MARY MAGDALENE: Why People Get Ill
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On June 15, 2014
Question: I would like more insight into the area of illness. As a holistic practitioner, I have been exploring “soul illness” to see if I could find an explanation and/or cause for previously unexplained health issues. Can you help me to understand this?
Mary Magdalene: Hello to the dear one who asked this question and also to all who will be receiving my response. I am here and I offer you my blessings and love, as always.
The area of illness is a challenging one for many people on Earth. It is also a broad topic, as there are many reasons as to why someone may be ill. Once again, I will do my best to bring clarity to this topic.
To begin, I want to acknowledge that illness is a difficult condition that many experience. It is part of what makes Earth such a challenging place. There are many ways that people can suffer on the Earth, and illness is one of them. For most people, suffering is an intrinsic part of life on Earth. Feeling physical pain, unwellness, lack of full vitality, or diminished ability to function in one or more areas are some of the components of illness that make it challenging. I do not in any way wish to diminish that people experience hardship as part of illness, sometimes extreme hardship.
People also experience emotional pain with illness. There can be fear of death; frustration and sadness about not being able to participate in life in the way you are wanting or were hoping to do; fear of how you will manage and provide for your life needs and responsibilities; etc. So this is another component of pain that often accompanies illness.
Many people in your world today try to maintain a “positive” attitude in the midst of challenges such as illness. This can be because they are in denial and afraid of facing what’s going on with them. It might be because they don’t want to burden others with their hardship. Or it might be that they believe this is a more emotionally mature or spiritually advanced disposition toward suffering. I do not support any of these dispositions or beliefs. I believe that the most supportive orientation, for all involved, is to honestly and openly acknowledge your experience, especially your emotional experience.
Some people are so used to denying their emotional experience, that they may find it quite difficult to even be aware that they are having a painful experience. In such circumstances, coming to awareness of one’s own pain may be an accomplishment unto itself. This can be one reason why a person may be experiencing great pain or suffering in their life. They may need a very exaggerated or extreme circumstance to get them to finally become aware that they are in pain or suffering. This awareness is essential. It is not a form of being a “baby,” a “wimp,” a “complainer,” or anything like that. It is the first essential step to engaging the spiritual process with any challenge—in this case illness.
The second step, after becoming aware that you are experiencing difficulty or suffering, is to open yourself to it fully. I call this embracing the difficulty. This often will include communicating honestly to others what your experience is and the feelings you are having about it. This kind of communication can be difficult. Perhaps you will feel that you are failing in some way if you communicate your challenges to others. Perhaps others will react in ways you may not want or enjoy. They may be in denial and may try to talk you out of your pain and suffering. Or they may immediately try to fix your situation to make it go away—partly to contribute to you and partly to ease their own discomfort in hearing that you are in pain. This kind of “fixing” can include trying to analyze the source or cause; trying to reassure you; trying to distract you; or trying to find a solution. All of these things are not really helpful as a response. This may come as a surprise to those who are offering solutions that they believe might “fix” the problem. But this orientation is generally coming from a wrong orientation to the problem.
Difficulties in your life are always forms of spiritual gifts. If they are major difficulties, they are generally things you have chosen in the pre-life process as part of the experiences you will have in this lifetime to support your growth. Sometimes people refer to this as karma, but it is important to understand that it is not a form of punishment for your past-life deeds. It is always for your growth. If in a past life you caused others pain, you may need to experience pain in this lifetime, not as punishment, but to deeply understand the nature of pain and to choose in the future not to create pain for others. This would grow you in compassion and care for others. This is just one example of how a present-life circumstance can relate to past-life experiences.
A present-life difficulty does not always indicate that you caused difficulties for others in a previous life. It might be supporting you in other ways in your soul growth. Perhaps it is supporting you in opening to others and receiving their help. Perhaps it is supporting you in learning to value your relationships more than possessions or accomplishments in the physical world. There could be many diverse reasons why a difficult circumstance is helping you in some particular way in your soul growth.
The important thing is that you do not require knowledge of your past-life circumstances to accomplish the growth you are being called to. Everything you need is being given to you. The key to unlocking all of your resources is in your emotions, not in your mind. Once you become aware of your emotions, you can allow them to guide you to the lessons and growth you are needing. I have described this process many times and will describe it here again as a reminder.
I would like to use your recent illness, Mercedes, as an example. When people heard that you were ill, several who are healers and tuned into your energy body reported that they felt your illness was connected to fear. At first you did not think this was the case, as you were not aware of any fear you were experiencing. Then you connected with me and I gave you the message about the roots of your disturbance with your father’s medical care and choices that were being made about that. I talked about how you were experiencing anger, which was covering over deeper feelings of fear and sadness. You were feeling sad and powerless about providing the care you wanted for your father. At a deeper level, you were feeling afraid about losing your connection to father and inclusion in his life.
Several days after receiving the message from me, you connected your feelings about your father’s situation to your illness. You realized that the illness was really about your fear of losing your closeness and sense of family with your father. You weren’t aware of this fear and allowing yourself to do the work you needed to do relative to this, so you required an illness to bring it to your awareness. As soon as you became of aware of your fear and it’s roots within yourself of needing family and inclusion, you started to get well. You no longer required the illness to connect you with your next step of soul healing and growth. You were now doing this healing and growth within yourself, which is where all healing and growth truly happens.
In this circumstance, you reconnected within yourself to your inner divine qualities of family and inclusion. Really, the reconnection is always to God, but it happens in the form of the particular qualities in which you previously felt disconnected. When you connected to God, you felt full in the areas of family and inclusion. You actually felt full in all areas, but these were the two specific areas that had become disconnected in this scenario. It is as though two of your circuit breakers in your connection to God got disconnected. Through your awareness and opening to the feelings, and then following them to their source within yourself of the inner divine qualities that had become unfulfilled, you found where the circuit breakers were disconnected. The wonderful thing is that as soon as you find the disconnection, it is very easy to reconnect.
Once you’ve located the problem – the inner divine qualities that feel deficient or lacking in this situation—you can shift your awareness into your knowingness of these qualities in their fullness. You have the ability to know them that way because all of us “know” these qualities in their fullness. It is part of what constitutes the inner divinity that we all have. As you remember the qualities in their wholeness , you are doing what is necessary to reconnect those circuits and reestablish your wholeness of connection with God. It is that simple, yet it is completely profound and radically changes your relationship to the whole circumstance you’re involved in.
In your case, once you reconnected to your inner divine qualities of family and inclusion, in their already-fulfilled state, you came to great peace. You stopped being angry at the person who was making decisions you didn’t like and you came into acceptance and trust. When you had a conversation with that individual a few days later, you were in a state of peace and openness. You didn’t feel in conflict anymore and were able to see that everything was working out fine. Because of this, you had closeness and connection with that person, which fulfilled your needs for family and inclusion—but in a different form than the one you were clinging to previously.
Your symptoms also started to dramatically improve at that point and you started to feel much better very quickly, returning to the state of energy and well-being that you are used to. The illness was no longer necessary because the work had been accomplished.
Not all illness will clear as quickly and easily as yours did, though it might. Every circumstance is different, depending on the very unique and personal lessons that individual is seeking through their illness. Again, this is not a form of punishment. It is a form of growth, albeit a challenging one.
The souls who have chosen to incarnate in your realm are very brave ones, for your realm is a very difficult one, which supports great growth through challenging experiences. But it requires your active participation to do so.
The last thing I wish to say is that the process I am recommending requires awareness, which is quite different from analysis and rational thought. Awareness is more of a feeling-based disposition that allows one to remain open and focused, so that you can receive input about whatever experience is currently taking place. The knowledge, insight, or understanding you require will be given to you. It often feels like an “ah-ha” moment, a breakthrough, and is generally not accomplished through the rational/thinking mind. It is given at a higher level, through your higher mind. Relaxing the rational/thinking mind, as is done in meditation, can support the process of awareness and open your being to receive the wisdom and understanding you require from your higher mind.
There is a chart of the inner divine qualities in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons, which can be helpful to use in connecting with the inner divine qualities that are the key to any particular circumstance you are working with. Reviewing this chart can help you to identify which inner divine qualities are specifically involved in any circumstance. Again, do not use your thinking–mind to try to analyze or figure out which qualities are the ones involved. Instead, use your awareness in a spacious way to see which one you respond to with an emphatic “Yes, that’s it!” response. You will often feel this response in your body, emotions, or intuition. Eventually, as you become familiar with this process of identifying the inner divine qualities involved and come to know your own inner divine qualities, you will not require the chart. You will have internalized your own awareness of your inner divine qualities and will be able to identify them and connect with them directly through your inner healing and growth process. Giving labels to the various inner divine qualities is simply a support for guiding you in reconnecting with them, thereby allowing you to return to a state of greater wholeness and connection with God.
