MARY MAGDALENE: Sharing Your Gifts with Others

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Question: When I receive images of Jesus and the angels and Mary, should I share them with my family or the world, or should I just hold them inside?


Mary Magdalene: What is your guidance?


Questioner: The resistance from family and the world holds me back.


Mary Magdalene: Perhaps these are not the ones to share with. Perhaps this resistance is telling you it is not their free will to engage in this particular way. There may be others to share this with or to share in this form. How does that feel to you?


Questioner: Sometimes I see or feel or hear a glimmer that they want to observe my creations. Then other times I feel strong resistance. They don’t want it.


Mary Magdalene: You can always ask. You can ask those you wish to share your creations with. You can begin with expressing your desire to share, what would be fulfilled in you by sharing. They may need help to understand your motive, the part of you that comes to life, that connects with your heart and the light through this sharing. They may initially need this support from you to understand why you wish to share.


Then you can ask them if they would like to receive what you’re offering. And respect their response.


Questioner: When they reply “Yes” and they don’t show an interest, it hurts me.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. You were probably hoping for a kind of heart connection with them through this sharing and were hurt and disappointed when you didn’t receive the kind of heart connection you longed for, yes?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: So you can mourn that—your longing for this kind of heart connection. And then find the source of that quality of heart connection that you have gotten disconnected from within yourself. It ultimately lives in you, as part of your relationship to God. Reconnect with that. You are never limited in your ability to reconnect with God.


Once you reconnect, be guided from that place as to what you want to do. There are infinite possibilities. Perhaps you choose not to share in that way in the future. Perhaps you see a way that you are interfering with the process and you change your approach to sharing. There are endless possibilities.


What you suffer is your own disconnection from your divinity. And this is what you always are able to shift. It does not rest with others. It rests with yourself. Do you understand that?


Questioner: Yes.


So the joy I feel when I accomplish something physically or creatively, that’s my connection?


Mary Magdalene: That’s your connection. And part of your inner divine quality seems to be to want to celebrate this with others. Is that accurate?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: So this is your creation in the world. Part of your creative path is to find others who celebrate that with you.


I suspect the more you learn to open yourself as to what you feel, what you long for, what you long to fulfill in terms of your own inner divine qualities through this action of sharing—the more you do that, the more you will create the kind of celebration you desire. Others are not currently understanding you and connecting with your heart in your choice to share in this way. So your part is to support others in making that connection with your heart, prior to even connecting with the creation. Do you understand?


Questioner: I do.


Will holding back from sharing with family and friends hold me back from receiving feeling and creativity?


Mary Magdalene: Only you will know. You will be guided by your feelings, by your own inner divine qualities. This is your path. It is not mine to tell you. Beware of anyone who tells you what your path is. That is not the way of higher beings and higher consciousness.


Questioner: Thank you, Mary.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.


©2017 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


One Response to “MARY MAGDALENE: Sharing Your Gifts with Others”

  • Marian B.:

    As I scrolled to pages on this website, I hoped to find some news about you and how you are, Mercedes. For some reason I stopped at this message and started reading it, a most welcome one. I must have missed it at the time when it was published, 2017.

    Still I wonder how things are in your present condition, Mercedes. Is all well with you?
    When you take a rest and choose to be with yourself, I fully understand it. Just felt like asking the question, the answer hanging in the air , for now, that’s totally fine with me.
    Blessed be and good health to you <3 * <3

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