Posts Tagged ‘Death’

MARY MAGDALENE: Transitioning Into Inclusion

Image courtesy of Holger Eligaard

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On March 19, 2014


Question: I know you talked about inclusion in your book, Mary Magdalene Beckons, but I would like to know more about it. How can we be more inclusive, as individuals and as a society?


Mary Magdalene: Hello to you and thank you for your question. I will do my best to respond.


The concept of “inclusion” is somewhat unfamiliar to your culture, in general, at this time. This is because it is something that you, as a collective, are growing into. So it may be easiest to understand it if you consider what preceded it, which you are now growing out of it.


As I have said before, the third dimension is rooted in certain ideas or mindsets. One of the strongest ones is the idea or primal assumption that there isn’t enough for everyone. Some have referred to this as a sense of lack or “not enoughness.” At its core, it’s very connected to your innate drive for survival. It creates a sense that survival is something you have to fight for, or at least stay constantly vigilant about. If you don’t, you may “lose out.” The limited resources may go to someone else and you will not be sustained. You’ll be snuffed out.


You might call this survival of the fittest. That is not just an idea that relates to evolution. It is a subconscious presumption that runs human beings at the third dimension. You feel you must always be “on top of your game,” so to speak, or someone else is going to beat you and you will be cast by the wayside. This core belief operates in all arenas—relative to work, relationships, everything.


You can see that the belief is very closely related to competition. If there isn’t enough to go around, then it’s necessary to compete with others to insure that you get what you need, regardless of the ramifications for others. This puts people in the third dimension into a very difficult situation. If you help others, it may be at your own expense. If you take care of yourself, it may be at the expense of your caring for others. This is what you might call a lose-lose proposition. Either way you are forfeiting something essential – your own wellbeing or your closeness and connection with others.


This situation has created great pain, struggle, and conflict in your Earth realm. In the consciousness that is associated with the third dimension, it appears there is no solution. This is just “the way it is.” There’s an expression that many of you are familiar with: Life’s a bitch and then you die. This accurately describes the dilemma of this situation and the ultimate dissatisfaction it promotes.


Many of the problems you experience at the collective level of your society can be traced back to this core presumption. It relates to hoarding and unequal distribution of wealth, as well as the collective disposition of not caring about most of the other people in your world. There’s a sense of “How can I care?” You believe that if you were to open yourself to caring, you would be quickly drained and emptied, and thus lose on the survival side of things.


It has not always been like this on your Earth. In earlier times, many people lived more communally and there was a sense of sharing and taking care of each other that occurred. As civilization has developed, this caring for each other has, in general, decreased to the point that now it is mostly relegated to the nuclear family level. Within nuclear families, there is still a sense of everyone being cared for. Yet many people today are not part of a nuclear family and find themselves in a position of feeling very isolated at the most fundamental level. In these cases, individuals feel it’s entirely up to themselves to take care of themselves and insure their survival. If they don’t, no one else will be there for them.


Some of your countries are taking steps to change this at a national level, by instituting government programs that insure people the necessities of life in terms of food, and possibly shelter and health care. Other countries, such as the United States, are lagging behind in this regard, which represents a great fear on the part of many people to take this step, ultimately going back to the primal fear that taking care of others will thwart your own survival.


These types of government programs are a beginning step toward moving into a state of inclusion. But they are still tending to work from the outside, and rather peripherally, rather from the fundamental consciousness. When I talk about inclusion, I’m really talking about a radical shift in consciousness. which rests upon the presumption that there truly is enough for everyone.  If this is so, then you are no longer in conflict with others at the most fundamental level. You can afford to care for others, to support and help them, and to cooperate with them, because doing so won’t threaten your survival. This is not just a good idea. It’s actually a whole different level of consciousness. Some people in your world already come from this consciousness, but they tend to be relatively rare. But you are growing into a time when this will become the norm.


The cosmic humor of this situation is that your consciousness creates your reality. If you think there isn’t enough, there really won’t be enough. If you think there is enough, there will be. This, too, is not just a hopeful idea. It’s a reality.


Yet there is one more essential aspect to this consideration. In order to get to this higher consciousness of assuming abundance for all, you also most go beyond the concept so many of you have that life is limited to the time between your birth and your death. This is part of the fundamental limitation of your thinking in the third dimension. In fact, your life goes far beyond both of those points. But most of you cannot remember your previous lives, before your birth. Nor do you have the ability, for the most part, to connect with those who have died and have continued on in their life process in another dimension. So you assume that your present lifetime is all there is. There are certain benefits to this presumption, in terms of pursuing your life purpose and making use of your life for your growth. But those benefits have largely served their purpose and, at this time, you are beginning to be better served by the understanding of your actual situation, which is that your lifetime on Earth is just an exceedingly small part of your total journey as a soul. The more you come to understand this, the more you will be able to trust the process of birth, life, death, and beyond – usually involving future births of repeating this cycle for many lifetimes.


If you have this understanding, and it is not a mere belief or wish, but rather a sureness within yourself, you will stop seeing death as the ultimate “loss.” You will simply see it as the ending of this chapter in your journey. It may be a graduation, and hopefully will be, if you have grown and developed during your life. Whether it is or not, you will continue on after this lifetime into new adventures, growth, and progression in your continued life purpose.