I love you most fully and bless you in your growth, healing, and understanding.
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including heart-based life-and-relationships coaching, guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual instruction and support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Resolving Issues With Family
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On June 11, 2014
[Note from Mercedes: This is a personal message Mary gave to me. My father has been recovering from surgery and I was feeling upset about not being included in some decisions relative to his circumstances and care.]
Blessings dear one. This is Mary Magdalene. You are disturbed about what is happening with your father and you are questioning what you have done to create this disturbance, wondering what it is that you are not seeing, and considering how this current situation is what you require for your growth.
These are all very valuable questions. I will do my best to support you with understanding your part in what is happening.
You are about to make a major life change by moving to a distant location. This kind of change affects everyone who has a relationship with you. And it affects your relating to those with whom you are connected, also. That is a great deal of what is happening.
Oftentimes when someone is leaving, there is grief that comes up for those who are connected to that person. This usually begins soon after learning that the person is leaving and can intensify as the departure approaches, especially if the grief is not brought out into the open and discussed by all those involved.
There are two ways that many people have learned to cope with grief, which are really both ways of avoiding the feeling of grief. One is to start to disconnect and remove oneself from the person who is leaving, even before they’re gone. This is a way of protecting oneself. The one who is remaining puts up a psychic wall of separation, which is a way of trying to not feel the pain. The problem with this is that the pain is still there; it’s just covered over by a new layer of defensiveness. The person may be acting as though they don’t need you or don’t want to be involved with you. In truth, the very fact that they’re doing that shows how deeply they are affected by the upcoming loss of their closeness with you.
The second way that people often cope with grief, which again is a form of not feeling the grief, is to get angry with the other person. Often this will manifest as “building a case” against them. Suddenly your feelings toward the other person change and you feel upset about one or more things with this person. Often these are things that weren’t disturbing you in the past, but suddenly become unbearable. This is another way of distancing yourself and creating psychic separation.
If you find yourself or others doing either of these things—suddenly becoming much more angry with the other person or suddenly distancing yourself—you will often find that it’s covering up feelings of hurt. And usually the hurt is not directly related to the issues involved in the anger or the separation, though it may be indirectly related.
In the circumstance that you’re in, both parties are feeling hurt. Your hurt is that you’re worried about your dad not having the care you would like him to have, both in terms of his physical care and handling his physical needs, but also at the emotional and social level. You are very competent at the emotional level, and because of this you’re also able to relate socially very well to your father and the other people he lives with who are older and sick. You are worried that your father’s emotional and social needs won’t get met the way that you would like if you are no longer with him as often as you have been for the last few years.
You are also worried about your dad’s physical care. Your anger is a cover-up for your pain of anticipating that your father’s quality of life will be diminished when you leave.
This is a control issue. You are trying to make things go the way you want them to, the way that you believe they “should” go. But this choice is not really yours to make. It was your father’s choice to be in this situation. You are trying to save him from his choices and it’s not working. In the process you are disturbing yourself and others.
You must come to accept and respect your father’s choices. Your father chose to put his current wife in charge of all aspects of his life. This was more than a choice in this lifetime. This was a choice that was made before he came into this life, in his pre-life state. It was a soul-level choice. In fact, he is still making this choice. Even though he has some level of decline in his mental functioning, he is still choosing to be most closely related to his wife and to trust her to make decisions for him. Even though he complains about some of her choices to you, this doesn’t change the fact that he is continuing to choose to put her in charge of his life.
This is something you must come to accept. He did not choose you. There is pain for you in this, which relates to pain from your childhood about wanting your father to choose you in certain ways and him making other choices. So there is healing for you to do relative to this.
The first step is to come into acceptance of reality. Your father is not choosing you in the way that you would like. You are not in charge of this situation. His wife is in charge and she is making decisions that are different from the ones you would like. All of that must be accepted. It must be accepted in a very deep way, so that your acceptance leads you to the underlying feelings that your resistance and anger are covering over.
Underneath your resistance and anger are great pain—pain that you can’t have the kind of life you would like with your father. Pain from when you were a child that your father didn’t choose you and your family in the way you wanted—and even needed. Instead he chose other things, such as work and keeping busy when he was at home. You have pain that your father left your mother and went on to two other wives, both of whom you didn’t have the same feeling of closeness and family with that you had with your mother. And now you have pain in this present circumstance that’s really a continuation of the old pain, wanting the closeness and family that you never had.
So you are bringing your baggage into this circumstance and you are not aware that you are doing so. You are being given this circumstance so that you can become aware of this baggage and heal it. The path to healing and to growth, as I have described before, is to open to the feeling, which in this case is your pain. Once you’ve opened to the pain, you must let the pain take you to its source within yourself. The source will be found in one or more of your inner divine qualities that are not being fulfilled.
In this circumstance, you are in pain because you want family and inclusion for yourself, and you want family and care for your dad. Do you see how this is related to your moving? By choosing to move away, you are worried that your dad won’t have family and care. You’re also sad that you won’t have family in the way you’ve known with your dad over the last few years, and worried you won’t be included in decisions about his life.
You must grieve. You must grieve that you don’t have the kind of family and inclusion you would like with your father. You must grieve that your father doesn’t have the kind of family and care you would like. How do you grieve? You grieve by feeling how important these things are to you: family, inclusion, and care. Let yourself feel the pain of not having them fulfilled in this circumstance. Do not try to run away from that pain or escape it through anger or separation. Let yourself feel the pain as much and as long as you need to, without deflecting it outward away from yourself, and without blaming yourself or others. Just feel. As soon as you feel ready, take the next step, which is to focus on the inner divine qualities themselves.
Focus on the pure qualities of family, inclusion, and care as these qualities live within yourself, in their wholeness. This is where the real healing will happen, because this is the true source of your pain. You have an internal weakness within yourself relative to your connection to family, inclusion, and care. This is in doubt or in question within yourself. The external situation is merely reflecting your own internal weakness back to yourself. This is where the real healing and growth will occur.
Let yourself feel how much you value the qualities of family, inclusion, and care. Let yourself grieve any feelings of sadness that may arise about these not being fulfilled for you, either in the present or the past. As soon as that grief subsides, let yourself return to the inner divine qualities themselves, as you know them in their wholeness. If you didn’t know the pure qualities of family, inclusion, and care, you wouldn’t feel sad at their loss or deficit. The fact that you’re upset about these qualities not being fulfilled is evidence that you know what it is for them to be fulfilled. So let yourself go into your own inner connection with the qualities of family, inclusion, and care as they live within you, in their already fulfilled state.
When you do this, you will notice that a shift takes place. You come to peace. You are being returned to your own wholeness, which is truly your wholeness in God. This is the work you must do within yourself for your own healing and growth. The “problem” is not outside of you. It is within you. You sensed this when you asked your initial questions about what you have done to create the circumstance you’re experiencing. You have called in this circumstance for your own healing, so that you could do this work and strengthen your own inner connections to family, inclusion, and care. When you have done the work, you then know yourself once again as whole and connected in these arenas. What has actually happened is that you have reconnected to your ultimate family of guides and soul family and God; you have reconnected to being included in the oneness of life; and you have reconnected to the care that God always has for you.
You are feeling this now, aren’t you? The shift in you is obvious. Now you can face the outer situation, because you will be coming from your wholeness and not your woundedness. Now you will have compassion for others, including understanding and awareness of what’s underneath their protective strategies, which is their woundedness and pain. And you will have clarity about what is best for you and for all. You will no longer try to control the situation. You will allow all to have their choices and you will respect those choices. You will trust that they are receiving the opportunities for their healing and growth, just as you are.
I love you, dear one, and I appreciate all the work and intention you put into your growth. You are a shining example of a being who is dedicated to their soul purpose and spiritual unfoldment, and I honor you for that.
In greatest love,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including heart-based life-and-relationships coaching, guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual instruction and support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: The Greater Abundance You Are Moving Toward
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On May 13, 2014
Question: How do I expand my receptivity and openness to greater financial abundance? I want to allow the flow of abundance, so that my struggle or constricted energy in relation to abundance can be gone and I can be free to put my energy into the work I do, rather than still having my focus on living in the physical world and supporting myself.
Mary Magdalene: As I imagine you are well aware, this is a challenge for many people who are dedicated light-workers on the Earth at this time.
There is a notion that is common in your world today that you are the creator of your reality and you can create the abundance that you want. Part of this belief is that if you are not experiencing abundance, it represents some blockage within yourself—which may be a mental blockage, a blockage based in your beliefs, or an emotional blockage. That is the idea that many people are proposing at this time.
