physical difficulties are a result of the process of peeling back your pattern of working by effort, will, and physical drive. The release of that old pattern is being evidenced by these symptoms of purification. It’s also being evidenced by the new pattern coming in, where more and more is being accomplished with ease and seemingly little effort and work on your part.
In your case, this is happening quickly, because you have laid the groundwork for this through your tremendous responsibility and spiritual development and commitment. You are completely primed and ready for this shift to happen. The symptoms of purification are actually quite minor, as you shed this third-dimensional “skin” of your old approach to manifestation—a brief emotional outpouring, like popping a pimple and releasing the old energies, or a relatively brief physical malady. Of course these are unpleasant in the moment, as well as often being confusing. Ride the waves and trust the process. All is in perfect order and you are flowing with it in the best possible way. Trust, allow, let go. All is well. And beyond that, enjoy! Life is meant to be enjoyed, and that will only amplify the wonderful life-purpose that you have come to fulfill and which you are so well underway with.
Thank you for all that you are doing, for your tremendous commitment and the faith and trust that you continually demonstrate, even by persevering on this path through all the shadows and light. You are well-guided, not only by me and others, but most importantly by yourself. You are growing into the divinity that you are and more and more that will be the divinity that you recognize and turn to. Such is the nature of non-separation. You are not separate from, or other than, God. You are on a grand path of reawakening to this truth and understanding.
I love you and shower you with blessings. I reach out to you in greatest love and honor you and your beautiful divine nature.
Your sister in love and light,
Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: My Union With Yeshua In Spirit Form
Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 7, 2013
Question: I would like to ask something regarding your sacred union with Yeshua while he was in a physical vessel and also after he ascended back into his light body. I heard that when Yeshua ascended, he still came to be with you and this continued to the end of your earth life. How did you continue this physical/spiritual relationship? Was it different with Yeshua being in spirit or the same as when he was in human form? And with Yeshua in spirit form, was it possible for him to be or feel just as physically real? How did you handle having Yeshua in spirit form? How did it sustain you until you returned to the higher realms in your light body?
Mary Magdalene: I thank you for your beautiful question. I feel your love, I feel your openness, and I feel your heart so strongly in what you’re asking, and I am very happy to respond.
It is true that after Yeshua was no longer embodied in the physical plane, that I still maintained my contact with him through his light body, in many ways not different from what many of you experience through your ability to open to beings in other dimensions. And so I was able to continue my relationship with Yeshua while I was still physically embodied and manifest in the Earth plane, in the third dimension, even though he was no longer here. It is something that I could initiate or he could initiate, and we very much valued our connection with each other.
Of course, it was different than when he was physically manifested. We did not have the physical interactions that we had before. And there is something very beautiful—very, very beautiful—about the physical. It was one of the great beauties that we experienced that in our time together on Earth.
On the other hand, when connecting with a being purely through the energetic–via the ethereal or the spiritual bodies—where the physical is not involved, this has a sweetness and a beauty all unto itself. In many ways it is even more wonderful, more sublime than the physical union. Some of you have had this experience and know what it is like to have this kind of exquisite contact with another being in a higher realm.
The challenge in this form of relating is that when you are not having that experience, it is much easier to forget it, to doubt it with your mind, to wonder if it was real, and to have it fade and seem to be preempted in some ways by the density of third-dimensional reality. This is not really different from what happens for all beings in their spiritual connection and their spiritual work at the third dimension. Many of you have this experience when you do your spiritual practices, whether they are meditation, prayer, or whatever form you find that supports you in your deepest and greatest connection with God and Spirit. You will have occasions where this connection seems very strong for you. These may occur during your private, daily occasions. They may be occasions when you’re with a teacher who supports you most fully in making your connection with Spirit. It may happen on occasions where you’re with a group and the group energy supports you, occasions when you’re in nature—this can be very strong for many people; occasions when you’re doing your work and you feel so blessed and happy. Whatever it is that opens you to Spirit most fully, you have these occasions and then they come to an end, and many of you have the experience of that higher reality seeming to fade, going back into the background, and somewhat getting lost in the day-to-day experience of third-dimensional reality.
