Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’

Archangel Michael: News Flash from the Higher Dimensions

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013


Blessings dear one. This is Archangel Michael. It has been a while since we have communicated in this form and I am moved to be with you again. It is my delight and pleasure to be with you today.


I wish to give you somewhat of an update of how I perceive things are going for you in your world. You might think of it as a news flash or a weather report from my station in the higher dimensions. What I see is very good. I see the light on Earth increasing. This is a direct effect of each person and the light they are anchoring, the light they are opening to. This is a great process. It is a process that, especially in the third dimension, is not easily accomplished. Yet it is happening in your world, in ways that I suspect many of you may not fully realize. It is happening gradually and continuously. Often things that are gradual and continuous are not as obvious. It is also happening at deep and profound levels. Because all of you are still involved in third-dimensional functioning, you are required to spend at least a certain part of your energy and awareness in functioning in more third-dimensional, superficial ways. So that, too, may contribute to you being less than fully aware of what is happening on the deeper levels. So I come to confirm this, to lend you my viewpoint, perhaps my “sight.”


Ultimately, what is happening in any place of manifestation is very simple. It is a process of consciousness made manifest. Such manifestation happens, in the most subtle form, through light. As light becomes increasingly drawn into manifestation, it takes other forms, more solid forms, if you will. Thus you eventually have things like physicality. This is one aspect of your world, the consciousness/light aspect. Then there is the aspect of love. These two go together. They are partners, if you will.


At this time, many of you are starting to understand how consciousness comes into play and affects the quality of light in your world, the clarity of light in your world, the accessibility of light in your world, the abundance or lack of abundance of light in your world. So many of you are beginning to work at the level of consciousness, which is a most wonderful thing.


There are two approaches. You can approach transformation and growth through consciousness, and this will open you to love. Or you can approach transformation and growth through love, and this will open you to consciousness. These are not in conflict. They are very harmonious. As a matter of fact, they are both inextricably connected. But some of you may resonate with one or the other more. Some of you may find more ease in working more consciously with one or the other, consciousness or love. And that is fine.


It is most valuable to do what is strong for you. You will progress the most clearly and directly in that way. You will also contribute most valuably in that way, by bringing your strength, your gift, your uniqueness. Do not worry if the other parts are not as strong, clear, or accessible for you. Everything you require is being given. If pieces that you see others involved in are not, perhaps, your path, they are simply not your path. (quietly laughs) Those gifts will come to you in other ways.


What is important is that you contribute your gift and that you understand the vastness, the whole, and are supportive of others and their gifts, while not necessarily needing to pursue them yourself. Ultimately you are supported by the strengths and differences of others. It is part of why you do not need to pursue all paths, because you are part of the whole. It is like your body. The heart does not need to do what the liver does. They each benefit from the work of the other.


What I see is that your work is progressing beautifully. The light is increasing—your personal light and the light of your whole planet. You are involved and underway with this ascension process. Some of you may have wanted to see certain signs, certain events, which may or may not have happened. Or perhaps there are other events that are disturbing you, causing you to be worried or even fearful about the future of your planet. It is most helpful if you allow these to be without giving them energy, not getting involved in them. They are helping others to complete certain things, release certain things that are important for them. If it is not your work, you do not need to become involved.


It is best to be involved with the highest level of light that you can connect with. Support that within yourself and in your world in whatever way is true for you. Become sensitive to whether you are engaged in things that lower your light, diminish your brightness, and extricate yourself from those circumstances. They are not necessary and they are not most supportive. Each of you will have your own path for doing that. But you are free-will beings. You are in choice. You are not stuck or limited to any circumstance.


Do not beat yourself up with this. If you are in a circumstance that is challenging, there is a reason for that in your life. You may have a learning or a karmic debt that you are completing. Bring the light into that circumstance. Choose light where you are.


There are forms of choosing light. Gratitude is a form of choosing light. Connecting with God is a form of choosing light. Prayer is a form of choosing light. Communion in any way is a form of choosing light. Become sensitive to when the light is strong for you. Become sensitive to how you feel. Become sensitive to the effects in the world around you. Become sensitive to your mind, your heart. Become aware. Then it will be easier for you to notice the changes, the shifts, what increases the light, what dims the light.


You are all light bringers, light bearers, light rejoicers. Do not forget to celebrate the light, in whatever way fills your heart with joy.


This is my message for you this morning. I thank you for listening, for allowing me the opportunity to share this with you.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Isis: Quickening The Shift Into Fourth Dimension

Part 1 of a Message Given Through Mercedes Kirkel

On May 5, 2013


[Note from Mercedes: This channeling was given at an ongoing group I lead that’s dedicated to supporting people in the ascension process. We had just engaged a discussion of changing the format of the group to become more co-creative by forming a council to determine what would happen in the gatherings rather than having one person (me) in charge. Isis is referring to this change as she begins her communication.]




Blessings dear ones. This is Goddess Isis.


I am thrilled to be with you this morning. I feel especially moved to be here because of the process that you have just gone through, which speaks so directly to my heart. You are moving in the direction of the higher beings and I am filled with joy by this. I see the light increasing around you and around what you are creating together. What you are underway with is so important. It is an essential part of the ascension process. For this is truly how we operate as higher beings. We operate as group entities, in different configurations—depending on the purpose, the beings that are involved, and their particular level of development. But what you are engaging is very much in the direction of the higher dimensions.


So I feel drawn to be with you and my heart is responding so strongly to what you are creating through this co-creative process. For truly it has been said—and it is absolutely the case—that the old model of having a leader and followers is coming to an end. It was something that you all needed to explore for a period of time. And it is something that you are so ready to go beyond. At this point, it is a limit to continue in that model.


It is important to clarify—because sometimes there is confusion when beings are used to this old model of the leader/follower roles—that this isn’t to say that there won’t be people stepping into leadership roles for particular functions. If someone has a gift, if someone has a talent or a strength, it is wise to allow them to lead and to offer that gift and that talent. It is just that it is done for particular purposes and functions, and it is done in service to the whole. It is not done as an authority, or as a power model or function. The authority and power are held by the group, always—by everyone in the group. It is very essential that you realize that everyone has power and that the group does not have its full power if everyone is not contributing their individual power.


