Posts Tagged ‘spiritual growth’

MARY MAGDALENE: Responding to Challenge

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013


Blessings beloved ones,


This is Mary Magdalene, here with you again. I am so happy to have this opportunity to communicate with people and to answer people’s questions. As you know, it is my great, great passion to help people in their spiritual growth. The truth is that your spiritual growth is reflected in all the parts of your life. So if there is any part of your life in which you are having a challenge or wanting help with, that is actually part of your spiritual path and your spiritual growth. Those are all arenas in which I love to offer help, to bring my blessing and my point of view forth to support all of you.


As I have said before, you are at a wonderful moment right now. You’re on the precipice of great change, great growth. I think many of you are already seeing the signs in your world that this is so. Some of those signs feel wonderful and beautiful. Your life may seem more blessed, more easy. Things may be flowing in a more beautiful way, where it feels like you’re more connected to Spirit, more in the flow of life, and doing the work you came to do.


Some of the symptoms of the change may not seem so easy. It may seem that things are happening that are more challenging. Things may be coming up in parts of your life that you thought you already dealt with. Or things may be coming up that you never experienced before—difficulties, problems, challenges. This is part of the preparation for the change that is happening. You’re being given the opportunity to purify any blocks that remain. Some of them may not even be from this lifetime. Some of them may be from previous lifetimes. Some of them may be from earlier times in this life. Some of them may be things that you’ve been dealing with, which seem to be intensified or even getting more difficult.


You might relate this to what sometimes happens when you’re physically unwell—when you have some kind of illness or even a disease. The healing path can take a course where things seem to get worse before they get better. Oftentimes, what’s actually happening is that things that have been buried at a deep level are coming to the surface to be released. But in coming to the surface, you experience them more directly, more strongly, more powerfully. So you may have the sense, “What’s going on? My life seems to be harder, more difficult, getting worse.” I hope it is helpful to hear my perspective—that this can be part of the process of change, growth, and opening to the new, which really will be more wonderful and more easeful.


As much as you can, have trust and faith. Know that your life is being guided. Do the things that you know how to do to support yourself in the midst of such challenges. You may need to do certain things more than you’re used to. You may need to have more sleep. You may need to nurture yourself more. You may need to be more careful about the diet you’re eating. You may be more sensitive to things that didn’t affect you in the past, but now they are. Perhaps you’re more sensitive to people’s energies. Perhaps you need to be more conscious of the people you’re spending time with and the energy that you’re bringing into your world and reality. There are many levels to this. Hopefully most of you are aware of what things help you and what things are not supportive. Take steps to support yourself if you are experiencing more challenge. I hope this is helpful to all of you.


I want to say that, from my perspective, things are moving forward. You are progressing in this transition. I am very happy about that. Many of the beings at the higher levels want this progress and change for you, support you in this, and celebrate the transition that is happening.


Just as you may be having the experience of things in your personal life seeming to be more difficult or getting worse, this also may happen at the larger scale of your society, or your culture, or even worldwide. There may be difficulties in the political realm, or socially, or you may have experiences of challenging natural phenomena, or manmade phenomena such as technology that’s not working. There are many different ways this might appear. But it might be larger than just your individual life or people’s individual circumstances. It might be group situations that seem to be getting more challenging. This is also part of the process.


What you can do in these circumstances, first and foremost, is to support yourself in maintaining your center. Stay in the light yourself and do whatever you need to do to support the light within yourself. Then, radiate light and love to the larger circumstance. Bring your prayers, light, and blessing to these circumstances. These are the most important things. Out of that, yes, there may be practical steps and actions that you are to take, as well. But these are always secondary. The primary is through blessing, prayer, light, and love. I support you in remembering this and bringing this to your world, as best you can.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


I Have Been Loved

By Mercedes Kirkel 

My dad has dementia. For the last three, years I’ve watched him slowly decline. Yet our connection is as strong and beautiful as ever—even more so  in some ways. It’s as though all the peripheral layers of our relationship, along with all the “stuff” of those layers, have been peeled away. What’s left is our huge heart connection to each other.


A couple of weeks ago, at the end of my visit with him, I told him it was time for me to leave. He got very sad, as he usually does. Then I remembered I had something I wanted to tell him. It was something that had come to me earlier in the day as I was driving to see him. For some reason, I started thinking about my time with my dad when I was young. For most of my life, I’ve considered my dad a workaholic during my growing up years and an absentee father. But as I was in the car driving, I started to think about all the ways my dad was there for me and all the ways he did show his love. I realized I’d never acknowledged him for that. I made a commitment to myself to do that during this visit.


So there we were, near the door of his assisted living home, and I reconnected with what I wanted to tell him, feeling incredibly grateful that I’d remembered. I knelt down to his level (he’s in a wheelchair), looked in his eyes, and thanked him for all the things he’s done for me, especially in my early life. I acknowledged him for working so hard to support me and our family, and what a good job he did of that. I thanked him for providing me with food, clothes, a home, music and dance lessons, putting me through college, and so much more. I told him again how much I love him and what a great dad he’s been to me. He puffed up with pride, and thanked me, and got very happy.