This is the challenge with relationships with loved ones when one is physically incarnated and one is not physically incarnated at that time. It takes the same thing that any spiritual work takes in the third dimension. It takes spiritual strength. It takes trust. It takes faith. It takes intention and actually doing the things that support you spiritually. You are creating a relationship. And any relationship takes a certain kind of work, a certain kind of opening. You might call this a unique form, unique to many, although there are many who are having this experience, as well. And it will continue to grow as people open more and more to the higher dimensions, and understand more and more how to be with beings in the higher dimensions.
So it is entirely possible and entirely wonderful. But in some ways you are bridging the worlds and living, you might say, with a foot in each world. There is a certain art to doing that. It can be done, but there is an ease and relaxation when both beings are spiritually present in the same world. It was a great, great, wonderful reunion when I was reunited in the higher realms at the same level with my beloved Yeshua. And we continued to enjoy that wonderful sharing. A part of that sharing is that our primary home is again in the same dimension.
I hope that that was helpful to you. I send my heart blessings to you and my great, great love. Know that love, as it manifests in any form, is a divine gift. Love with another who is manifested in another dimension is certainly no less of a gift—in some ways, even a more wonderful gift, but with its unique challenges. I bless you for whatever you are going through to be strong, to have your heart open to the blessings you are receiving, to know that there is growth in whatever the challenges are, and to have faith to draw upon and to ask for help in whatever your challenges are.
Many blessings to you, with great love. I AM Mary Magdalene.
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Copyright 2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Relating Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction, and Spiritual Instruction and Support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Knowing Your Soul Path and Soul Agreements
Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 7, 2013
Question: Do we each have an individual path that we have already decided upon before our birth or are things changing as time moves on? For instance, maybe God planned to use us (those of us who pray to surrender our lives) in one way, but with the way things have gone, could better use us in an entirely different way? What is the best way to serve God and the highest good of all involved?
Mary Magdalene: Thank you for your question. This has to do with the process of what beings decide before taking on an incarnation and how that affects them in their incarnation. It is true that before a being incarnates on the third dimension—on Earth, as the example we’re talking about right now—that individual makes very specific agreements relative to what they want to experience in their lifetime and how they want to serve. They decide how they want to make use of their spiritual gifts and their spiritual energy, for the greater good of many. This is what you might call living your life purpose. It is a combination of both furthering your own personal soul growth through your incarnation, and also bringing energy and manifesting for the greater good of many beings while you are incarnate.
In general, souls do make soul agreements before they incarnate. The major events of your life are chosen at that time, prior to your birth. However, within that there is a great deal of space for your free choice during your lifetime and your incarnation as to the more day-to-day aspects of what you will be choosing in your life. You also have choice, to a certain extent, as to the ways you will be fulfilling the agreements you made. So it is a combination. There is free choice after you incarnate, and it is also true that you have exercised your free choice as a soul prior to incarnating. Some of what you are experiencing in your Earth life is the continuation and the fulfillment of those choices at this level.
However, one of the challenges in the Earth plane is that you do not remember this process. You do not remember the soul choices you made. For many, it is a confusing process to have clarity about what your soul path is and to feel confident that you are on your soul path.
There are two things I would suggest that are most helpful in knowing and being clear about your soul path, and being confident that you are following your soul path. One is to be very connected to your heart and to allow your heart to guide you. This is something that I have spoken about before. I talked about this in depth in the book that I gave through Mercedes, Mary Magdalene Beckons. That book contains many messages from me about how to be in your heart. This is very important for many people at this time.
What many people don’t understand is that it is not simply about desiring or intending to be in your heart. That must be supported by your very real relationship with your body, your sexuality, and your emotions. Your degree of development and mastery in these three areas will greatly influence your ability to be in your heart or not. So I have urged many times that people focus on and become strong in these three arenas, handling anything that you need to handle that is not full and strong in these areas.
