Posts Tagged ‘Mother Mary’

A Powerful Reminder To Love

By Mercedes Kirkel

A dear friend of mine recently went through the unexpected death of her husband. I did a life-coaching session with her to help her release the trauma she experienced around her loss. During the session, she had an interaction with Mother Mary, which she didn’t fully understand at the time. Later, after listening to my radio show [The Magdalene Hour With Mercedes Kirkel], my friend wrote me this email, sharing the exciting and deeply meaningful breakthrough she’d had. With her generous permission, I share her letter below, because it’s filled with wisdom for all of us. I hope you find it as valuable and moving as I did.


I really enjoyed your radio show. At the end something interesting happened. Do you remember when we did the trauma work and Mary handed me a white, glowing, throbbing ball? I experienced it as a cross between a baby and a heart, and I tucked it into my own heart.

I asked Mary a couple times what it was, but didn’t get an answer. Then right at the very end of your radio show I suddenly understood. She had handed me my pain. The white ball was my pain—that was her gift to carry in my heart.

I thought more about the pain and what exactly it is. I realized it’s that I got disconnected from the love in my marriage. In being married for thirty-five years to a man I loved, I let myself slip out of awareness and forgot to a large degree how much I loved him. I mean I always knew it, but it was dialed way down in the background. I was much more aware of irritation, annoyance, anger, fear, judgment, boredom, etc., than of the profound love I had for him. And I think he did the same with me.

We both fell into a kind of shyness around each other about expressing our love often and out loud, which is sort of strange, but I think it’s common. I think there can be a kind of shyness when two lives are so intimately wound and you talk about every practical matter under the sun. It gets hard to switch into a mode where you’re expressing your deep passionate love. It’s almost like it’s embarrassing or somehow inappropriate. I think it’s much easier in part-time, distant, semi-fantasy relationships—like the ones we both had in the past—to let the passion flow freely.

So the love between us got blocked and semi-buried, until the searing pain of his loss brought it back to the surface. Since he’s not here anymore, I don’t get the chance to heal the pain with him in this lifetime—not in the same way as if he were still on earth—which is another aspect of the pain. It makes sense now that the pain is my gift from Mary. If I can carry it, and continue to feel it, and stay aware of it, I have a chance to remember to stay aware of love in my life—not just for him, but for everyone I love. I have a chance to let people know how much I love them, to drop the inhibition, to remind them and myself that I love them, and not let things go unsaid or partially said.

What Yeshua said in your recent channeling about God’s love in relationships feels very powerful for me right now. When I blocked my love for my husband, I blocked God’s love coming through each of us to the other.  It’s similar to what you said on your radio show that by doubting you were channeling Mary Magdalene, you were doubting God. I still wish my husband could have lived, but if he had I would most likely have continued on the same path of blocked love.

I know it’s way too soon, but I want so much to have another chance at a love partnership in this lifetime—a chance to keep love in the forefront instead of taking it for granted, forgetting it, letting it get overshadowed by day-to-day concerns, habits, irritations. A chance to stay awake in it.

I send love to you. Thanks for doing what you do.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Relationships in the New Energy

From Lady Mary

Part 2 of a Message Given through Mercedes Kirkel on January 6, 2013

[Note: Lady Mary is the same being often referred to as Mother Mary.]


Now I would like to hear your questions. What would you like to ask of me, that I can be of service and help you. Please ask me now.


Question: The question I would like to ask is about relationships. There are so many of us right now that are searching for that special one and have a desire to join in a sacred relationship. We’re feeling almost like a struggle with this. What was the purpose of that?


Lady Mary:For many of you, your light was required in making this transition you have been going through in your world. It was very important that the shift in your world be the primary arena that your light was being given to. So there was an aspect that was called in of putting relationships on hold if they were not already formed, if they were not already strong and full relationships. This has been a part of what has been going on. It has been mysterious to many of you, whose hearts long for that kind of connection—which is natural—and wondering why that is not coming in, when you feel so ready, so prepared, and so desirous of having that strong love with another being.