There was another resident of his home sitting nearby, a Native American man who’s normally very quiet. After hearing me shower my dad with gratitude, he spoke right up, telling about his dad, how he’d been in the military and all the jobs he’d had. It was so beautiful, my heart was swelling even more. I responded, saying that my dad had been in the military, too (which I know my dad is still very proud of).


Then my dad took on his loving dad role, saying, “OK, that’s enough. It’s time for you to go now. Have a safe drive home.” I’m starting to cry even as I write this, feeling how much I love him and how loved I feel by him.


I’m so glad I’ve gotten to this place, where I really feel how much I’ve been loved, in so many ways, in so many relationships. It was completely wonderful to tell my father all the ways that he, in particular, contributed to this knowingness within me—that I am loved, that I have always been loved. Even if he wasn’t “perfect” in the ways I wanted, I have been loved.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


A Powerful Reminder To Love

By Mercedes Kirkel

A dear friend of mine recently went through the unexpected death of her husband. I did a life-coaching session with her to help her release the trauma she experienced around her loss. During the session, she had an interaction with Mother Mary, which she didn’t fully understand at the time. Later, after listening to my radio show [The Magdalene Hour With Mercedes Kirkel], my friend wrote me this email, sharing the exciting and deeply meaningful breakthrough she’d had. With her generous permission, I share her letter below, because it’s filled with wisdom for all of us. I hope you find it as valuable and moving as I did.


I really enjoyed your radio show. At the end something interesting happened. Do you remember when we did the trauma work and Mary handed me a white, glowing, throbbing ball? I experienced it as a cross between a baby and a heart, and I tucked it into my own heart.

I asked Mary a couple times what it was, but didn’t get an answer. Then right at the very end of your radio show I suddenly understood. She had handed me my pain. The white ball was my pain—that was her gift to carry in my heart.

I thought more about the pain and what exactly it is. I realized it’s that I got disconnected from the love in my marriage. In being married for thirty-five years to a man I loved, I let myself slip out of awareness and forgot to a large degree how much I loved him. I mean I always knew it, but it was dialed way down in the background. I was much more aware of irritation, annoyance, anger, fear, judgment, boredom, etc., than of the profound love I had for him. And I think he did the same with me.

We both fell into a kind of shyness around each other about expressing our love often and out loud, which is sort of strange, but I think it’s common. I think there can be a kind of shyness when two lives are so intimately wound and you talk about every practical matter under the sun. It gets hard to switch into a mode where you’re expressing your deep passionate love. It’s almost like it’s embarrassing or somehow inappropriate. I think it’s much easier in part-time, distant, semi-fantasy relationships—like the ones we both had in the past—to let the passion flow freely.

So the love between us got blocked and semi-buried, until the searing pain of his loss brought it back to the surface. Since he’s not here anymore, I don’t get the chance to heal the pain with him in this lifetime—not in the same way as if he were still on earth—which is another aspect of the pain. It makes sense now that the pain is my gift from Mary. If I can carry it, and continue to feel it, and stay aware of it, I have a chance to remember to stay aware of love in my life—not just for him, but for everyone I love. I have a chance to let people know how much I love them, to drop the inhibition, to remind them and myself that I love them, and not let things go unsaid or partially said.

What Yeshua said in your recent channeling about God’s love in relationships feels very powerful for me right now. When I blocked my love for my husband, I blocked God’s love coming through each of us to the other.  It’s similar to what you said on your radio show that by doubting you were channeling Mary Magdalene, you were doubting God. I still wish my husband could have lived, but if he had I would most likely have continued on the same path of blocked love.

I know it’s way too soon, but I want so much to have another chance at a love partnership in this lifetime—a chance to keep love in the forefront instead of taking it for granted, forgetting it, letting it get overshadowed by day-to-day concerns, habits, irritations. A chance to stay awake in it.

I send love to you. Thanks for doing what you do.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Helping Our Children

Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On September 5, 2013 

Question: What more can we do to help the Divine Feminine and also to help our children?


Mary Magdalene: Blessings to you. I feel you so strongly in my heart. I shine my light upon you. Thank you so much for your love, your caring, your dedication to your spiritual path.


Your inner work is always where it begins. Look first to yourself and what you can do to strengthen yourself within. Make use of the book [Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love] and the instruction I have already given through Mercedes. This is an excellent starting place for looking at how you can strengthen that Divine Feminine within yourself, so that you become a beacon of light for the Divine Feminine. This will affect your children more than anything else and absolutely will affect your world, as well.


There’s so much that I could say about this. I love your question about the children. I have such caring and passion for children. What the children need more than anything else is your example of loving your body, of loving their bodies, of showing them that they are a perfect manifestation of God. This is true even with any challenges that they have, any lessons that they have come to learn and to grow. This does not in any way diminish their absolute perfection as a divine being. Know this about yourself and know this about your children. Affirm this to them.


Show children their perfection in terms of their beautiful bodies. Show them how to care for their bodies as temples of God—how to eat healthy food, how to enjoy their bodies, how to take care of their bodies. Along with this, show them how to care for other aspects of the physical—how to care for their environment, how to care for their pets and their animals, how to care for the Earth. All of these things are so important.


