Divine Feminine-Masculine Union

MARY MAGDALENE: The Spirituality of Self-Acceptance


Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 19, 2014

Question: Mary, I’m very grateful for what you’ve said because I’m noticing that often spirituality is another way to bypass the body and go into realms that are not in the physical and human. I’ve heard that the next evolution of spirituality is actually authenticity and coming from the place of self-love and self-acceptance, where we don’t make ourselves wrong for the emotions that we have. They are just the emotions.


Mary Magdalene: It’s your body. How many of you make yourselves wrong for your body? How many of you don’t like your body and have rejected your body?


Questioner: So I can see this is in agreement. I’m glad to hear that.


Mary Magdalene: Yes.


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

Click here and go to www.sublime-union.com.


Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: The True Meaning of Easter

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On February 19, 2014


Blessings to all. This is Mary Magdalene and I come to you today in response to your question. You have asked about the meaning of the cross, and I am happy to respond to you about this.


Many associate the cross with Jesus—who I call Yeshua—and with Christianity. The cross is associated with the crucifix and with the idea that Jesus died for your sins. There is a great deal that could be said about all of this and I will do my best to cover as much as I can.


Many of the ideas that are currently held in your time are ideas about Yeshua that have been propagated by the Christian Church. There are many reasons why these ideas have been chosen and promoted. Not all of them have to do with things that occurred during Yeshua’s life or that were a part of his teaching. It is important to remember that the Christian church didn’t completely coalesce until several centuries after Yeshua’s life, and that it has continued to develop and change since its early beginnings. The report that the church has communicated about Yeshua’s life and the meaning behind it often has had more to do with what the church leaders were interested in than what actually occurred, or what Yeshua was teaching and wanted people to understand and receive.


I say all this because I think it is essential to put the idea of the cross in perspective. And all of this is true not only in relation to the cross, but to every aspect of Yeshua’s life and teaching. Much of what occurred and much of what he taught and wanted to transmit to people has been changed or lost over time. Because of this, you must be discerning as to what you believe and accept. Where did the ideas about Yeshua that you’ve heard come from? How do you know they are valid? How do the ideas feel to you? Do they support light and love within you? How do the people feel to you who are embracing and promoting those ideas? Do they feel full of light and love?


Remember that your feeling-sense is a much better barometer of truth than your mind. Do not be fooled by ideas if the feelings accompanying them do not uplift you. You must learn to exercise and grow your feeling-based discernment as a powerful tool for determining what is supportive to let in and what is better to discard.


Now, having laid that foundation of understanding for the context in which this is to be understood, I return to the original question about the meaning of the cross. The cross has been a symbol of many things since ancient times, long before the life of Yeshua and his crucifixion. This is why you will find it in other traditions and cultures, including those that pre-date Yeshua’s incarnation on Earth. It is a symbol of the connection between heaven and earth, or more accurately, between the divine in it’s transcendent form and manifestation on Earth. The top of the cross represents connection with the divine and the bottom of the cross represents connection with manifestion in the form of the Earth and the physical third-dimensional plane. The horizantal part of the cross represents human beings as the pivotal form on the Earth manifesting the union of the divine with third-dimensional matter.


The cross can also be seen as a representation of a human being, with the top part being the head, the horizontal part being the arms and hands, the lower part being the legs and feet, and the intersection of the vertical and horizontal being the heart. In this representation, the heart is shown to be central, that which brings everything together and out of which everything emanates. The centrality and importance of the heart was a foundational principle that underlay Yeshua’s teaching.


In your world today, the majority of people have become imbalanced with living predominantly in their head and being disconnected from and out of touch with their heart. This is a cause of a great deal of the problems you experience in your world. If you were to come back into balance and harmony with the heart being central and primary, many of your problems would be solved. Thus, this simple symbol of the cross holds a great secret for you in your present time as to what is before you to do in order to move forward spiritually.


Relative to the crucifixion, when Yeshua was crucified, there was more than one thing that was taking place. On one level, there were those in the religious institutions of the times who wanted to eliminate Yeshua, because he was challenging their structure. He wanted people to know God as love and compassion and forgiveness, and to realize their direct connection with God. This was different from what was being put forth through the Jewish temple at that time, which presented a fierce God of punishment and required people to follow many rules and institutionalized practices in order to stay in God’s graces. Those in power did not welcome the changes Yeshua was bringing, as it threatened their power and position. So there were those within the religious institutions of the times who wanted him eliminated.


