
MARY MAGDALENE: The Importance of Asking

Image by Neo Luna

Image by Neo Luna

An Excerpt From
By Mercedes Kirkel 

Mary Magdalene: When you feel pain, turn to God. You may need a spiritual friend to help you in that moment if it is too hard for you to turn in the midst of pain. It is a good time to call on your strongest spiritual friend who will help you turn to God.


However you do it, through prayer or asking for help from another or meditating, turn to God first. Ask God to help you. Ask all your angels, Spirit helpers, and beings of light you’re connected to, to help you. Ask them to work with the situation. Ask them to connect with the Christ consciousness of the other people involved and to help you connect with Christ consciousness. Ask your Spirit helpers to connect with the Spirit helpers of any other beings involved. Ask for the highest outcome for all involved. Ask that, “Thy will be done,” which is a way of inviting the highest beings to be involved for the good of all. Ask that Christ consciousness be infused into the situation and that it alter the events in whatever way is for the best for all. Ask until you feel yourself let go. That is surrender. You will know it because you come to peace.


Ask to be guided as to what you should do. Then your actions will come from your connection to Christ consciousness, from your surrender and peace. You may do things you would never have thought of otherwise because your creativity has been opened up through your connection to Source. You are being infused with higher ideas. You might be guided to do what you would have done before you turned to God, but you will be doing it from a different place, from a place of peace and surrender.


Do this as often as you need to when you are in pain—physical pain or emotional pain. You might feel the surrender and peace for a while and then slip back into your old way of thinking—fearing the pain and worrying about what’s going to happen, perhaps feeling angry about what you think are the causes of the pain, maybe even angry about life or angry at God. “It’s not fair. Why me? What did I do to deserve this?” And so on. All of that is a sign that you’ve slipped back into your little mind, where you’re not connected to God. Then you need to take another step: go back to prayer, to meditation, to asking for help from someone stronger in that moment, to asking for help from God.


Asking is so important. We respect your free will. Even though we want to help you, we will not step in until you ask. We ask the same of you with others. Respect their free will. . . . Free choice is a divine attribute that you on Earth have been given, and respecting it is part of being aligned to the Divine. . . .


You are not alone. You are never alone. This is the greatest challenge for human beings to learn. It is the challenge of having been born as a seemingly separate individual. We are here with you always. Just call upon us, and we are here. We are powerful and we are for your highest good.


I love you, and my heart is with you.

I AM Mary Magdalene


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Dealing With the Tragedies of Our World

Image by Doctorwhofan778

Image by Doctorwhofan778

Part 10 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: I’m wondering if you could provide some guidance relative to how to deal with the difficulties that are around us sometimes—how to release frustration, anxiety, anger, fear, and some of the negative aspects that come up in our day to day activities, so they don’t go deeper and become larger issues and larger problems.


Mary Magdalene: It is not what you think. The process of release happens through embrace.


These events are always personal, even though they may be connected to very large-scale events or occurrences. The process through which you will experience the release you desire is to take in the feeling, the pain.


Sometimes there is a preliminary step, if there are judgments involved. The preliminary step is to separate out the judgments, which is simply done by bringing them to consciousness. Many in the spiritual world try not to be judgmental, when actually what would help more would be to do what may seem like the reverse. It’s not to try to be judgmental. Rather it is to notice and be aware of your judgments, and then notice that the judgments are always connected with feelings. The judgments mask the feelings. To get in touch with the feelings, your need to bring the judgments to consciousness.


Oftentimes the most direct way of doing this is simply to say the judgments out loud or write them down. This makes the judgment concrete and creates awareness of the difference between the judgment and the feeling. Then you can go to the feeling.


The judgments are simply you trying to protect yourself. That’s all they are. You can say to that part of yourself, “Thank you for trying to protect me. I’m safe.” Then go to what’s below the judgment, the feeling.


In the kind of situations you’re describing, the feelings will be some form of pain: fear, sorrow, confusion, those kind of feelings—some kind of pain. You want to open to the pain, just as I was speaking earlier to another gentleman, because in that pain is the seed of your healing. It’s the seed of the freedom you seek. You will find it through your pain. The pain is a gift. It is not a block. It’s not something obstructing you. It’s actually your pathway.


There are two different ways of opening to pain. One or the other may be strong for different types of people at different times. One is the simpler process, you might call it the more Feminine process, of simply opening to the pain and asking God to guide you.