This understanding is the other key piece that will allow you to shift into the consciousness of inclusion. In fact, caring for others, as well as yourself, is one of the best ways you can grow as a soul. Neither one—caring for yourself or caring for others —is to be done at the expense of the other. At a certain point of maturity, you come to realize that you can never be fulfilled or satisfied if it is at the expense of another. This is a sign that you are moving into the greater consciousness of your inherent connection with others at the heart, ultimately your non-separation or oneness with others. In its ultimate form, the realization of non-separation or oneness is a profound realization. But caring for others as much as for yourself is one of the beginning forms of that realization.


Mothers often feel this state of inclusion relative to their children. And fathers do, as well, though perhaps not quite as characteristically as mothers. Individuals in love often feel this state with and for their beloved. It is one of the gifts of love. And there are other circumstances when people may feel this. Ultimately it has no limits. The more you grow, the more you will experience it without limits, so that eventually it will become the basis of how you relate to all other beings.


I hope this has helped you to understand this concept. Ultimately words and ideas can only go so far. You will truly start to understand it when you experience the joy of living on this basis. And happily, it is where you are all headed.


With my fullest love and support and compassion,

I AM Mary Magdalene


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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at www.sublime-union.comAll messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to




Trust and Let Go

Image courtesy of Arturo Mann

A Message from Mercedes Kirkel’s Guides and Higher Self

Received on January 13, 2014

[NOTE FROM MERCEDES: This message was directed to me personally. I’m sharing this because my guides told me it would be helpful to others, as well.]


Blessings dear one,


We are happy to communicate with you this day. It has been a while and you have been through a lot. You are feeling cut off a good deal of the time from your connection to Spirit, including your guides. This has been difficult for you, both personally and in terms of your work. So we would like to begin by addressing that.


You are going through a purification. You are somewhat aware of this, but don’t totally understand it and often lose your awareness in the midst of challenging aspects of the purification that come up for you. You are not alone in this. This is happening at a grand scale on the Earth right now. But you are particularly sensitive, so you notice what is going on. You feel at times like you’ve lost your direction and purpose in life. There’s a sense of ennui, of lack of energy for continuing the path you are on, or of apathy, feeling “What’s the point?” This is very hard for you, as you usually are very clear about your purpose and motivated to action based on that.


It is a very deep level of purification that is going on that produces this kind of feeling of being un-tethered, disconnected from your spiritual source. You are being asked to connect from a deeper place, beyond your mind or emotions or physical sensations or energetic experiences. You are being asked to connect from your spiritual body, your higher self, the light that is ever-abiding within you, which is not bound to experiences in your inner or outer life.


This is the purpose of traditional meditation, and many traditional paths focus on this as their primary attainment. While you have had exposure to this, and have experienced that path to a very significant depth, it has not been your primary path. Your primary path has been the more Feminine approach of the heart, the body, the emotions, and sexuality. You understand this Feminine path very well, and have advanced to a great degree through being true to yourself through this path. Now it is time for you to go beyond the confines of that path, just as a traditional eastern practitioner of meditation or yoga or any other practice focusing on the transcendent must at some point go beyond that path and come into the Feminine world of embodiment, manifestation, and form. You are being called to strengthen and become powerful in the transcendent, which is not your natural leaning, but you are fully capable of it.


You have already understood correctly that your daily practice of meditation is very important for finding your stability and centering in something other than the world as you know it. You must begin to allow more time in your meditation for simply resting in the higher dimensions, without manifesting intentions or receiving guidance. Instead, let yourself simply come to rest, to receive whatever is being given to you, beyond form or comprehension. Trust in this process. It is important and will lead you to your next level of growth and development.


Whenever the familiar is being gone beyond, it is challenging. There is a death of the old before, or sometimes as, the new comes in. Particularly at the third dimension, and in your culture especially, there is struggle with this, because it is not understood or embraced with acceptance and surrender. Rather it tends to be fought against out of fear. We understand this and have compassion for you, yet want you to know there is another way. It is the way of trust and faith.


We ask you to have trust and faith, to allow the process that is underway in your life to unfold, to find new avenues of connection to God that are right for you now that will take you to new vistas and horizons of communion with Spirit. Allow it to unfold. Embrace your fear but do not make it your idol. It is a part of you that needs love and attending to, so it can join you on the journey. We are here with you, even though you may not feel us in the ways you are used to. We have not abandoned you. By no means is that case, nor would we want that. We love you and are here with you.


When you are dissatisfied with your life, it is a sign of the old dying. It may also be a sign that you are resisting that death, not allowing it to move forward. Take your dissatisfaction as a sign that it is time to let go. Push off from the banks of the river and allow the current to carry you. It is the current of your life. It has wisdom. It knows what you need in ways that you don’t. Let yourself be carried. You are very good at doing whatever work is involved. Now is a time of trust and allowing yourself to be carried. It is not about self-effort and directed action. Of course there are actions you will take in your life. You know what those are. But at the deeper level, that is not the primary movement of your life. Right now it is about being carried and allowing. We bless you to trust that process, to give yourself to it and to let it take you to the next unfoldment of your life.