The one that is most challenging for people, in general, is the emotional arena and the way that people respond to emotional pain. I have given great instruction through Mercedes and through the book that she created out of my instruction, which is available to people to help you in that area. I again urge people to make use of this to help you to stay in your heart, which will inform you as to what your true soul path is. It’s confusing if you are coming from your mind. Your mind is important and your mind supports you in many ways. But your mind is not capable of having the kind of clarity at the soul level that your heart does. This is why being strong in your heart will be a great support.
The other reason that being strong in your heart is a great support is because it allows you to open to your higher self. Your higher self has access to your soul wisdom and your soul path. So once you are strong and able to be stably seated in your heart, you will be able to make this connection with your higher self. And your higher self can help to give you the information you need as to what your soul wants you to be doing.
It is not so much that there is another, separate being, who you might refer to as “God,” who has plans for you as to what you should be doing for your soul work or soul purpose in this lifetime. It is your higher self that will be guiding you. Your higher self is an aspect of God manifesting individually for you. You will understand over time that God is not a separate being somewhere else who is directing the play of events here on Earth. Everything that is here, everything that is manifested is an aspect of God. You are an aspect of God. All is an aspect of God. Your higher self is the part of you that remembers this most clearly. Your higher self can help you to remember your God-self and know your path as your God-self. As you grow spiritually, this will all become much clearer. But for most beings at the third-dimension, this tends to be a confusing area.
Opening to your higher self will help you to have the clarity you need. This is a very important part of the transformation that all beings are in the process of right now. Opening to your higher self will help you to move into the next stage of spiritual growth that humanity as a whole is prepared to move into and is in the process of going into at this time. In whatever way you are able to connect with your higher self, that will help you.
For most people, this will involve a progression that requires that you first have the ability to open your heart and to live from your heart. Within that step, there is a progression of doing things that allow you to be in your heart—mastering the areas of your body, your sexuality, and your emotions so that your heart can open and you can become stable in living from your heart. On that basis, you will find an ease in opening to your higher self. And your higher self will begin to guide you.
This is the most personal form of your guidance in God. It does not come from a separate God who is in charge. Your higher self is God, and this is the aspect of God that is most directly accessible to you.
I offer you my fullest blessings and love, and support you in your process. I urge you to strengthen whatever needs strengthening. And of course, I am not just speaking to you. I am speaking to all beings in saying this, that all may become full in living in their heart and connecting with their higher self, which will give you the wonderful gift of understanding what is right for you in each moment of living your path in God.
Blessings to you my dear one.
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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Relating Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Why Evil People Flourish While Good People Suffer
Part Two of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 7, 2013
Question: Why do evil people constantly flourish while multitudes suffer for doing nothing or for doing the morally right thing? This dynamic is grotesquely out of proportion and has been for thousands of earth years. Yet the Creator (elders) have failed to assist us in any meaningful or lasting way. Why?
Mary Magdalene: I thank you for your question. I sense your great distress—that this is something that is deeply disturbing to you and which you are really looking for help with. I will do my best to address your concerns and the issues you have raised.
There are a number of parts to this. First of all, it is very difficult to understand everything going on at the Earth level from the perspective of being incarnated on the Earth plane. There is more going on than is easily understood. Oftentimes people at the Earth, or third-dimensional level don’t see the whole picture and don’t understand everything that’s involved. It may appear, as you say, that there are evil people and they seem to be flourishing, while others—who seem very good-hearted and upholding the light—seem to be struggling, or not having the benefit of doing well and being supported. But that is not entirely what is going on.
Indeed, if you looked at Yeshua’s life or my life, you might say that we were not supported. But in fact, we came to the Earth to do very specific work and we actually did that work. Everything we did was for a purpose. It all had a reason.
At the third dimension, there is what is often called “the veil of forgetting.” Before your life, there are many events that you plan. After your life, you will look back on your life and review what occurred. At that time you will remember what your intention was in incarnating on the Earth. Everyone goes through this. Things will become much, much clearer to you at that point.
For most people, you will be in what can be called a fourth-dimensional plane after your life, just as you were before your life. Things will appear very differently at that time. You won’t tend to look at things as good or bad, or look at individuals as evil or good. You will see that everyone was serving a very specific purpose. Everyone’s experiences were not only chosen by those individuals, but were helping them to have the kind of experiences and soul growth they were seeking.