This is changing now. It is part of this change that you are beginning to go through. Again, it will not be immediate and overnight, where everyone will immediately be in a relationship that they have dreamed of. But the field is open now. The new energy has come in. It has been grounded. It has been set in place. The frequency is there now; it is stable. So this is going to free up people to move forward in their personal paths in ways that it was asked that this be on hold for a period of time prior to now.


We thank all of you who have given your light, your love, your service to this transformation of your world. The effect, let me assure you, is going beyond your world. It is not just this world that is being affected. The change that is happening is vast. Your part in it has been most important, each of you, and it has been required that your energy be given. But now that is being freed up. So you will find new openness, new ease in creating the love relationships that you desire.


For some of you, this will not be entirely on the same dimension as the one that you are primarily manifesting in. Some of your relationships will be in higher dimensions, where there are beings of higher dimensions, and you will find this very fulfilling and satisfying. It will not be, “Oh well, that’s nice but doesn’t really fill me the way that I am wanting.” For some of you it will be extremely satisfying and wonderful. For others of you, that will not be the case and your primary relationship will be on the same dimension in which you are primarily manifesting.


You also should know that part of the shift that you have gone through is that in the old form, the old consciousness, the old reality, partner relationships of an intimate kind were virtually the only kind of safe haven that you experienced for your heart, where you could open up to the depths of your being in a way that not only sustained you but fed you, kept you going, nurtured you. Now it is not going to be so. It is not going to be that that will be the only form through which you will be fed and sustained. More and more you will be forming families of light, communities of light, villages of light, networks of light, where you are feeding and supporting each other in many, many ways. This is going to create great freedom for you, great love, great support. It will allow you to expand your relationship possibilities.


You may still find yourself in wonderful partnership relationships with an intimate. These forms may also change. They may take new forms that in the past you did not think you would be involved in. But it will also be that you will be fed by many forms of relationships, many kinds. It will not be that you will be relying on one person, primarily, for your love, for your security, for your companionship, for your spiritual closeness, for so many things that in the past most people have looked to and received from their intimate relationships. Now it is going to be so much fuller. You will not feel the kind of desperation that so many of you have sadly experienced, feeling that you had to work so hard to survive—physically, emotionally, socially, however it was. This is also going to be changing.


You are going to be assured that you will be cared for, that you will be loved in this dimension in a new way. It is going to make life so much easier, so much happier, more joyful, so much more full because you are freed up to live your true life purpose, whatever that is, and are giving that and sharing that so fully and freely with others. Your world is going to be a different place. And the role of relationships in your world will change because of that.


But that does not cancel out, it does not negate that intimate relationships are one of the great joys of human beings. You will certainly continue to experience those and they will be supported in new, wonderful ways. And many will be coming in. That is part of this new time that is happening. We thank all those who have waited, which, we are so aware, has not always been easy. Thank you so much.


Question: Some of the people in my life are challenging to be with in a compassionate and loving way. I want to create a healthy boundary for myself with these beings. I want to release them with love and compassion, but I don’t always know how to do that gracefully. Can you offer any advice?


Lady Mary: Yes. I thank you for your question. This is something that many people struggle with and it is most valuable that you ask.


There is both inner work and outer work that you can do in relationship to people who are challenging in your life. The inner work is to ask yourself why you have called this person or this situation into your life. Even to get to that question is a step of responsibility that is valuable and not always easy for people to make. People oftentimes feel that they have no choice in the matter of what is manifesting in their life. But in reality, you have always had choice.


Some of the things in your life are things you have called in for particular reasons—to help you grow. There is a phrase that some people have used called “tough love.” When you have these kinds of difficult situations in your life, they are actually a form of tough love that you have given to yourself. They are helping you in some way.


Sometimes the people you have difficulties with are reflecting yourself in ways that are hard for you to see. But because you have manifested them, it is a sign that, through the law of attraction, you have called in that which is like yourself. There is some aspect of what is happening that is like yourself. Oftentimes, when you are struggling with it, it is because you do not realize the similarity. And so you do not see it as a gift, either. You see it as a burden or a hardship.