You have done this in the past. It is how you were brought to where you are now. You tell your story and it inspires many people. And it is absolutely true. Yet now you are being called to a greater level of this, and even your own past doesn’t necessarily make it easy or clear. Such is the nature of growth and transformation. This is why we are here to support you. We love you and are dedicated to helping you. We are so glad you have opened to us today. We recommend that you do this regularly, so we can regularly infuse you with our clarity and direction.


We are so proud of you and pleased with the work you do. You tend to be quite hared on yourself, which has its benefits because it supports you in striving for the highest. But your view is not always balanced. We want you to know that you are doing superbly well and we are extremely pleased with all you have done and continue to do. To you, it often seems like not enough or so little that you’ve accomplished, but that is because you only understand a small part of what is going on. This is why it takes great faith and release into the greater process, even if you can’t understand  or grasp what that greater process really is at this time. That will change at some point, quite possibly after this lifetime, when you will gain great clarity about what you were actually doing and why. But that is not necessarily going to be the case until then, which also has its purpose. That being the case, we urge you to trust, to continue to strive and stretch into the light and love, as you have and continue to do, but with great letting go and allowance as the primary director of your life altogether.


We love you so much and hope this has been helpful for you. We trust that you understand and will make perfect use of this.


In light and love,

Your Guides and Higher Self


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Copyright 2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Relating Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction, and Spiritual Instruction and Support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: How Enlightenment Relates To Ascension

Part 5 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013

Question: “What does a being who reaches enlightenment do after they pass away from this earth? What is their experience then?


Mary Magdalene: I thank you for this question. I think many people have wondered what enlightenment is and what happens to people once they reach the state of enlightenment.


From my point of view, enlightenment is perhaps slightly misleading as a term. I think it may give people the idea that enlightenment is one thing, one state, or one transition that happens for people. It suggests that you have either gone through that transition or you have not.


I see it somewhat differently. I believe what most people in the third dimension are referencing when they talk about enlightenment is the process beings go through in stabilizing at a higher consciousness and realizing, to varying extents, higher dimensions. I don’t see this as just one thing. I see this as a progression, or you might say a continuum, where people are growing and continuously moving forward in their expansion into higher states of consciousness. With that, they are growing and moving in their ability to experience higher dimensions. Over time, they don’t just experience those higher dimensions, but eventually stabilize at a particular dimension. Then that higher dimension becomes the primary dimension they are living from. It’s what you might call their new base or reality.


What this suggests, from my point of view, is a process, rather than one specific event or moment. In referring to enlightenment, people may be referring to different steps along the way of this process. They might be referring to people who are at varying states of higher consciousness and realizing higher dimensions of being.


I sometimes refer to these higher states as the fourth dimension, fifth dimension, sixth dimension… There are different qualities to each of these dimensions. What people identify as someone being enlightened references the experiences people have at those different dimensions. This was described in much greater detail in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons. I don’t want to repeat that now. But that is another place where you can find more information about what people experience in different dimensions.


Relative to what happens after death, it depends on what the person’s consciousness is. In general, from the third dimension people go into an after-death state that is in the fourth dimension. But if people are at a higher level of consciousness, it is possible that they would go into a state that is beyond the fourth dimension after death.


It is good to be aware that you can’t always judge (Mary laughs) your own consciousness, let alone someone else’s consciousness. It may be that people are actually operating at higher levels than you may guess by the life experiences they’re having, or even by the choices they’re making, the actions that they’re taking, or the kind of thoughts they’re thinking. It is not as simplistic as sometimes people in the third dimension tend to imagine. There can be reasons why someone would come to the third dimension to have specific experiences, which you might think of as lower experiences. And yet, they may be a very evolved being. They may be very far along their path and simply need these experiences for something very specific for their growth.


Sometimes people come into this world to support processes that are larger than themselves. To do that, they may have taken on certain agreements to do certain things or to make certain things possible. Some of those things may appear negative, from your point of view. But from a larger understanding, it may support a movement forward for specific individuals, or even perhaps for very large groups of individuals.


I urge you to be cautious, to be really aware, and to bring your highest perspective and wisdom to thinking that “This person is enlightened,” or “This person isn’t,” or “This person is on their path,” or “This person isn’t”… Or your thoughts may be very personal: “I’m on my path” or “I’m not” or “I’m doing well,” or “I’m not doing well,” or whatever. Having those kinds of thoughts can be an impediment to you being on your path.


Ultimately everyone’s path is about uniting with God, bringing light and love, and fulfilling your soul purpose. At some level, you all know what your soul purpose is. Generally that knowing is not at the same level as your thinking mind. Sometimes your thinking mind can be an impediment to your fullest connection with your soul purpose.


I hope that that has answered your question. I think it is a very valuable question, for you and hopefully for many people. So thank you very much.


I sense that we are coming to a closure for our time together for now. I thank you all. I thank you for doing the work that you’re doing, for being the beacons of light that you are, for bringing the love that you bring into the world. It is all so important. I bless you. I bring my light and love to you. And I am honored to participate with you in this way.


With that, I close for now. I AM Mary Magdalene.


