MARY MAGDALENE: Why Evil People Flourish While Good People Suffer
Part Two of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 7, 2013
Question: Why do evil people constantly flourish while multitudes suffer for doing nothing or for doing the morally right thing? This dynamic is grotesquely out of proportion and has been for thousands of earth years. Yet the Creator (elders) have failed to assist us in any meaningful or lasting way. Why?
Mary Magdalene: I thank you for your question. I sense your great distress—that this is something that is deeply disturbing to you and which you are really looking for help with. I will do my best to address your concerns and the issues you have raised.
There are a number of parts to this. First of all, it is very difficult to understand everything going on at the Earth level from the perspective of being incarnated on the Earth plane. There is more going on than is easily understood. Oftentimes people at the Earth, or third-dimensional level don’t see the whole picture and don’t understand everything that’s involved. It may appear, as you say, that there are evil people and they seem to be flourishing, while others—who seem very good-hearted and upholding the light—seem to be struggling, or not having the benefit of doing well and being supported. But that is not entirely what is going on.
Indeed, if you looked at Yeshua’s life or my life, you might say that we were not supported. But in fact, we came to the Earth to do very specific work and we actually did that work. Everything we did was for a purpose. It all had a reason.
At the third dimension, there is what is often called “the veil of forgetting.” Before your life, there are many events that you plan. After your life, you will look back on your life and review what occurred. At that time you will remember what your intention was in incarnating on the Earth. Everyone goes through this. Things will become much, much clearer to you at that point.
For most people, you will be in what can be called a fourth-dimensional plane after your life, just as you were before your life. Things will appear very differently at that time. You won’t tend to look at things as good or bad, or look at individuals as evil or good. You will see that everyone was serving a very specific purpose. Everyone’s experiences were not only chosen by those individuals, but were helping them to have the kind of experiences and soul growth they were seeking.
At the higher dimensions, we don’t look at things as good or bad, evil or not evil, or whatever you might call it. We look at things as all serving in different ways. This may be hard to understand, because there are very real ramifications to things at the third-dimensional level. People really do experience pain and suffering in various ways. In fact, that is part of what beings come into the third dimension to experience. But while you are here in the third dimension, it can be very difficult to have those experiences, especially if you have forgotten your connection to the greater whole, which you might call God, source, oneness, or however you understand and relate to that.
This is why spiritual growth, practice, and development is so critical. It actually is critical at all times. Ultimately, it is all that ever matters. But at the third dimension, it has its own reasons, its own logic for being important. Part of that logic is that it is the only thing that will help you to endure the difficulties that exist at the third dimension.
My suggestion to you would be to do whatever you can to grow spiritually and to strengthen that. During your Earth time, that will most likely help you to be more at peace with the apparent dualities that you experience of some people seeming more supportive of light and some people seeming less supportive, or some people seeming to have more and some people seeming to have less. Duality is the nature of the third dimension. It is actually a gift that is offered through incarnating at the third dimension. But again, it is very difficult to understand this from the third-dimensional perspective.
So it takes great, great faith to find your connection to God and to put your trust in God in the midst of such apparent hardships. In some ways, the third dimension is one of the most difficult realms to be incarnated in, because of this great challenge. Other realms have their challenges, also. But this is a particularly difficult one in many ways. It is difficult for your mind. It is difficult for your emotions. It is difficult for your physical body. So it takes dedication, perseverance, and spiritual investment to stay centered in the midst of these kinds of things.
The more you can relax your concern about what others may seem to have or what others seem to be doing that you don’t think is for the highest good—and the more you can put your attention on yourself and what you can do to be connected to your highest spiritual source, what you can do to support yourself the very most in your spiritual work, and what you can do to support others—the better off you will be. And the more you will be relieved of this burden of feeling that something is unfair or is not as it should be. In fact all is just as it is meant to be. But that is not an easy thing to accept. It takes spiritual maturity and a level of spiritual development to truly accept and even receive that with gratitude. The more you are able to do that, the more you will see your world change.
The other thing I urge you to do is to focus on what’s actually happening in your personal sphere, because that is what you have the power to change most directly through your spiritual work and spiritual manifestation. If part of what you are being informed by is media-generated news, that information often comes from people who have very different agendas. Their spiritual work may be quite, quite different from yours. It is important to have discernment so that you do not get swept up into their spiritual work. The way that you will know what is truly your work is what’s actually brought most directly into your life and what you have the power to affect. That is what I urge you to put your awareness on. Allow your own spiritual awareness, growth, work, and consciousness to make a difference in that arena. If you are able to do this, it will be of the greatest benefit to you and ultimately you will receive everything that you need.
I cannot promise that your life will be easy. If you look at my life, it was not easy in many ways. If you look at Yeshua’s life, it was not easy in many ways. What I can say is that what will serve you the most and what will fulfill you the most is your connection with God. That is true whether your life is relatively easy or not. Regardless of your circumstances, that is what will sustain you. So I urge you to connect with God as strongly as you can. If that is very difficult for you, seek out help so that you are able to connect with God. Your difficulty may be pointing to areas in which you have wounding and which you need help healing from, so that you may receive the blessings and gifts from those circumstances. There are many who are available to help. There are many who are very gifted in supporting others in their spiritual journey.
Of course, the ultimate help is through prayer. You can always pray. You can pray and ask for clarity. You can ask for understanding. You can ask for forgiveness. You can ask for peace. You can ask for guidance as to what you need to do personally. You can ask for being given whatever help you seem to require. I completely urge you to pray and ask God for help.
I hope this has been helpful to you. My heart goes out to you and I send my greatest blessings to you for your spiritual journey. With much love to you, I close now.
[End of Part Two]
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Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to