There is another process that is equally effective. This process is one that you guide yourself through. It begins with opening to the pain, and leads you to the source of the pain within yourself.


Perhaps you could give me an example and I could show you the second process through this example. Is there an example you could give at this time?


Questioner: We see a lot of terrible things going on in the world. What do we do with the anger or frustration we might feel because of that?


Mary Magdalene: Can you think of one of these things right now?


Questioner: The tragedies in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan.


Mary Magdalene: Yes, the situation in the Middle East and the immensely inhuman events that you hear taking place. What is your reaction to that? What comes up for you?


Questioner: Why is it not apparent to so many people that we are all one and that war upon another is war upon oneself.


Mary Magdalene: When you have this question come up, is it linked to an emotion, a feeling within yourself?


Questioner: I would say it’s frustration, probably anger: Why are we doing this to each other?


Mary Magdalene: Which feels stronger in this moment, frustration or anger?


Questioner: If I had to pick one, I might say anger.


Mary Magdalene: Anger is one of the circumstances where there’s a mixture going on of judgment and feeling. Are you aware of the judgments that you’re having about this situation right now?


Questioner: Probably thoughts I’m having about right and wrong, perhaps.


Mary Magdalene: That it’s wrong?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: That it shouldn’t be happening?


Questioner: Definitely.


Mary Magdalene: Anything else?


Questioner: Just the horrifying things we keep doing to each other over there. Taking in what we hear daily can’t be good for us.


Mary Magdalene: So you’re thinking “This is horrifying. This is bad for us.”


Questioner: Yeah.


Mary Magdalene: If you take those judgments and set them to the side, is there a different feeling that comes up for you then?


Questioner: I might go back to your earlier comments that everyone involved in these situations is there, to a certain extent, through their own choice. So we do have to allow that to play out to a certain level, I guess.


Mary Magdalene: That is different from what I’m asking. That is more of a thought or a belief. What I’m asking is: Can you connect with the feelings that are stimulated in you when you set aside the judgments you’re having?


Questioner: I’m not quite sure how to respond. If I set aside “this is right or this is wrong,” there’s still some frustration as to “Why is this taking place? Why can’t people recognize the real truth here?”


Mary Magdalene: I’m wondering if the feeling you’re having is something like anguish?


Questioner: That’s a good word. Yes.


Mary Magdalene: What I would invite you to do is to open yourself to the anguish, to have the full experience of allowing the anguish to be felt within you, completely.


Questioner: So you’re saying that would be a way of releasing the anguish?


Mary Magdalene: It is the first step. Then you have a choice. From that place, you have a choice of calling on God and asking God to guide you. Or you have another choice, which is to go to the source of that anguish. That source will be something that I call your inner divine quality or qualities, some part of your inner divinity that is not being fulfilled in this circumstance.


In this situation, the inner divine qualities might be something like love, safety, or protection of life. Do any of those resonate for you?


Questioner: Yes, they do.


Mary Magdalene: Let the anguish take you to this part of yourself.


What’s actually happened is that you have gotten disconnected from your own divinity by the shock of these events. What the anguish, the emotion, does is that it takes you back to the place where you can connect with your own divinity, the part of you that knows safety, that knows love, that knows protection of life.


Simply by becoming conscious of what’s at the source, you are reconnecting with that part of yourself. In this case, it’s the part of you that knows safety, love, and protection of life. That reconnection is where the healing happens.


Questioner: Thank you. That’s a lot to think about.


Mary Magdalene: You are very welcome.


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Masculine and Feminine Forms of Manifestation

Rider Waite Magician

Part 9 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: I have a question about manifesting. I’ve had times where I’ve had incredible things manifest from the most gentle of energies, where I have no agenda about something. On the other extreme, I’ve had incredible things manifest from a very demanding, forceful energy. I’ve always thought of those as the Masculine and Feminine energies working. I’ve also been really intrigued by what life is like if you marry those energies together, which I think is something you talk about. My sense is that if you really bring those together and really integrate them, it’s not just a little more connected, it’s like infinitely more connected, and the manifestation process is off the scale. Does that make sense?


Mary Magdalene: Absolutely.


It is important to understand that the Masculine is not about force. The Masculine can be incredibly powerful. And the Feminine can be incredibly powerful.