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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


A Powerful Reminder To Love

By Mercedes Kirkel

A dear friend of mine recently went through the unexpected death of her husband. I did a life-coaching session with her to help her release the trauma she experienced around her loss. During the session, she had an interaction with Mother Mary, which she didn’t fully understand at the time. Later, after listening to my radio show [The Magdalene Hour With Mercedes Kirkel], my friend wrote me this email, sharing the exciting and deeply meaningful breakthrough she’d had. With her generous permission, I share her letter below, because it’s filled with wisdom for all of us. I hope you find it as valuable and moving as I did.


I really enjoyed your radio show. At the end something interesting happened. Do you remember when we did the trauma work and Mary handed me a white, glowing, throbbing ball? I experienced it as a cross between a baby and a heart, and I tucked it into my own heart.

I asked Mary a couple times what it was, but didn’t get an answer. Then right at the very end of your radio show I suddenly understood. She had handed me my pain. The white ball was my pain—that was her gift to carry in my heart.

I thought more about the pain and what exactly it is. I realized it’s that I got disconnected from the love in my marriage. In being married for thirty-five years to a man I loved, I let myself slip out of awareness and forgot to a large degree how much I loved him. I mean I always knew it, but it was dialed way down in the background. I was much more aware of irritation, annoyance, anger, fear, judgment, boredom, etc., than of the profound love I had for him. And I think he did the same with me.

We both fell into a kind of shyness around each other about expressing our love often and out loud, which is sort of strange, but I think it’s common. I think there can be a kind of shyness when two lives are so intimately wound and you talk about every practical matter under the sun. It gets hard to switch into a mode where you’re expressing your deep passionate love. It’s almost like it’s embarrassing or somehow inappropriate. I think it’s much easier in part-time, distant, semi-fantasy relationships—like the ones we both had in the past—to let the passion flow freely.

So the love between us got blocked and semi-buried, until the searing pain of his loss brought it back to the surface. Since he’s not here anymore, I don’t get the chance to heal the pain with him in this lifetime—not in the same way as if he were still on earth—which is another aspect of the pain. It makes sense now that the pain is my gift from Mary. If I can carry it, and continue to feel it, and stay aware of it, I have a chance to remember to stay aware of love in my life—not just for him, but for everyone I love. I have a chance to let people know how much I love them, to drop the inhibition, to remind them and myself that I love them, and not let things go unsaid or partially said.

What Yeshua said in your recent channeling about God’s love in relationships feels very powerful for me right now. When I blocked my love for my husband, I blocked God’s love coming through each of us to the other.  It’s similar to what you said on your radio show that by doubting you were channeling Mary Magdalene, you were doubting God. I still wish my husband could have lived, but if he had I would most likely have continued on the same path of blocked love.

I know it’s way too soon, but I want so much to have another chance at a love partnership in this lifetime—a chance to keep love in the forefront instead of taking it for granted, forgetting it, letting it get overshadowed by day-to-day concerns, habits, irritations. A chance to stay awake in it.

I send love to you. Thanks for doing what you do.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

We All Need Community

image compliments of

By Mercedes Kirkel

Recently a friend contacted me who I hadn’t heard from for a long time. I was shocked and saddened to learn that she’s been diagnosed with cancer and has entered into hospice. Her email was a request for help because she hasn’t been able to work for six months and the bills are piling up. Her desire is to die at home in peace and dignity and she’s humbly turning to friends to ask for any financial assistance they can offer to help her pay her rent and utilities.


I shared my friend’s heart-full communication in my newsletter and was very moved by people’s responsiveness and generosity. Chills ran through my spine as I read the list of people who offered their support, some of whom I knew did not know my friend personally. I felt deeply touched, both by my friend’s vulnerability in asking for help and the loving response I saw from my newsletter “tribe.” I had a sense of being fulfilled relative to my longing for community and caring.


For the majority of my adult life, I’ve lived in some form of intentional community and I very much want that again in my life. One of my early spiritual teachers used to say that community would form around the children. I saw how true that was. As a parent, community wasn’t just a nice idea. The loving support my daughter received from so many other adults in community was a tremendous help to me and benefit to her. I could not have provided that wealth of enrichment, care, and diversity myself.


Now I am seeing the same thing is true for all of us as we age and eventually go through the dying process. This is another time when our need for community becomes more obvious. My father is in an assisted living home now, because his physical needs are beyond what our family can provide. I’ve come to see first hand that besides being enormously expensive to care for someone in this way, it also distances the person from their loved ones. My father’s one continuing wish is that he could be at home with his family.


Yet even in my father’s circumstance, I see how natural it is for us humans to bond in community. I’ve watched my father form relationships with the other people who live there, as virtual strangers gradually become new family for each other. One woman in her 90s, who can’t converse due to being nearly deaf, gives my father her dessert every meal—what a special place she has in his heart! Another man who prefers to be quiet communicates with delightful hand signals to my father. And one woman has adopted me as her sister, always showering me with her blessings from Jesus and God. In fact, they all have become my extended family, as we’ve gotten to know one another from my regular visits. Now I have my own loving and special connection with each of them.


A good friend was recently sharing his desire for community with me. Even though he’s married, he realizes that being in a couple relationship isn’t enough, because at some point one of them is going to die and then the other will be alone. I think this is why there’s such a growing interest in retirement communities. I see this as the growing edge of community in the U.S. right now and a positive step forward from the isolation of living as singles and couples.