Like many ideas, there is an aspect of truth and accuracy to this. Many people who are drawn to be light-workers do have blocks within themselves relative to abundance. Some of this is oftentimes an overlay from a past life. It can be a past life on Earth where you made a vow of not being abundant, because it was held that abundance was not part of the spiritual life. So you took on ideas and beliefs that to be spiritual meant being poor, impoverished, not being involved with receiving money and worldly goods. Sometimes this is affecting people.
But oftentimes it is a much deeper reason that is affecting people. It can be a personal reason, involving purifying something that has to do with you personally or learning about money in a certain way. These experiences of struggling and not having enough may be supporting you in that process, either through learning more about abundance and energy exchange, or perhaps supporting something very personal for you in your relationship to abundance and energy exchange. So there can be many personal reasons. But there are also larger reasons that are not broadly understood by people at this time.
Many of the people who are light-workers have soul-level memories and experiences of a different kind of abundance. This does not involve money. It does not involve being compensated for your work the way most people experience on the Earth. It involves a sharing of the Earth’s resources and supporting everyone on the Earth. At the soul level, those who are most awakened are not only those who remember this, but also those who are drawn to this higher level of abundance. This is an abundance that includes everyone, where no one is struggling to survive or anxious about their survival in any way, where everyone is supported for as long as they are choosing to be on Earth.
In fact, that is the way that it always works. Everyone is supported for as long as they are choosing to be here on Earth. But most people at the Earth level don’t recognize this. Even the more advanced spiritual souls, who we often call light-workers or light-beings, are not necessarily at the point yet where they are aware of this. So it is an interesting play because your survival is truly guaranteed. Yet when you are not aware of this, you may feel anxious about your survival. And that anxiousness may be blocking your receptivity with ease of, not just your survival, but all of your life-level needs. When you relax and start to trust that all of those needs will be provided, you are completely open to what’s already the case. They are provided because you are doing your soul-level work and you are meant to be here.
What most people don’t realize is that as long as you are doing your soul-level work, you will be supported. Your soul design is to do your spiritual work. And part of that spiritual work is to contribute, both to yourself and to the whole.
Truly, what human beings are moving into is a very different understanding of how life works altogether and what abundance is. Abundance is really opening yourself to receive everything that you are always being given so that you can do your spiritual work. True abundance only happens when that is the case for everyone. No one is truly abundant when there are those who are in need or in doubt as to whether their needs will be provided.
So the concept of abundance as a strictly individual matter is, in some ways, contrary to this greater abundance that humans are all moving toward. At the soul level, light-workers often find themselves somewhat torn or pulled in different directions, because their soul is aware of this movement toward this greater abundance and that is where they truly want to go. Yet they are in a physical circumstance and in their own spiritual evolution, where they oftentimes are not fully aware of all of the spiritual principles they are moving into. So in this very human circumstance, there is an awareness of needing to support oneself, as this greater spiritual principle has not yet been realized.
For humans like yourself, especially the ones who are more aware and are further along in this spiritual evolution that all humans are in the process of, it’s a bit of a dance because you’re somewhat betwixt and between. It is required that you still support yourself at the human level because this transition hasn’t yet been made on the broad scale for everyone. But it’s also true that you are absolutely supported and will be as long as it’s your time to be here, which is ultimately your soul’s choice. Some of your work while you’re here is to explore these different aspects of limitation, including financial limitation, that create your third dimension.
The best way I can suggest to approach this is with deep trust and love. Trust in the divine spirit that is in charge of all, love yourself and others, and bring as much humor and lightness as you can to it, as though it were a game in some ways. In some ways, that’s exactly what it is. It is a theatre, a game, however you want to look at it, for your growth. These lessons around abundance are truly lessons in greater surrender and greater letting go, much more than the practice that is popular today of trying to create abundance in a mental way. In some ways, that’s just a higher frequency or higher plane of trying to create abundance in a physical way. Both work, and there is truth to both of them. But neither one is where you are ultimately headed.
Where you are ultimately headed is into this profound trust and love of God, doing your work as you are guided and allowing yourself to be supported in the midst of that. If there are instances where you feel nervous or anxious about “Will I have enough, will I be supported?”, allow yourself to use that as a kind of housecleaning, a light shining on you to show you the areas where you can open to greater trust of God and turning it over to God.
Question: Is there something more I can do to attract the people I’m meant to assist in this lifetime?
Mary Magdalene: Absolutely. It is so simple: pray. Pray and ask for guidance. Ask for clarity. Ask for the people to be drawn to you, and for you to know and recognize whatever you need to do for that to be so. Ask for this to be supported, for it to happen easefully, and that it is for your highest good and the highest good of all. If that is your heart’s intention, that is absolutely what will happen.
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Relationships and Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Am I a Higher Being?
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
Question: Can you help me understand the individual connection I feel with you (Mary Magdalene) and Yeshua? I know we’re all connected, but this feels deeper than that. I don’t know if it’s my ego or if there is something more there.
Mary Magdalene: This is not something to question. It is real.
The physics of how these things work are quite complex, as you may already be aware. There are many levels of connection that beings can experience. Most often, with the type of connection I believe you’re talking about, this is a soul-level connection. You are part of a soul cluster and you are recognizing that. That is a beautiful and valuable thing to recognize and acknowledge.
Sadly, in your world there is oftentimes a discounting of the feelings that inform you of these kinds of connections. But truly, in your heart and in your higher self, you know if those feelings are true or not. The feelings that you are having are real. You will come to understand that more.
At the higher levels, souls come together in a very unified way, which is hard to explain to someone who is primarily experiencing the third dimension. At these higher levels, you still have a sense of your own soul connection. But depending on the level in which you are coming together, your unified field can be stronger. It may be more of the way you identify yourself, rather than through your individual soul nature. These unified groupings are soul families and soul groups.
There can be many beings who share this unified field and consciousness, and really, this unified being-ness. This is why there can be a number of people who say, “I feel like I was a particular being.” There are different explanations for this. It could have occurred as you actually being that individual soul. It could have occurred as you being connected through the physical realm—through ancestry—to that soul. It could have been through you having known that soul, being incarnated at the same time as that soul. But most often, most frequently, it is because you are soul family. That integration becomes a singular being at the higher levels. So there is an experience of very great . . . It’s beyond connection; it’s a oneness.
When a part of yourself opens to that, you feel this incredible, profound connection to the being who is perhaps representing that soul group or soul family, who is the archetype that is best known of that soul group in your world. You will feel a powerful identification with that being.
Ultimately you know whether this is so within yourself. At the third dimension, it can be difficult to acknowledge this kind of connection to yourself or others, because there are many beliefs that this is not so, this is not possible, that anyone claiming this is sick, or deluded, or at least inflated in their ego and off-course in the spiritual path. There are many such beliefs. But the truth rests within yourself. Within yourself, you know.
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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Relationships and Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Everything Is Your Creation
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On May 22, 2014
Question: Would you explain what you mean by “Your circumstances make it very clear what you need to do for your own growth”? Does it have to do with confronting one’s belief systems that underlie our feelings and thoughts?
Mary Magdalene: Hello my dear ones. It is Mary Magdalene, here to be with you again and to respond to your question. Thank you for asking this question. It is an important concept to understand, and I am most happy to clarify what I meant by that statement.
This question relates to the way that manifestation works, as part of creating your reality. Nothing that happens to you is random, even though many people in the third dimension think that life events are random. All of your experiences are things that you have chosen, at some level, for your growth. You chose some of them in your pre-birth state, when you were selecting your life experiences that would serve your next steps of growth. You have chosen some of them during your incarnation, either consciously or subconsciously. Everything is chosen. This understanding is a central part of becoming 100% responsible for your life. If you do not understand this, you tend to see yourself as a victim of circumstances or others’ actions and choices.
In the third dimension, coming to the realization that you have chosen everything in your life and are fully responsible for all the events in your life is part of your spiritual growth and awakening to higher-dimensional consciousness. If you do not yet understand this, you may have a reaction to hearing this. Perhaps you feel outraged, thinking “I would never have chosen these circumstances or events!” Perhaps you feel guilty, because you blame yourself for what has happened in your life. Or perhaps you feel depressed, thinking there must be something wrong with you, that you’re somehow defective or deficient if you’re having the experiences that you’re having. These are the most common reactions people have when they don’t yet understand what this fully means.
Awakening to the understanding that you choose everything in your life and are completely responsible for all your experiences is a huge accomplishment spiritually. Many people feel that they are responsible for their own choices and reactions, but not the choices and actions of others. Yet even this is a limited viewpoint, though certainly a step in becoming fully responsible for your life. However, the full realization of how you create reality involves accepting that everything is your creation, even the choices and actions of others. This is because you have attracted everything you experience to you, either through your pre-life choices or as a result of your choices, actions, beliefs, and emotions in this lifetime.