The Masculine is about will, intention, focus, directing toward a goal, and then progressing toward the goal. This is the Masculine in action. There is also the higher Masculine in quality, which is entirely about transcendence.


It seems to me that what you are describing are the forms of the Masculine and Feminine in action.


Questioner: That sounds right, yes.


Mary Magdalene: And I highly recommend the union.


Questioner: I’m looking forward to it.


Mary Magdalene: And so you should. (She laughs gently.)


©2015 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: What Was Taught in Mystery Schools


Part 8 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

[NOTE: This question was asked after someone had received a transmission of Mary Magdalene’s blessing, which was given through Mercedes Kirkel at a group channeling occasion.]


Question: In the last few years, I’ve spent a time of being in a different state. I’m seeing things more and more in this way, and I’m coming to prefer that space. How do I allow that to happen even more? Just now, after I received your transmission, first my crown opened. Then an energy came in and was going around me and I just felt shimmers. How do I increase that?


Mary Magdalene: There are processes that you can learn that will strengthen your ability to do this. Practicing these processes will strengthen the pathways within you that open you to that experience. Such practice will allow you to access this state more frequently and for longer periods of time, depending upon your frequency of practice or engagement. So I would recommend that you learn those practices.


It sounds to me that you are describing a fourth-dimensional space, which is similar to the dreamtime space. The dreamtime space is one way of accessing the fourth-dimensional space. Accessing this space requires the strengthening of four bodies: the physical, emotional, mental, and etheric (or energy) bodies.


Most of you are quite fully developed at the mental level and further development of the mind is not an issue for you—other than learning how to quiet the mind, which oftentimes happens quite organically through strengthening the other bodies. The ongoing talk, chatter, or disturbance that many people experience through the mind is more of a symptom of the other bodies not being strong and not being in balance, rather than a problem with the mind itself.


Most people are aware of their physical body and what they need to do to support themselves physically, possibly involving some kind of change or healing of the physical. The one area that many people still need to address is the area of shame relative to the physical body: not liking one’s physical body; not wanting to be in a physical body; or not wanting to have the experiences of being a physical body. This kind of shame creates a certain level of separation, or even divorce from one’s physical body. That is an area of healing for many people.


For most people at this time, the emotional and the etheric bodies are the two bodies that most need strengthening. In the instructions I gave in Mary Magdalene Beckons, there is a great deal of focus on the emotional body and what would help to strengthen that. That instruction may be valuable for you, to consider if there is more to do there.


The kinds of processes that I am suggesting are valuable to learn for strengthening your access to the fourth dimension are etheric energy processes. Through engaging these processes, you can consciously choose to open yourself to the fourth-dimensional state and strengthen your ability to remain in that state for longer and longer periods of time. I suggest that would be something of value to explore.


Some of the processes I recommend are connecting the sacred heart and sacred mind; opening up the pineal chakra; learning to open your third eye; activating your merkaba; and activating the light that creates the halo around the head. These are processes that used to be taught and practiced in the mystery schools, so that beings could move between dimensions—between the third and fourth dimension, and higher dimensions beyond.


This is not so outwardly accessible in your time. But there are those who offer it and teach it. It is available. This is what I would recommend you learn and engage.


Questioner: Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Opening Your Throat Chakra

Configurations_clouds_and_the_sun1 By Nan deko

Part 7 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: When I feel my heart opening, sometimes I’ll start coughing. I have the feeling that something isn’t so open in my throat chakra. I would like to know what that’s about and see if there’s something I need to work on.


Mary Magdalene: This is something that many people experience, though it might manifest in different ways.


In general, when there’s a blockage at the throat chakra, it’s a sign of suppression of your voice, your expression, your speech in some form or other. Many people have a history or past where they were told, perhaps as children, to be quiet and to not express themselves in some way. It could have been from parents, or school, or from many “corners.” So that may be involved.


Regardless of where it came from, the healing can be done in the present. It’s not necessary to return back to the source or even to understand the source. The source may not even be in this lifetime. It may be from previous lifetimes.


You can do all the things that are available for any kind of healing. First and foremost, I recommend that you pray. Ask for healing, for clarity of anything you need to understand about this, for guidance of what you need to do relative to this. That would be most valuable.


With the throat, in general, you can simply practice expression. Practice speaking up, when you notice yourself holding back. Or perhaps it involves a different type of expression. Perhaps it’s about expression of your work or your creative energy, your creativity and creative force coming through. You can practice those different forms of expression and see if that changes your experience.