Part of the old model that you’re releasing is your understanding, or awareness, or perception of what is power, what is strength, what is a gift. Many people have gifts that are currently not being recognized—often by themselves, and often by others. In the past, you have had a certain model or an image of what it is to contribute, what it is to lead, or who has those qualities, those strengths, those abilities. This is part of what you’re going beyond. You often thought that people who were assertive were the ones who should be the leaders. And there are times, of course, when that is important and that gift is very valuable. But there are times when the ones who are less assertive have gifts that are very valuable. There are times when the quiet ones are most valuable and have the most to offer. Part of the challenge that you are all going into is to recognize and embrace the gifts and powers of all—to create a form and a structure that includes all, allows all to give, allows all to receive from all.


This may seem confusing to you because you are accustomed to the old ways of operating and of interacting with others. But you will find it exceedingly doable and enjoyable and exciting, and it will feed you. You will have so much energy from operating in this way, which you haven’t had before. It will feed you and you will come to cherish this process, just the way that you cherish having a lover and exchanging your energies through sexuality. Not to say that you’re going to be having sex (as you know it) in these group situations. But you will enjoy an exchange of deep energy with others, a most wonderful exchange that will enliven you, teach you so much, bring you joy. You will come to value this in a way that perhaps is new to you or you haven’t experienced in the past. I am very excited for you to move into this experience and this kind of joy.


You have been so habituated and accustomed to separation, to a level that most of you have no idea how much it’s affected you. I am delighted and truly excited to watch as you open up, step-by-step, to going beyond these self-imposed limits of separation, which you have assumed. You oftentimes aren’t realizing how much your orientation to separation is limiting you, how much more there is to experience when you go beyond those limits. And so I applaud you, I cheer you on and support you tremendously, as you open to this new way of operating and explore it. You have so many wonderful things ahead, more than you realize.


I am aware that my words may sound surprising, or even a little hard to believe for some of you who are not experiencing joy in your life right now, who perhaps are experiencing hardship, difficulty, struggle, even disappointment or despair. I am not negating that there are hardships. Your hardships in your life are real. At this time, everything is being intensified, everything is being sped up and exaggerated. This is true for those on the ascension path—those calling in the light, those who are dedicated and committed and are even advanced themselves in being light-beings, but are still involved in the third dimension—as well as for others. This intensification process, this quickening, this exaggeration is showing up for many of you as difficulties, hardships, and struggles. It may be physical, it may be emotional—those are probably the two ways that you are experiencing the intensification the most.


There are various reasons for this. Some of you have agreed to take on things energetically for the planet as a whole, to support this process of ascension and to help everyone to make this move forward. You have agreed, at a soul level, to take on a portion of the transformation process. Thus, what you are experiencing is not entirely your own. It is to help make it possible for all to move forward.


Most of you who are in the ascension process are also very sensitive. You are experiencing the changes going on in a very strong, powerful way because these are strong, powerful changes. They are playing on your system, kind of like radio waves in the air that are picked up by a radio. That is similar to the way that you are experiencing these changes.


And then of course, you, yourself, are changing, which you are experiencing, as well. So it is understandable that all this could be challenging in many ways. There is so much that you are facilitating and drawing through your being at this time.


I want to acknowledge this, too, to thank all of you who are doing this. I encourage you to stay with it, to support yourselves in all the ways that you know how. It is very important to support yourself through your meditation and any other ways that are dedicated to connecting with God and with Spirit. This is extremely important, and only becoming more important, because you are becoming a being that is more directly connected to God. You are becoming more fed through your connection to God and less fed through the more third-dimensional, physical ways. Those ways will still support you and are still important, but your connection to God is becoming more important, along with your connection to the highest, most refined, sublime frequencies of energy that you are able to contact and connect with.


So I certainly encourage you all to support yourself. I also encourage you to begin, more and more, to support each other. This goes back to what I was talking about earlier. Your mutual support is going to become increasingly important because you are not living as separate beings anymore. You are beginning the transition of going beyond separation. Thus your dependence on each other is becoming greater. Your bonds to each other are becoming more important. It is very important that you understand this and start to shift in your orientation towards others.


It is important that you start asking others for help. This is one of the biggest things… When you are in the mode of separation, there is this idea of “I am on my own now. I need to handle things on my own.” And even, “I should be able to do it all on my own. There’s something the matter with me if I need to ask others for help.” This is a result of deep third-dimensional thinking of separation, of understanding yourself as separate and isolated and alone.


Now, as you are growing beyond that into the fourth dimension and beyond, you must shift. You must not see it as something being the matter with you if you need someone else’s help—that you are somehow lacking, or you’re weak, or you’re a burden to other people. Actually, you are simply starting to operate in greater wholeness. It is the way that the cells of your body operate. Your body would not be very functional if the cells did not depend on each other and function together in community, communicating with each other and expecting that they will all work together. This is the process that is going to be more and more the way that you, as seemingly individual beings, are going to be operating with other individual beings. When you ask them for help it will be a gift to them. They will be fed by your asking because you are simply reinforcing your oneness, your wholeness, your interconnection with all beings. And when they offer the help to you, they will experience themselves receiving from that, as well, because this is the nature of your relationship with each other, your non-separation. As you are in the process of making the shift from this third-dimensional consciousness into the fourth-dimensional consciousness, the mechanism that will bring this about most directly is through asking for help.


The other mechanism that will bring this about very directly is revealing yourself more openly to each other, showing yourself. The challenge for most of you in this will be showing yourself when you are going through difficulty—when you are emotionally disturbed or when you are upset with another person, when you’re confused and you don’t know how to proceed, when you’re in fear, when you’re sad… All of these are times when it will be important to start to reveal yourself. For most of you, this will be a new way of operating that’s different from the past. This, too, will help you to start to shift into this higher way of functioning.