This means that if you are not happy with something that is happening in your life, your spiritual work is to see how you have created it and to make different choices, followed up by action. This is your path to growth. It is also your path to empowerment. If you are not responsible for what is happening in your life, then you don’t have the power to change it. You have given away your power of manifestation and creativity to others through your belief that they hold the power and not you. This is the essence of codependency. You believe that you are dependent on another to create your happiness and well-being.
When you come to fully understand and accept that you are at choice about everything and that you create your entire reality, and consequently are fully responsible for it, you become free. You are not dependent on others for your happiness or your spiritual path. You are not independent, in the sense of having nothing to do with others. You are simply free, which includes being fee to truly love. Someone who is in a codependent position cannot love freely and truly. Only a whole person can love.
Once you come to this disposition that you have chosen and created every circumstance in your life, you will see your outer circumstances as a projection of your inner reality. It is the “movie” of your psyche, animating the results of your choices for you to be able to see and become conscious of and experience your consciousness in a tangible way. It is the performance of the “play” of your life, the external dramatization of your inner consciousness. This is the reason you have come into this realm, to have this experience. When your inner consciousness gets animated outwardly through the events of your life, and you get to experience them in all the aspects of your being, then it becomes very clear what your weaknesses are and where you need to grow.
The primary communicators of this are your body and your emotions. These are the two clearest sources of information as to where you need to focus and change for your growth. Whenever you are having a physical or emotional experience that you aren’t enjoying, some kind of bodily or emotional pain, that is an indicator of an area that you need to change.
Thus, your path of growth is made obvious in the third dimension. If you become aware of your physical and emotional sensations of discomfort or pain, you will be guided to the specific areas you need to engage for your growth. When I speak of emotional pain, I am referring to what are often called “negative” emotions. I do not use that term because I do not find them negative at all. I think they are extremely beneficial, though often not easy to experience. Nonetheless, they are a great benefit to you, if you understand their function and make wise use of them.
In the book Mary Magdalene Beckons, I have spoken extensively about how to make use of painful emotions for reconnecting you to God, which is also the same as your spiritual growth. And so I recommend making use of that instruction to understand the next steps in accomplishing the spiritual growth that your experiences are directing you to.
I hope this has answered your question. I extend my love and blessings to you and all as you grow and expand in your spiritual journey.
With great heart love,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Relationships and Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Healing From Abuse
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On May 14, 2014
Hello dear ones. I come again to speak to you further about the process of creating your reality. I have given a number of communications about this recently, and I have been pleased with the responses many of you have made, demonstrating a depth of understanding of this topic—which is not an easy one to comprehend and accept in the third dimension. Yet I’m also aware that some of you still have confusion about this area. So I will once more try to clarify this topic.
I have said this before, but I feel it’s important to restate this: The idea that you create your reality is not intended as a form of blame. It is not a way of judging you, negatively or positively, for having painful or pleasurable experiences. It is not a subtle form of saying “It’s your fault that you’re experiencing this” or “If you don’t like this, stop complaining and create something different.” All of these positions are very limited ways of approaching this concept, which are not based in true understanding and are definitely not based in love and compassion. These types of responses, to others or toward yourself, are evidence of pain within the one making the response. The person who is reacting in this way is using the idea that everyone creates their reality as a way of avoiding the pain they’re experiencing in response to a particular circumstance. Perhaps they don’t know how to deal with the pain that circumstance evokes for them, so they are using this concept as a way of releasing the pressure of their pain. It is a form of anger, which is often used for pressure release. And like anger, it generally causes more pain for the person receiving the anger, as well as the person expressing the anger.
I have gone to great lengths to explain a different way to respond to pain. This is especially recorded in my messages in the book Mary Magdalene Beckons. I will once again explain a different way to respond to pain. You must first understand that when you blame, or judge, or accuse another of doing something wrong, you are taking your pain and projecting it outward, in an attempt to rid yourself of your own painful feelings. Even when you blame yourself you are doing this. You have simply made yourself into an outward “other.” I do not recommend doing this, both because it creates more pain for everyone involved and because it doesn’t make use of the pain in the way that is productive and actually essential. Pain always has a gift for you. If you direct your pain outward, you miss the opportunity to receive the gift.
Instead of projecting your pain outward to others, I recommend taking it inward to yourself. In this circumstance let’s use the example of an adult who was abused as a child. Blaming those who performed the abuse would be directing your pain outward. I suggest that this is a kind of self-poisoning, as well as a poisoning of others. I don’t recommend this, but instead recommend another path. This is not to say that you are approving of the actions of those who engaged in the abuse, or even accepting those actions. You are not doing anything in relation to the actions of others—neither condemning, approving, or even accepting. You are not focusing on them at all.
Similarly, you are not condemning yourself. You are not using the idea that you created your reality to blame yourself for what occurred. This, too, is a kind of self-poisoning that will hurt you and keep you stuck, while depriving you of access to your actual help. Even though it may be true that you created this experience at some level, often in choices that were made in your pre-birth state of selecting your life circumstances, using this concept to condemn yourself is not beneficial. It is a way of staying in your mind, which is a form of self-protection—one which ultimately harms rather than protects. So I do not recommend punishing yourself with this concept. It will not help you.
Instead, I recommend going into your heart and doing the healing work you require there. In truth, this is the real circumstance that you have created. You have given yourself this opportunity for healing so that you can grow, not only in terms of the particular circumstance you are healing but ultimately in terms of deeper and greater parts of yourself that you most often are not even consciously aware of. The outer circumstance was simply the means to guide you to this healing, to open you to it, to make it real for you.
This of course is not easy work. It is profound work, often requiring great dedication, effort, courage, and time. And this is what you came into this life to do. You did not come here to simply have a good time and coast along at the superficial levels of experience. There is nothing wrong with having a good time and it certainly has its place in the bigger picture of all your experience. It feeds you and motivates you, and is part of what guides you to continue on your soul path. But it is not the whole picture, nor is it the purpose of your life. Your life is a vehicle for your soul’s growth, which you chose to further you in your progression toward reunion with God. The things that tend to grow you the most in the third dimension are your challenges and your painful experiences. So it is important and valuable to know how to respond to pain in ways that are most supportive of that soul growth. These ways also allow the most easeful transition through and beyond the pain. That, too, is a sign you can use to know that you are on the right path. When you are following your heart’s course, your pain will diminish and eventually resolve into peace, wisdom, and greater heart-openness. All of this can be understood as signs validating that you are on the correct path.
To return to the example I was using earlier of an adult who was abused as a child, I will now suggest what the steps might look like of going into your heart, as opposed to staying in your head and judging or blaming others or yourself. The first step of going into your heart is to acknowledge that you’re in pain. This is done through allowing yourself to truly feel the pain. Many people are afraid to do this because they fear that this will intensify their suffering and perhaps open them to the possibility of getting stuck forever in their pain. In fact, the reverse is true. If you stay in your head, judging and blaming others, you are prolonging and fixing the pain. Feeling the pain is the beginning of the process that allows the pain to complete and resolve. And it does not intensify the pain.
When you are in your head, you are already experiencing the pain. You simply are trying to cover it over and suppress it. But it does not go away when you do this. It simply submerges and continues to affect you at the subconscious level. It will affect you emotionally and physically. You will become hard, or cynical, or closed off. And you will likely become sick. So it is still operating at full intensity, only in other arenas that are more hidden from your conscious mind. You may think that you have gained some power and control through going to your mind and judging, but that is an illusion. You are simply hurting yourself and others.
Your real power is in your heart. And it begins with opening to your pain through feeling. This takes spiritual strength to do. Open yourself in your feeling to experience the pain. This may bring up intense feelings of hurt and sorrow. There may be great grief that you need to release. This is a natural process and is important, just the way that a child cries when he or she is hurt. You may not have allowed yourself to grieve at the time of the abuse, often because you were too shocked or in fear. Many people leave their bodies at the time of abuse in order to survive it. So this is a kind of returning fully to your body, especially your emotional and physical self. And it will likely produce deep mourning.
It may take time to fully experience this grieving, especially if the abuse happened over time. You have innate wisdom within yourself as to how much you can experience at any given time without overwhelming you. You may experience a portion of your grief and then have a period of time of integrating that before you’re ready to experience more. Thus, this process will take however much time it requires to complete itself. It can be helpful and supportive to have a loving, wise guide to help you though this grieving process. That may be a counselor, coach, spiritual leader or guide, friend, or whoever you trust to help you with this. Do not let them take you back into your mind by focusing on the other(s) or analyzing what occurred, and resist your own tendencies to do so. Instead stay in the pure feeling of experiencing your pain, just as a child does who is crying after experiencing a hurt.
