
MARY MAGDALENE: How Women Will Change Your World — 8 Comments

  1. I am wondering how those of us who have had our emotional responses trivialized by men (and those women who have chosen to stand on the “winning side”) can get back to expressing only in the emotional. For us, translating our pain into logical “strategized” responses has been the only way to be heard. The alternative to that was to risk being accused of emotional malingering. I feel it takes enormous courage to allow our emotions to be shared, or even felt, for that matter, under that kind of judgement. Interesting how something as basic and innate as emotion could be socially criminalized so successfully by simply using this tactic. Rings a familiar note, doesn’t it? Intuition and healing were criminalized, even demonized, in a similar fashion centuries ago. While Mary offers some heartfelt advice on how to allow men to connect with their inner feelings, I honestly feel that it will be up to a critical majority of men to honor the candid display of emotion of one of their own, preferably one already in a position of power, to enable this trend to become accepted. Then again we have had it with other presidents, Carter and Obama to name two, and look who’s holding that office now? I honestly feel we have all been exposed to emotional malingering by congressmen on both sides of this aisle, pushing for a political victory. The outcome to this scene (in which we have all agreed to perform our respective roles) will be, once again, a test of whether we as a society have advanced to the point of elevating heart over will, love over power. Crossing my fingers…

  2. Thank you for a most helpful message, Mercedes and Mary Magdalene. Grieving is the key word for me. Each day there are moments when deep sadness is felt and it seems to be for all that is being wounded in the present moment and in the past. I’m not ignorant to the possibility that this is my own inner affair, but it feels as if it’s for the whole planet and the collective human consciousness. When I feel and reach the depth of it I mean. It helps when I allow the tears to flow and surrender to the feelings. Like right now. Each time, afterwards, I feel better and my sense of humour is restored. Seeing things in a right perspective, acknowledging myself for the work I’m doing, the efforts I make, within and without, is what I remind myself of very often. For deep inside is this cry: when is enough enough?

  3. Yes, Pat French, I can feel how you feel the depth of this subject, this power-game in the energetic playground we all use to find out how it works. Life on planet Earth. In the depth of this shift that is occurring now, that I feel so strongly and that is rejoicing me at the same time, in between tears, I believe that all people, from within, are and will be triggered by the hand of live and life, simply for this reason. Planet Earth, our whole Galaxy, with living beings in it, are entering a frequency of energy, a quality of vibration, that can’t move us otherwise than triggering our hidden shadows, our covered up light. It’s obvious to me, that president Trump is the exact right president for the US now, for he mirrors the state of consciousness in many Americans. The Simpsons are now living in the White House, the whole performance in the public eye seems like a cartoon, isn’t it? At the same time, there are forces underneath it all, moving in invisible currents, that are changing the reality we live in, together. I can see and feel it. What I’m pointing at is, that we, as women, may be surprised by the willingness in men to change and become whole in mind and heart. Some are killing themselves, for they see no way out. Others surrender in acceptance of the pain and suffering they caused and received both. We all harvest what we’ve sown and harvest is upon us, as I perceive it. We need courage in vulnerability I believe and that’s something that the Western modern mind can’t grasp almost. Isn’t it?

  4. My dear friend, Mercedes, I have been needing a place to process, and this feels right. My husband and I were on a little vacation, touring around in our car on Wednesday and Thursday. We tuned into CNBC’s live open mic broadcast. Listening (not seeing it) transported me back 47 years emotionally to the beginning of my 2nd year of college. I was naive. Raised in safe suburb. I was drinking too much beer. Going out on too many dates. That night I was with two guys I didn’t really know. I vaguely remember the back of a car in a wooded area before blacking out. Next memory: morning in my dorm bed. My virginity was spilled out onto the sheet. I was told I had been dropped of at the dorm and was helped to bed by an adult. After that, I couldn’t focus. I dropped my hardest course. I found a guy who felt like a father figure. I dropped out of school and married him. He was a jerk too. Thankfully, I divorced, found the love of my life and went on….until last week, when the shame was re-lived. My breathless heart won’t stop pounding. I will try to follow Mary’s advice and grieve for an experience stuffed away for so long. Thank you, Mercedes. xoxoxo

  5. Uuuffff ! Mercedes, it is incredible what Mary Magdalene says !!
    I AM so happy, because I was decreeing Violet Flame (*) for everything in Congress align itself with the Divine Plan.
    And I AM sure it did. And I will go on and on at least after the end of November, whenever we know what God wants for this situation.
    (*) I don’t know how to really meditate, but I work spiritually with the Violet Flame that is transforming and cleaning everything, so it can align with the Divine Plan –in this case for America.
    The result was obvious. Women to power !!!

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