You can certainly receive healing from others relative to your throat and your throat chakra.


Questioner: I’m very creative. I write and I speak, often too much! But there’s this other part, this kind of divine voice that comes through. It feels like it’s that voice that wants to be expressed. And I do want to express it. It comes through often. But I think it’s asking for more.


Mary Magdalene: It may need more space. It may need some setting aside of some of the other forms of expression, so that there is openness for this voice.


Questioner: Yes. I think I need that. Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Finding Your Soul Purpose


Part 6 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: I have two questions about soul purpose. The first one is: Did you always know your soul purpose? The second one is: How do we know what our soul purpose is? I know there are signs and gifts that we receive, but I feel like I’m still in the waiting room.


Mary Magdalene: Relative to your first question, “always” is a very long time. (long space of silence) As far back as I can reach, I have known my soul purpose.


Relative to your second question, not knowing your soul purpose is a sign of not being in your heart. The foundation of not being in your heart is being divorced from your body, fundamentally, as well as your sexuality and your emotions. This is a very contemporary problem.


What will help you is to know yourself through these vehicles—through your body, through your sexuality and really your energy system, and through your emotions. And the thing that tells you more than anything is your passion. What do you have passion for? This is a sign of your soul path, your soul purpose. It is a sad state that so many people are not in touch with their passion. It’s a sign that something has gotten shut down.


When you find your soul path, a team of wild horses couldn’t keep you from it. So look for the signs; look for the little corners. Look for something that gives you joy. Look for something that gives you energy. Look for something that you do even when you’re tired, even when you’re sick, even when you’re supposed to be doing something else. (She laughs gently.) Find your passion. And that will point you to your soul purpose.


Is that helpful?


Questioner: (emphatically) It is.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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Receive the next book of messages from Mary Magdalene:

SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: The Experiment of the Third Dimension


Part 5 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: Up until four years ago, I was in a process that felt like a really nice spiritual opening. Then suddenly, things changed very quickly in one day. I felt like I had this incredible anger at God. I’ve also gained a tremendous amount of weight since that point. I’m trying to see if there’s an understanding of what happened and how I can release what’s left of that anger and the weight.


Mary Magdalene: Thank you. This is an important awareness you have, of that point in time. It is your great help. People go through this in many ways in life, which are not exactly the same but there is great similarity, where at a certain point, they’re suddenly having a very different experience. If they remember that point and remember what was happening at that point, that will be their great support in understanding what got tapped into within them. It is always some place of wounding or darkness within yourself that have been connected with.


So you were ready. The spiritual opening that you were experiencing prior to that time was a strengthening, which prepared you for doing deeper work. You had achieved a new level, which enabled you to do this work.


You may need the support of someone helping you to see what happened from the outside. Often it is very difficult to see for oneself the things that are blocking one’s self. Whereas an outside person can be a great support in helping you get to that place. If it has been a number of years, it may be a sign that such outside support would be especially valuable.


I would say that you are completely equipped with everything you need to feel this. I suspect it is not a healing of that initial incident alone. It is tapping into something very big and significant in your soul process. So it is a most valuable thing to put your attention and energy into. It will move you forward greatly.


Questioner: For me, I know that a big part of that anger came out of both my own suffering and seeing extreme levels of suffering on the Earth. On an intellectual level, I think I understand why that’s part of the spiritual process. But at some deeper level—I think I probably share this with a lot of people—I wonder how an all-powerful, all-loving God allows suffering to occur at such extreme levels on Earth. For me, I think that’s the source of the anger.


Mary Magdalene: (speaking slowly, quietly, and gently) This realm that you are manifesting in, which is often referred to as the third dimension, you might look at it as a kind of experiment, perhaps a kind of a science experiment. It was an experiment in power and duality. And suffering is an inherent part of duality.


It may not seem this way, but the beings who are here chose to be part of this, chose to participate in this experiment, sometimes not knowing altogether what that would mean. And it has involved great suffering.


At this level, in this realm, suffering is part of the process of opening of one’s heart. You might say that opening one’s heart is the beginning of the end of this realm. It is a pathway of fire. It is a pathway of suffering. And not everyone experiences it in the same way.