There were also those within the political system and structure who were threatened by Yeshua, especially as people started to relate to him as a king, or “king of the Jews.” There was nervousness amongst the political leaders and authorities that Yeshua would revolt against the secular government and powers. There were those amongst the Jews who wanted this and hoped that Yeshua had come to lead that kind of uprising and revolt. But that was not Yeshua’s mission or interest. He had come to show people the way of bonding with a loving God and to be that bridge for people.


The crucifixion had another significance and role. This had to do with the popular hope amongst the Jews that a messiah would appear and deliver them spiritually from a long time of being downtrodden. This was different from the hope of those who wanted a political revolution. This was a spiritual emancipation into more blessed times. This belief was intertwined with the religious stories and mythologies of the time, many of which involved a divine ruler who died and was reborn. Through that rebirth, the blessings of the divine were brought to the people. This is a very pervasive spiritual story that can be found in many cultures. Perhaps the most prevalent at Yeshua’s time was the story of Osiris dying and being brought back to life through his wife and queen, Isis. There was an expectation in the consciousness of many people at the time that a messiah would manifest in this form. Accordingly, part of the purpose of the crucifixion was to fulfill this expectation, so that ordinary people could accept the teachings of Yeshua as true and take them in. Through fulfilling that expectation, people were able to open to Yeshua and accept him as a divine being.


The most important reason for the crucifixion, however, has largely been kept secret from people. The crucifixion was a profound process for bringing light to the Earth and implanting it within the Earth. At the time of Yeshua’s incarnation, the level of light on Earth had reached an all-time low. If the trajectory into darkness were to continue, it was likely that the Earth would not survive. Yeshua incarnated on Earth to change that. Through his own incarnation as an extremely high being of light, and through his incarnating in human form, he was able to bring a tremendous amount of light into the Earth-plane. His teaching was primarily directed at instructing people how they could similarly manifest and increase the light themselves, so that the process could continue to grow through others.


Yeshua’s exoteric teaching was a very simple form of this process of increasing the light, but nonetheless very real and effective, if people truly practiced it. In essence it was all about love and the power of love. His simplest instruction – to love God with all your heart and to love everyone as yourself – was truly sufficient to continue this process of anchoring light on the Earth. There was also an esoteric teaching, for those who were ready, with more specific practices for how to do this. Those of the Essene community were especially prepared to receive and participate at this level with Yeshua, but there were others, too.


A part of the process of anchoring light into the Earth that Yeshua came to perform, was the crucifixion. This was understood by those in the inner circle around Yeshua. He knew it and we knew it. It involved him sacrificing his life-energy in a tremendous feat of spiritual work. In the crucifixion, the cross became a grid of divine energy being brought into the Earth, something like the way a tree brings the energy of light down through its extremities above the ground, going down into the Earth through its roots. It was Yeshua’s life-energy that activated this circuitry and turned the cross into a spiritual grid and conductor for divine energy to flow into the Earth and be received by the Earth. It was a literal saving of the Earth herself as a living form, charging her up like a battery with God’s light. And it changed the course of your history on Earth. It was the turning point for the return of light into your world. It has been gradual but continuous since then, and today many of you are waking up to it.


This is the true event and meaning of Easter. It was the rebirth of Earth, a literal rebirth, at profound and very high levels of spiritual transformation.


It is not accurate that “Yeshua died for your sins” in the sense that you are evil, bad, wrong, damned, or anything like that. It is also not true that the acts of another can mitigate or remove your karma, or responsibility for your spiritual path. Each soul is responsible for themselves and their own spiritual path and results. However, if you were to interpret “sin” as separation from the light, then there is an element of truth in the expression that “Yeshua died for your sins.” For he chose to give his life to perform this huge transformational act of returning the Earth to a sufficiently high quotient of light.


And so, to return to your original question, the cross is ultimately a symbol for the infusion of God’s light into the Earth, the uniting of God and matter. Yeshua was that manifestation in human form, and through his choice to undergo the crucifixion, he brought that same light into the Earth herself, to store it and share it freely with all beings of the Earth.