It is very valuable to look at the circumstances and the people in your life that you have difficulty with and say, “Why have I brought this into my life? Is this reflecting something in me that I need to look at? Is this circumstance or this action that the person is engaging similar to a circumstance I create or actions that I take?”


Or perhaps you call in a circumstance or a person because it supports you in a certain way. Actually it is always the case that it is supporting you in a certain way. If it were not supporting you, you would not be calling it in. So this is another question that you can ask yourself: “In what way is this situation supporting me? What am I getting out of being in this situation?” This may be difficult to see. It may be helpful to ask another person who you trust to help you with these questions, to see it from another perspective, because you may be hiding it from yourself. It may be something that you’re scared of facing about yourself, in some way or other.


When you get to the root of these questions, when you get to the place where you can answer these questions and it feels true for yourself—and you will know when you get there; you know within yourself when it has that ring of truth, when your body says, “Yes, ah-ha, this is what is really going on.” When you get to that place, it’s like a knot that unwinds. Suddenly you don’t need that outer circumstance anymore to reflect to you what’s going on. You’ve received the gift. You’ve received the lesson. And you can start to be in choice about how you want to respond to that circumstance, that lesson, whatever it was.


Once you start to make that response and you start to change yourself, you will see your outer circumstance change. You will no longer need that circumstance and you will no longer be calling it in. You will call something else in from the changes you make.


So that is the inner work that needs to be done. And it is important that you do that first. If you only do the outer work, you will simply create this same pattern, this same scenario in another circumstance or with another person in your life. This is because you have not changed what’s really at the root, what you’re doing that’s calling that situation in so that it manifests in your outer circumstance. So it is very valuable to do the inner work first.


Once you do that inner work, it will generally be easy to change the outer. You will be a different person and you will have a new freedom—energy will be freed up from the work that you have done. With this energy, and also with the clarity of new awareness and new consciousness that comes in, you will have much greater ease in creating a different circumstance in your outer world. This different circumstance may include all sorts of practical things. It may be that you spend less time with people who are difficult for you. You may choose to change certain circumstances. You might change your living circumstance, your work circumstance, whatever it is. But it will be much easier, because you’re a different person and you now have freed up energy and awareness to make this change. It will also be more joyful, because joy has been released for you in your life.


The final thing is that you will have compassion. When you have made these changes within yourself, then you will see that these other people who are difficult for you are simply struggling with their own growth, doing the best they know how with their life lessons and their growth. You will have compassion for them. That will be a very different circumstance than feeling that they are somehow controlling you. They will have lost their control over you. Then you will be free to love and have compassion.


Is this helpful to you?


Questioner: Yes. I feel that I do offer love and compassion. Sometimes it’s not received as that and it’s taken advantage of.


Lady Mary: You cannot engage the love and compassion until you do the inner work. Before that point it will never be felt as love and compassion. Love and compassion on the outer level alone is very limited in its scope, because you’re still struggling on the inner realm relative to these people. That is what you actually communicate outwardly, is your struggle. So people feel that.


When you have done the inner work, you become strong. You may not be able to change your circumstance. And certainly, you do not want to try to change the other people. That almost never works. And it is almost never beneficial to you or the other person to try to do that.


What you want is to love the other person. But you can only love them when you are free. As long as you are feeling controlled by them, you are not able to love them. It’s not possible. You need that love for yourself first. So put your attention on yourself. Give your love to yourself. Do your own work. Then it will unfold in a natural, true way that leaves you strong. You may not be able to affect the circumstance with the person, but you will be able to remain in love.


It is a beautiful thing that so many of you long to be compassionate and loving with people, even people that you have difficulty towards. But sometimes this is a gesture that actually creates a kind of a barrier, a wall, an artifice that is not most supportive for you or for others. True love, true compassion arises naturally on its own. It is natural to you to be compassionate and loving. If you are not compassionate and loving, you need to tend to yourself, not to the other person. It is not to try to superimpose, or even “inflict” compassion or love on another. It is to look at what you are suffering, what is your pain that is keeping you from being compassionate and loving, naturally. That is the work that is so important.


