
MARY MAGDALENE: Yeshua and The Earth’s Ascension — 1 Comment

  1. Dear Mercedes – I have been following your talks and messages from Mary for several years now, and just want to say a very big Thank You with much gratitude for all the love, information and inspiration she has given us. I so enjoy reading all that she has given, partly as I attend a group in the south of England whose teacher is a member of the White Brotherhood in spirit, he speaks through Sally Pullinger, in Glastonbury, an experienced medium, singer and musician who also studied homeopathy. Mary Magdalene has also come through Sally to us on occasions, as well as other leading White Brothers, including St. Germain, St.Michael, White Eagle, and others from higher dimensions. I once was fortunate in that Yeshua came through to speak to me of my committment when I had a personal session with the spirit teacher, White Brother, whose name is Chung Fu – from Ancient China – taking his name from the 61 Hexagram of the I Ching. From being with him for several years I learned of the life of Yeshua as Mary tells us now, so I am doubly grateful for the confirmation of her knowledge and life with him. It was wonderful to have him speak to me – quite unexpected – and live with it daily. So thank you all – Mercedes for all you do. I’m sorry I cannot be in America to visit and thank you personally. Many, many blessings to you, Sandra

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