But I envision even more, something that’s in many ways similar to how people used to live in extended families, tribes, or small villages. I long to be part of a multigenerational community that includes young and old, with all being enriched by the gifts of each age group—children contributing their life-energy and joy, elders contributing their wisdom and time, mid-aged people contributing their strength and support, and everyone benefiting from the wholeness and continuity of a life that includes the full spectrum of human experience. I can almost taste the security and peace of belonging and being included through all the phases of life. That’s what my heart yearns for.


What about you? I’d love to hear.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Akashic Record Readings, and Guidance from Beings of Light. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Mary Magdalene: There Is A Drama Going On

Part One of a Message

from Mary Magdalene

Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013


Blessings my dear ones and welcome. I am so happy to have you here.  I thank you all for coming on this morning, to be with me and to share with me in all the ways that you are. I love you. I have so much love for you. I am so passionate and full with my love, pregnant with my love, so much that I want to share with you, to help you, to offer whatever I can to be of service to you. In that spirit, I come to you this morning.


There is much that I have already shared, as was spoken about earlier and is recorded in the book that Mercedes has brought through from me. I do not feel I need to duplicate that at this time, for that is available to you always through the book and through Mercedes’s help. So I would like to share with you other things that are on my mind at this point and that I hope will be of value to you.


There is so much going on in your world. It is quite a juxtaposition right now between so many people moving forward at amazing speed, with great progress in their spiritual path and spiritual growth. And of course, you who are here today are all a part of that group. I acknowledge you and hope that you realize how strongly you are serving the spiritual process—for yourself but also for your world and for many beings, simply by the work that you are doing in the spiritual realm. You are doing it very well, amazing well, considering all the change you are all going through at such a rapid speed. For that is what is happening at this time—there is tremendous change and acceleration of change, so that you are all growing in a way that is unprecedented. It is so sped up. You are all to be acknowledged for the work that you are doing, and for even being able to go through this. For it is not an easy process. The kind of change that you are undergoing generally happens over a much greater period of time so that it is easier for the being to adapt, much the way you might think of evolution of a species happening in your world. It happens very slowly and very gradually. And it often happens through the birth process, where one generation will come through and be slightly different or altered from the previous generation. That is one of the more easeful ways that change can happen, especially in the third-dimensional realm.


But that is not what’s happening at this time. At this time, you are being changed as already incarnated, manifested beings. That is a much more difficult process. You’re even being changed physically, at the core of your being, in your DNA, in so many ways at the cellular level. But you are simultaneously being changed at all levels. You are being changed in terms of your emotions, in terms of your mind and your beliefs and thoughts. Energetically you’re being changed. All of this is part of the progression that I have described before, of moving into a higher dimension based on manifesting a higher consciousness.


It may sound very simple or straightforward when I speak about it or when you think about it. But the way that it actually happens in life is not simple and straightforward. It is challenging, oftentimes, for your body and whole being to change in these ways. And many of you are experiencing this. You’re experiencing change, upheaval, turmoil, unknowingness, discomforts, new symptoms, things happening in your life in ways they’ve never happened before. All of this can be confusing, disconcerting, can cause fear, insecurity, all sorts of things. It’s kind of like riding on a ship in a storm. It’s quite a wild ride and you don’t necessarily know what the outcome is going to be. This is what so many of you are experiencing right now.


You are to be greatly commended for your stalwartness, your perseverance, your dedication, your willingness to go through this. It is remarkable. It is a testimony to your strength and to your commitment to your spirituality, your spiritual growth, and spiritual path. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for what you are going through, and what you will continue to go through as part of this transition.


It will have different phases. Some phases will be easier. Some phases may seem more turbulent, or chaotic, or wild, or hard, or however they seem. It is an unfolding process. It is something that you, and we, cannot see in advance exactly how it will happen. But you are underway. You are on this course of transforming, like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly in your world. This is a very good analogy. But you are not becoming butterflies. You are becoming fourth-dimensional beings, energy beings. This is an enormous step forward in your evolution on all levels. That is what you are in the midst of.


While all this is happening, there is something else going on, which is that there is resistance to this in your world. There are many people who do not understand what is happening, who are not even aware that this transformation is going on. They see any signs of this transformation, this change as a threat to their world. They are fighting this change because they believe it is a kind of annihilation of themselves or the world as they know it. And in truth, change is always a kind of a death process. You are always letting go, releasing, dying to the old way, your old self, whatever that was. So there is truth in this point of view, to a certain extent, in that there is a death process underway.


But it is not only death, of course. It is death and rebirth, into so much of a more wonderful form, which even those who are resisting would enjoy so much more, if only they understood and could allow it. Yet they have their process to go through, too. They are not just the bad ones, the evil ones, the dark ones, resisting what should be happening. It may appear that way to you. But that is not actually an accurate understanding. They are as much a part of this change as you are, as the light workers are, as the ones who are trying to bring this change forth. You all have your roles and parts that you are playing. Their part is significant, as well. It is part of their spiritual evolution to do what they are doing. And it is part of your spiritual evolution for them to be doing that. It is all part of the entire process. So it is not that you are trying to do one thing and they are holding you back, or perhaps making it not work, making it impossible, capsizing the ship, whatever it is. That is not actually the case. This is all part of the grand process.


