YESHUA and MARY MAGDALENE: Healing Sexual Abuse
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
Question: I’m an adult female who experienced childhood sexual abuse. How can I work with my Divine Masculine or my divine energy to heal? How can I feel more safe to explore and heal using my own sexuality?
Mary Magdalene: I want to first express my great grief that you have experienced this in your lifetime. I know you are not alone. So many have gone through this. We mourn for you and we understand the challenge that this has been. We are sorry.
This is one of the forms that the suppression of the Feminine has taken in your world. Not only that so many will be the recipients of this kind of abuse, but also that so many are so cut off from the Feminine that they are led to engage these actions of abuse with others. We greatly mourn this in your world.
The first step always is to heal yourself. This healing must be done very gently and very consciously. I imagine you have already done a great deal of work even to ask this question, even to be in this place with us today, and I acknowledge that. If there is a sense that there is any more work to do, take such good care of yourself.
This is how you can work with your inner Masculine: Call upon your inner Masculine to be your protector, to protect you and to take such good care of you, whatever you require. Let your inner Masculine be your guide to what is safe for you now. You may not have been able to protect yourself in the past, but let your inner Masculine become your protector. Begin to step-by-step rebuild your trust with your own inner Masculine, so you can learn to trust yourself again.
This is one of the greatest arenas that victims of abuse suffer—they lose trust in themselves. This is the place to begin. Very gently and very consciously, through your inner Feminine, ask your inner Masculine to begin to help you to rebuild trust, first and foremost in yourself and knowing that you can trust yourself. Take as long as you need for that.
When that begins to feel strong and full, then ask your inner Masculine to begin to help you find the guidance for going into the healing of anything that remains from the past event. This may include you finding one or more outer sources that you trust. Find those who you trust their ability and skills to help you, and who will provide a safe container for you for healing.
Do the work you need to do, which very likely will involve (to whatever extent it is not already complete) grieving what occurred. Grieve what you lost through those incidents. Grieve all the way through to the other side, to finding the place in you that knows what it is to be safe, to receive love that is safe, and where you only open if it is your choice to open.
You will find that pathway. It is there in you, because you know the loss of it. You can’t miss something unless you already know, on some level, what it is to have it. In some part of your being you know what that safety, love, and freedom of choice is. It can guide you. What it’s guiding you to is your divinity, because your ultimate safety is in God. Your ultimate love is with God. Your ultimate protection for your choice and your freedom to choose is with God. That is where your true healing will occur.
When that occurs, you will start to change and you will feel it. Your inner Feminine will be aware of it, and will be conscious and have clarity about what is happening to you. Then you will be ready to start to call in a different kind of relationship, if you choose. It is not required, ever, that anyone be in relationship. It is not necessary for you to be in relationship to receive all of the wonderful things that are guaranteed to occur for all of you, including the fullness of Divine Masculine-Feminine love. You will be at choice as to what is right for you. At that point you will be whole, and well ready to make that choice and follow through on whatever your choice is.
We offer you our fullest, fullest blessings, as we do for all those who have received abuse in this or other forms.
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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:
- Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
- Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
- Spiritual Mentoring
- Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction
Based in the Bay Area, California, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to
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