As you develop, it will not be so necessary to do this in a verbal way, through speech. More and more you will be operating telepathically, empathically. You will start to be aware of each other the way that you are aware of yourself. But most of you are not fully there. Most of you are still being strongly affected by the strong pull of separation —almost like the pull of gravity. So especially in the beginning stages of making this transition, speech and communication will be very important.


There are ways to learn to communicate with greater skill. It is essential to always take responsibility for yourself, where you are not blaming others for what you are experiencing. But do not hold back, either. Openly show what your own experience is. The skill in doing this will become increasingly important.


So communicating what is going on with you and asking for help from others will support you.


Many of you overuse communication. Many of you use many words to say very little, because you are not truly connected to what is behind all the words. Part of your growth is to do deeper work, to understand yourself better so you know what is behind all the words you tend to use. It is a burden on others to use so many words. You do not realize how much this drains you and drains others, when the words are not connected to what is truly going on with you at a deeper level. A skill that would also be valuable for many of you to develop is to wait to speak until you are truly connected to your heart, your body, and your emotions, and to let your speech come out of that. It will not take nearly as many words as many of you tend to use. And when you do use words, they will be much more connecting for you with each other.


I sense I have said enough for now, and I hope that this has been helpful to you.


[End of Part 1 of this message.]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Mary Magdalene: There Is A Drama Going On

Part One of a Message

from Mary Magdalene

Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013


Blessings my dear ones and welcome. I am so happy to have you here.  I thank you all for coming on this morning, to be with me and to share with me in all the ways that you are. I love you. I have so much love for you. I am so passionate and full with my love, pregnant with my love, so much that I want to share with you, to help you, to offer whatever I can to be of service to you. In that spirit, I come to you this morning.


There is much that I have already shared, as was spoken about earlier and is recorded in the book that Mercedes has brought through from me. I do not feel I need to duplicate that at this time, for that is available to you always through the book and through Mercedes’s help. So I would like to share with you other things that are on my mind at this point and that I hope will be of value to you.


There is so much going on in your world. It is quite a juxtaposition right now between so many people moving forward at amazing speed, with great progress in their spiritual path and spiritual growth. And of course, you who are here today are all a part of that group. I acknowledge you and hope that you realize how strongly you are serving the spiritual process—for yourself but also for your world and for many beings, simply by the work that you are doing in the spiritual realm. You are doing it very well, amazing well, considering all the change you are all going through at such a rapid speed. For that is what is happening at this time—there is tremendous change and acceleration of change, so that you are all growing in a way that is unprecedented. It is so sped up. You are all to be acknowledged for the work that you are doing, and for even being able to go through this. For it is not an easy process. The kind of change that you are undergoing generally happens over a much greater period of time so that it is easier for the being to adapt, much the way you might think of evolution of a species happening in your world. It happens very slowly and very gradually. And it often happens through the birth process, where one generation will come through and be slightly different or altered from the previous generation. That is one of the more easeful ways that change can happen, especially in the third-dimensional realm.


But that is not what’s happening at this time. At this time, you are being changed as already incarnated, manifested beings. That is a much more difficult process. You’re even being changed physically, at the core of your being, in your DNA, in so many ways at the cellular level. But you are simultaneously being changed at all levels. You are being changed in terms of your emotions, in terms of your mind and your beliefs and thoughts. Energetically you’re being changed. All of this is part of the progression that I have described before, of moving into a higher dimension based on manifesting a higher consciousness.


It may sound very simple or straightforward when I speak about it or when you think about it. But the way that it actually happens in life is not simple and straightforward. It is challenging, oftentimes, for your body and whole being to change in these ways. And many of you are experiencing this. You’re experiencing change, upheaval, turmoil, unknowingness, discomforts, new symptoms, things happening in your life in ways they’ve never happened before. All of this can be confusing, disconcerting, can cause fear, insecurity, all sorts of things. It’s kind of like riding on a ship in a storm. It’s quite a wild ride and you don’t necessarily know what the outcome is going to be. This is what so many of you are experiencing right now.


You are to be greatly commended for your stalwartness, your perseverance, your dedication, your willingness to go through this. It is remarkable. It is a testimony to your strength and to your commitment to your spirituality, your spiritual growth, and spiritual path. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for what you are going through, and what you will continue to go through as part of this transition.


It will have different phases. Some phases will be easier. Some phases may seem more turbulent, or chaotic, or wild, or hard, or however they seem. It is an unfolding process. It is something that you, and we, cannot see in advance exactly how it will happen. But you are underway. You are on this course of transforming, like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly in your world. This is a very good analogy. But you are not becoming butterflies. You are becoming fourth-dimensional beings, energy beings. This is an enormous step forward in your evolution on all levels. That is what you are in the midst of.


While all this is happening, there is something else going on, which is that there is resistance to this in your world. There are many people who do not understand what is happening, who are not even aware that this transformation is going on. They see any signs of this transformation, this change as a threat to their world. They are fighting this change because they believe it is a kind of annihilation of themselves or the world as they know it. And in truth, change is always a kind of a death process. You are always letting go, releasing, dying to the old way, your old self, whatever that was. So there is truth in this point of view, to a certain extent, in that there is a death process underway.


But it is not only death, of course. It is death and rebirth, into so much of a more wonderful form, which even those who are resisting would enjoy so much more, if only they understood and could allow it. Yet they have their process to go through, too. They are not just the bad ones, the evil ones, the dark ones, resisting what should be happening. It may appear that way to you. But that is not actually an accurate understanding. They are as much a part of this change as you are, as the light workers are, as the ones who are trying to bring this change forth. You all have your roles and parts that you are playing. Their part is significant, as well. It is part of their spiritual evolution to do what they are doing. And it is part of your spiritual evolution for them to be doing that. It is all part of the entire process. So it is not that you are trying to do one thing and they are holding you back, or perhaps making it not work, making it impossible, capsizing the ship, whatever it is. That is not actually the case. This is all part of the grand process.


