
MARY MAGDALENE: Which Story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene Is True? — 8 Comments

  1. Mary’s message resonates with me. I’ve come to feel that there are as many paths to the divine as there are people and each path is deserving of respect without interference from me.

  2. A beautiful teaching, especially about the significance of stories…thank you. This point of time in human history is uniquely important, because as NASA and more recently the United Nations Environmental (scientific) Panel have reported, we are facing an ecological crisis, and industrial collapse. The main reason for this threat is an outdated story/dream that economic exploitation of natural and human resources is beneficial. It seems though that somehow this story/dream DOES have to be changed in order for the planet to survive. However, Mary says changing someone else’s story is not productive.

    Would it be possible for Mary to tell us how we can bring forth the story that will change the current threatening situation in time? Thank you heartfeltly.

  3. Thank you for sharing this message from Mary Magdalene again Mercedes as it is very relevant to me and my partner. He gains great strength from quoting the bible and is very fearful of anything not contained in it . Whereas I align very much with the new spirituality that you are bringing to us from Mary Magdalene and Jeshua . This message gives me great clarity about how each person is at their own stage of development . Thank you once again for the live Channelling on Sunday .Love and Blessings Glenda

    1 – Can we say that from within is the answer to all the questions. And as such, can we say that out of time frame and out of space where we live physically, we can meet in essence and realize from within the truth that we Are…
    2 – Consequently, one can consider that facts, physical facts are non appropriate when we are Living in the Reality of Being.

    Conclusion: We are all One… and we have access in the physical plane to different angles; and yet, if we use our Heart (which is our unifying Tool) , we can get access to the Real. !!!

    Another possible conclusion: one can believe or not believe…his or her experience is valuable as a Being anyway. !!!

    Good Journey to Us All in One

    Roland ♀

  5. I have learned these truths some years ago. I refrain from comment for I will cause noone to stumble in their path for lack of knowledge.
    What I will say are most of the questions you’ve asked can be answered with a simple YES!

  6. Synchronicity strikes again! I have three books on my table: “The Gospel of Mary of Magdala,” by Karen King (finished), “The Gospel of Mary Magdalene,” by Jean-Yves LeLoup (third in), and “The Nag Hammadi Scriptures,” by Marvin Meyer (yet to open). I am finding this journey enlightening and inspirational. And now, a message from Mary on this very topic!! Such a blessing. It makes sense on a level I wish to attain. I also appreciate the stories written in ancient times to be in validation of Mary. I will read on from a higher perspective. Blessings to you, Mercedes. Love, Connie.

  7. resonate or not, like it did not this time, interesting even so, yes…

    hi i’m deep into this also to the point of struggling to be able to support myself, so yes, understand the struggle and so cool this summer is working out for you, nice, and so thanks for the work you do, for sharing, anyway, back to my comment, my wonder if…

    not resonating, why do we not get a better view of this, suggests that what was then, is totally outside of present day aggregate mindset assumptions of what was then, that is what we want/need to believe, to stay safe in our current dark mindset box, is outside of what was then…

    so consider that most assume that Jesus was, a solo male rock star of a spiritual master, he was a one person show, why all the credit to one person, yes, a tool historian used was to combine many characters into a single source, simplified their job, and why else, well, that it sets a mindset that accepts hierarchy of a type pleasing to an old Roman leader, start of social conformity training, yes, our training to accept this starts here…

    but blessed be still a few of us believe, feel lead to believe that he had a girlfriend/wife that was a teacher in her own way, okay and that is how rare, and then consider that what history seems to better support was that a sizable group of people were teachers and that Jesus was a teacher among a group of teachers, consider how this would reshape our minds and maybe change the way we pick our leaders…

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