
MARY MAGDALENE: Healing Feminine/Masculine Difference — 2 Comments

  1. As I have previously said, I view each human body as a physical container with both female and male energy. In a meditation, I saw my male energy in the form of a Norseman and my female energy in the form of female harpist. He wanted her but she wanted nothing to do with him. After long fighting, they discovered they each had part of the whole and rode off to the world on a black stallion.

  2. Thank you for a great message! Very inspiring and clear, it’s food for my soul. I’ve felt that magnificence of polarity in flashes for some time, a lot in last year 2015, and it fills me with joy. It’s as if a little golden box is opening, with a treasure that lay hidden for a long time. Mary Magdalene puts in words what I sense is in the process of unfolding. I didn’t have the words yet, I am a writer.

    In giving words to inner stirrings, there seems to be a masculine and feminine aspect, when I feel words present from pure “knowing” as a consciousness that is in itself above the human level, it seems. I think that this says more of who I am with my mind, connected to perfectionism and being untouchable. But alas, that’s for me to explore, more with my heart than with my mind.

    I can sense that when I join my heart in giving words, as company to that “knowing” that is pretty “cold” and factual as I sense it, I’m able to connect and relate to others. Even in a state of being without words, which is a humbling experience for me. I’m shouting my love into the Universe, ha ha.

    That joining of “knowing and heart” is part of bringing my Heaven on Earth, as I see it. There is a use and practice of my feminine voice in this for me, in this little box. I’m so happy with this lovely answer of hers and specially this part:

    “You could say that the Masculine and Feminine are polarized sides of the same oneness. That polarity is a great magnificence, a great joy, a great wonder, if you understand it as such. A great deal of the work before you in transcending into your next level of spiritual evolution at this time right now—and specifically in moving into the fourth dimension—is to realize the uniting of the Masculine and Feminine”. Thank you Mary Magdalene!

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