It is a delicate thing to describe your relationship to all of this, because I do not want to give the impression that you don’t need to do anything, that everything is perfect and just allow it all to be. That’s not the case. You have your role. Part of your role, which all of you have come here to do, is to be the light yourself, first and foremost—to be anchors for that light and holders of the light, to be part of creating this great network of light amongst all the beings who are doing this. That is, more than anything else, going to allow this transformation in your world to occur. Your role is also to carry out your individual life-purpose and life-plan, to further the light in your way. And that is your work to do. It is not simply to be passive, or to know that everything is fine and there’s nothing that needs to be done. That is not an accurate understanding, for it is very important that you do the work that you came to do, whatever that is.


If you are not clear about what your work is, it is to your benefit to become clear about that. You may ask for help from higher beings like myself, from your own personal guides, your angels. You can ask for help from those individuals who help others to connect with their guidance. You can ask for help directly from God, from your higher self, from all of your spirit-beings—however it is that you do that—through prayer, through talking with them, whatever form you use. You can look for signs in your life such as your passion, such as the things that bring in the light for you, such as the things that you do because you love them, you can’t help yourself but to do those. These are all signs that that is part of your path, which you have committed to and which you have taken on in this lifetime. So that is all of your work to do.


But, as I was saying, there are apparently beings who are not consciously on this path, and seem to be doing things that are obstructing or making this transformation more difficult, who are not supportive of this transformation—perhaps that is the best way to express it. These being need your love, more than anything else. They need your blessing and your prayers. Of course, there are things you can do to redirect the actions they’re taking. There might be political things, there might be personal things. Again, your action is important. But even more important is your understanding that these beings are on the path, also, and for you to find their light and to shine your light to them. You can always help them in that way, as well as by taking whatever practical steps you feel called to in relation to any particular beings or events.


In some ways, you might say there is a drama going on, a certain play of light versus dark, because this is a birth process into much greater light, and it’s real. It actually is happening. It is a death process of the old ways, the ways in which you have adapted to a certain frequency of light and darkness, a certain form that it has taken and with which you have become familiar. Now you are calling for the death of that. It is a real process, just as in the death of the physical body. In most cases, it is a process, which doesn’t just happen in a moment or by a single decision. It happens through a process because there are a great many things that must shift, that must release and let go before the transformation can occur.


So you will need to relax with this process, to flow with it. In the book I give the analogy of learning to open, the way a woman in childbirth learns to open. This is a good analogy that may be helpful to you. Any woman who has gone through childbirth knows that it is very real, there are real pains, real hardships that are involved, and that it is possible to relax in the midst of this and to flow with it in ways that make it much easier. So it is with your time now.


I think that is all that I wish to say at this time as a general communication to all of you who are listening to this.


[End of Part One of this message.]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Angelus: The Gift of Being Childlike

A Message From Angelus

Received Through Mercedes Kirkel On March 3, 2013

Blessings dear ones. My name is Angelus. I am here to be with you today and very happy to be with you. I thank you for inviting all the beings of light in and for being open to receiving me.


Today I bring you the spirit of springtime, of new beginnings, of youth. You may think of it as being like the morning time, the time of openness, of new starts, like sprouts beginning to break through the earth, starting to appear in the beautiful, vibrant spring-green color.


This is the time that you are at right now in terms of your earthly cycle of the year, as you are approaching springtime. But it is also much bigger than that. You are approaching the very beginning of a new cycle—more than approaching, you have entered into it, but just barely. You are at the very beginning, like a newborn in this phase, this cycle. I have been called forth to bring the energy of this cycle to you, to talk to you about it.


This is a time of being like a child. It can be valuable to you to remember your own childhood, as well as connecting with the child that is still alive within you always, and your childlike ways. Children are open, especially in their minds and in their feeling. They are open to discover, to explore. They come to things with an open mind. This is something that would be very valuable for you to remember and to practice at this time. As much as you are able, release your sense of knowingness about the way things are, and come with a childlike sense of newness, of unknowingness, of discovery, of exploration. This will help you very much because there are many, many things that are new right now. But you will not be sensitive to them if you are carrying on as though everything is the same and you know it already.


This childlike approach to the world brings with it many benefits. One is a sense of wonder and oftentimes joy. There can be a sense of playfulness, even silliness, and a sense of following your heart and your intuition without having to know why, a sense of what may feel like abandon to you. It is not really abandon, but you are allowing yourself to be guided by a different source than you may usually be accustomed to. This can be most valuable to you at this time.


You may enjoy actually spending time with children. This may help you to be in this childlike disposition. It is very valuable to let go of all your thinking about things and your seriousness. Even the way you tend to approach letting go of your mind can be quite serious. This is a very different approach, to be in your discovery-being, to open to your perceptions, your senses, your feeling, your intuitions. It can be supported by a kind of dreaming. This could be like daydreaming, but it does not have to be. It can be more like creativity, the kind of dreaming that you do when you let yourself be very creative, not knowing what you’re going to do, but letting it come out of you as a creative process that even surprises you as it emerges. This can be a very valuable state to you at this time. You may not choose to continuously be in this state. But allow yourself to experience it regularly, to go to it, and it will help you. It will allow this process that’s unfolding at this time to occur, and to emerge, and to evolve at the speed it wants to. Your seriousness, your sense of knowingness, and even being programmed to do things in a set way that you’re used to, is actually greatly slowing down your process. This will help you to go at the speed that your being wishes to at this time, as though you had wings on your feet.


And so I encourage this and support this, and believe this will be a great service to you and a great help. This is my gift and my offering to you at this time.


I also want to say that it can be very supportive of this to allow yourself to express with your creativity. This can be in the form of singing, dancing, writing, acting, visual arts. All the forms of artistic expression can help with this and can be a particular form of joy and guidance for you at this time, and also freeing of your heart and your childlike nature. I urge you to engage in this, as well. It will also be very valuable.


You can do it as a completely creative process. You can also do it through engaging in forms that have already been created, but that you enjoy with a childlike enthusiasm and that again sets this aspect of yourself free and energizes it. That will be most valuable.