This is part of why it is such a tragedy that so many are choosing to damage and even destroy the Earth at this time. That must be stopped and reversed, for the Earth is your source of physical as well as spiritual sustenance, because of the light that Yeshua infused Her with. You must make amends for the way that you are treating the Earth, and truly come to revere her and care for her as your most immediate spiritual source. For so she is. It is part of the return to loving the Feminine that is so necessary at this time.


Yeshua was a great lover of the Feminine. He understood and honored and loved the Feminine. Of this, I can attest. I received his love in limitless forms and amounts. And it was not limited to me. Yeshua’s love was boundless and given freely to all. He loved without limit of any kind. And he bequeathed his love to everyone through his love of the Earth, and his spiritual endowment of that love into the Earth. It is there for all in this time as well, waiting for you to receive and continue the process of raising the light on Earth. Those of you who are reading this are surely called to this purpose and are already on that path. My hope is that these words and explanation may help you to continue and go further in that process.


With great love,

I AM Mary Magdalene


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Note from Mercedes: If you feel served by Mary Magdalene’s messages and would like to make a donation to support the posting of these messages, I would greatly appreciate it. Just click on the button below. Thanks so much!


Receive the next book of messages from Mary Magdalene:

SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

Click here and go to www.sublime-union.com.


Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: The Way for Women to Become Empowered

Nymphe-by-Luis-Ricardo-FaleroPart 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 19, 2014

Question: Is there any way you want to assist us in our path and journey as women—to remember certain things, or to help and guide us in moving forward and upward?


Mary Magdalene: I have given much instruction about this in the past, much of which is recorded in the book Mary Magdalene Beckons.


The women are the leaders at this time, especially the leaders in being in the heart. Yet so many women at this time are not fully connected to their emotional body, which is the center of the Feminine essence. Being connected to the emotional body is so important for everyone, men and women. But women have much more access to their emotional body than men tend to. So women very much need to connect to their emotional body, for themselves and also to help the men. Coming from the mind is rampant for women at this time, even in the spiritual world.


Most of your spirituality today is very mentally based spirituality. In many ways, it is not supportive of the Feminine, and women in particular. There is very little in your world, and very little in your spirituality, that is supportive of the Feminine. There are certainly small pockets and individuals who support the Feminine. But so much of what is needed to connect to the Feminine is at the very ordinary level of staying connected to your emotions and connected to your physical body. It is not so much about going into the higher dimensions, doing the complicated work of healing this or that, connecting to this or that. It’s very simple. It’s about what you all already are, emotionally and physically. But most of you are not incarnating it, being it, filling it, because you’ve been trained to separate. You’ve been trained to go into your Masculine, very, very profoundly. Very few women understand the depth of this indoctrination to abandon the Feminine that has occurred.


Your work is very much in life. It’s very much moment-to-moment. It’s about being the body, being the emotions, being your sexuality, which doesn’t mean animating sexuality moment-to-moment. It means being connected to your sexual energy. Then you are in choice how you manifest that sexual energy in the world. The same is true of your emotions. It doesn’t mean you’re constantly having an emotional upheaval. It means you’re connected to your emotions. All of these are pathways of connection to God. For women, they’re so important. They’re your gifts. But so many of you are still very much separate from these gifts.


Separating people from these Feminine aspects of the body, emotions, and sexuality was done as a means of control, because your power is in your emotions, your physical body, and your sexual energy. So it was done to take away your power. The mind is nothing compared to these Feminine parts of yourself. The mind is your partner. The mind is your lover. It will be your great companion, your partner—but not until you become your emotional self, your physical self, and your sexual self. This is a huge work for women in your world today.


This work of reclaiming the Feminine parts of yourself is always something that anyone can do themselves. But as women, it is so natural to do this together, to support one another in this. The more that happens, the faster this transformation can occur. And this transformation is essential. It is so important.


Questioner: Yes, thank you


Mary Magdalene: Through reclaiming the Feminine, you will feed the Masculine. The Masculine needs the Feminine. The Feminine is the source of nurturing and empowerment. It’s food for the Masculine. The Masculine needs that food—the Masculine within yourself as well as the Masculine in the world.


Many are afraid of the Feminine. Embracing the Feminine is a courageous thing to do at this time. But it is absolutely necessary.


Questioner: Thank you for that. Thank you.


