Mary Magdalene: Sacred Marriage
Received on July 22, 2012 through Mercedes Kirkel
[This is Part I of a channeled message that Mary Magdalene gave at a gathering in honor of her feast day, July 22nd, 2012.]
Hello, greetings, and blessings to my dear one and all of you who are here with me today, all of you who will be hearing this and listening to it later, all of you who are gathered in so many gatherings across your country and around your world who are honoring the Divine Feminine through calling upon me on this day. I thank you so much.
I am so thrilled to be here with you, with all of you. I’m so happy for your opening to the Divine Feminine in this moment and in all the ways that you do. And I’m so happy for all there is to celebrate right now. For there is so much, I almost feel a little beside myself—Where to start? Where to begin?
I will begin right here with you who are gathered here. To you, Mercedes, I say that I am greatly embracing you, greatly celebrating with you for the book that you have put out, for your creating this gathering and other events. There will be so many more events in the future to allow me to come through and to allow others, as well. We are supporting all of you in your growth and your beautiful unfoldment, which is happening so strongly right now.
It is such a wonderful time, for so many reasons. But one of them is that there are so many people who are opening up to us—the beings of light in the higher dimensions. We are so happy and thrilled to be supporting all of you, connecting with you, helping you, joining with you consciously, and to have these kinds of occasions when we speak to you and we hear from you. It is so wonderful. Of course, our connection with you is not limited. It is not limited to these occasions. It is not limited to when we speak with you or you speak with us. It is ongoing and there are so many forms that it is taking. But these occasions, in particular, are very wonderful and joyful for all of us, to have you coming together, holding sacred space, creating the container for us to connect in this way. To all of you, I thank you so much for being here today.
And I thank you for your openness to me. For yes, it is true that the world is opening to me in these past few years, which of course are like the blink of an eye, if that much, in terms of your time and the total time of our beingness. But so much has happened in such an incredibly short time, and this is just the beginning. There are huge openings ahead, huge things that will be changing you, changing your consciousness, changing your world in so many ways. And this is part of the excitement that I feel. It is being created all the time by people just like yourselves who are expanding, growing, calling in this change, wanting it for themselves, wanting to hold it and share it with others. That is how your world is formed, created, sustained, changed, dissolved, re-birthed. It is how manifestation happens.
This manifestation process is strengthened through all these forms of your coming together—where you join together, share your dreams, share your visions, share your hopes, share your strengths, share your help and your support with each other. This is so important. It is so critical. It is what has happened in the past in some of your more formal ways—through your churches, in particular. And of course, there are ways that that has supported people and there are ways that that has diverted and gone away from helping people.
But the form is changing. It is becoming much more of an internal process that is happening within each person. And you are connecting with others out of this internal process, because there are so many people going through this process together. Truly, you are connected, and you are finding each other in all different ways. In those connections, you are amplifying, magnifying this process for each other, as well as for people who perhaps are at a different stage. These people are going through the process in their own way, but perhaps are not sharing in the way that you are with yourself and with others—consciously, openly, outwardly. But you are helping them, also, and it is affecting them. So these gatherings are one of the new forms that is emerging. It is a very organic form in your world, in which the power, the spiritual transformation is coming through. It is one of the great changes that are happening at this time.
And yes, the Divine Feminine is so important. Many of you understand this. Many of you have an awareness of this, of how the Divine Feminine has been waiting. It has not been time. You, so many of you, have not been ready and your world has not been ready. Now there is so much that is supporting this, that is in place. There are a few things that I wish to share about this.
The first is that one of the ways you can recognize the Divine Feminine is that the Divine Feminine is in love with the Divine Masculine. And the Divine Feminine is supportive of the Divine Masculine and of union—of union with the Masculine, union with the Child, union with the Divine. Union is one of the primary paths of the Feminine. So do not fall into the trap of thinking that it is only about the Divine Feminine, for that is not the case. The Divine Feminine is embracing of the Divine Masculine. And you have needed this time to become strong in the Divine Masculine, within yourselves, in your world. Yes, it has been out of balance. And yes, it has gone to the extreme at times. Yet, there was a logic. There was a reason and a preparation that was happening. Now the Masculine is ready to embrace the Feminine, to call us in and for there to be union and unity. This is the new stage, the new age that you are moving into.
So remember that it is about the Divine Feminine coming forth and flowering. But the Divine Feminine embraces and holds and loves the Divine Masculine, and honors the Masculine, and calls in the Masculine to bring what the Masculine brings, which is so important for there to be balance and wholeness and harmony. That is what you are moving into, a beautiful new age, in which there will be this union and this unity between the Feminine and the Masculine.
Many of you know this in your hearts, in your souls, and in your beings in the relationship between myself and Yeshua. It is something that you don’t have to know with your mind. You don’t have to know the details. You don’t have to know where we lived, what we did, what were the dates, what were the names, what were the other people. Yes, that can be interesting, and yes, there is a way that in your humanness that feeds you. But truly, everything that you need is in your heart, in your soul, in your beingness. And you know that love that we exemplified, that we lived. You know that we brought that frequency into the world, planting it as seed to be here in your world. And yes, the relationship between us was hidden for many, many years. It was not time. The world was not ready yet for that to come forth. Now it is.
So know that we are with each one of you in your heart. And there is a way that our archetypal relationship, our pure love was planted so many years ago, and is still here, is strengthening and becoming more available, more accessible, more profound as you are opening to it and receiving it. This is part of why so many people are drawn to me at this time. It is like a cosmic alarm clock going off. You are ready for this. You are ready to know of my great love for Yeshua. And you are ready to know that love within yourself and to begin to incarnate it and to manifest it.
That love always manifests first with yourself. It manifests with you knowing the love of your Divine Masculine, your Divine Feminine. The marriage of the Divine Masculine and Feminine always lives within you, within your heart, and that is where it begins. Out of that comes the holy marriage, which is the marriage of you and God. But God has two faces in this manifestation here in your realm. There is the Masculine face of God and the Feminine face of God.
Not only will you know the marriage of the two faces of God within yourself, but you will also know your holy union with God, absolutely. And then you will know this sacred union in your relationships with others. More and more of you will be finding your sacred partner, who you live this exquisite love with. The love relationship with a sacred partner includes the exquisite union of your sacred heart and sacred mind, in form, with another being. It is one of the greatest blessings that you will experience in this realm. Know that this is your future, if you have not experienced it up till now. This is what is coming in. You are ready now to grow into this, to know this, and to allow it to carry you to your greater divinity, your divine beingness.
That is always what I am so moved to share—my understanding and my experience of this divine union, this sacred marriage. As I have spoken through Mercedes and is in her book, there are foundational steps for each of you in opening to the Divine Feminine. Many of you have areas that you still need to strengthen in this way, because this is such a new time of celebrating, of opening to, of calling forth the Divine Feminine. These foundational arenas are very important, because they are what will allow you to open your heart. They will allow you to know the sacred marriage within of your Divine Masculine–Divine Feminine, of your sacred heart–sacred mind, and your sacred heart-union with another being. Do not gloss over that. It is important and it will help you to know this and to complete your work at these foundational stages. It will allow you to go on into your greatness, your largeness, your beauty, your perfection, and into greater and greater realms of experience, of consciousness, of light and love.
That is all that I am going to say about that today, for I have said it in great depth before. I hope that it may support and serve every one of you in your becoming the beautiful, divine being that you are, that I know you as, and that I support you in fully.
I love you. I bless you.
I AM Mary Magdalene.
Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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