Experiment with bringing your playfulness to others, your creativity in the moment, even your sense of surprise. See if that opens things up to new possibilities that are valuable and enjoyable to you. I suspect that this will be the case and look forward to your experimentation and exploration with this.


This is a beautiful time, an exciting time of new growth, new beginnings, new things emerging. Don’t miss it. Be with it fully. And bring it to others in the way that you interact.


Thank you for allowing me to bring this message to you. Now if you have any questions of me, I would like to respond to your questions.


Question: How would you relate this to business or work? How can we be in that joyful, childlike space when we’re doing day-in and day-out type work, like computer work?


Angelus: Yes, it might feel more challenging in those circumstances. You can ask your child how to make it more enjoyable, how to make it more fun. Your child might help you to make more of a game out of it, or to somehow bring more of that delight and energy to it, which will help you to bring more lightness and joy to your work. You might be surprised at how you can include this.


You may support yourself with certain other things, certain music, or pictures, or whatever supports you in this childlike disposition. Or take breaks. Get up and dance, and sing, or do a somersault on the floor, or whatever! (laughter). And if you’re involved with other people, let yourself be a little more playful, a little bit more childlike with them. There are many, many ways you can bring this. It is mostly about your disposition, about not taking things so seriously, not assuming that everything’s always the same, and you know what it is, and you’re doing it the same as you’ve always done it in the past. That will help you.


You may choose to do things somewhat differently, as you are able. You may not have complete choice about everything. But there will be places where you will have choice and you can choose to engage your work in a more childlike, playful way, or perhaps to just make a different choice altogether and do something different than you would otherwise do. So it is possible.


Question: Sometimes it feels uncomfortable being childlike because it puts you in such a vulnerable place. The kind of innocence we naturally have as children is sometimes hard to bring forward as an adult who’s been hurt or who’s somehow lost touch with that ability to just be open like that.


Angelus: Yes. This is a valuable point you are making—being childlike does bring us into our vulnerability. You have discovered the heart of it, the secret of it. This vulnerability is both the value of it and also, in some ways, the challenge of it. This is particularly so if you have been hurt in the past, perhaps when you were a child, perhaps when you were older, but connected to this kind of vulnerability. And it may especially be so if those wounded places have not yet been healed. So this may point to some healing that you have to do. The vulnerability you experience will help you to go directly to the places where you have healing to do. And it will be most valuable to you to do that healing.


You may choose to do that healing with others, who can help you. Or you may be able to do it on your own, because you have your more adult self, who can help to heal the child. Just as you would help a being who is actually at the child age in physical years, if they were to get wounded, you can similarly help your own self—the childlike part of yourself that is still unhealed—to go through that healing.


It is a process much like Mary Magdalene has described in the book that she gave through Mercedes [Kirkel]. It is a step-by-step process of first connecting with those feelings that are still there from the unhealed incident and, first of all, validating the feelings. Many children have been told that there feelings were wrong or bad or didn’t matter or they shouldn’t be having them. This is one of the reasons why the healing never occurred in the first place, because all of those things are not the case. Your feelings are beautiful. And they are part of your childlike self. Children very naturally and easily express their feelings. Look to babies and how easily babies express their feelings. They do not hold back until or unless they are trained to do so.


So the first step is to acknowledge those feelings and validate them, that they are real and important. Then you can progress through the healing process by listening to the child as to why they are having those feelings and helping them to go through the healing. You, as an adult, are wise. You can help them. And that will be very valuable for you.


Then, in the present time, when you are acting from this vulnerable part of yourself that is very much connected to your childlikeness, you can use your wisdom to take care of yourself. You will discover you are not in the same position you were in when you were an actual child. If someone does something to you that is somehow painful, you are capable of taking care of yourself and taking care of your childlike part, as well. You can learn how to do that and this will help you to become very strong, without becoming immune or cut off from your vulnerability and your childlikeness. This will make it so that you show your beauty, which is always on the inside, in the way that you act on the outside. It will be part of your radiance.


It is very Important that you do this. You were never meant to have your vulnerability cut off. You were only meant to be protected and safe, originally by the adults who were taking care of you, and then later by your own self as you acquired those skills and abilities. If that is not fully strong in you, this is important as an area to strengthen. And if that is not fully open in you, because of past wounding, this is important as an area for you to heal.


You have everything that you need to do that healing. All that you may lack is the choice to do so. I completely encourage you to engage this. If you need support, follow the instructions that have been given through Mary Magdalene and others. Or get help from others who are skilled in these areas and can help you. It is available. You simply must choose.


Are there other questions? (There is a period of silence.)


Being sensual is very valuable in this process. Your sense of touch and taste and smell—these three especially will help you explore your world and rediscover this link to your childlikeness, your innocence, your openness. All your senses, of course, are valuable to you. But these are especially wonderful.


I sense that I have said enough for today. I encourage you to all go out and play this afternoon, in whatever way your child is calling to you. I hope this has been helpful to you. I offer you my sincere love, my bountiful love, and blessings. Sparkles of light and wonder to you all. In love, I leave you now. Many blessings to you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Sol: What Happens After Death, Diet In The New Age, And Functioning After Spiritual Awakening



Part 2 of A Channeled Message from Sol

Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on March 17, 2013


Question: Sol, you’re like us in that you’re born and someday you’ll die, the energy will leave. How close to us are you? Is there uncertainty in you about what happens after?


Sol: No. I am existing at a higher dimension, where time is not perceived the way that you perceive it. So I do not perceive myself as being in something after, the way that you do.


I also am so profoundly connected to God that I have no need to be of concern. I experience tremendous… what you might call bliss, peace, harmony, clarity about my purpose. And in that is tremendous trust that I will do this as long as it is part of the great plan. And when that is not so, I will be moved to whatever is part of the great plan at that point. I trust it will be equally perfect.


I cannot remember your question anymore. Would you please ask it again.


Question: Birth and death and what we become after seems like total uncertainty. It seems like we hold onto certainty…


Sol: It is uncertainty as you see it from the third dimension. To me it is simply waves of the ocean changing. I am still the ocean. Why would you hold onto a particular wave? It is simply one form.