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Note from Mercedes: If you feel served by Mary Magdalene’s messages and would like to make a donation to support the posting of these messages, I would greatly appreciate it. Just click on the button below. Thanks so much!


Receive the next book of messages from Mary Magdalene:

SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

Click here and go to www.sublime-union.com.


Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: Masculine and Feminine Forms of Manifestation

Rider Waite Magician

Part 9 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: I have a question about manifesting. I’ve had times where I’ve had incredible things manifest from the most gentle of energies, where I have no agenda about something. On the other extreme, I’ve had incredible things manifest from a very demanding, forceful energy. I’ve always thought of those as the Masculine and Feminine energies working. I’ve also been really intrigued by what life is like if you marry those energies together, which I think is something you talk about. My sense is that if you really bring those together and really integrate them, it’s not just a little more connected, it’s like infinitely more connected, and the manifestation process is off the scale. Does that make sense?


Mary Magdalene: Absolutely.


It is important to understand that the Masculine is not about force. The Masculine can be incredibly powerful. And the Feminine can be incredibly powerful.


The Masculine is about will, intention, focus, directing toward a goal, and then progressing toward the goal. This is the Masculine in action. There is also the higher Masculine in quality, which is entirely about transcendence.


It seems to me that what you are describing are the forms of the Masculine and Feminine in action.


Questioner: That sounds right, yes.


Mary Magdalene: And I highly recommend the union.


Questioner: I’m looking forward to it.


Mary Magdalene: And so you should. (She laughs gently.)


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Receive the next book of messages from Mary Magdalene:

SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

Click here and go to www.sublime-union.com.


Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: The Book of Love

Image by Antonio Canova

Image by Antonio Canova

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 28, 2014

Question: Can you talk about The Book of Love and your part in that, since the actual book is still to be revealed?

Mary Magdalene: It will be seen if it is to be revealed. It was one of the forms of empowerment, as the gospels were intended to be. It is hidden. There were things that were done so that it would be most likely that the teaching would survive. It was understood—by Yeshua, by me, by those in the inner circle—that there would be a long period of time of struggle, of a kind of conflict, even warfare you might say against what was being brought forth. So it went underground.

It requires a certain level of love and consciousness to be held for this book to be useful and not be destroyed. There is work that must be done amongst humans first, amongst those who are awake, amongst all of you, amongst all the light workers, amongst all who are available, all who heed the call. It is the work of inner union, inner marriage, this inner love of the Masculine and Feminine.

This work will manifest in your outer world, absolutely. But the work is essentially done within each one. When this work is done within, it reaches out and connects with others who are doing this work. It forms a network. When that network is strong enough, then it will be possible for this book to surface and to do its work.

It is not a given. It depends on all of you. It would be most wonderful if that were to occur.

Questioner: Will there be a physical manifestation of that book any time soon, within the next year?

Mary Magdalene: That depends on you. It is more likely it will take more time. But it is not fixed.

Questioner: Thank you.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for Mercedes’s weekly newsletter.


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Receive the next book of messages from Mary Magdalene:

SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

Click here and go to www.sublime-union.com.


Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: The Power of the Gospels

Image by Vortix

Image by Vortix

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 28, 2014

Question: Would the revelation of the gospels, which you and Yeshua may have written, give insight we are lacking into the coming together of the Masculine and Feminine?

Mary Magdalene: It has largely been lost in terms of the verbal communication. But there was an empowerment in that teaching. Earlier, I spoke about this spiritual presence, this transmission, this empowerment. It is still alive in the gospels—even with the extraction of the meaning and the content. That is why so many are so passionate about the Bible, without understanding that it is not about trying to understand the meaning, for that has largely been extricated. It is about the life. “I am the life.” It is there in the gospels as life. It was there in my relationship with Yeshua. It was in our bodies. And it is in yourself.

So you can use that power. But it is not about finding the answer or reading the words and getting it through understanding the concepts. That is not where you will find it. Now it must be found through the transmission.

Questioner: Thank you.

Mary Magdalene: You are most welcome.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for Mercedes’s weekly newsletter.


If you would like to receive more messages like this,

Click here and sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.



Receive the next book of messages from Mary Magdalene:

SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

Click here and go to www.sublime-union.com.


Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: Let the Feminine Lead

Image By Giorgio Martini

Image By Giorgio Martini

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 28, 2014

Question: I seek greater balance, understanding, and connection to the love and worship of Mother Creator and to add love to my own soul. Sometimes I’m in balance with that and other times the blocks seem overwhelming to be healed.

Mary Magdalene: That’s because you are trying to heal them. You need to receive them. That’s your gift in the moment—something that is difficult or painful, those times that aren’t blissful or easeful or whatever. At those times, you think, “Oh, this must be something I need to fix. I need to do something to make this go away so I can get back to that wonderful, blissful, easeful space.” But that is not accurate.

What you need to do is receive the gift of the block. That is the perfect gift being given to you in that moment. And for many, many, many at this time, the greatest fear is to open to that. Yet opening to that is exactly what you need. Usually it will be an emotion that you are ultimately opening to—some great fear, some great pain, some tremendous loss, anger—whatever it is.

Then you must become skilled in the pathway of traversing where you need to go when you open to that emotion. It is not enough simply to open to the emotion without skill. You need skill. This is what I was teaching, or doing my best to teach, through the first book of Mary Magdalene Beckons. The pain is calling you to the place within yourself that has become cut off from God. Learn that skill, that practice, that pathway. Then you can use the painful emotion to reconnect yourself from your dissociation, your divorce from God. That is where your healing will occur, rather than in the way you tend to be thinking about it at this time.

Questioner: It’s been a very mental training of learning “What is the lesson of this? How do I release this? What do I do?” It’s like trying to manage my own receiving. It’s very exhausting.

Mary Magdalene: Yes! This is the Masculine way. (laughing) What I’m inviting you to is the Feminine way, which is the organic way. It is not entirely organic for you anymore because you have all been cut off from it. If that had not happened it would be very natural for you. But now you must apply yourself to it. And that is the real healing—to heal the blocks that have been implanted within yourself to this organic process, which will lead you to that Masculine understanding. But let the Feminine lead. That is the natural way.

The French have this wonderful expression: “Cherche la femme.” There is great wisdom in that. Follow the Feminine. Follow your body. Follow your emotions. Let it take you to your wholeness within, your inner divinity, to the healing that needs to happen there. Then quite of its own accord, the understanding, the insight, the lesson will be there for you. It will be offered to you freely and easily. And you will be back in harmony, strength, and union.

This is the pathway. It will not exhaust you. It will energize you. This will be one of the signs that you are on the path. When something is exhausting you, it is a sign that this is not the way. It is like swimming upstream. It is exhausting. It’s trying to tell you to turn around. Go the other way.

I am not explaining the full pathway at this time, because I have done that to a great extent through the communications in the book. Begin with that. If that is not clear, get help from one such as Mercedes, who understands this now and can help others. It is a great support and one that is so needed. When you become strong in it, you will become a helper to others. You will become a teacher. This is how it will spread.

Questioner: Thank you.

Mary Magdalene: You are most welcome. Thank you.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and http://www.marymagdalenebeckons.comTo receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for Mercedes’s weekly newsletter.


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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: The Meaning of “Blessed Are the Meek”

By Carly & Art from Washington, DC (Gamboling lamboling!)

By Carly & Art from Washington, DC (Gamboling lamboling!)

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 28, 2014

Question: I was a student of the biblical scriptures and I love the words of Jesus. I was once told by Archangel Michael that there was a lot of tampering with the scriptures but that the words of Jesus were for the most part preserved. I would like you to comment on the statement “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” To me it seems like he’s talking to the heart-based Feminine.


MaryMagdalene: The Feminine is not meek (laughing). This is a misunderstanding.


Questioner: Please elaborate.


MaryMagdalene: I would say that this is one of the passages that have been altered.


It has more to do with what you choose to get involved with. There are those who are very involved with what you might call earthly things. And there are those who are drawn to various things, and amongst those might be God and union with God. But there is nothing meek about this. Nothing could be stronger.


This was something that was used and altered to change the original meaning. The original meaning was “Blessed are those who are drawn to God more strongly than all of the involvements of the third dimension.” For most, being drawn to God is a process. It is a process within one’s life and it is a process over lifetimes.


There is a purpose in being incarnate. Your purpose is not supported by dissociating oneself from incarnation. To do that is to deny the gifts of being incarnate. This is a spiritual misunderstanding that many have had that has held you back, that has made you meek.