At some point, you will realize you had the option of doing something different with the feeling of suffering other than projecting it outward as anger. You will choose, when you are ready, to allow yourself to feel the pain within yourself, rather than projecting it outward as anger. That’s what you might call the dark night of the soul, because it can be a very terrifying process to open to that kind of pain within oneself. However, it is your pathway to deliverance. It is the pathway to the transformation of the pain and the suffering.


Questioner: So when I see suffering in the world, it’s really a reflection of where I’m at internally. Is that part of the message?


Mary Magdalene: Ultimately, yes. But the pathway will not necessarily take that form. The pathway is more likely to take the form of opening yourself to the pain of the suffering. Through opening yourself to the pain of that suffering, it will take you to the source, the essence within yourself.


Questioner: Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Becoming a Child of God


Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On December 12, 2014

[Note this dialog is from a private session with a client on her birthday.]

Question: I feel like there’s something bigger that I’m not allowing myself to step into. It’s like I’m pinching the flow of what is ready to come in that would allow me to step into my greater self and greater potential, and to really tap into who I came here to be. What can I do to open this flow and allow it in, so that I can experience the grandest version of who I came to be? How can I continue to allow it to expand infinitely, so that I may be an even greater light, and help others in the process?

Mary Magdalene: What are the indications in your life that you are shutting down or pinching the flow?

Questioner: I feel like I’m on the edge of something and I’m kind of keeping myself back and not letting myself step off—a little bit out of fear, out of being unsure what would happen if I truly just let it be all it can be.

Mary Magdalene: Then you must go into the fear and find out what you are afraid of. What are you needing for your own safety or security in this circumstance? Are you aware of what you are afraid of?

Questioner: Not specifically. I think I’m afraid of the tremendous feeling that comes with it. I know it’s all good. But there’s that human part of myself that holds on, thinking, “Oh dear, what will that feel like?”

Mary Magdalene: Are you afraid of being overwhelmed by the feelings, afraid that too much energy or too much light will blow your circuits or obliterate you?

Questioner: No, I’ve done that to myself on purpose before. I guess it’s the euphoria or something like that that I would feel.

Mary Magdalene: Why is that scary to you?

Questioner: I don’t know. I feel like I’m just keeping myself from doing it. What I feel I need to do is just let go. But I don’t quite do it. So I want to know if there’s something else I could do to let go.

Mary Magdalene: There are always two parts to this process. You could look at these two parts as the more Masculine part of yourself and the more Feminine part of yourself. The Masculine part is the part that challenges you, stretches you to grow and to transcend your limits. When you say, “I could just do it,” or “I could just go for it,” that is true. That is the Masculine part of yourself that would be choosing that kind of response.

It sounds like it is the Feminine part of yourself that is not entirely ready, not entirely on board with the program of just doing it. The Feminine part is your feeling and nurturing part.

It is true that you could just go for it, but that may not be for your ultimate good in this moment. If something is holding you back, it is probably something that is not ready, something that is calling your attention. Sooner or later you will need to respond to that call, to attend to that part of yourself that needs something from you. You could choose to not attend to it in this circumstance, but sooner or later you are going to need to give it your attention. It won’t go away. It stays there.

From my point of view, it is advantageous to address that if that is what is coming up. Any time something is coming up in your life, it’s an indication of your path of growth. To simply override it is to not listen to your path of growth.

Does what I am saying make sense to you?

Questioner: Yes. I didn’t look at it that way.

Mary Magdalene: If there is fear there, I suggest that you discover what the fear actually is—and what the source of the fear actually is—and attend to that. When that is included in the process, then your energy is free, and your attention and energy field are open to empower the Masculine part of yourself to go for it and to expand into this new growth, this next step. It is a much more empowered place to come from, a whole place to come from. This is my recommendation to you. Connect with this part of yourself, which it sounds like you are not fully connected to at this time.

If you like, I could support you in seeing if you can connect with that part of yourself, to get more clarity of what that part is and what your steps might be to actually embrace that part.

Questioner: Yes, that would be good.

Mary Magdalene: The two places to always look to are your emotions and your body. Connect with the emotions and see if you can sense the feeling in this moment. If it is fear or if it’s a different feeling, whatever the feeling is, see if you can allow it and open to it. As part of that, it may be helpful to notice if there’s a particular place in your body, as well as a particular experience or sensation that you’re having with this. All those things will give you the place that you can work from.

Are you able to connect with one or more of those, the feeling or sensation, and the location in your body where this feeling is occurring?