You see, you are always creating the outer world. You might think of it as being like your dreams. When you’re in the dream, it’s not so obvious that it’s a dream. Then you wake up and you think, “Oh, that was just a dream.” And it’s easy to think, “I just created that.” Sometimes you may think other things about your dreams. But there is an element with dreams where it’s much more obvious to you that you’re creating it, and that it can change very quickly. It doesn’t take long processes of great effort to change a dream. You can change a dream in an instant. And many of you do. Many of you know this power.


This realm is not any different. Just like a dream, you don’t have to go around fixing all the characters in your dream. Your work is with yourself, with your consciousness. As soon as that consciousness changes, the dream changes. So it is with this realm. It is just the same. This is going to become more and more apparent to you in this new time, and you will enjoy it most wonderfully. Your skills will come to you. You are young in these abilities of bringing this into this new period. So be patient with yourself. Be compassionate with yourself, first and foremost. It will come.


Question: I’ve noticed with these lighter energies that a lot of people are simplifying their lives, releasing a lot of their material possessions. There are also a lot of people that are feeling called to move geographically right now. If we are creating everything around us where we are, why do we feel such a calling at times to move to a different location? Is it about where we are on the Earth and helping her? Could you offer insight into that?


Mary: Yes. There could be different reasons. Because you are becoming more of an energy being, you are drawn to where the energies are most harmonized with your energy, or where you’re most harmonized with the energies of that place and the other beings of that place. So there’s a natural movement towards that energetic resonance. That is a big part of it.


For some people it may also have to do with service and your life purpose, your spiritual work. You may be called to a certain area that’s more in need of your service or more supportive of that. So both are true. But it’s fundamentally about energies. And that is why there is movement going on, because people are realigning energetically.


Are there other questions?


(Silence for a period of time)


I hold you all in my sphere of love, in a great sphere of love and light. I encourage you to refresh yourselves in this love and light regularly, so that you can more and more live in this space with others. You have a wonderful future ahead. I bless you. I thank you. I celebrate with you. My heart is with you.


With my blessings, I leave you now.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


What Happened on December 21st, 2012


From Lady Mary

Part 1 of a Message Given through Mercedes Kirkel
on January 6, 2013

Blessings to all who are gathered here, to all who will be receiving this at future times, to all beings everywhere who are open, who are moved to grow, to receive the light, to expand themselves, to be part of this wonderful shift that is happening in your world. I offer my blessings to all.


I am Lady Mary—Mother Mary to many of you. It is the same one.


I come to you today because this is a most beautiful time. It is a time in which you have been through much, many of you. And it is a time of wonderful new things coming in. Because I have such a special relationship with the beings of the Earth, I feel moved to speak to you at this time, to share with you and to try to help you in any way that I can about the time that you are in, this new time period. And so I begin and will do my best to talk about this.


Many of you were tuned in and very aware of the winter solstice that you just went through. Many of you heard many things about this being a very significant time, an important time. There was a wide range of what people were anticipating to happen at this time. Some thought it would be a time of hardship, of possible catastrophe, of possible ending of the world as you know it, figuratively or literally. Some thought that it would be a wonderful time, a transformative time, possibly the time when the Earth would shift into a higher state of reality and the people of the Earth would shift into a higher dimension. Some were not sure, some were open, some were cautious. There was a great spectrum of what people were anticipating.


Now you have moved through this time and some people are wondering what happened. Did anything happen? Some people are feeling quite sure that things did happen. Some people are perhaps feeling disappointed. Some people are relieved that the things they were anticipating did not happen. There is still a wide range of responses. So I would like to address this passage that you have just gone through.