As it is appropriate, as they grow, show children another path with their sexuality. Show them how sexuality is a divine energy from God, to be understood, to be honored, and to be engaged with responsibility as a gift from the divine. When they are ready, when they are older, give them access to higher wisdom about their sexuality, how it can be engaged in a sacred way. In general, this would be appropriate for the teenage years, to start to bring this wisdom to young people as they transition into becoming young adults and start to experience their sexuality awakening. Help them understand that this is a sacred energy and how it can be used for opening their heart, for having amazing interactions with another being that are based in love and honoring of the divine in both partners, and that can grow them spiritually.


For many of you, this will perhaps require you to become more educated relative to the sacred in sexuality. This is a most wonderful arena that I urge everyone to become educated in, if you are involved in sexuality in your own life. Truly, everyone is involved in sexuality, for everyone has sexual energy. Whether you are expressing your sexuality with a partner or not, this is something that you can learn to make use of for your wholeness, for your wellbeing, for the flowering of your union of your Feminine and Masculine within, and for your greater opening spiritually. This is instruction that I am in the process of bringing in with Mercedes for a second book, which will be especially focusing on this arena of Sacred Sexuality.


The other arena that is so important for all of you to learn for yourselves, as well as for helping children, is relative to emotions. If you are involved with children, educating yourself relative to emotions is a tremendous gift you give to children. In particular, help children to understand the beautiful gift and opportunity available to them when they experience pain. This is actually much easier with children than adults, the younger they are. This is because they are less inculcated in the path of suppressing their emotions or projecting their emotions outward onto other forms to avoid feeling them and dealing with them themselves.


As you engage this transformational work for yourself, it will naturally reach more and more people. It simply expands out in greater and greater circles into your world. Know that your world is always a reflection of your own reality. As you change yourself, your world will absolutely be changing.


The final thing that I would always recommend is prayer. Prayer is so powerful, for you and for others. Yet it is so easy to forget in the third dimension, where things seem so physically based. But prayer is your great help. Do not hesitate to bring in prayer for anything that you see that needs strengthening or help in any way.


I hope that this is helpful to you, and I thank you again for your question.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Communicating With Mary Magdalene

By Mercedes Kirkel

Question: I’ve been working with Mary Magdalene for about four months now. I’d like to understand what I’m to do with the energy transmissions I’m getting from her. Is there any instruction you can give to people who are just getting started with receiving messages from her?


Mercedes: It depends on the form of the transmissions you’re receiving. For example, if you’re doing healing work and you’re feeling her presence really strongly, I would say she’s working with you and coming through in that healing. She’s showing you what she wants you to do and how she’s working with you.


If the transmissions are coming through in a more verbal form, where she’s giving you messages that you’re hearing or that you’re telepathically receiving—meaning it’s coming directly to your brain and it’s a message that you’re already knowing without necessarily hearing it in an auditory way—then I would encourage you to dialog with her and ask her how she wants you to use the messages. Certainly I would encourage you to record the messages in some way, whether you write them down, or speak them into a recorder, or whatever form you use. I think that would be really valuable.


If you’re connected to your higher self, that’s another resource for you. Ask your higher self, “What am I meant to do with these transmissions?”


Mary Magdalene is coming through to many, many people right now. If you are experiencing her, I encourage you to really open yourself to receive her. In my own case, when she started coming through, I had a lot of doubt come up. She worked with me relative to my doubt. I had doubt that this could be real or that Mary Magdalene would ever choose me to communicate with or to connect to. She worked with me to help me go beyond my doubt. Ultimately I saw that by doubting myself, I was doubting God. Resistance can manifest in so many different ways. For me, it manifested as self-doubt. But doubting that God could be speaking through me is ultimately doubting God—doubting one of the forms of God.


I had this wonderful experience with my father around what was occurring, also. He was doubting that Mary Magdalene was talking to me. Really he just didn’t understand what was happening and was trying to makes sense of it. He has a much more rational, or you might say conventional, point of view than a lot of us do and he was really struggling to come to terms with me channeling Mary. Finally he suggested we go talk to a family friend who’s a Catholic priest and ask him what he thought. So we did.


We engaged in a conversation with the priest, but my father still wasn’t feeling like he was getting the answer he was looking for. At one point, he finally asked very directly, “But Father, who is this who is talking to my daughter?” The priest looked him in the eye and said, “Hugh, God has always chosen certain individuals to speak through. Why shouldn’t he choose your daughter?” That was such a powerful moment, for me and my father. It showed me how doubting myself was doubting God. That was part of my journey.


Your journey may not be the same. You may not have that same challenge that I had. But whatever it is within you that might be questioning what’s happening or unsure, that’s probably part of your process. It’s part of what’s being worked on and transformed by opening to a new being who you have identified as Mary.


I hope that’s helpful to you. Blessings to you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth spiritual guidance from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing spiritual guidance from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: Manifesting Your Merkaba

Part 6 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013

Question: I have a technical question about merkabas. I have been collecting material to build one. One of the speeds that it is to rotate at, it was told to me by Spirit, is God speed. How can brass and steel rotate at God speed?