Eventually, your pain will reside to the point that you can bring in your mind for a different function. You will use your mind to take you deeper within yourself to the source of your pain. This is the great difference in this process. It is based in the understanding that the source of your pain is not in your outer circumstances of whatever occurred. The deep source of your pain is within yourself.
Within everyone are pure divine qualities, which I have called your inner divine qualities. These are beautiful aspects of your inner divinity, which are part of every human—something like your spiritual DNA. Whenever you are in pain, it is a signal that one or more of your inner divine qualities are needing help. Pain tells you that you are not presently experiencing one or more of your inner divine qualites as fulfilled. They need your attention to return them to their fulfilled state. In their fulfilled state, you are connected to God in that aspect. So another way of saying this is that you have become disconnected from God in this particular aspect.
You can use your mind to find the quality or qualities that are at the source of your pain. In the case of abuse, the qualities are often some combination of physical and emotional safety, respect for the sanctity of your body, dignity, and trust of others. In the circumstance of abuse, these inner divine qualities (or other related ones) were not fulfilled. Your deep healing involves these particular qualities within yourself.
Thus, the first step is to identify the inner divine qualities that were not fulfilled for you in the incidents of abuse. Only you will know which qualities are the ones that were involved for you. Others may guess, but they won’t know for sure. Only you will know for sure which ones were affected. Others may have been in similar circumstances, yet the inner divine qualities for them that were affected might be different. Even you may have been in similar circumstances at other times in your life, and those times may have involved different inner divine qualities than the present circumstance. You do not need to compare yourself to others or to your own experiences at at other times. Let yourself be present now, for what is true for you at this time.
You will know when you identify the real inner divine qualities that are involved because you will feel a clear energetic connection to those qualities. They will feel alive and you will feel a sense of aliveness in connecting with them. They have energy for you, like a live wire that is waiting to be reconnected to its intended circuit.
Once you have identified the inner divine qualities that are alive for you in this circumstance, then you are ready to do the next step. This involves a shift within your awareness. You are going to shift from the feeling of deficit in these qualities, which was caused by the external event, into remembering and connecting with your inner experience of these qualities in their wholeness. Begin with the one or two qualities that seem most important in this situation, the ones that have the most energy for you. Then go inside and give yourself the experience of what it’s like for you when these qualities are fulfilled. You might experience this viscerally, visually, auditorially, through memories arising, or emotionally. Let yourself rest in the experience until it is full and strong for you, such that you have shifted into a sense of being in the fulfilled state.
This is something like repairing a circuit breaker within yourself. You are flipping the switch back to the “on” position of this circuit being fully reconnected. You are truly reconnecting with God, because you got disconnected through the trauma. You will recognize this reconnection because you will experience peace and a sense of openness.
At this point, in the case of abuse, you will likely need a period of reintegration of this fulfilled state within yourself. Again, this may require time to become stable. This is the real healing work. Give yourself as much time as you need, which might be days or months. You will know when this stage is complete because your energy for action will return. It is like an animal coming out of hibernation or a butterfly emerging from the cocoon.
When your healing is complete at the inner level, you are now ready to make any changes you choose at the outer level. Perhaps you will want to take certain steps towards others involved in the abuse. This is where outer healing can occur. Perhaps there are steps of forgiveness you wish to engage, either directly with those involved or energetically without direct contact. Perhaps there are steps you wish to take of creating boundaries that support you. Perhaps there are new directions you wish to take in your life or things you no longer want to continue doing. Often there are new insights and understandings that have emerged, which you are now ready to integrate into yourself and your future choices. All of this will be done from the energy of wholeness and self-love you have come to from your inner healing, which allows you to move into greater love for others, without compromising yourself. This is the full completion and growth into your next stage stage of greater love and consciousness. This is the completion of the soul work you have come to do and for which you created this circumstance.
I hope this has been helpful as a further clarification of the process, so you can better understand how you can respond and make use of the concept that individuals create their reality. The most important thing that will help you is to resist the tendency to use this concept to separate from others (or yourself) through judgment and blame. Whenever that is arising, use it an indicator that you are in pain and do your work to receive the gift and growth of your own pain.
I love you most dearly and am honored to help to the best of my ability.
With fullest blessings,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Communication and Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Do Abused Children Create Their Reality?
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On May 5, 2014
Question: Some people have a hard time with the idea that we create everything we experience when they think about people who are suffering. For example, did a child who has been sexually abused create that experience? Can you help explain this?
Mary Magdalene: Hello my dearest one. I come with my heart full of love for you and for all who share this question and will be tuning in to the answer. This is an age-old question that has troubled humans for time immemorial. Often it has been asked in this form: If God exists, why does He (or She) allow suffering?
Once again I will do my best to answer and to shed light on this question, so as to bring understanding, peace, and hopefully greater connection to God and the spiritual process. I will specifically address the question you initially asked of why, if humans create their own reality, is there suffering, especially in situations where those suffering seem helpless. I will take the example you offered of children who are sexually abused.
The first thing I want to acknowledge is that there is great suffering in these circumstances, both on the part of those receiving the abuse as well as on the part of those providing the abuse, though of course the forms of suffering are different. For now, let us focus on those receiving the abuse. I want to clarify that I see their suffering as absolutely real and often extremely difficult and painful for them, both at the time it occurs and afterward in terms of how it affects their life. I do not wish to deny or minimize this pain and suffering in any way.
When someone is in great pain or suffering in the third dimension, it is easy and often common to view them as a victim. When I use the term “victim,” I am referring to more than just the facts about their situation and the pain or suffering that they are experiencing as a result of that situation. I am referring to something else that is added to all of that. It is the idea that they are the recipients of some form of wrongdoing and that they are innocent in a way that makes them somehow more holy or pure or elevated, and certainly better than the one(s) who engaged the abuse in relation to them.
This is a very tender topic and I wish to discuss it with the utmost sensitivity and care for those who have gone through such situations and experienced great pain and suffering as a result. I have great compassion for such ones, and I am not saying that I like or support what occurred. I do not like or support any form of violence or harm done toward another. In fact, I see this as a huge part of the spiritual process beings at the third dimension are learning about and growing beyond—learning that it is not beneficial for anyone when harm is done to another, whether you are on the side of the one(s) doing or receiving the harm.
Because this is such a significant lesson in your dimension, a great deal of peoples’ life-lessons in their many incarnations are devoted to exploring this. This exploration happens in the form of taking on different experiences of the same issue in different lifetimes. In one lifetime a soul may be an abuser and in another lifetime the recipient of abuse. This is how souls learn all the different aspects of an issue.
When you are considering a particular soul who is in a particular situation, you must look at more than just that isolated lifetime to truly understand what is occurring in the greater spiritual picture. This is difficult for most humans, because most of you do not remember previous lifetimes—your own or others’. This is part of the design of your world, so that you can have the purest experience of your present lifetime, without being influenced by your prior knowledge. When you die and are returned to your inter-life state, you will remember your previous lifetimes and you will be able to understand your current lifetime in the greater context of all your lifetimes. This is when you will harvest the growth and fruits of your experiences in this lifetime and integrate with your full soul nature. This will prepare you to continue on with your soul journey in whatever way will serve your next stage of growth.
Many people on earth do not understand this process fully. Many do not believe in the greater picture of the soul’s journey, which includes many reincarnations. And many people do not understand how that relates to what occurs in your present life. This is compounded by the consciousness of the third dimension, which adds in ideas that you ultimately must transcend.
One of the ideas is that you have no choice over what happens to you. This is very much a part of the victim consciousness I was referring to earlier. This idea is especially strong for people when they think of children. Children are seen as “blank slates” that have no choice about their circumstances.
But the reality is that everyone has exercised choice about their circumstances in the pre-life state. You have a great deal of choice at that time about the circumstances and events of the life you are about to incarnate into, including what will happen to you when you are a child. Those who are in circumstances of abuse have, in general, chosen that as part of their life path.
Why would a soul make a choice to be abused as a child? One possibility is that they themselves have been an abuser in another incarnation. This is a painful thought for many who have been recipients of abuse, because they have experienced the pain and suffering that resulted from their abuse and it is additionally painful to consider that they may have caused similar pain and suffering for others. Yet isn’t this exactly the kind of insight and understanding that any soul would need in order to grow beyond the pattern of inflicting pain and suffering on others?
It is not that they have incarnated into a situation of abuse as punishment for their past deeds or because they need to suffer to absolve themselves of sin. These are human ideas that have been superimposed upon you. The real reason is all about soul growth. Many at the human level do not understand what the results are of inflicting pain and suffering on others, and so they need to learn these lessons and grow beyond the stage where it is still attractive to inflict pain and suffering. This kind of soul growth generally happens through experiences in the real world, and it most often happens over a series of many lifetimes.