It is a delicate thing to describe your relationship to all of this, because I do not want to give the impression that you don’t need to do anything, that everything is perfect and just allow it all to be. That’s not the case. You have your role. Part of your role, which all of you have come here to do, is to be the light yourself, first and foremost—to be anchors for that light and holders of the light, to be part of creating this great network of light amongst all the beings who are doing this. That is, more than anything else, going to allow this transformation in your world to occur. Your role is also to carry out your individual life-purpose and life-plan, to further the light in your way. And that is your work to do. It is not simply to be passive, or to know that everything is fine and there’s nothing that needs to be done. That is not an accurate understanding, for it is very important that you do the work that you came to do, whatever that is.


If you are not clear about what your work is, it is to your benefit to become clear about that. You may ask for help from higher beings like myself, from your own personal guides, your angels. You can ask for help from those individuals who help others to connect with their guidance. You can ask for help directly from God, from your higher self, from all of your spirit-beings—however it is that you do that—through prayer, through talking with them, whatever form you use. You can look for signs in your life such as your passion, such as the things that bring in the light for you, such as the things that you do because you love them, you can’t help yourself but to do those. These are all signs that that is part of your path, which you have committed to and which you have taken on in this lifetime. So that is all of your work to do.


But, as I was saying, there are apparently beings who are not consciously on this path, and seem to be doing things that are obstructing or making this transformation more difficult, who are not supportive of this transformation—perhaps that is the best way to express it. These being need your love, more than anything else. They need your blessing and your prayers. Of course, there are things you can do to redirect the actions they’re taking. There might be political things, there might be personal things. Again, your action is important. But even more important is your understanding that these beings are on the path, also, and for you to find their light and to shine your light to them. You can always help them in that way, as well as by taking whatever practical steps you feel called to in relation to any particular beings or events.


In some ways, you might say there is a drama going on, a certain play of light versus dark, because this is a birth process into much greater light, and it’s real. It actually is happening. It is a death process of the old ways, the ways in which you have adapted to a certain frequency of light and darkness, a certain form that it has taken and with which you have become familiar. Now you are calling for the death of that. It is a real process, just as in the death of the physical body. In most cases, it is a process, which doesn’t just happen in a moment or by a single decision. It happens through a process because there are a great many things that must shift, that must release and let go before the transformation can occur.


So you will need to relax with this process, to flow with it. In the book I give the analogy of learning to open, the way a woman in childbirth learns to open. This is a good analogy that may be helpful to you. Any woman who has gone through childbirth knows that it is very real, there are real pains, real hardships that are involved, and that it is possible to relax in the midst of this and to flow with it in ways that make it much easier. So it is with your time now.


I think that is all that I wish to say at this time as a general communication to all of you who are listening to this.


[End of Part One of this message.]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Sol: What Happens After Death, Diet In The New Age, And Functioning After Spiritual Awakening



Part 2 of A Channeled Message from Sol

Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on March 17, 2013


Question: Sol, you’re like us in that you’re born and someday you’ll die, the energy will leave. How close to us are you? Is there uncertainty in you about what happens after?


Sol: No. I am existing at a higher dimension, where time is not perceived the way that you perceive it. So I do not perceive myself as being in something after, the way that you do.


I also am so profoundly connected to God that I have no need to be of concern. I experience tremendous… what you might call bliss, peace, harmony, clarity about my purpose. And in that is tremendous trust that I will do this as long as it is part of the great plan. And when that is not so, I will be moved to whatever is part of the great plan at that point. I trust it will be equally perfect.


I cannot remember your question anymore. Would you please ask it again.


Question: Birth and death and what we become after seems like total uncertainty. It seems like we hold onto certainty…


Sol: It is uncertainty as you see it from the third dimension. To me it is simply waves of the ocean changing. I am still the ocean. Why would you hold onto a particular wave? It is simply one form.


It is the knowingness of yourself as God that makes all the difference. There is no uncertainty in God. In that absolute certainty, you can allow all change—all arising, appearance, disappearance, changing, reappearing, moving into another form, whatever it is. It becomes a great beauty, a great expression, the way you enjoy a flower.


So if that is not your reality at this moment, rather than placing your concern or attention on uncertainty, the path is to find your connection to God, to know the certainty of that connection and allow that to expand more and more. Allow this expansion in a natural way, not a forced way, not a forceful way, but a natural way.


It’s really like falling in love. In the third dimension, many of you have the experience of falling in love. It’s really a glimpse of the great glory you will know when you fall in love with God. More and more, you become merged with God and God’s qualities become your reality. At that point, you will know the certainty of God.


Question: I’ve heard that we’re shifting into the Aquarian energy, where people will eat food cooked by the Sun. That intrigues and excites me. How can we get to that point of choosing a diet that’s cooked by the Sun?


Sol: Eating food that’s cooked by the sun is one aspect of having a life altogether that is infused by light and love, in this case the light of the Sun and the love of the Sun. Diet is—especially at the third dimension—a primary aspect of life. It is an aspect that supports and sustains you. It also brings you great pleasure and that is a very good thing, a very valuable thing, an aspect of God. Delight is pleasure.