It is the knowingness of yourself as God that makes all the difference. There is no uncertainty in God. In that absolute certainty, you can allow all change—all arising, appearance, disappearance, changing, reappearing, moving into another form, whatever it is. It becomes a great beauty, a great expression, the way you enjoy a flower.


So if that is not your reality at this moment, rather than placing your concern or attention on uncertainty, the path is to find your connection to God, to know the certainty of that connection and allow that to expand more and more. Allow this expansion in a natural way, not a forced way, not a forceful way, but a natural way.


It’s really like falling in love. In the third dimension, many of you have the experience of falling in love. It’s really a glimpse of the great glory you will know when you fall in love with God. More and more, you become merged with God and God’s qualities become your reality. At that point, you will know the certainty of God.


Question: I’ve heard that we’re shifting into the Aquarian energy, where people will eat food cooked by the Sun. That intrigues and excites me. How can we get to that point of choosing a diet that’s cooked by the Sun?


Sol: Eating food that’s cooked by the sun is one aspect of having a life altogether that is infused by light and love, in this case the light of the Sun and the love of the Sun. Diet is—especially at the third dimension—a primary aspect of life. It is an aspect that supports and sustains you. It also brings you great pleasure and that is a very good thing, a very valuable thing, an aspect of God. Delight is pleasure.


There are different ways of approaching this. One is that as you eat more and more pure foods—pure in the sense that they hold life-energy, the life-energy that came through the Sun and the Earth, and the joining of the two—you are supported more and more in that energy within yourself. So it is of value to you to eat a diet that is optimally natural in that sense. There are many things being added to foods through technology that are taking away from this purity of light and love, the Earth- and Sun-energy that has been infused into food, and blocking that. So it is of value to you to eat foods that are as pure as possible, which many in your world label as organic. That is a very valuable process.


Eating this way also supports the process of light and love infusing your world, because when food is not grown in a pure way or an organic way, the chemicals that are used interfere with the Earth’s energy of holding light and love. So just in a very practical way—for the Earth, for all the beings on the Earth, and for your own body—eating natural foods supports that process at many levels.


That, in turn, supports the spiritual process, which, as you say, is going through an emergence into a new age at this time. As you grow in this spiritual process—this ascension into what you could call the Aquarian age or the fourth dimension, there are different ways of referencing it—you will more and more be operating at the higher frequencies of light and love, including higher frequencies in the third dimension and moving into the next dimension. As you more and more operate at these higher frequencies, they have a purifying effect. So the effects of this toxicity on the Earth, through your food stream but also through many other avenues, will be lessened. You will have a healing effect upon this toxicity, through the light-energy and the love-frequency that you yourself are carrying, along with many others. It will have a power of healing. And you will be personally less affected by these physical and energetic forms of toxicity as you move into higher levels.


At these higher levels, you will naturally gravitate toward the purity of food substances and all substances that are carrying the higher frequencies of light and love. As you are more attuned and resonating with the higher frequencies within yourself, this is what you will be attracted to outside yourself. It will be a natural process of more and more being attracted to these foods and also, more and more, these types of foods being sufficient to truly sustain you to your optimum level.


When you are operating at a more dense frequency, you may require more dense foods. This is not a judgment upon anyone, or what they eat or take into their body. But there is a physical reality that everyone has a certain frequency they’re operating at. And at that particular frequency, there will be optimal foods for them. It is to your advantage to take in what is optimal for you at your present time, as opposed to having a preference through your belief system for what you would like to be eating, which may not match what is actually most supportive for you.


Many people who are on the spiritual path desire to be eating foods that are lighter. They might desire to be vegetarian, or vegan, or raw foods, or breatharian. And in fact, at different stages of ascending to higher frequencies, these various diets will tend to be more appropriate. But they may not be the most appropriate for you at your present stage, or any particular stage. And if they’re not, it will not be supporting your spiritual growth to be trying to take in a diet that’s not attuned to your current frequency.


It is part of your awareness, and in some ways responsibility, to find the diet that is most supportive for you. For some people this includes animal foods; for some people it doesn’t. For some people this may include cooking; for some people it doesn’t. It may change for you over time. It may change from this moment to that moment. So it is part of staying in tune to yourself and what is most valuable for yourself.


But it is good and often helpful to be aware that over time, particularly as you grow into higher energies, your diet may change. It very likely will become lighter and you will be eating foods that are higher frequency, lighter foods. You also may be eating lighter quantities of foods. Eventually you may be living solely on the sustenance you receive from air, from light, or you may not. This is to be seen. But it will be a natural process that will unfold naturally. And while it is understandable that you may look forward to a time when you are sustained by other things than perhaps you are now, do not try to force it. It will become your natural movement when it is right for you.


One of the biggest traps is to become overly serious. This blocks the light. Joy, fun, pleasure are all things that open you to light. Do not become overly serious about your diet, while still staying attuned to what is most supportive of you and staying in service to that.


Do not become overly serious about any aspect of your world. Do your part. Stay in the light. Stay in joy. Trust in the power of light. Enjoy the love. And you will be fine.


Question: I used to be a strong spiritual seeker. I reached a point in my life where I realized and embraced the fact that I was always part of the thing that I was seeking. I was a spark of consciousness in a sea of consciousness. I’ve never been separate from it. From that place I looked out at my world and realized that this is just a divine play of consciousness, with lots of sparks of consciousness all interacting and playing in this divine dance with each other, some pretending that they’re separate, some embracing the consciousness that they’ve always been part of. And there’s no death. It’s just consciousness changing and moving between forms.


The more I’ve embraced this as my reality, the more I realize that it really doesn’t matter what I do. So what do I do? I’m not motivated by fear anymore, which is the main thing that used to motivate my direction in life. Without the fear, there’s no motivation to do very much at all. Do you have some insight on this?


Sol: I feel tremendous joy in hearing your expression. I see delight increased through your words and my heart is happy.