Right now your world is riddled with circumstances of people inflicting pain and suffering on others. This happens physically, in cases such as war, domestic violence, crime, bullying, torture, and all kinds of physical acts that are tolerated socially but that result in pain and suffering for individuals or groups. This happens financially and socially, where individuals or groups are deprived of well-being by others. And it happens emotionally, where people are hurt by others at the emotional level in all kinds of ways. The inflicting of emotional pain is perhaps the most pervasive, and also the most subtle level of pain and suffering that is woven into the fabric of life in the third dimension.
Everyone who is still appearing in the third dimension is still in the process of growing beyond this consciousness and its resultant manifestation. You are growing beyond the consciousness that it is OK or necessary to hurt others. It is not necessary and it is not beneficial—to anyone. But you are all in the process of learning this.
Again, this may be difficult to hear, take in, and believe for many. You may feel that you do not hurt anyone—that it is others that hurt people but not you. You may feel that you or others are victims and are not responsible for the pain or suffering that you or others are feeling and experiencing. These are hallmarks of third-dimensional consciousness. They are based in separation and also in the belief of “me versus them,” that “I am fine, or good, or just, or of the light” and “others are dark, or evil, or bad, or the problem, or the cause of suffering.”
When you get to the place where you start to suspect yourself, you are making progress. When you get to the place of noticing the common denominator in all the various circumstances of your experience—that you are present in every one while all the other factors change—you are making progress. When you start to be more interested in your own growth and evolution than in pointing fingers at others, you are making progress. When you begin to go beyond blaming others or feeling separate from and superior to others who you experience as doing harm, you are making process. When you start to experience gratitude instead of resentment, you are making progress.
A person who has experienced abuse, at any age, may have a great deal of healing to do before they can get to the place of experiencing gratitude that is authentic, rather than an idea that they overlay on top of their suffering as a kind of suppression. That healing work is extremely important, including authentic grieving of their pain and suffering. True grieving is essential and is what will lead you to your soul’s growth. If that grieving is bypassed, the soul will likely require more experiences to receive those lessons.
At this time in your world, many do not understand and value the process of grieving. Many have substituted anger for grieving, being angry at the outer circumstances, and especially at those who seem to have caused the suffering, rather than doing the deep inner work to heal and grow from the suffering. Because of this, many people are stuck in their soul work. Ideas such as there being innocent victims are symptoms of such stuckness. To get beyond this, you require support from those who understand the grieving process and the spiritual gifts it provides.
This is why I gave the detailed instructions that are recorded in Mary Magdalene Beckons—to help people with this process of responding to pain and allow people to let their pain take them into greater union with God. The opportunity for such growth is why individuals chose their pain in the first place, even if they do not remember or realize that they did so.
It is also the case that some people have chosen the experience of receiving abuse, even as a child, as a form of service to the soul growth of the others involved. But most of the time the service is mutual. Everyone involved has chosen the circumstance because it provides the opportunity of soul growth for all.
I realize that there is tremendous pain and confusion in your world and that it is not easy to make sense of it all. I hope this has contributed to your understanding and your peace. Ultimately, I hope it has contributed to your ability to trust in God and surrender in the midst of that trust. That is your greatest resource and the most direct path of growth, as long as it is authentic.
I love you most fully and profoundly,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Communication and Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: How to Change Threatening Circumstances
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On April 27, 2014
Question: This point of time in human history is uniquely important because we are facing an ecological crisis and industrial collapse. The main reason for this threat is an outdated story/dream that economic exploitation of natural and human resources is beneficial. It seems that somehow this story/dream has to be changed in order for the planet to survive. However, you have said that changing someone else’s story is not productive. How can we bring forth the story that will change the current threatening situation in time?
Mary Magdalene: Hello my beloved one. Thank you for your question. I sense this is an important concern for you and that others share your question. The answer has some complexity to it and I will do my best to clarify the different aspects.
From my point of view there are many “stories” or beliefs that people are operating out of that are creating your world to be the way that it is today. Many of these stories are shared belief systems, which many people have agreed upon. Usually people are indoctrinated into these beliefs at a young age, through the beliefs that their parents hold, which are later reinforced by your various systems of education, religion, social norms and cultural beliefs, etc. Some of these beliefs are more obvious than others. For example, a belief that “You should follow the Bible” might be a more obvious belief structure that is shaping someone’s life. A less obvious belief might be that “You have to follow what the authorities tell you to do.” An example of an even deeper and less obvious belief is “Right and wrong are real” or “You get rewarded for doing the right thing and punished for doing the wrong thing.”
I would suggest that everything in your world is determined by beliefs. Your whole third-dimensional world is a creation of both the mass beliefs of everyone involved and the individual beliefs of each person participating. If any particular person—in this case you—would like to change your reality, you have the power to do so. The key is through your own beliefs.
If you change your beliefs, the reality you experience will change. If you are not happy with your present reality, your work and your opportunity is to look at your own beliefs that are creating that reality. This is not an easy thing for most people to do. It takes spiritual strength and skill to do this. This is why people often enlist the help of others to support them in this kind of work—their guides and higher self, other friends who they trust to provide good counsel, or professionals such as counselors or spiritual teachers.
A huge part of the consciousness that creates third-dimensional thinking is the belief that one’s reality is being created by others, or an “other” in particular. If you listen to people talk about their relationship challenges, most often you will hear people recite a long list of shortcomings on their partner’s part that created all the difficulties. If it’s a political problem, it’s always the other side who’s at fault. You can see this in almost any human interaction in the third dimension. Of course, I’m exaggerating to say this is always the case, but it’s the hallmark of third-dimensional consciousness. There’s a sense of being separate from others, which is one story or belief system. There’s also a sense that right and wrong is real, which is another story or belief system. And there’s a sense of threat or deprivation—that your fundamental needs, beginning with survival, are at stake and you need to fight for these or you will be eradicated. This is possibly the deepest story or belief system in the third dimension and its attendant consciousness.
When you put all of these together, the result is a pervasive story of “me versus the others,” with the others being wrong, which is the primary form that fighting for your own survival takes in the third dimension. The story is that if someone can prove “the other” to be wrong, then the person who is now “right” is entitled to get their needs met, whatever those needs are in that particular circumstance.
This obviously is irrational when you look at it this way. Why should some be entitled to get their needs met and others not entitled? This is another story that is pervasive in the third-dimensional consciousness. When you bring it to the light of consciousness, you can see that it’s the kind of story that a young child, who doesn’t have very much relational sophistication, might create. Yet it truly is a story that pervades your world.
It is absolutely true that one aspect of everyone’s spiritual work in the third dimension is to become conscious of the stories that are creating your reality. But you must realize that ultimately they are all your stories. This might be very hard medicine to take in. You might prefer to see yourself as the innocent victim, suffering the effects of powerful forces that you have no control over. But that is not actually the case.
If you are telling yourself that others are creating the situation in your world of exploitation of human and natural resources, and you want to change that, you must go further in your enquiry. You must discover your own personal story that is creating that scenario. Is your story that you have no power? Is your story that you must oppose others and fight to have your own needs met? Is your story that you must prove yourself to others, attain their validation in order to have what you want? Your work is to unearth your own story that is creating this circumstance in your life. To do so, you will need to release your focus on what others are doing to create this. In other words, you will need to disentangle yourself from the story or belief that your life is controlled by others. This alone takes great spiritual fortitude. Essentially you are releasing yourself from the third-dimensional consciousness.
This is the ultimate work that all of you have come here to do—to grow beyond the third-dimensional consciousness. The issues you see around you that might seem like crises or dire circumstances are really just vehicles for that growth. That is not to say that you should dissociate from the world, because then you would be dissociating from your opportunities for growth. It is to say that you should participate in the world at the greatest spiritual depth you are capable of. Perhaps your current level of depth will lead you to oppose some others, which may be for your highest growth at this time. Eventually you will see that it is not necessary to oppose others. Eventually you will see that there are no “others” to oppose. It was all you all along.
But this is something to be realized. It is not another belief or story to adopt through the mind. All of the true stories are profound parts of yourself that you integrate through your experience. If not, the story just becomes mental clutter that blocks your true growth.
I hope this has been helpful to you. I commend you for your obvious dedication to your own growth as well as to serving your world. I fully trust this is leading you to the perfect experiences for your growth and evolution, which does not mean your experiences are easy or pleasurable. Nonetheless, at the deepest level I believe all experiences are guided by the benign forces of the great plan of spiritual growth and evolution that is leading all beings forward in our reunion with God.
In great love and fullest blessings,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Communication and Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Which Story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene Is True?