Mary Magdalene: The merkaba is a structure in your light body. Any physical manifestation of this structure is going to be only a representation. It is in your light body that this is to be erected.


You may enjoy making a physical manifestation of it. It is something that may support you or bring you pleasure. But it is not the primary form. The primary form is for your light body. And your light body knows God speed. So that is where you should direct your energies for manifesting it.


The merkaba is a structure that is part of what will help in the ascension process. It is valuable to learn this practice in the light body. And it will help you even now as you are in the beginning stages of ascension. It is something that eventually will manifest of its own, but to consciously manifest it sooner is valuable, because it will support and help you and make this process easier. This relates to the question that was asked earlier about making the process of moving into the fourth dimension easier. It is certainly most valuable to activate your merkaba and have this available to you and be using this. This is one of the practices that can be very supportive and valuable in the process of ascension, as well as in the process of continuing to create your life here in the third dimension.


So I recommend having your merkaba activated. But I recommend doing that primarily in your light body.


Question: There’s been a lot of different ways of activating your merkaba, through different channels and different people. Is there a right way and a wrong way to do it?


Mary Magdalene: That’s not an easy question for me to answer because I don’t relate to right and wrong. (She laughs.)


Question: Over the internet there is word out that a person is teaching a merkaba activation that is harmful because it’s not going to help you really activate the merkaba.


Mary Magdalene: There are endless variations of what can be done with subtler energies. Your etheric energy is the one that we are primarily talking about at this point. Using subtler energies is the basis of what has been called magic in your world. Many have been afraid of magic because there are those who have used it to harm others. But there are also those who have used it to benefit. Understanding whether energies are being used in a way that is harmful or beneficial is not always easy. Things are not always as they appear in your world. There may be choices going on that are completely in line with individual’s soul choices. What may appear as harmful or negative may be an important part of an individual’s soul path and growth.


The most important thing is for you to become wise about what is in line with your soul path and your growth, ultimately your growth in God. You can ask. You can ask your higher self. You can ask your guides. You can ask God.


You can also evaluate based on your experience of the person that is bringing this knowledge through. The most fundamental evaluation is: “When I have contact with this person—either in person, or through their writing, or seeing their video, or whatever form the contact takes—does it increase love for me and does it increase light for me? That is the primary way you can discern whether it is for your highest good to be engaged, with any individual. It may be that certain individuals won’t be for your highest good. It may be that it won’t be the same for others as what’s true for you. It rests with each individual to make this determination for themselves.


This is part of the transition that all of you are going through in moving into this higher stage, this next phase of your spiritual growth and development. In the third-dimensional reality, which most of you are used to and familiar with, you have depended on others to be your guides, others to inform you whether something was safe, appropriate for you, in your best interest. Now, unless you are a young child or someone who is not competent to make those discernments themselves, part of what you are all being called to in your spiritual development is to become your own guide.


More than anything else, this evaluation process is the measure that will be most reliable for you. “When I have contact with this, does it increase love and increase light for me?” If that is true, that is generally the sign that it is for your highest good to engage that. If that is not true, the reverse is also true, that it is not for your highest good.


Ultimately, that’s all you really need to know.


And now I sense it is time for us to close. I thank you so much for sharing this time with me, for being here, for being yourselves, for doing the work that you are all so devoted to doing, for being the beautiful beings that you are. I love you. I bless you.


In great joy and love, I AM Mary Magdalene.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: Finding The Inner Marriage

Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013

Question: If you and your loved one have separated, in what ways can you embody the Masculine and Feminine on your own?


Mary Magdalene: All of you have your inner Masculine and Feminine. This is something I spoke about in great depth through the messages that were given to Mercedes and then recorded in the book. [Mercedes’s note: Mary is referring to the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love.] It would be very helpful to familiarize yourself with the different paths of the inner Masculine and Feminine first. Then you can consider if there is anything that needs strengthening within yourself.


For most beings on the Earth at this time, there is an imbalance happening in the inner aspect. Most of you are developed and, in general, dominated by your inner Masculine, while being underdeveloped and weak in your inner Feminine. This is true for men, as well as women. It will often show up in different ways for men than it does for women. But both require their inner Feminine and inner Masculine to be strong.


Once you educate yourself about these different ways that the two manifest within, you can take stock and evaluate if there are parts of yourself that are underdeveloped. For most people, that will be the Feminine. Even for women today, it is still often the Feminine that is underdeveloped and causing imbalance. This is one of the things that causes many problems in relationships between partners. If you come into a relationship not being in balance yourself, you place demands on the relationship to try to establish that balance. These demands are often a great strain and even can be a breaking point for the relationship.


It is very important, as part of your spiritual work, to become familiar with these different parts of yourself, which are ultimately different parts of God. I call them the Masculine and Feminine face of God. For some people, referring to them as Feminine and Masculine is not comfortable. That is fine. They can find other ways of referring to them. But I think it is helpful. It is the way I see them, and know them, and have been trained to understand them. So I speak of them this way.


