
MARY MAGDALENE: The Experiment of the Third Dimension — 3 Comments

  1. Hi,
    Interesting this should be in my mailbox today because just this morning I had an insight about anger. It is (perhaps always) related to fatigue, a shortage of energy to accomplish what seems like needs accomplishing.

    We know from childhood that children get grumpy when they stay up past their bedtime or miss their nap. It’s not so different for adults. In this persons case, where there is weight gain, it may be because they are turning to food for energy. Certainly you do get energy from food. But if there is not enough energy, rest is a healthier option than extra food.

    This is something I am going to do next time I feel angry – notice whether I am actually tired. Anyway, it is important to get enough rest for any kind of work including spiritual work!

  2. I’m not trying to challenge this…would really like to know why animals have to suffer if they have no cognition of a “soul.”

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