
MARY MAGDALENE: Do Abused Children Create Their Reality? — 3 Comments

  1. Beautiful! Beautiful soul… So bright yet so warm. My deep love and respect towards the Magdalene. Thank you, Mercedes for sharing.

  2. This would make sense except the human tendency to abuse and inflict pain is not necessarily common to all ethnic groups or endemic to the human condition – it is behavior taught by cultures that value domination over others , such as toxic patriarchies. Subject to natural law and the natural divinity that all human beings hold within, it does not stand to reason that violence is just another inevitable part of life (which it is not). Suggesting that someone would “choose” this experience , or that both inflicting or receiving abuse is a normal part of “soul growth”, is absurd. Whether you are actually channeling the Magdalene or not, normalizing violence does not motivate anyone to get to the root of the problem. Protest, not blind acceptance or forgiveness, is the only thing that will change the disgusting behavior of humans hurting humans (which is men abusing women 99% of the time). A two-year old girl is raped, her life is a misery, she is damaged goods, she spends 60 years “healing”, and no religion or religious figure in the world can respond to this satisfactorily. Try as you might, there is NO justification in this realm or the next for the crimes of senseless brutality.

  3. I’m very grateful for this message. In reading ‘Mary Magdalene Beckons’ I came to accept that we’ll receive everything we need in the way of guidance and understanding by allowing the process of feeling deeply to reconnect us to God and our divine qualities. And, for the most part, I was content with that. (I’ve already experienced the benefits of applying that process in my first week with the book.) But questions about where abuse, war and violence fit into the picture kept searing me. I know it will take some work to integrate this message into my life views, but I’m so appreciative to have this blog post to help me. Thank you, Mary Magdalene, and to Mercedes for being such a deep-hearted channel.

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