At the higher dimensions, we don’t look at things as good or bad, evil or not evil, or whatever you might call it. We look at things as all serving in different ways. This may be hard to understand, because there are very real ramifications to things at the third-dimensional level. People really do experience pain and suffering in various ways. In fact, that is part of what beings come into the third dimension to experience. But while you are here in the third dimension, it can be very difficult to have those experiences, especially if you have forgotten your connection to the greater whole, which you might call God, source, oneness, or however you understand and relate to that.
This is why spiritual growth, practice, and development is so critical. It actually is critical at all times. Ultimately, it is all that ever matters. But at the third dimension, it has its own reasons, its own logic for being important. Part of that logic is that it is the only thing that will help you to endure the difficulties that exist at the third dimension.
My suggestion to you would be to do whatever you can to grow spiritually and to strengthen that. During your Earth time, that will most likely help you to be more at peace with the apparent dualities that you experience of some people seeming more supportive of light and some people seeming less supportive, or some people seeming to have more and some people seeming to have less. Duality is the nature of the third dimension. It is actually a gift that is offered through incarnating at the third dimension. But again, it is very difficult to understand this from the third-dimensional perspective.
So it takes great, great faith to find your connection to God and to put your trust in God in the midst of such apparent hardships. In some ways, the third dimension is one of the most difficult realms to be incarnated in, because of this great challenge. Other realms have their challenges, also. But this is a particularly difficult one in many ways. It is difficult for your mind. It is difficult for your emotions. It is difficult for your physical body. So it takes dedication, perseverance, and spiritual investment to stay centered in the midst of these kinds of things.
The more you can relax your concern about what others may seem to have or what others seem to be doing that you don’t think is for the highest good—and the more you can put your attention on yourself and what you can do to be connected to your highest spiritual source, what you can do to support yourself the very most in your spiritual work, and what you can do to support others—the better off you will be. And the more you will be relieved of this burden of feeling that something is unfair or is not as it should be. In fact all is just as it is meant to be. But that is not an easy thing to accept. It takes spiritual maturity and a level of spiritual development to truly accept and even receive that with gratitude. The more you are able to do that, the more you will see your world change.
The other thing I urge you to do is to focus on what’s actually happening in your personal sphere, because that is what you have the power to change most directly through your spiritual work and spiritual manifestation. If part of what you are being informed by is media-generated news, that information often comes from people who have very different agendas. Their spiritual work may be quite, quite different from yours. It is important to have discernment so that you do not get swept up into their spiritual work. The way that you will know what is truly your work is what’s actually brought most directly into your life and what you have the power to affect. That is what I urge you to put your awareness on. Allow your own spiritual awareness, growth, work, and consciousness to make a difference in that arena. If you are able to do this, it will be of the greatest benefit to you and ultimately you will receive everything that you need.
I cannot promise that your life will be easy. If you look at my life, it was not easy in many ways. If you look at Yeshua’s life, it was not easy in many ways. What I can say is that what will serve you the most and what will fulfill you the most is your connection with God. That is true whether your life is relatively easy or not. Regardless of your circumstances, that is what will sustain you. So I urge you to connect with God as strongly as you can. If that is very difficult for you, seek out help so that you are able to connect with God. Your difficulty may be pointing to areas in which you have wounding and which you need help healing from, so that you may receive the blessings and gifts from those circumstances. There are many who are available to help. There are many who are very gifted in supporting others in their spiritual journey.
Of course, the ultimate help is through prayer. You can always pray. You can pray and ask for clarity. You can ask for understanding. You can ask for forgiveness. You can ask for peace. You can ask for guidance as to what you need to do personally. You can ask for being given whatever help you seem to require. I completely urge you to pray and ask God for help.
I hope this has been helpful to you. My heart goes out to you and I send my greatest blessings to you for your spiritual journey. With much love to you, I close now.
[End of Part Two]
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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Take Good Care Of Yourself
Part One of a Message
Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On November 7, 2013
Blessings beloveds. This is Mary Magdalene coming to you. I thank you so much, once again, for opening to me and for allowing me to communicate with you in this way.