To begin with I would like to say that this particular date was not standing in isolation. In some ways it was a center point that you were moving into, but that you have been moving into for a long period of time. So the changes that had been occurring didn’t just begin on December 21st. You have been leading up to them for many years. And they did not end on December 21st. They are continuing now.


Yet something did change at that time. It was an opening into a new portal of energy, which many of you felt. Some of you felt it as a lightening, a releasing from perhaps denser, more difficult energies that you’ve been experiencing. Some of you may have felt a certain level of purification, which is part of what can accompany moving into higher energies. Anything that is not fully matched to that energy, fully in harmony and in synch with that energy, can come up to be released. In that process of being released you will often experience the energy as it’s being released. So it can feel like you are going through a lower energy time, a difficult time, and it may be accompanied by various symptoms. Many of you are familiar with this. You often call it “ascension symptoms.” It is part of the process that you have been going through. So some of you may have experienced that, too, during this time, which may have come as a surprise.


Regardless of whether you experienced a lightening, or a more difficult time, or perhaps did not experience much of anything at all, it does not change that the energy has shifted. You are in the beginning phase of a lighter energy, which you may experience as lightness at the physical level, lightness at the energetic level, lightness at there actually being greater light in the world, lightness at the emotional level, lightness at the mind level. There are many things you might be experiencing. And you may be noticing that you feel different. It might have a subtle quality to it, but if you tune in you will notice that there is a different feeling. There is a sense of more light available to you in more easily accessible ways. This is a wonderful thing that your Earth has gone through, that your world has gone through, and that you have gone through.


Of course, how you use this will determine the way that it unfolds in the future. But in some ways you have already chosen your path as the Earth. You have chosen the path of greater light. You are coming out of a time of great darkness. You have chosen to leave that great darkness behind. You have chosen that the learning you received from this is complete, does not need to be repeated, does not need to be continued. You are moving into a time, a new age, of greater light. You will see the changes one by one, person by person, aspect by aspect. Of course, people will not be changing all at once. It will happen as a process. There may be some dramatic moments, but in general it will continue as a process. But you are going to see things getting easier, personally and collectively. That is a very wonderful thing.


You are going to start to realize your power to manifest the world you want, personally and collectively. You will wonder why you didn’t see it before, why you didn’t realize that this power was available to you. But you were involved in other forms of growth, other forms of learning. Now those forms are not necessary anymore and you can move forward.


You will see that it becomes easier to connect with people, to help other people, for other people to receive help, for you to receive help, for you to give help. The connection between all of you will become easier and stronger. The love that you have desired will start to become more literal in your world, more obvious, more manifest. These are all wonderful things that you are moving into.


The more people that move into this, the more that others will be helped to move into it. It is a tipping scale, where enough people are making this choice, enough people are living in this state, that it becomes much easier for the others who are in the process of choosing, have not yet chosen fully, to join you, to cross over, to create this new world together.


Not everything will be perfect immediately. It will take time. There will be things that will still be painful in your world, things that you identify with darkness, that you want to end. They will not immediately all disappear. But over time they will lessen, decrease, and eventually be gone. And you will be moving into a wonderful new age that your hearts have called in, that you all desire so much in your hearts.


So I come to reassure you of this and to support you in listening to yourself, in giving space to that part of yourself that may feel new, that may feel lighter, that may feel drawn to function in ways that you haven’t functioned before, that may be drawn to not function in ways that you’re familiar with, that seem necessary or even essential. Yet now you’re feeling a call to not do those things anymore. I support you in listening to that, in allowing that. You are giving birth to the new in yourself and in your world, and it will require change. You are fully up to it. You are strong, you are ready, and you are capable. This will be coming in.


Keep turned to the light. Be compassionate with those who are still drawn to aspects of darkness, but do not identify with them. Do not give energy to their draw to the darkness. Give love. Love them. Hold them in light. And show them your joy, your light, your brightness, your peace, your happiness, your heart space. Let your hearts be open and shown. It is safe to do this. Create a world that is about the heart. This will be a most wonderful world. This is your future. And I celebrate it with you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

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