This is important for your own spiritual growth. A very important part of what is going to allow you to engage the ascension process is to complete your own inner work in the Masculine and Feminine. They must be in balance within yourself so that you can find the inner marriage, which is a wonderful state to experience and know. This is the inner marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine—ultimately the marriage of your heart, which is the seat of the Divine Feminine, and your sacred mind, which is the seat of the Divine Masculine. When these come into union through this sacred inner marriage, it becomes the doorway for moving into the next higher dimension.


This is quite important and valuable work. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with what I have offered in the past, because I believe that this will help people in ways that many people are not aware of yet.


[End of Part 4]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: How Ascension Will Occur

Part 2 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013 

Question: Many light-workers on this planet are helping with the ascension. But it seems that the majority of people aren’t even aware of what’s going on. Is there going to be an instant miracle that the majority will get, and then transcendence. Or is there a different plan?


Mary Magdalene: There are many ways that the ascension can happen. It is not written, as of yet. Much has to do with the choices that you and all the beings on Earth make. You are actually in the process of creating this. It is a creation process, as every moment of life is. Yet many do not realize that is the case. But it does not change the fact that it is the case.


There are different scenarios of what could happen. Ultimately it is one scenario. As I see it and understand it, it is a given how it is going to come out. You are going to make this ascension process. The majority of beings, if not all beings, have already chosen this at the soul level. But it may not be obvious in terms of what those beings are doing in their life right now, or what they are aware of in their life right now.


Those you call light-workers tend to be the ones who are consciously aware of their choice to be here, their choice to ascend, and their choice to support the entire ascension process for all.


From my perspective, it is not clear how this will happen or the time frame in which it will happen. Many people thought it might happen at the end of your year of 2012. We did not know. But it was not the time. It appears to me that it is going to be a more gradual process than perhaps people who are incarnated on Earth initially thought. This may well be a very benign thing, for it will allow people more time to become aware, to prepare themselves for this process. It will also allow it to be potentially more gradual and, because of that, more gentle.


It is possible that it could happen through what you might see as a miracle. Different people use the word “miracle” to refer to different things. From the perspective of the higher dimensions, much of what is called miracles does not seem mysterious or unexplainable. It’s clear to us how these things can happen. But from a third-dimensional perspective, it may not be clear, or understandable, or easily explained. So the term “miracle” may be used. But it’s often just referring to a higher-dimensional process intervening in your world.


It is possible that this change can happen through challenging events. One of the reasons that challenge and hardship is given in the third dimension is because this often opens people. It opens their hearts to love. And it opens their consciousness to what is greater than they have been open to in the past. So it is possible that it may happen, at least in part, through circumstances that are challenging. These might be natural circumstances. These might be human circumstances—political or social circumstances. These might be circumstances that involve beings from other planets or outside of your Earth sphere. This is something that could bring great challenge to many people. So it is possible that it may happen in these forms. Through challenge, people may open to something much greater than they have been open to until that time.


These are the two most likely ways ascension will occur. It is a possibility that people will ascend directly from physical incarnation in the third dimension. Or they may choose to leave their physical incarnation in the third dimension, which is what you refer to as dying, and ascend from a different form of incarnation. This may be easier for some and they may choose that path.


Some beings may also choose to reunite with their soul family, who may not be manifested here on Earth. Or perhaps the part of their soul family that they would especially like to ascend with may not be manifested here on the Earth at this time. So they may choose to reunite with parts of their soul family by leaving the Earth and manifesting elsewhere. These are all possibilities.


It is an enormous process that is underway. It is much greater than just the Earth that is involved. The possibilities and options are far-reaching. From my perspective, that is a most amazing and most exciting event. I’m speaking in terms of a very large occurrence—large in terms of time, large in terms of space, large in terms of the vastness of what is occurring.


That is the most specific that I can be in answer to your question. I hope that that has helped you.


Question: What was the lesson of this most recent Mercury in retrograde?


Mary Magdalene: All of you are in the process of changing the way you’ve related to what is familiar to you—what has been familiar to you for most of this lifetime and really for many lifetimes. Part of that has been having an orientation towards things happening in a certain way in physicality. So you have physical structures that work a certain way. You’re familiar with them, you’re used to them, and you expect that they’re going to continue to work that way. At a time like Mercury retrograde, when they often don’t work that way, it can help to free you from what is really a certain form of limitation.


Coming into third dimension and being manifested here, it is totally understandable that you would relate to your world in a very physical way, because that is the nature of third dimension. More than anything else, it is physically based. In coming here, what happens for most people is you forget where you have come from and you forget who you are, outside of this physical, third-dimensional manifestation. So it becomes very easy to assume that this is all there is and that the way things operate here is the way things must operate. When that starts to break down—you have an expression “throwing a wrench in the works”—it actually is a chance, it becomes a window for you to open to greater possibilities and to begin to access them more and more. So this cycle that you call Mercury retrograde is a repeating phenomenon, which, again and again, is giving you that opportunity.