There are different ways of approaching this. One is that as you eat more and more pure foods—pure in the sense that they hold life-energy, the life-energy that came through the Sun and the Earth, and the joining of the two—you are supported more and more in that energy within yourself. So it is of value to you to eat a diet that is optimally natural in that sense. There are many things being added to foods through technology that are taking away from this purity of light and love, the Earth- and Sun-energy that has been infused into food, and blocking that. So it is of value to you to eat foods that are as pure as possible, which many in your world label as organic. That is a very valuable process.


Eating this way also supports the process of light and love infusing your world, because when food is not grown in a pure way or an organic way, the chemicals that are used interfere with the Earth’s energy of holding light and love. So just in a very practical way—for the Earth, for all the beings on the Earth, and for your own body—eating natural foods supports that process at many levels.


That, in turn, supports the spiritual process, which, as you say, is going through an emergence into a new age at this time. As you grow in this spiritual process—this ascension into what you could call the Aquarian age or the fourth dimension, there are different ways of referencing it—you will more and more be operating at the higher frequencies of light and love, including higher frequencies in the third dimension and moving into the next dimension. As you more and more operate at these higher frequencies, they have a purifying effect. So the effects of this toxicity on the Earth, through your food stream but also through many other avenues, will be lessened. You will have a healing effect upon this toxicity, through the light-energy and the love-frequency that you yourself are carrying, along with many others. It will have a power of healing. And you will be personally less affected by these physical and energetic forms of toxicity as you move into higher levels.


At these higher levels, you will naturally gravitate toward the purity of food substances and all substances that are carrying the higher frequencies of light and love. As you are more attuned and resonating with the higher frequencies within yourself, this is what you will be attracted to outside yourself. It will be a natural process of more and more being attracted to these foods and also, more and more, these types of foods being sufficient to truly sustain you to your optimum level.


When you are operating at a more dense frequency, you may require more dense foods. This is not a judgment upon anyone, or what they eat or take into their body. But there is a physical reality that everyone has a certain frequency they’re operating at. And at that particular frequency, there will be optimal foods for them. It is to your advantage to take in what is optimal for you at your present time, as opposed to having a preference through your belief system for what you would like to be eating, which may not match what is actually most supportive for you.


Many people who are on the spiritual path desire to be eating foods that are lighter. They might desire to be vegetarian, or vegan, or raw foods, or breatharian. And in fact, at different stages of ascending to higher frequencies, these various diets will tend to be more appropriate. But they may not be the most appropriate for you at your present stage, or any particular stage. And if they’re not, it will not be supporting your spiritual growth to be trying to take in a diet that’s not attuned to your current frequency.


It is part of your awareness, and in some ways responsibility, to find the diet that is most supportive for you. For some people this includes animal foods; for some people it doesn’t. For some people this may include cooking; for some people it doesn’t. It may change for you over time. It may change from this moment to that moment. So it is part of staying in tune to yourself and what is most valuable for yourself.


But it is good and often helpful to be aware that over time, particularly as you grow into higher energies, your diet may change. It very likely will become lighter and you will be eating foods that are higher frequency, lighter foods. You also may be eating lighter quantities of foods. Eventually you may be living solely on the sustenance you receive from air, from light, or you may not. This is to be seen. But it will be a natural process that will unfold naturally. And while it is understandable that you may look forward to a time when you are sustained by other things than perhaps you are now, do not try to force it. It will become your natural movement when it is right for you.


One of the biggest traps is to become overly serious. This blocks the light. Joy, fun, pleasure are all things that open you to light. Do not become overly serious about your diet, while still staying attuned to what is most supportive of you and staying in service to that.


Do not become overly serious about any aspect of your world. Do your part. Stay in the light. Stay in joy. Trust in the power of light. Enjoy the love. And you will be fine.


Question: I used to be a strong spiritual seeker. I reached a point in my life where I realized and embraced the fact that I was always part of the thing that I was seeking. I was a spark of consciousness in a sea of consciousness. I’ve never been separate from it. From that place I looked out at my world and realized that this is just a divine play of consciousness, with lots of sparks of consciousness all interacting and playing in this divine dance with each other, some pretending that they’re separate, some embracing the consciousness that they’ve always been part of. And there’s no death. It’s just consciousness changing and moving between forms.


The more I’ve embraced this as my reality, the more I realize that it really doesn’t matter what I do. So what do I do? I’m not motivated by fear anymore, which is the main thing that used to motivate my direction in life. Without the fear, there’s no motivation to do very much at all. Do you have some insight on this?


Sol: I feel tremendous joy in hearing your expression. I see delight increased through your words and my heart is happy.


This is truly a very accurate description of the process that all beings are moving into. Different ones will have different experiences as they go through this. For many, there is a shift that occurs at this point from being propelled by this desire for reunification, which shows up in every form. Oftentimes beings don’t realize this is what’s propelling them. They think it’s about getting a job, being successful, having a family, having fun, whatever it is. But those are simply manifestations of this intrinsic movement that beings have to know themselves in union with God.


Once that has occurred at the core level, where there is a shift of knowing yourself in this union, all those things that propelled you before tend to fall away, as not having that force of propulsion moving you to want to do this or that. At that time there’s often a shift into service of others. So that is one form that can manifest at that stage.