Many of you have noticed that this has been a very intense time. I want to affirm this. It can be helpful to have affirmations from those of us who perhaps are seeing things from a larger perspective. We can validate for you that this is actually a difficult time and that it’s perhaps bigger than just what you, yourself, are going through. You are dealing with very intense energies right now. It is valuable to hold the bigger picture and to do your best to keep your center and support yourself in the midst of these kinds of energies.
Many of you thought that at the end of last year—in particular, on December 21, 2012—that your spiritual journey was somehow coming to a peak, you might say, and that you were going to transition after that. But the reality is actually more that you are continuing in the transformational time that you are all in. There’s an intensification process that is going on and many of you can feel this. The intensification is happening in many ways. There are things on your earth that are intensifying. There are energies during this time period that are creating increased intensity. Those who are aware of the formation of the stars and the planets understand this—that there are formations in place that are adding to the energetic configuration. For many of you, this may almost feel like you are in an energetic vise.
My recommendation to you is the same as it has been in the past: Do the things that you know to do to take care of yourself, to nurture yourself, and to keep yourself centered. These are very practical things. Make sure that you’re regular with your spiritual practices; that you’re balancing your physical body through good diet and exercise and getting enough sleep; that you are supporting yourself with people who are bringing balanced, good energy to you and who help you come back to your center; that you are keeping your mental field very clear.
As much as you’re able, open your mind to things that are spiritually balanced and supportive. For example, if there are forms of media that are giving you messages or information that does not feel like it’s for your highest good, not supporting your mental clarity and your spiritual and emotional balance, try to reduce your exposure to those things, as much as you can. And take good care of yourself. This is very important. Nurture your heart. Nurture your spiritual connection. Nurture your whole self in whatever way you need to. This is going to become more and more important. Although I have said these things before, I think they are worth repeating. They are valuable reminders.
This is the main thing that I want to address at this time.
[End of Part One]
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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: How Enlightenment Relates To Ascension
Part 5 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013
Question: “What does a being who reaches enlightenment do after they pass away from this earth? What is their experience then?
Mary Magdalene: I thank you for this question. I think many people have wondered what enlightenment is and what happens to people once they reach the state of enlightenment.
From my point of view, enlightenment is perhaps slightly misleading as a term. I think it may give people the idea that enlightenment is one thing, one state, or one transition that happens for people. It suggests that you have either gone through that transition or you have not.
I see it somewhat differently. I believe what most people in the third dimension are referencing when they talk about enlightenment is the process beings go through in stabilizing at a higher consciousness and realizing, to varying extents, higher dimensions. I don’t see this as just one thing. I see this as a progression, or you might say a continuum, where people are growing and continuously moving forward in their expansion into higher states of consciousness. With that, they are growing and moving in their ability to experience higher dimensions. Over time, they don’t just experience those higher dimensions, but eventually stabilize at a particular dimension. Then that higher dimension becomes the primary dimension they are living from. It’s what you might call their new base or reality.
What this suggests, from my point of view, is a process, rather than one specific event or moment. In referring to enlightenment, people may be referring to different steps along the way of this process. They might be referring to people who are at varying states of higher consciousness and realizing higher dimensions of being.
I sometimes refer to these higher states as the fourth dimension, fifth dimension, sixth dimension… There are different qualities to each of these dimensions. What people identify as someone being enlightened references the experiences people have at those different dimensions. This was described in much greater detail in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons. I don’t want to repeat that now. But that is another place where you can find more information about what people experience in different dimensions.
Relative to what happens after death, it depends on what the person’s consciousness is. In general, from the third dimension people go into an after-death state that is in the fourth dimension. But if people are at a higher level of consciousness, it is possible that they would go into a state that is beyond the fourth dimension after death.