It is also calling you to rest, to take a break from functionality and doing things in the way that you’re familiar with, because they may not be working. This is part of coming into balance, and even more than balance, coming into trust—trust that things are going to work in a different way, what you might think of as a bigger way or a greater way—trust that there are other options, other possibilities, other forces at work, which will accomplish what perhaps you have thought needed to be accomplished in a more physically based, or even work-oriented way. So it is a calling. It is calling you more and more to this opening, this possibility of doing things in a way that calls upon other powers, other forces, which you might call “higher,” and which is ultimately more easeful for you to engage. But like any transition, the process of letting go of the old is not always the most easeful in the moment.


As you go further and further into the ascension process, this phenomenon of familiar processes seeming to break down is going to become stronger and stronger. The old mechanical ways of doing things are going to have more and more lapses where they’re not working as well, not working as quickly, or not working at all. And you are going to be required more and more to find other ways to do the same things, to accomplish the same things that you want to have accomplished—or perhaps to even let go of those things being accomplished, perhaps to realize they aren’t necessary.


As this cycle continues through the ascension process, it’s going to have a feeling of more and more intensity to it, showing up in stronger and stronger ways. It is part of your challenge to learn to ride this, to ride it like a wave in a certain way, to relax into it, to trust—ultimately to trust in God, and to call upon your higher self and your developing higher skills, abilities, and powers to take care of yourself in ways which again you may call “higher.” It is not to say that they are better or that the other is worse. It is simply something you are more and more growing into.


If you are confused and not sure in any moment, call upon God, call upon your higher self, ask for help. This is one of the greatest lessons of this time. I have spoken about this before, but it is such an important thing to remind you about always—the importance of asking. Higher dimensional beings respect your free choice, respect your soul path, respect what you are choosing and have always been choosing, moment to moment. We will not interfere or intercede unless you ask us. We are so happy to be involved, but we require you to ask us first. So if you want that help, which I strongly encourage you to make use of, then please, ask us. Call upon us. We are most happy and honored to support and assist you in any way we are able.


Question: I’m aware that this wonderful channel first experienced you when she came to this area of Santa Fe, New Mexico. There are many of us who have been called here over the years. There is something about this place—I almost said “portal”—that seems to profoundly have an impact on this awakening to oneness. Could you speak about how the state of New Mexico may have a role to play that perhaps we’re not aware of.


Mary Magdalene:  You were accurate in referring to it as a portal, for it most definitely is. This is sacred ground. In many parts of the state, if you are sensitive, if you focus upon this, many of you will feel this and sense it, for it is very strong. Of course, there are such places in many parts of your world. And this is one of them.


We in the higher dimensions are aware that there are places, including Santa Fe, that many people are drawn to, because they feel this energy and because it supports them in their own process. It is a co-creative process, where the Earth and the energy is supporting you, and then you are empowering the Earth and the energy in that place by what you bring. Part of this transition is what some are calling “cities of light” that are being created. Indeed, this area will become one of those cities of light, which are especially empowered for manifesting this new world that you are moving into, this new energy, supporting all of you in this new form of life that you will be having.


This area of New Mexico has long been an empowered area. It was for the Native Americans. And long before that it was connected to both Atlantis and Lemuria. The roots are very, very deep in this whole region of profound connection to Spirit. In many ways, the Native Americans have been more sensitive to this than many of the other cultures, and particularly sensitive to how this region is so deeply connected to the Earth and the Earth-mother as a living, sentient being. In many ways, it is largely because of the spiritual energy that the Native Americans have held for so long and still continue to hold that the spiritual energy is so strong and alive here. So you have much to be thankful for to all of these Native American peoples and the powerful work that they have done.


It is a beautiful place, a very unique place. All of the different sacred places that people sense and identify on your Earth all have different qualities, bringing in different aspects of the Divine in manifest form. That is part of the beauty and wonder of the Earth. The Earth is such a magnificent place, such a jewel. It is a marvel that it exists with the incredible diversity you have here. The Earth is going to come into its flowering even more. There have been many hard times. There have been many things done to the Earth that have caused great pain, to the Earth herself and to the inhabitants of the Earth. But this is changing and will be cleansed and purified. And the future ahead of you is most wondrous.


Question: My sense is that there were many who were in Atlantis and Lemuria who are here in this state of New Mexico now. Could you speak to that?


Mary Magdalene: Without question. And they will be more and more remembering and opening up to that. That is a wonderful thing.


There is a healing going on of the past, as well as the present. There is a healing going on relative to how choices were made, things occurred, and now bringing that into a new time, a new way, a new possibility. This most definitely includes Atlantis and Lemuria. There were tremendous gifts embodied by those peoples, those cultures, which very few remember or know how to access. But they are returning. And that is a most wonderful thing.





Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Archangel Michael: Understanding Killing, Emotions, and Imagination

Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013


Question: I heard a story that you intervened in one of the world wars to protect a soldier by killing other soldiers. I was wondering about killing other people. Is is justified at all for self-defense? What does that look like in the other realms when you kill another person?


Archangel Michael: This is a complex question.