This is truly a very accurate description of the process that all beings are moving into. Different ones will have different experiences as they go through this. For many, there is a shift that occurs at this point from being propelled by this desire for reunification, which shows up in every form. Oftentimes beings don’t realize this is what’s propelling them. They think it’s about getting a job, being successful, having a family, having fun, whatever it is. But those are simply manifestations of this intrinsic movement that beings have to know themselves in union with God.


Once that has occurred at the core level, where there is a shift of knowing yourself in this union, all those things that propelled you before tend to fall away, as not having that force of propulsion moving you to want to do this or that. At that time there’s often a shift into service of others. So that is one form that can manifest at that stage.


At a deeper level it’s really a shift from a kind of unconscious motivation, generally associated with fear. The fundamental fear is the fear of separation, which is separation from God, ultimately. This sense of separation and fear that has been motivating you prior to knowing your reunification with God shifts into passion and pleasure. Passion and pleasure are, in general, manifestations of soul purpose. They’re often associated with service to others and the whole. But there can be different forms that this takes. Oftentimes it takes the form of being called to certain work in life. Some feel it as a kind of calling or mission that you have passion about. You don’t have to think about it, it simply is drawing you.


But it may not take that form for everyone. It may take the form of simple beingness. In that beingness, you are still always offering service, through your state of being. In truth, that is the fundamental service we always offer.


Your soul knows its path. As long as you are here, there is a purpose for you being here. It may not be apparent to your mind what that is. It is a matter for your higher self to direct you and inform you, for your highest good.


There are times when it is not necessary to be doing anything in particular. There are reasons for this, which may not be apparent at the time you go through those periods. If you are used to knowing—the way that most beings are used to at the third dimension in the Earth plane—this may feel uncomfortable. It may be helpful to communicate as directly as you’re able with your higher self (or to have support in communicating with your higher self, if that feels valuable to you)—to be able to come to peace with the degree that you know or do not know, understand or do not understand what this period of time may be about for you.


So those are your supports through this process: your connection to your higher self, and your connection to your passion and your joy, even if your passion and your joy come in very still forms.


Now I believe it is a good time for us to come to a close for today. I thank you all for your being. I thank you all for the spiritual light that you are, for attuning to the light of the Sun, the light of the universe, the light of God. I thank you for this time we have had together, which has been a great celebration for me. And I offer you my blessings. Blessings of light to you all.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Embracing The Body And Feelings Versus Letting Go


By Mercedes Kirkel


I recently received this question from a woman in Australia: “How can I reconcile the feminine path of looking more to the body and the feelings with the ascension process of slowly losing the physical body and also “mastering” the emotions?  These seem to contradict, yet I know they can’t really.”


I really appreciate the depth of consideration I feel in this question. I wanted to share my response in this blog because I think others may be wondering something similar.


Mary Magdalene talks a lot about the differences between the Feminine and Masculine paths in Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love. The first thing she emphasizes is that we all have the Feminine and Masculine within ourselves, regardless of whether we’re male or female. And all of us have received the same cultural training (for the most part) which, for a very long time, has greatly favored the Masculine, at the expense of the Feminine. As a result, most of us—including most women—are out of balance, being well-developed in our Masculine and underdeveloped in our Feminine.


So what exactly is the Feminine and Masculine? That’s a very large topic, which is addressed in depth in Mary Magdalene Beckons. Part of what Mary tells us is that within humans, the Feminine has three foundational arenas: our body, sexuality, and emotions. When our relationship tall three is strong, we’re able to live from our heart and embody the Divine Feminine aspect of human-beingness. The path to strengthening these three arenas (our body, sexuality, and emotions) is to fully embrace them as sacred functions and to heal any blocks we have to doing so (such as shame or dislike relative to our body). This form of embrace and love ultimately leads to union with God.


The Masculine path also leads to union with God, but through a different course. In the Masculine form, we overcome or transcend our blocks to God-union through discipline of body and mind, and we move into union through setting intentions and following through with action. This initially is directed through the will and lower mind. When both the Masculine and Feminine foundations are strong and the heart is open, the inner Divine Feminine leads us into union with the inner Divine Masculine, whose seat is in the higher mind.


Most of us are at a stage right now where we’ve strengthened our will and lower mind. Our educational system and culture in general is highly geared toward accomplishing this. What most of us are needing is to strengthen our Feminine foundations through embracing all the aspects of our body, sexuality, and emotions and relating to them as sacred. This is not generally taught and reinforced in our culture. Most of us have picked up our training in these areas in a somewhat “potluck” or happenstance way. So many of us have “holes” we’re still needing to strengthen in order to open fully to our inner Divine Feminine.


When we’ve completed our work of strengthening our inner Feminine and are seated in our heart, our inner Divine Feminine will naturally call to her partner, the inner Divine Masculine. It’s the nature of the Feminine is to be in union with the Masculine. This inner union is what Mary Magdalene refers to as the marriage of the sacred heart and sacred mind, and it’s currently our primary requirement for ascending into the fourth dimension. Mary states in no uncertain terms that our lack of balance and union between the Masculine and Feminine is the principle thing that’s holding most of us back in our spiritual evolution. And it really comes down to the embrace of our body, sexuality, and emotions—the parts of ourselves that have generally been most neglected, especially within spiritual traditions or paths.


So the embrace of our fully manifest aspects comes first. That embrace leads to mastery of the third dimensional levels of incarnation—mastery in relationship to the physical, sexual, emotional, the will, and the lower mind. That mastery is a big part of what we, as souls, came here (meaning to Earth and the third dimension) to experience and accomplish, both at the personal and the collective level.


Once we’ve fulfilled our soul’s purpose, relative to experiencing and mastering these levels, as well as completing any karma we have in these same arenas, we’re free to move on to the next dimension. It’s kind of like graduating from one grade to the next in the cosmic school of Earth.


At the fourth dimension, our situation and experience will be different. One of the main differences is that our physical circumstance will be much lighter and much less binding. So there’s a natural “letting go” that will happen relative to the physical, not because we’re trying to let go, but because our circumstance is different and it will be natural to us to relate to the physical in this lighter, freer way.