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On April 13, 2014
Question: The recent validation by scientists of a scrap of papyrus that has the words “Jesus” and “my wife” on it is raising questions for many people relative to whether Yeshua (Jesus) was married. At the same time, I have received a number of questions from people wanting to know what really happened in your and Yeshua’s incarnation 2,000 years ago, such as: Were you married? Were you sexual? Did you have children? What happened to your children? Did Yeshua survive the crucifixion? Was Yeshua born through immaculate conception? Is Yeshua buried in Israel or France or India?
In your communications to me, you have chosen to say very little about your own and Yeshua’s lives. I have understood this as an intentional choice on your part to focus on human beings in the present time and how you can help us to grow.
I have been comfortable with that, because I feel deeply fulfilled by my present time connection with you and the tremendous gifts you’ve offered to help me and others in our lives. But I feel other people’s desire to want to know what actually happened with you and Yeshua, and this stirs up something in me. I feel torn—I want to contribute to people’s peace and understanding, and I also feel reluctant to enter into this whole arena of saying what is true, somehow sensing that it may not be the path I’m meant to take. Can you help me with this?
Mary Magdalene: Blessings dear sister. I can feel the turbulence in your heart of wanting to understand something that is confusing to you. I would like to help you and will do my best to bring clarity and peace to what you have asked. Of course, this is a huge topic. So I may need to address it in more than one session. We will see how far we can get with it today.
It seems that most of the questions people are asking of you and of others, if not all, are based on people wanting to know what really happened in the past. So I would like to begin with addressing this, because it is really the underlying issue. Can you, or anyone, know what happened? Is it necessary to know what happened? Is it important to know what happened? Why do people want to know what happened?
All of this relates to the way you learn and grow in the third dimension. In fact, the reason that higher beings come into manifestation in the third dimension is because of what people require in your dimension to learn and grow. Most of you require experiences based in your physical senses. You especially require to see, hear, and touch. If you have these experiences, then you believe something is real or true. So higher beings come into physical manifestation to give these experiences to people in the third dimension, so that people in the third dimension can trust that what that being says and does is real and true.
If that trust exists, there is the possibility that people in the third dimension will open their heart and mind to that higher being. Then the higher being can help people grow spiritually through the process of spiritual transmission—which means to give someone the direct experience of a higher dimension. Spiritual transmission can be given through sight (though seeing a being who brings this higher consciousness and affords individuals access to higher dimensions); through hearing the words of a being awakened to higher dimensions; or through receiving the touch of that being. These forms of spiritual transmission have been given the name “shaktipat” in the Indian tradition, where there is understanding of the efficacy and value of this kind of interchange. Touch is generally considered to be the strongest form, with sight second, and speech third.
You, yourself, have had many such experiences, both in your 3D physical life, and also through your contact with higher beings at subtle levels, such as your contact with me. So you understand this process of spiritual transmission very well.
For individuals who are not able to be physically present with higher beings in the third dimension, there are other avenues of receiving their spiritual transmission. These include viewing photographs and video recordings of those beings, hearing audio recordings, reading written recordings, and hearing the stories of those who have been in their physical company.
Stories are a particularly potent form of transmission in your third dimensional world, because in hearing a story, the listener or receiver has the possibility of identifying with the characters in the story and thus feeling the story come to life within them. This is an important process. It is actually much more than fantasy, though many people might attribute it to that and in so doing try to minimize its importance. But it is actually not just “mere” imagination. It is actually very important.
Why is this so important? It’s because this has everything to do with how creation takes place. You have a popular song in your culture that refers to this with an expression of something like “If I can dream it, I can be it.” There is great truth to this, more than most beings in your world currently understand or are aware of. I spoke about this in my communication to you several messages ago. [Note from Mercedes: Mary is referring to the blog post titled “Are We Responsible For Everything We Experience?”] This is an understanding that you will fully come to know and integrate in the fourth dimension.
I have said in the past that the fourth dimension is very much like the place you are familiar with from your dreams when you sleep. It is a realm where you are much more aware of your ability to create, through your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Ultimately your ability to create comes from your total consciousness.
This is also true of the third dimension. But because the third dimension is physically based and seems much more fixed and immutable to most people than the higher dimensions (such as the realm you visit in your dreams), most people are not aware that the third dimension is also a place of creation. This concept is very new and unfamiliar to most people at the third-dimensional level.
Nonetheless, it is accurate that you are creating your reality through your consciousness at the third dimension. It’s just much harder to see and be aware of for most people. It is as though your realm is a movie or TV show that’s constantly being created by your consciousness. And you have taken the starring role! [Mary smiles.]
As I said before this is hard for many people to accept, because they are still entrenched in right-wrong thinking, and they blame themselves for things happening that they think are wrong or bad. This is all part of the great school of the third dimension, to grow beyond this kind of thinking. While pain and suffering are obviously an inherent part of the third dimension—and you will be glad to hear that they are not, for the most part, a part of the higher dimensions in the same, gross form—they are not evidence of someone doing something wrong. They are simply a form of learning that is helping you to grow into love and light. And it is a form of learning that all beings in the third dimension have freely chosen, because pain and suffering are such a powerful form for moving individuals forward quickly in their growth.
You may be wondering what all this has to do with the original question about what happened 2,000 years ago with me and with Jesus. It has to do with the power of stories as a particularly human form of learning and growth. When individuals hear a story, they will either resonate with it or not. They will discern at some level whether they trust the story, whether it seems believable to them, and whether it has value for them. If they decide it is believable and has value, they will let it into their consciousness. Then it becomes a part of them.
This is actually the same thing you do with any experience in life. When you encounter another person, you discern if you resonate with that person or not—if you trust them, if you relate to them, and if they have value for you. If these three criteria are met, then you will decide to open to them, in some way or other. And this will shape the course of your life, in some way or other.
The same is true of a story. If you open to it, it will shape the course of your life, in some way or other. If many people open to the same story, it will shape the course of your culture, in some way or other.
All of this is because you as an individual or a collective are creating your life based on your consciousness. It does not really matter whether that consciousness is based upon a physically perceived experience or a story. Either has the power to create your life, once you let it in. From our perspective in the higher dimensions, the difference is not significant. What you have experienced physically could be seen as a kind of story that your consciousness is having. And certainly your memory of what you’ve experienced in the past could be seen as a kind of story.
This relates to the expression in your time that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, as opposed to a human being have a spiritual experience. If you are rooted in the first statement, you could see your life, or anyone’s life, as a being immersed in a kind of story that you call human life. From that perspective, it becomes much less important to know what really happened, because you understand that if it’s just a story, then whatever “happened” is simply a choice of one possibility out of infinite possibilities. And that also is true in your earthly realm of everything you refer to as “real life.”
What is important in a story is not actually “what happened.” That is simply the means to give you something, some kind of experience. It may be the experience of having an adventure, growing in new ideas or understandings, or opening you emotionally in a way that deepens your heart. These tend to be the kinds of experiences you have in stories you come to value.
In your world at this time you have many different stories that exist about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. What is important is not the veracity of the various stories. That pursuit is going to draw you deeper into the third-dimensional consciousness of needing things to be “real,” which usually means provable in a physical way. And the ultimate result of that pursuit is to reinforce being limited to the physical dimension.
But you have another option, which is to see the stories more in the ways that we do at the higher dimensions. You can see these stories as vehicles of opening to spiritual reality, which really means opening to love and light, and ultimately opening to God. Depending on where someone is in their spiritual path and development, and the level of consciousness they are resonating at, different people will align themselves to different stories, because those are the ones that meet their own criteria of resonating with their experience and having value for them. So they will open to certain stories and not open to others. All people do this.
In the course of a particular individual’s lifetime, that person may align with a certain story at a certain point of their development and later outgrow that story as they develop further. Many of you have this experience relative to the story of Santa Claus, for example. When you were young, you held that story as true in a particular way. Later, you held it as a story that wasn’t factually true, but was either a sweet fiction, a reflection of a part of human nature, a myth based in certain cultural practices or historical figures, or a combination of these.
The stories that abound in your time about Jesus and myself are maintained by the consciousness of the people who believe in them. They are helpful for those people in their current level of spiritual growth. To try to change someone’s story is similar to trying to change their dreams. It is not going to be productive. They are opening themselves to that story because it is a fit for them at their stage and process in the current moment.
What’s more to the point are your own stories. [Note from Mercedes: Mary is addressing me personally at this point.] You could say that part of your story is to be in a world where different people have different stories and you don’t know how to reconcile this. My suggestion is that it’s not yours to reconcile, other than to consider the source of this scenario in your own consciousness. What does this reflect about you? Are you needing others to validate your “story” in order to trust it yourself? Are you needing others to believe what you believe in order to be accepted?
What does this say about you and your opening to love and light. What limit is this reflecting in you? And what are your options for going beyond that limit?