Part of the reason beings have come into the third dimension is to explore all aspects of power. Taking the life of another being is one aspect of power. It is something that we, at the higher dimensions, do not engage in, nor do we have need to. In general, at the higher dimensions there is a very firm law about not interfering with the free will of another. Exerting your power over another being to take their life would be considered a form of interference in that way, a very strong form.


Yet at the third dimension, overriding another’s free will has been allowed because of this exploration of power. Interfering with another being’s free will has been perceived as supportive of the exploration of power. At this point, it is generally held that there has been enough of that exploration. There is no need for it to go any further, and there is much suffering and pain that has been created by this exploration.


We at the higher levels are not stopping this exploration, for it is not ours to stop. We simply encourage beings, if they are complete with their own personal soul work in the arena of third-dimensional power, to move out of that form of engagement at the third dimension. We urge such ones to shift in their awareness and their focus to integrating the lessons they have learned through their ascension process and move into greater love and greater light, which ultimately will carry them into higher dimensions. This is our recommendation for those who ask and are open. It is the thrust of our support for people, with no judgment for those who have engaged in any forms, because all have been doing their soul work.


Higher dimensional beings may intervene in the free will choices of beings in the third dimension, but the form of intervention may be different than you understand. Our form of intervention varies from circumstance to circumstance, but in general it is to bring light and to bring love. It is rare for us to intervene in other ways in free will choices. But there are occasions where that is done, if it is felt that it will prevent something happening that is not aligned with the current universal program, if you will. That is all that I am allowed to say about that at this time.


Question: In this journey to higher consciousness and love, we still live in the third-dimensional world. How would you suggest for us to stay grounded? Sometimes we get swayed by personal emotions, so that at times we might fall off the tracks, though we know that it is minor and we have to look beyond it. How can we get past that, so we can continue on the path and not get swayed, and yet live in the third-dimensional world?


Archangel Michael: Many of you have made a great error by looking at emotions as minor. There is really no such thing as “minor.” It is kind of like saying a finger is minor. How minor is it? It’s a part of who you are.


Emotions are very important. They are part of what you’ve come to the third dimension—and this world in particular—to experience and to become masters of. Many of you have the wrong idea that emotions are something that is interfering with your spiritual process. If emotions are showing up, it is oftentimes a sign that this is something you need to actually engage, to work with. Your lack of grounding may very well be due to the fact that you are not properly working with emotions. If you are somehow distancing yourself from them, that would be very ungrounding.


You may need help in understanding this. This has been a great weakness in the Earth’s spiritual development for a very long time, where there has been very little understanding of emotions and how emotions are a part of the spiritual process. This has a lot to do with the fact that for a very long time in your history, the spiritual process on Earth has been largely guided by the Masculine—not only men, but the Masculine energy. And the Masculine energy tends to be less understanding of emotions.


So the emotional incidents you’re noticing may be a sign that you have emotional work to do. This will only become more important at the higher dimensions. The fourth dimension is a very emotional dimension. If you have not done your work in the third dimension, you will find it even more unbalancing in the fourth dimension. This is another reason that it is very important that you become strong in your emotions, become wise, become spiritually mature in that area.


Understanding how to engage emotions is part of the work that Mary Magdalene has been doing. She has been bringing in the emotional component, which is so important for people on the Earth to understand. She has rightly judged that this is an area of great weakness for many humans, and something that many humans need help with at this time.


There are four bodies—some have referred to them as the four lower bodies—the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental bodies. All four need to be strong for you to stay grounded. They are the foundation in the third dimension that allows you to launch into the higher dimensions. If any of them are not strong, you will tend to be imbalanced, which may very likely show up as being ungrounded.


Most of you are quite developed in the mental. Your world has done a very good job of schooling you in the mental. Many of you are quite imbalanced, in that you’re developed in the mental only and not strongly developed in the other three bodies: the physical, emotional, and energetic. This has been done on purpose in your world because, while most of you think the mind is very strong, it is actually very easy to control a being who is primarily in their lower mind.


Very many of you—speaking to you as the greater humanity who are interested in the ascension process—have work to do to develop your physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. Many of you have more understanding of the physical and what your work is to do at that level. Many of you are less aware of the emotional and energetic. The energetic is working with things like your chakras and all the features of your energy body that ultimately will help you to make the shift into the fourth dimension and be strong there—the opening of your pineal gland, your third eye, your merkaba, all of the aspects of your energy body. But that actually is an easier process for most of you than your emotional work.


For most of you, the emotional work is unclear, muddled. And for many of you it is imbalancing you. I recommend that you evaluate your strength in those four arenas—the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental—and see where you need further work, where there is either healing to do or learning to do, so that you become strong and balanced in those four arenas. Then you will stay grounded.


Question: I have a question regarding imagination. When I was young, it was very easy and useful for me to use my imagination. Now that I’m older in my life, it’s become difficult for me to recapture the power of imagination. I use it to construct my life. Do you have a comment on how imagination works and how I can strengthen it to improve my life.


Archanchangel Michael: That is a very accurate understanding of imagination. Constructing life is exactly the intent and purpose of imagination, ultimately. Imagination is an aspect of consciousness. It is the creative aspect of consciousness, both in terms of being a creative process and in terms of creating your life, as you said.


