MARY MAGDALENE: Past-Life Healing
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
Question: I’d like to ask about cleansing processes and how to go about that? I’ve had spontaneous past-life memories coming up that were related to important events that were not dealt with in other lives.
Mary Magdalene: Yes. This is the importance of past-life work. It is for healing anything that may be holding you back in the present.
Sometimes people have curiosity about past lives, wondering “Who was I in other lives previously?” There is a certain naturalness to this for human beings. It perhaps is not supportive if it becomes a fascination, something that’s puffing you up with importance based on your past life.
It also isn’t supportive if it’s distracting you into somewhat of a fantasy life about the past. Even though it may have been quite real, your relationship to it in this lifetime can become a similar thing to imaginal paths. I do not particularly suggest that.
But in fact, past lives are real in a certain sense—as much as anything is real—and they can be affecting you.
You are all on a soul journey. You are continuing from lifetime to lifetime. Some people in your world have the idea that they came from nothing into this life and will return to nothing at the end of life. I do not agree with this point of view. My experience is that you very much continue from one lifetime to the next, and that it is a pathway of soul growth and soul learning. Your experiences from a past lifetime can be continued and carried over if they were not complete.
Perhaps the learning was not complete. Perhaps the reaction to what occurred was not complete, was not let go of, and is still being held onto at the soul level. These things can be a block to your growth and your completion of your soul work in that particular aspect. Doing past-life work, including past-life remembering if necessary, can be valuable towards completing those lessons or completing healing from the experiences.
Oftentimes when you have past-life memories coming up, your soul is calling it forth. Prior to that time, your soul determined that it would not benefit you to remember it. But now the soul is determining that you are at a place where you are perhaps prepared and ready to complete those past experiences, or at least open to them in some form or other, and that this would be of benefit to you. This is most often the reason people have past-life memories come up. It is because it is valuable for their next steps of spiritual growth.
There is an absolute wonder and almost unfathomable perfection to the experiences of your life. In part experiences are orchestrated by your soul. In part they are orchestrated by your helpers at many levels—including your guides, your higher self, and for most of you, your helpers in the fourth dimension who supported you in choosing this particular incarnation this time. There are many beings affecting and supporting each one of you to have the perfection of experience that you are having moment-to-moment, which is exactly what you need for your growth and development. This includes things like having past-life memories. If that is occurring, that is because it is exactly what you require in some form or other. But this is not limited to past-life memories.
Every experience that you’re having moment-to-moment is equally perfect for what you, as a soul, need. I imagine that some of you may not trust this. I also imagine that some of you—even if you do believe this or trust it—may forget it at times, especially if you are having challenging experiences. This is often the time when human beings fall into doubt and separation from God, forgetting the divinity of their moment-to-moment experience.
This separation is the essence of what you are growing beyond in the third dimension. Your experiences are often different aspects of separation that your soul has chosen to experience, master, and grow beyond. This can include past-life experiences, as well as all of your present-life experiences. If your past-life experience is coming up for you, it then becomes a present-time experience as well, at least in the form that it is coming up. Whatever you are being given is exactly the perfect form for your growth and your development in the now-moment of your spiritual path.
Questioner: I get a lot of past memories about being killed for being spiritual. It brings up a lot of fear about being open with my spirituality. I have this sense that people will come after me if I do.
Mary Magdalene: You are not alone. It is a sad truth that in your world, many have been killed for many reasons, and one of the reasons has been spiritual engagement. This is one of the most painful aspects of your world and the third dimension altogether. In this great exploration of power and physicality, one of the options that has been explored is using power to take life from others. This has had grave consequences, including an imprint of fear around practicing spirituality for those who have experienced this kind of torture and violence directed at them.
What this says to me is that you are now ready to face what happened with you, which is still with you, and to go all the way through the experience—the pain, the suffering—to the part of your divinity that you disconnected from in that experience. This may very well have been safety, on all levels. You are now ready to heal and to know the true source of your safety, which is in God.
This is not to say that you never suffered. It’s not to say that your suffering is unreal or that if you were really connected to God you would not have suffered in the past. Rather, actual damage was done and there’s a place in you that disconnected from God as a result of that experience. You are now ready to heal that in a very profound way within yourself, and through that healing to fully reconnect with your true divine nature.
There will be healing in that. This is not a belief, or a hope, or a wish. This is about your reconnection with God. When you heal in the particular way that you separated from God because of these experiences, then the next steps of your healing will become clear. You will be clearly guided.
Healing your separation from God is the pivotal, essential place of healing that must occur as the foundation and source. Then all else will be given from there.
Questioner: Thank you.
Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.
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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at
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