At a deeper level it’s really a shift from a kind of unconscious motivation, generally associated with fear. The fundamental fear is the fear of separation, which is separation from God, ultimately. This sense of separation and fear that has been motivating you prior to knowing your reunification with God shifts into passion and pleasure. Passion and pleasure are, in general, manifestations of soul purpose. They’re often associated with service to others and the whole. But there can be different forms that this takes. Oftentimes it takes the form of being called to certain work in life. Some feel it as a kind of calling or mission that you have passion about. You don’t have to think about it, it simply is drawing you.


But it may not take that form for everyone. It may take the form of simple beingness. In that beingness, you are still always offering service, through your state of being. In truth, that is the fundamental service we always offer.


Your soul knows its path. As long as you are here, there is a purpose for you being here. It may not be apparent to your mind what that is. It is a matter for your higher self to direct you and inform you, for your highest good.


There are times when it is not necessary to be doing anything in particular. There are reasons for this, which may not be apparent at the time you go through those periods. If you are used to knowing—the way that most beings are used to at the third dimension in the Earth plane—this may feel uncomfortable. It may be helpful to communicate as directly as you’re able with your higher self (or to have support in communicating with your higher self, if that feels valuable to you)—to be able to come to peace with the degree that you know or do not know, understand or do not understand what this period of time may be about for you.


So those are your supports through this process: your connection to your higher self, and your connection to your passion and your joy, even if your passion and your joy come in very still forms.


Now I believe it is a good time for us to come to a close for today. I thank you all for your being. I thank you all for the spiritual light that you are, for attuning to the light of the Sun, the light of the universe, the light of God. I thank you for this time we have had together, which has been a great celebration for me. And I offer you my blessings. Blessings of light to you all.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Crossing Over Into the Light-Realm

I’ve experienced what feels like a miracle in my life. Two weeks ago my dad was admitted to the hospital with an infection that had gone into his bloodstream. As we have a number of times over the past half year, we thought this may very well be the end and prepared ourselves. But after a few days, he started to rally yet again.


As he began to “rejoin our world,” he was initially quite confused and his connection to this realm seemed tenuous. When I walked into his room, he looked at me with amazement and said, “I can’t believe you’re here. I never expected to see you.” I’m not sure who he thought I was, as I’ve been visiting him regularly. But it didn’t matter to me. I was delighted to be able to interact and talk with him. And he was so filled with love and light, it was a joy and an honor to be with him.


At one point he apologized for not being able to remember much. I reassured him, saying, “It’s not what you remember or think that matters. What matters is your heart and the love you feel.” At that point, he looked over my shoulder and seemed to be seeing something very profound. I wondered if he was having a vision. In fact, he was, but not the kind I was thinking of. I turned to see what he was looking at and realized it was the white board on the wall with all his medical information on it. Then he said to me, “Do you see that board? To me, it’s a love board.”


I walked over to the board and wrote, “I love you,” and signed my name. He seemed extremely pleased as he beamed with a wide smile. Then he laughed because underneath my message was a reminder to the nurses that he couldn’t feed himself. So the whole communication read: “I love you. Mercedes. Please feed me.”


The next day he was more lucid, but still in an exalted state. He was tracking everything going on around him with great interest and his response to all he observed was wonder and awe. As I was standing beside his bed, he asked me to turn around. I wasn’t sure why he requested that, thinking maybe he wanted to see what my clothes looked like from the back. As I turned around, he pointed out the window, and said, “Isn’t that beautiful?” I looked outside to a typical downtown Albuquerque city scene of roads, traffic, buildings, and a small patch of grass with a couple of trees. He continued, “Isn’t that building beautiful? And look at those clouds!”


I shifted into seeing what he was seeing. I wouldn’t have noticed it normally, in the midst of my busyness or focusing on whatever I was engaged in. But there was a certain beauty to the building, and certainly to the clouds. I started to reflect on the extraordinariness that all the things in our world—which I so easily take for granted—even exist. And I felt myself joining my father in his transformed state.


Later the nurse came in and attended to him. She emptied his catheter into the toilet and then flushed the contents down. He immediately wanted to know what that sound was. We told him it was the toilet flushing and he said with amazement, “Imagine that.” The nurse and I smiled at each other, each of us feeling touched and lifted up by his innocent marveling at what for us was a mundane experience.


My father has continued to recover, so quickly that even the hospital staff were surprised. His will to live continues to astound us all. And the silver lining to the whole event is that he was discharged to the same skilled nursing facility where his wife was recovering from her back surgery. For the first time since he was admitted to an assisted living facility six months ago, they’re living under the same roof. I can’t tell you the joy I saw in both their faces as she walked into his room the first evening to spend time together before they both went to sleep.


I already believe in miracles, so I didn’t need any convincing that I was witnessing one. But I feel incredibly blessed to have been so closely involved in the whole process, watching it unfold, seeing how my mind had no idea what was really going on, and feeling my heart so moved by the beauty I was witnessing. For the past six months, as my dad has seemed so close to dying so many times, I’ve often wondered what’s keeping him here. Why hasn’t he chosen to let go and move on? After experiencing these most recent events, a new thought came to me. Perhaps my dad isn’t waiting to cross over and meet with the angels. Perhaps he’s decided to start his transformation into the light-realm here and now. And in that, he continues to be my teacher, as he has been for so long.



Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

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