If there is a block or a breakdown in your being able to access imagination, it points to some blockage or wounding in one of the four bodies I was referencing earlier, most likely the energetic. It may have an emotional component, but it is most likely the energetic. What may support you the most is learning how to open all the energetic functions and pathways. There are many who understand this. This being who is channeling is one of those who understands this. Others do, as well.


It is not a difficult task for you to reconnect with your imagination if you have become disconnected from it. It is valuable to do so.


[There is a space of silence.]


Perhaps we are complete for today. I thank you. This has been most wonderful. I value my time with you, my connection with you. I am so refreshed by being in your company, experiencing your beauty, your light. Thank you, dear ones, for all you bring.


With this, I go with great love. I AM Archangel Michael.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Akashic Record Readings, and Guidance from Beings of Light. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael: Remembering How To Live In More Than One Dimension

Part 2 of a Message
Received through Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013

Question: Could you speak about remembering how to live in more than one dimension simultaneously?


Archangel Michael: This is the process you will naturally go through as you begin to ascend into higher dimensions. And it is true that it is a remembering process. You have done this before. But in the third dimension you have forgotten. It is part of the quality, the nature of the third dimension that there is this veil of forgetting. So you are remembering, reawakening your consciousness, your memory, your abilities to exist in higher dimensions.


As this process is taking place, it is natural that you will start to spend time in dimensions higher than the third dimension. At first it will very likely be the fourth dimension, and perhaps the fifth or sixth. Those are the most common that most people initially connect with. Most often, it is for finite periods of time, somewhat like going to sleep at night and having a dream, and then waking up. You have the dream and then you come back to your waking state that you are familiar with. You don’t feel like you’re in the dream world anymore. Yet it has its effect. You may remember the dream. You may feel altered by the dream.


Initially, spending time in the higher dimensions can be something like this. That is a good analogy, because you all have the experience of being able to shift into dream worlds. If you meditate, you oftentimes have the experience of going into other states of consciousness in meditation. If you have done shamanic work, journey work, you have oftentimes had the experience of traveling into what are most likely other dimensions. So there is precedent for this. There is historical precedent in your world and there is also personal precedent. That may help, to understand that you already have a body of experience you can draw upon.


Over time what will generally happen is that you start to spend more time—of course this is speaking of time from the third-dimensional perspective and your sense of time as you may perceive it on the third dimension—you start to spend more time in these higher dimensions. They start to become more attractive to you. They start to draw you.


There are also traditional precedents for this. In the Indian tradition, there is the story of Krishna and the Gopis. The gopis were the cowherd maidens who fell in love with Krishna. Their job was to milk the cows. But out of their love for Krishna, they were so attracted to Krishna, that when Krishna would appear they would just forget about everything—their lives, their work, their families—and go off and follow Krishna. This is an analogy of what starts to happen. You start to become more attracted to the higher dimensions. They are very attractive, especially from the perspective of the third dimension. That attraction starts to draw you more and more. It is simply a natural process, like falling in love, where your energy and attention start to go there, start to move there naturally. Out of that, you start to spend more and more time there.


This may start to happen when you are not consciously setting aside a space of time to do this—outside of your sacred occasions, your meditation, your sleep, your entering into a particular process. It might just start to happen spontaneously. It might initially happen by coming out of those processes and continuing to carry that state with you. Or just spontaneously going into that state more and more in the midst of what you might call “ordinary life.” You might be aware of this. You might not be aware of this. Perhaps you’re aware of it after the fact. You look back and say, “I’ve been operating from a different place. I’ve been in the fourth-dimensional space.” This has always been recognized by those who meditate as one of the reasons for meditating: Having an ongoing practice, with regularity, starts to change your consciousness and your reality. You start to more and more bring that higher consciousness, and the reality based on that consciousness, into your everyday life, to live more and more from that place.


This will start to happen more and more. It is very supportive to have some practice that you engage with regularity to quicken and strengthen this process—whether that’s meditation, a quiet time where you open yourself to going into higher spaces and dimensions and communing with higher beings, or whatever you find that is supportive of you. To do this with regularity can be very valuable and make the process stronger, and oftentimes smoother and easier, as well.


So there is an integration process going on where you will start to shift. You will start to spend increasing amounts of time and periods of time in these higher dimension. This is intended to be as easeful as possible. There are many beings who have gone through this process. You on Earth right now are going through it at an amazing speed, much faster than has been done before, for the most part. There may be some challenge in this, some discomfort. At the physical level, there can be challenges. At the energetic level, there can be challenges. At the emotional and mental levels—all of those levels. This is why it is very useful to have your body in as pure of a state as possible, and to do any healing or growth work that is necessary at the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental levels. The more that these levels are open and do not have blockages or wounding, the smoother and easier this process will become. So that can be very supportive—to complete any work that is necessary in those areas.


Eventually you will make the shift, where you are centered or based in that higher dimension. You may still have a part of you that is visiting or functioning on the third dimension, completing whatever your soul work is in the third dimension. But your base will primarily be at the higher dimensions.


[End of Part 2]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

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