What if you were to accept all the diversity of stories as something like a huge fair with so many different possibilities. What if you could love them all, as different people in their process of growing into light and love? What if you were to release your sense of responsibility for knowing or communicating “the truth” to others, and simply could support them in discovering their truth in this moment and the story that reflects that for them?
This brings up fear for you, that others won’t understand what you’re doing if you try to do this. They might accuse you of being a fraud or a charlatan for supporting a “false” story. It is true, this has happened to many in the past, including yourself. [Note from Mercedes: Mary is referring to past lives of mine when I was persecuted for not supporting the generally held beliefs of the time.] So that is part of your growth in this lifetime, to go beyond your fear of not being accepted by others or being harmed by others’ lack of understanding.
And even these are stories you are creating. Your spiritual process in this moment may be to begin to create new stories for yourself, where others understand and value you. It really is that simple. But no, it is not easy, especially at the third dimension. Spiritual growth is not easy, but it is simple. And I am here to support you in it to the fullest extent I can. Because I love you. Profoundly.
And it will become simpler. As you grow, the things you struggled with in the past will become simpler and simpler. But this is for you to realize, as you inevitably will, as you grow.
I feel I have said enough for now. I love you and embrace you tenderly in my arms of care and compassion. Be well my dearest. You are precious and all of this is helping you to grow.
In love and gratitude,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers online courses, in-person retreats in France, and private sessions. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
MARY MAGDALENE: Taking Full Responsibility vs. Not Taking Things Personally
Part 2 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On April 6, 2014
[Note: This is a continuation of the previous post, titled “Are We Responsible For Everything We Experience?”]
Question: Some teach that we are 100% responsible for all we create in the world. For example, if someone is rude to us, that is something we created. Others, teach not to take things personally, i.e. I know what others say/do is about them, not about me. How do you see it?
Mary Magdalene: Hello dear ones. I return to you again to continue with my response to the question that has been asked. In my last communication, I addressed the first part of this question, explaining why you are responsible for the experiences you are having. Now I would like to address the second part of this question relative to the instruction some people have given to not take things personally.
This, too, is a complex thing to explain. Again I will do my best to clarify what is meant by this, as I see it.
I want to begin by explaining a certain context, which I believe is important to have in order to fully understand this. This relates to the two aspects of the Divine, which I have talked about extensively in the past. I refer to these two aspects as the Masculine and Feminine aspects of God, because that is the way I understand them most easily and directly. So I will use these terms of Masculine and Feminine. If labeling these aspects in that way doesn’t resonate with you, or perhaps is even repelling for you, please replace the terms with others that work for you. The labels are not what is important. It is the concepts and meanings that are valuable.
To recap what I mean by the Masculine and Feminine aspects of God, the Divine Masculine refers to the transcendental aspect of the Divine. It is that which is beyond or prior to manifestation. It is what is often referred to as the infinite or eternal. This quality of God was, in the past, especially focused on in your eastern religions as “going beyond” the world. In the west, this quality of God was found in the idea of heaven. Many of you have experienced this aspect of God through meditation.
The complementary, yet different, aspect of God, which I refer to as the Divine Feminine, is the aspect of God made manifest. You might call it the immanent God, as opposed to the transcendental God. This is God in form. This aspect of the Divine has been embodied in beings such as Jesus, Buddha, or Mohammed. However, it is much more than that. It’s about relating to all of manifestation as the Divine. This includes everything in manifestation—your entire world and all beings, human and nonhuman, as well as all worlds and all realms—all of the nonphysical realms in all of the dimensions. It is inconceivably vast. Of course, the Divine Masculine is inconceivably vast, also. They both are, but in different ways.
You might think of these two aspects as two sides of a coin. The transcendental is the realm of pure consciousness. And the immanent is the realm of consciousness made manifest. Both are true and real simultaneously. And both are the truth of you all the time. They are truly non-separate.
The reason I am going into so much detail of explaining this is because holding to one arena only, to the exclusion of the other, creates an imbalance of understanding relative to the full picture. Traditionally there has been a bias toward the Divine Masculine understanding of God, especially in your eastern religions. God was seen as something apart from your world and apart from yourself. It was assumed that if one seriously wanted to get closer to God it was necessary to detach from the world, based on the assumption that God is separate from the world.
In truth, God is both transcendental and immanent. Everything is God. This may only be a belief for most of you, but as you grow spiritually it will become more and more your reality. Separation is a hallmark of the third dimension. As you grow beyond the third dimension and its attendant consciousness, you will also grow beyond this view of God as other than or separate from manifestation.
This was a large part of what Yeshua came to teach. He came to teach love of self and love of others as God. This was a very radical idea in his time, and still is for most people—especially if you go beyond a cursory or superficial embrace of what this really means. He did not see himself as different from others, because he saw all as God. That was his truth and consciousness.
People experienced this consciousness in his company through the power of his being, the force-field of his consciousness, which was palpable and real when people were in his physical presence. This was truly the greatest “miracle” he performed—to allow people to experience his state and consciousness in his company. Unfortunately, most people didn’t have the ability to sustain this consciousness outside of his company. Because of this, they attributed it to him uniquely, making him into a God that was separate from themselves and all others. This is not what he wanted to communicate. Yet it was natural that it would occur, given the state of consciousness that most people had attained at that time.
Now you are living in a different time, when people are on the brink of breaking through to a higher state of consciousness, and with that moving into a higher dimension of reality. Many of you are opening to different ideas that suggest this higher state or that can support you in moving into it. The idea that everyone is fully responsible for their circumstance is one of those ideas. The idea that you shouldn’t take things personally is another one of those ideas. Yet they address different aspects of your reality and work in different ways.
The idea of not taking anything personally is a suggestion that is intended to move you into connecting more strongly with the Divine Masculine, or the transcendental aspect of God. The Divine Masculine is the epitome of impersonal-ness. When you are in a state of deeply connecting with the transcendental, you are moved beyond the circumstances and events of your manifest world. It then becomes natural to not relate to things in a personal way. There is a level of impersonal-ness or detachment to everything, including to yourself. This will often be accompanied by feelings of peace, freedom, and a sense of mental clarity as to how to engage your circumstance or what actions to take. This can be quite helpful in dealing with situations that are emotionally charged or button-pushing in some way. Your reactions to such circumstances can cause you to lose your connection to the transcendental, or what you might call the big picture. In such instances, a reminder to “not take things personally” can be helpful.
However, to truly not take things personally includes not taking yourself personally. It’s not meant to be understood as “what others do is about them and not me.” It’s meant to be used as a support for moving you into reconnecting with the transcendental position relative to the other person and yourself.
Simultaneous with the possibility of relating to things from the transcendental position is another option that is equally true, which is to say that every circumstance is both about you and the other person. This is because of what you might call “the law of manifestation”: that everyone is creating everything in their experience. If you are having the experience of someone else doing something, you both have created that because you both are experiencing it. This is the Feminine aspect of the Divine, because it involves being in relationship to everything in manifestation. You could say that this aspect of the Divine is completely personal, because you personally have created everything in your experience.
This is an example of how both the Divine Feminine and Masculine are simultaneously true. They may seem to be in conflict with each other from your third-dimensional point of view, but that is not actually the case. They are the ultimate complements.
The whole picture is that everything is really about you, because you manifested it and because everything is really one, including all of manifestation and manifest experience. At the same time, nothing is about you, because your true reality transcends all of this. Both are true. Always. To deny one or the other is to miss the point. To hold both at the same time is to be whole. It is a paradox and it is to be lived. Through the living, you will come to know the truth of it.
Taking everything as personal by taking full responsibility for everything leads to love and compassion and forgiveness and growth. Taking nothing as personal leads to peace, freedom, truth, and growth. The beauty of the Masculine and Feminine is that they love each other and are in complete union with each other in God. This is a model for how humans in your world can be in love with both aspects and embrace both aspects. That will serve your wholeness and expedite your growth more than anything else.
There has been harm done by only holding one or the other of these without a complete understanding of what it truly means, or without holding it in union with the other. Holding the idea of not taking things personally has been used as a way of separating oneself from others, and thus withholding love and compassion. This has been counterproductive to your spiritual growth. Similarly, holding the idea of people being 100% responsible for their reality has been used to blame others for their experience, which also blocks love and compassion. This has also been counterproductive to your spiritual growth.
Use these principles with care. They are guidelines for something you will come to realize, not ideas with which to insulate yourself or separate you from others. The result of these principles should be greater love compassion, consciousness, peace and freedom. If that’s not the result, you probably are not fully understanding them and they are not benefiting you.
I hope this has been helpful. I love you all so very much and deeply appreciate your sincerity of care and devotion to your spiritual growth and understanding.
With great love and blessings,
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Communication and Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
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