Whatever circumstance you are in, that is the gift before you. You do not need to change your circumstance and truly you do not need to change yourself. You simply need to receive the gift of that circumstance—deeply, profoundly—to the point that it opens your heart. It may even feel as though it is breaking your heart. But it is ultimately ecstasy and opening. That is the process.


So you do not need to become strong; you do not need to become meek. You do not need to be this; you do not need to be that. You need to open to what you are and what is presenting to you, because that is the perfect form of the gift for you right now, for your greater God communion.


Ultimately it is all God. It is not “This is God and this is not. This is the path and this is not.” It is all God. But until you realize that—not just think it but actually realize that—it will appear that some is God, some is not; some is “the way,” some is not. That is part of the illusion. But as long as it does appear that way, receive the gift. Receive what is happening to you right now in your life and let it open you to the growth that will bring you beyond this, to the greater union with God. That is the gift of incarnation in this realm.


It is actually so much simpler than so many realize. So much of your thinking complicates it so much more than it is. It is actually right in front of you, right here, right now. It is the bill that needs to be paid, the child that needs to be loved, the tooth that needs to be fixed—whatever it is. It’s always being given to you. God is infinitely gracious, always trying again and again through every moment to reach you and help you for exactly what you need.


Has this been of help to you?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: I am glad.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved.


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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: Changing Your Experience in the World

Image courtesy of Kasia from Warszawa (Warsaw), Polska (Poland) (Warszawa)

Image courtesy of Kasia from Warszawa (Warsaw), Polska (Poland) (Warszawa)

Received by Mercedes Kirkel On July 28, 2014

Questioner: There’s a tendency in this life to want to change what’s going on in the world. There are direct approaches to that, such as calling forth beings for healing or praying to change the circumstances. I have the impression that for you and the Magdalene energetic, it’s not about directly addressing these things. It’s about seeking more of the heart and the Feminine in the people that you’re gathering with. Is that correct?

Mary Magdalene: It is about becoming the fullness of the Masculine and the Feminine within yourself. When you do that, it will change who you gather with. (She laughs gently.) It will change what you experience in your world.


[Explanation from Mercedes: Mary has spoken in great detail about the differences between the Masculine and Feminine. In general, the approach of trying to change something would be a Masculine approach. In general, the approach of loving something would be a Feminine approach. What I understood Mary saying in this interchange was that neither approach is sufficient. The change Mary recommends is that of completing or fulfilling our inner Masculine and Feminine. When we do that, our outer reality will shift, because the outer is always a reflection of the inner.]


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved.


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SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

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Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

MARY MAGDALENE: The Limits of the Mind

Computer By Everaldo Coelho and YellowIcon

Computer By Everaldo Coelho and YellowIcon

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 28, 2014


Questioner: If I speak about the principles of what Yeshua taught, that’s really understandable to people. But when I say, “That’s what Jesus said,” suddenly a whole different conversation comes up. Then they seem to miss the principles. How would you work with that in the world we have today?


Mary Magdalene: What is the different conversation they go into?


Questioner: They talk about dying on the cross, salvation, and being a sinner, and they can’t really hear the idea that his teaching was about liberation or freedom.


Mary Magdalene: This is because the Feminine has been lost, so people have lost their power. Then they become prey to a form of mind control.


The most direct answer of how to change this, in my opinion, is to strengthen the Feminine. More than anything else, it is to strengthen the emotional body, which is a key component of the Feminine. Optimally, this must be done in childhood. Your young boys and young girls need this more than anything else. They will get it through your transformation, because children learn through their parents or whoever their adult caregivers are.


The work of strengthening the Feminine, and especially the emotional body, is necessary at any rate. It is also what will address the problem of which you speak most quickly and most powerfully. The mind is like a machine. In some ways, it is like your computers. It can be programmed for anything. Your computers are powerful, but they are not good at making judgments. They can be used for any purpose. So you require the physical body. You require the emotional body. You require the energy body. You require all of these to guide you, to know what is really for your highest and what is not, and to choose the higher.


This is the highest form of alchemy, because it is the alchemy of the inner union of the Masculine (in the form of the mind) and the Feminine (in the form of the body, emotions, and energy). This is the most powerful alchemy.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved.

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A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

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Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at www.sublime-union.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual instruction and support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.

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