It is good to be aware that you can’t always judge (Mary laughs) your own consciousness, let alone someone else’s consciousness. It may be that people are actually operating at higher levels than you may guess by the life experiences they’re having, or even by the choices they’re making, the actions that they’re taking, or the kind of thoughts they’re thinking. It is not as simplistic as sometimes people in the third dimension tend to imagine. There can be reasons why someone would come to the third dimension to have specific experiences, which you might think of as lower experiences. And yet, they may be a very evolved being. They may be very far along their path and simply need these experiences for something very specific for their growth.
Sometimes people come into this world to support processes that are larger than themselves. To do that, they may have taken on certain agreements to do certain things or to make certain things possible. Some of those things may appear negative, from your point of view. But from a larger understanding, it may support a movement forward for specific individuals, or even perhaps for very large groups of individuals.
I urge you to be cautious, to be really aware, and to bring your highest perspective and wisdom to thinking that “This person is enlightened,” or “This person isn’t,” or “This person is on their path,” or “This person isn’t”… Or your thoughts may be very personal: “I’m on my path” or “I’m not” or “I’m doing well,” or “I’m not doing well,” or whatever. Having those kinds of thoughts can be an impediment to you being on your path.
Ultimately everyone’s path is about uniting with God, bringing light and love, and fulfilling your soul purpose. At some level, you all know what your soul purpose is. Generally that knowing is not at the same level as your thinking mind. Sometimes your thinking mind can be an impediment to your fullest connection with your soul purpose.
I hope that that has answered your question. I think it is a very valuable question, for you and hopefully for many people. So thank you very much.
I sense that we are coming to a closure for our time together for now. I thank you all. I thank you for doing the work that you’re doing, for being the beacons of light that you are, for bringing the love that you bring into the world. It is all so important. I bless you. I bring my light and love to you. And I am honored to participate with you in this way.
With that, I close for now. I AM Mary Magdalene.
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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Your Soul Group And Soul Family
Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013
Question: I understand that we have a soul group/family. Are they the same? What is our soul family? Where would that family live or be? How many souls make up a family?
Mary Magdalene: Thank you for your question. I believe this is a somewhat confusing area for many people. Some of the confusion comes from different people using different terms, or labels, or names for the same things. That has added to the confusion because there isn’t always consistency of what these things are called.
What I consider a soul group is a very, very large entity of beings who have very much the same frequency and very much of a similarity in terms of their soul purpose and the soul path they are on. Yet members of that group may be doing their individual work in very individual ways.
You tend to stay connected to your soul group regardless of where you incarnate. When you’re in the third dimension, you will generally have people in your life who are part of your soul group. You may have incarnated together with those particular individuals or other individuals from your soul group through many lifetimes. In between your incarnations on the earth—when you go to the fourth dimension (or you may go to other dimensions, as well)—you will continue on with your soul group. This may be with some of the same people you were with in the third dimension, or it may be with others.
There is a kind of familiarity you experience with members of your soul group, but it is at the deeper soul level. You may not recognize it with your more everyday, thinking mind—what you might call your rational mind. But at your core, at your soul essence, you recognize your connections with these people. When you meet someone for the first time and you have the feeling you’ve always known them, or it’s so easy to be with them, or you seem to flow with them, or they bring out the best in you naturally—these all tend to be signs that you’re meeting someone who is a part of your soul group.
The people in your life who are the most challenging for you are also oftentimes members of your soul group. These can be people who you made a pre-life agreement with, agreeing to have certain experiences with these members of your soul group. Those experience may be supported by them taking a position that may seem very difficult for you or may seem very conflictual. That may actually be a person who is very close to you and is supporting you very directly in working on something for your specific soul growth.
So people who are members of your soul group can show up in different forms and with different qualities. It’s not always a feeling of bliss and easiness. Nevertheless, the people who are most important in your life, the key figures, are very often members of your soul group.
There may be other people in your life who you feel like you have a very hard time relating to. You just can’t understand them or they don’t make any sense to you. Sometimes this can be a sign that they are not part of your soul group. You are struggling because there are some basic differences between you and this person, or maybe even between you and a group of people. So that may be helpful to understand, as well.