Questioner: Yes.

Mary Magdalene: Can you describe what you experience?

Questioner: I don’t get a specific emotion. I just feel constriction in my shoulders, particularly the right side, across the upper part of my shoulders.

Mary Magdalene: Allow yourself to go into that feeling, to what you sense is the very center of that feeling, if you’re able, and see what you notice, what comes up when you do that.

Questioner: What I see is a little dark spot that says, “Unknown.” I’m generally not too afraid of the unknown.

Mary Magdalene: Mm-hmm. So how do you feel about this unknown?

Questioner: It’s a small unknown. It’s not a big spot. It makes me feel a little teary. Then it kind of stops. Like I said, I’m not usually afraid of the unknown. I do things that the average person doesn’t do.

Mary Magdalene: It doesn’t really matter what you usually do, what your history is, what your perception of yourself is. What matters is what’s occurring right now.

Questioner: OK. Well I’m not fully sure what this little unknown thing is.

Mary Magdalene: Ask it what it is.

Questioner: I’m not getting much other than the feeling of wanting to cry.

Mary Magdalene: Can you let yourself cry?

Questioner: Yeah. I don’t know if I can do it right now but I can do it.

Now it’s moved to my heart area.

Mary Magdalene: Mm-hmm. And what do you notice with that? What do you experience with that?

Questioner: It’s a tightness and constriction.

Mary Magdalene: How does that feel to you?

Questioner: Uncomfortable.

Mary Magdalene: Ask the constriction what the constriction means.

Questioner: The words that come to mind are “letting go of who I think I am and embracing who I think I really am.”

Mary Magdalene: Ask it who you really are.

Questioner: The answer I always get to that is “I’m a child of God.”

Mary Magdalene: How do you feel about letting go of your ideas of yourself and becoming a child of God?

Questioner: Letting go is uncomfortable. I hold on to the comfortable, even though I’ll step out into the uncomfortable.

Mary Magdalene: What is uncomfortable about becoming a child of God?

Questioner: Stepping out of the familiarity of what I’ve always known and thought. Even though I know who I am, the life I live doesn’t represent that. There’s a part of me that asks, “Why me?” Then there’s another part of me that embraces who I am and says, “This is who you came here to be.” So I have a little internal struggle over that.

Mary Magdalene: Let’s talk to the part of you that is resisting being the child of God. Tell us why you’re resisting this.

Questioner: I feel loss when I think of letting go of that part. Like shedding or walking out of the costume I’ve been wearing.

Mary Magdalene: What would you lose in doing that?

Questioner: Really nothing. But I guess that ego part of myself that doesn’t want to die, doesn’t want to disappear.

Mary Magdalene: Name those parts. What are the parts?

Questioner: The little girl who’s insecure … or doesn’t feel good enough … or doesn’t feel worthy.

Mary Magdalene: You’re going to lose her?

Questioner: She’ll no longer be necessary. I guess in a way it’s a loss. It’s like a death. That brings up a little panic, a little tension.

Mary Magdalene: It sounds more like abandonment than loss.

Questioner: That’s a good word—yes.

Mary Magdalene: It sounds like she’s not ready to disappear.

Questioner: Not quite. She’s holding on by a tiny bit. Not much, but enough to hook me.

Mary Magdalene: Are you coming from a place of thinking you should be able to completely let go of her?

Questioner: No. Actually I didn’t even think of it this way until we were talking. So this is just coming up.

Mary Magdalene: Let’s talk to the little girl. Ask her what she feels about you becoming a child of God.

Questioner: Alone … left behind … no one to watch over her. Scared … in a dark place.

Mary Magdalene: Is it possible that you could take her with you?

Questioner: Yes. It just got lighter when you said that.

Mary Magdalene: Do you want to invite her to come with you?

Questioner: Yes, that would be a good idea. It would benefit both of us.

Mary Magdalene: Why don’t you do that, however you want—silently or out loud.

Questioner: I see her running up to me and hugging me with excitement, ready to go.

Mary Magdalene: (laughing) She might beat you there!

Questioner: (laughing) Now I see her pulling me by the hand. That’s really cool! I’ve never done that. That’s awesome. Thank you.

Mary Magdalene: That is very wonderful. She will be a great ally. You can listen to her.

Questioner: Yes. Thank you.

Now I feel all tingly! Now the tears are excitement. Cool! (laughing) That was fun.

