The New Form Of Connecting With God
By Mercedes Kirkel January 22, 2014 My last blog post, “TRUST AND LET GO,” was a big leap of faith for me. As I shared in my newsletter: I feel very vulnerable when I put out messages that … Continue reading →
By Mercedes Kirkel January 22, 2014 My last blog post, “TRUST AND LET GO,” was a big leap of faith for me. As I shared in my newsletter: I feel very vulnerable when I put out messages that … Continue reading →
A Message from Mercedes Kirkel’s Guides and Higher Self Received on January 13, 2014 [NOTE FROM MERCEDES: This message was directed to me personally. I’m sharing this because my guides told me it would be helpful to others, as well.] … Continue reading →
Part 4 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel On November 7, 2013 Question: I would like to ask something regarding your sacred union with Yeshua while he was in a physical vessel and also after he ascended back into his light body. … Continue reading →
Part 3 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel On November 7, 2013 Question: Do we each have an individual path that we have already decided upon before our birth or are things changing as time moves on? For instance, … Continue reading →
By Mercedes Kirkel The last blog post, “Why Evil People Flourish While Good People Suffer,” generated more controversy than anything else I’ve posted to date! Most of the controversy involved people’s wide-ranging beliefs relative to evil and good, including what … Continue reading →
Part Two of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel On November 7, 2013 Question: Why do evil people constantly flourish while multitudes suffer for doing nothing or for doing the morally right thing? This dynamic is grotesquely out of proportion … Continue reading →
Part One of a Message Given to Mercedes Kirkel On November 7, 2013 Blessings beloveds. This is Mary Magdalene coming to you. I thank you so much, once again, for opening to me and for allowing me to communicate with … Continue reading →
Part 5 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel On October 3, 2013 Question: “What does a being who reaches enlightenment do after they pass away from this earth? What is their experience then? Mary Magdalene: I thank you for … Continue reading →
Part 4 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel On October 3, 2013 Question: I understand that we have a soul group/family. Are they the same? What is our soul family? Where would that family live or be? How … Continue reading →
Part 3 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel On October 3, 2013 Question: Which chakras or areas do people need to work on right now for their full illumination? What do you recommend to remove these blockages? Mary … Continue reading →