Within your soul group, there are sub-groups. There is a smaller group that you might call your soul family. These, in particular, are people who tend to play key roles in your life. They’re also people who you tend to incarnate with in various dimensions again and again. You tend to stay close to them, just as in this lifetime you have your blood family or birth family, who you tend to stay close and connected to in a unique way. As I said, those relationships are not always easy. Some of those relationships might be some of the most difficult relationships you deal with. Yet they may be serving you in particular areas of growth and experience that you came to have in this lifetime.
As you go into the higher dimensions, you will find your experience of separation becomes less. It becomes lighter. Your feeling of connection, union, and unity with others becomes greater and greater. As this happens at the higher dimensions, you will, in general, be having more of a feeling of continuity and ongoing-ness with both your soul family and your soul group. When you get to the significantly higher dimensions—which may be the eighth, or ninth, or tenth, or above—you won’t tend to relate to yourself as an individual the way that you do now. You will tend to relate to yourself much more as an aspect of your soul group or the soul family. This is why we, at the higher levels, often speak as “we,” rather than “I.” It is because our consciousness of being continuously connected and not separate from our soul group is so much greater.
I hope this has been clarifying for you. What I suggest, if you want more personal clarity relative to this, is that you connect with your higher self and ask your higher self for more guidance about your soul group and soul family. Ask: “Who are the beings who are in my soul family and soul group?” “Which of these beings am I aware of right now?” “Which of these beings am I incarnating with right now?” or “Which of these beings do I have a connection with?” You may find you have connections with beings in other dimensions in your soul group or soul family. Asking your higher self these questions may help you to personalize all this, so that you understand your soul group and soul family even more from your own position.
I thank you for your question. Blessings to you.
[End of Part 4]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: What Will Support You Most In Living In Your Heart
Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013
Question: Which chakras or areas do people need to work on right now for their full illumination? What do you recommend to remove these blockages?
Mary Magdalene: Thank you for asking this question. I want to begin by saying that, obviously, it is unique for each person what their individual challenges or blockages are, what they need to work on, and what would be the best avenue for them for doing that work.
Nevertheless, there are patterns right now in your world and your culture, as far as what blockages people are experiencing, in general, relative to their chakras or to different areas of their lives, and what they can do about these blockages. I focused on this a lot in the first series of messages I gave to Mercedes, which are contained in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons. I urge people to make use of that book for a very full and deep discussion of just this thing—the blockages that are presenting themselves and the specific actions people can take to move beyond these. But I will briefly reference what those are in a summary way right now.
The number one blockage that most people are experiencing, and which I believe is holding most people back in their spiritual growth more than anything else, is their blockage relative to emotions. Specifically this occurs when people are dealing with painful emotions. This is related to the second chakra, which is the chakra where most people have the most challenge. This is also the chakra of sexuality and relationships, and these are areas that many people are challenged in, as well.
The wonderful thing is that your challenge is also your opportunity. Your emotions, sexuality, and relationships are your greatest opportunities for spiritual growth at this time. This is related to what’s specifically being called for at this time for most people, which is to strengthen your inner Divine Feminine. Most people are underdeveloped in their inner Divine Feminine. It is an area that has been held back and actually withheld—culturally, educationally, and in many, many ways—for a very long time in your world. Most of you have developed your Masculine side rather exclusively, so now you are overdeveloped in your Masculine side and underdeveloped in your Feminine side. This is true for women and men. Everyone, regardless of your gender, needs to be strong in both.
At this time there is a great opening for the Divine Feminine. There is also great need for the Divine Feminine. It is required that the Divine Feminine become strong so that she can come into balance with the Divine Masculine. This needs to happen within all of you. Really it’s even greater than coming into balance. It’s coming into sacred union, the Divine Feminine and Masculine coming together in wholeness and oneness. It is a great, great beauty when you experience that.
I was most blessed to have that experience with my beloved Yeshua. It is not different from the experience that all of you will have, even within yourself, when you experience this union. It is a most wonderful thing. It is what you are all being called to, and in fact, what is required for you to make the transition into the new age before you.
Many of you are doing wonderful work in this area. But there is a great deal to be done. When this strengthening of the Divine Feminine is strong and full, it will allow you to live in your heart, as an ongoing, continual experience. I know that so many of you long for this, and it is underway. The thing that will support you the most in this is developing strength in your relationship to your emotions, and especially your painful emotions. That is the number one area that will help you more than anything else.