Mary Magdalene: A wonderful birthday present! Happy birthday to your little girl.

Questioner: Yes, she’s very excited. I see her jumping up and down, like the little kid she is.

Even though I have the knowledge and all the information that I have, I feel inside that there’s this little curious child in me that wants to play. Now it feels like she’s really free. She’s not afraid anymore.

Mary Magdalene: Many people have the idea that spirituality is a very serious thing, a very adult thing. Yet Yeshua loved children. In some ways, he was more in his element with children than anywhere else.

Questioner: It’s pure.

Mary Magdalene: Pure, absolutely.

Questioner: I’ll take her purity and her excitement and let her run with it, because she’s pulling anyway. (laughter)

Mary Magdalene: (laughing) Yes, yes. Let that open your heart and passion and energy, and feed you and delight you. The spiritual process is absolutely about delight—and joy, play, and pleasure.

Questioner: I feel that a lot more. So now it will be really that way because she’s not in there holding that little part of fear.

Mary Magdalene: Absolutely! Do you feel how much more attractive you will be in the world and how much more powerful you will be from this place of fullness?

Questioner: Yeah! That’s amazing! Thank you so much. I feel freer.

Mary Magdalene: You are so welcome.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Healing Male Abuse

Estonia Sunrise By Heino Ruiso

Estonia Sunrise By Heino Ruiso

Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: Would you address the healing of male abuse and how that unfolds into the relationship with the male and the female?


Mary Magdalene: This is a very large topic. Is there a particular question you wish to have answered?


Questioner: Just whatever part could be answered simply.


Mary Magdalene: Ultimately the pattern of male abuse is not different from the pattern of female abuse. It takes a different form and a different manifestation, but it is the same pattern. It has the same source.


The healing always begins with healing the self-hatred, because this is the result of abuse. The one who receives the abusive actions implants within themselves the belief that they are only worthy of this type of treatment. The healing requires returning back to the incidents that are still alive. It is not necessary to revisit everything simply because it happened in the past. It is only necessary to return to the incidents that are still affecting you. The process then is to reopen to the great grief of what occurred. You must allow the grief, because it is a healing process to allow grief, and then let the grief carry you to the beautiful part of you that shut down in that incident (or incidents). There was some beautiful, shiny, light, divine part of yourself that was reaching out for something and instead received the painful actions. To reconnect with that part of yourself is where the healing will be.


Sometimes in spiritual work there are people who do shamanic healing, where they bring back parts of the self. This is a similar kind of healing, where you are bringing back a part of yourself. That part of you is not actually gone. You have just closed off from it, to protect it. Now the healing is in reconnecting with that part of yourself.


It is often very valuable to have support for this. Find someone who can guide you through this process—to be sure that it’s safe, to be sure that you’re caring for yourself and are cared for in the midst of it, and to help guide you to the completion, so that you go all the way through.


It is always important to understand that no matter how horrific any treatment has been, in some way it is important for your soul path. Understand that there are gifts for you in this journey of your response to this experience (or experiences), and that those gifts are most valuable. In the third dimension, this is one form that beings choose to grow, through taking on very difficult circumstances. You might liken it to the phrase “the hero’s journey.” And there are helpers for you in this process.


Does that answer your question?


Questioner: Beautifully.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Connecting with Soul Family in Dreamtime

Antonio Cortina Farinós sleeping figure

Antonio Cortina Farinós

Part 2 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: I would like to ask about rejoining soul family in the dreamtime and the Isis lineage. Do you have recommendations for enhancing the dreamtime energy consciousness experience?


Mary Magdalene: It is very helpful to meditate right before you go to sleep. Do you do this?


Questioner: I love going to sleep. I create a nice sacred environment. I have salt and crystals around me. But I can do more.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. You want to bring the consciousness, the awareness that you desire into your sleep. Prior to sleep, create your intention. Ask your questions—including the experiences you wish to have with your soul family and with the Isis soul group. Ask to have the clarity or understanding you need come through. Ask to be given the initiations, empowerments, and training that you require. You can ask for all of that. But it must be done with clarity and consciousness. It will be especially empowered if you do it through a meditative form directly before going to sleep.


Questioner: Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You’re welcome.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.


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SUBLIME UNION: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene

A Sacred Sexuality Manual and Erotic Memoir

Sublime Uni

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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

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