As I said earlier, I have explained how to do this in detail in my instructions in Mary Magdalene Beckons. It’s really quite a simple path. But for many, it will not be easy, because you are so trained in other ways that have excluded this. The basics are given in that book and I encourage all of you to make use of it. Transforming the way you respond to and make use of painful emotions will help you and your world more than anything else.
Thank you for your question. I send you my love and blessings.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Dealing With Feeling Special
Part 2 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013
Question: I have a question concerning “specialness.” I am a light worker and am here to serve. I know that none of us are special—we are all the same, one love—but I court that feeling sometimes. Based on how it feels when it comes up, it doesn’t feel like it serves me. How do I deal with this?
Mary Magdalene: The question that you ask is a very good one and I feel your integrity in this, your wanting to stay true to your spiritual purpose and to your spiritual path, to not get distracted from that. I honor you for this and I feel your heart so much in your question. I want to really acknowledge that.
I also want to say that I suspect there may be a slight confusion you’re holding relative to this, which I’m hoping I may be able to help you with.
When you say that we are all one, that is absolutely true. That is a true statement about all of us. But it is not the whole picture.
The whole picture, from my point of view, is that you are both one, or non-separate, and you are also individuated. This is especially the case at the third dimension, where you experience yourself as an individuated being, who is not the same as everyone else, who is unique, and individual or different. This is part of the reality, you might say, that you experience in the third dimension. As part of this, everyone at the third dimension has their unique strengths and challenges.
What you are calling special may simply be a strength you have. It might be different from others, because others may not have that particular strength. Or if they have it, they may have it in a different way. Or they may be using it in a different form or arena. Others also will not have the same challenges that you have. And they will have their own strengths, strengths that you don’t have. They will have ways they’re making use of those strengths, and arenas in which they’re bringing those strengths, that you’re not doing.
So there may be very much realness to your sense of specialness. Perhaps special is a triggering word for you. Perhaps it would be better to just call it uniqueness. Then imagine that it’s not only uniqueness, but uniqueness combined with a sense of being on your path, really living your life purpose, and in that, being aligned with your higher self. That is most wonderful. I wouldn’t want you to diminish that in any way. That is a divine gift you are receiving. I encourage you to fully allow yourself to receive that, if I’m understanding you correctly, because that is an aspect of union with God. That is what everyone is here for. So I encourage you to absolutely receive that in its fullness, as a wonderful blessing, a state of grace and blessedness.
I think perhaps what you might be concerned about is feeling that this might make you somehow superior or “better than.” That is a challenge, and can even be a trap, at the third dimension—to take your gifts and blessings to mean that therefore “I’m better than others,” or superior somehow, or even just the sense that it separates you from others. If you are truly experiencing your gifts as grace, as living your life purpose in union with God, this will open your heart. You will have the experience of greater union with others. That is one of the ways you can tell that this is actually you being on purpose.
I’m guessing that you are experiencing yourself being on purpose. I’m guessing that this is just a thought you’re having that is standing in your way. What I would suggest is to fully embrace your specialness or uniqueness. Thank God, thank the divine that you are having this wonderful experience of union with the oneness and wholeness of God. If it is taking you into any sense of feeling superior, or special in a separate way. or a way of comparing yourself to others and feeling somehow better, then that is something you can work with in various ways. One way is just to understand that this is a blessing you’re receiving and it’s not at all depriving any others in this moment. The more you receive God in God’s wholeness, the more you can share that with others.
It is absolutely true at the third dimension that you have strengths. It is a God-given blessing to use your strengths. Don’t be concerned about that somehow not being aligned to spiritual work. It is totally aligned. But let it take you all the way through to union with God. Know that this gift that you’re using in this moment is really enabling you to come into union with God and to bring God’s wholeness forward. That is the real blessing.
I hope this has been helpful to you. I thank you again for all the work you are doing and your wonderful intention and dedication to your spiritual path. Many blessings to you.
[End of Part 2]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
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