Simultaneous with that, our relationship to our emotions and lower mind will become much more important, because the fourth dimension is more concentrated in these arenas. So our mastery in these areas will become more essential. The degree to which we’ve achieved mastery prior to entering the fourth dimension will be a great support for us and will allow us to locate ourselves in the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension, which we generally will enjoy much more than the lower frequencies.


I think what’s most important about all of this is to understand what our “next steps” are that are before us now. I believe this whole process is a very natural, evolutionary process, similar to what a child goes through in any of its developmental leaps into a new stage. A child who is learning to walk doesn’t need to know that walking will lead to running, leaping, jumping, hopping, skipping, etc., not to mention dancing, playing football, or any of the myriad things walking allows to happen. A child has an advantage, in a sense, that their mind isn’t developed, so it doesn’t interfere with their one-pointed focus and perseverance in whatever they’re mastering.


We do have our minds, and they serve us very well in many ways. In our present circumstance, they can help us to understand what our current work is and help us to focus on that. It may be useful to understand the larger context in which all this is happening and where it’s all leading, as long as we don’t let that distract us from doing the real work of transformation that’s right in front of us.


Like a moth that’s becoming a butterfly, we’re all in a process of becoming, which may be confusing or unclear at times, especially if we’re accustomed to knowing what’s going to happen with our mind. I believe there’s something much bigger than our mind that’s directing this magnificent process, and we’re being given everything we need—even though it may not always appear that way. At some point, I think we’ll look back and see what a wonder this whole process has been, just as we might do now relative to our current lifetime and all we’ve gone through in our various steps of learning and development to become what we are now. Who would have known, from an earlier vantage point, where it was all leading. Yet from this perspective looking back, it may seem like a perfect, perhaps even miraculous, plan that had an amazing logic all along. We just couldn’t see it at the time.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Are We Still In The Third Dimension?

After the last blog, I received this question from Keith Vencel:

“I have a question about the channelling with Angel Pietre. In his message, he made me think that we are in the 3rd dimension still. He said “when you get out of the 3rd dimension.” So are we still in the 3rd dimension? And if so, when will we pass into the 4th and 5th? I thought we passed into the 4th and 5th on Dec. 21. 2012.”

I appreciate Keith’s question because I think a lot of people are wondering this same thing. I’ve heard some people say that we’ve already ascended into the fourth or fifth dimension. I personally don’t think that’s the case, at least for most of us. Here’s how I see it.

First of all, it’s important to be aware that different people have put forth different schemas for how many dimensions there are and what each dimension is. So various individuals might be meaning different things when they talk about the fourth or the fifth dimension.

In Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of LoveI explain my map of the dimensions and what I understand to be the makeup of each dimension. Here’s a quote from Chapter 8 that talks about how I see the fourth dimension:

The fourth dimension … is sometimes referred to as the astral plane. In this dimension, we still experience ourselves as individuals in a world of duality, but our world is much more mutable. We’re now aware that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. The laws of time and space are quite fluid, similar to what we experience in our dreams. And like dreams, things can change quickly here.

Because the astral plane is an emotionally based dimension, a person’s level of emotional mastery will determine which parts of the astral dimension they will experience. The lower astral plane, ruled by fear and sorrow, is where we experience nightmares and is often portrayed as hell or the hell-realms. The higher astral plane, characterized by love, is where we experience happiness, harmony, and the higher vibrations that eventually lead us to even higher dimensions. Mary’s focus on our need to learn to respond to painful feelings is aimed at helping us master this emotional plane and move on to the higher realms.

It’s in the fourth dimension that we become aware of our six bodies: the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual bodies. The etheric (energy) body acts as an interface between the physical and our other bodies. The emotional body, or astral body, is where we learn emotional mastery, which includes abilities for advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic powers, intuition, magic, and creativity. The mental body is the domain of mastery of our thoughts and the ability to consciously create our reality. The causal body is the source of our sense of self, our conscience, and the record of our soul’s journey through time. Our spiritual body contains our I AM presence, which is our individualized connection to the Supreme Creator as well as the link to the higher dimensions.

I think there are many things that would indicate whether or not an individual is in the fourth dimension. One is that the fourth dimension is like what we experience in our dreams. We still have a body, but it feels much less dense than what we’re used to at the third dimension. And because the physical is less solid, things can change much more easily and quickly, the way they do in dreams. Along with this, whatever we put our attention on, through our emotions or mind, manifests very quickly. As a result, it’s much clearer to us that we’re responsible for everything that we experience, because we’re actually manifesting it.

I think most of us aren’t at the point where we’re continuously living in the state we’re familiar with from our dreams. Nor are we able to immediately manifest whatever we choose. And the majority of people that I know are in varying stages of taking full responsibility for their experiences. So that makes me think that most of us haven’t transitioned to living in the fourth dimension yet.

However, I do think that many of us are having experiences of higher dimensions with increasing frequency. It’s like we’re visiting these higher realms—in our dreams, our meditations, and sometimes in our ordinary life—just the way we visit other realms in our dreams, but then “come back” to the third dimension when we wake up. As we grow spiritually, I believe we’ll spend more and more time in these higher dimensions until, at some point, we cross over. At that point, I believe the fourth dimension will become our next “home base,” or what we call our reality.

I also don’t think we’ll skip over the fourth dimension and go directly into the fifth dimension. I think there are important changes and growth we go through in the fourth dimension that we need for our continued evolution. I do see our time in the fourth dimension as relatively short, compared to other dimensions.

I believe at the fourth dimension we will no longer have illness or aging. We will manifest our bodies to be healthy and youthful and beautiful. We will live much longer, until at some point we choose to let go of our body consciously. We will go beyond the idea of competition and begin to enjoy true cooperation and closeness and sharing in a joyful way. We won’t be bound to survival, because we will manifest whatever we need. So our energy will be put into experiencing the wonderful energies we’re in touch with, including sexual energy and the energy of nature, and exploring the cosmos. We will be able to teleport easily and we will start to understand the nature of reality and creation in a much deeper way.

Speaking personally, I have had experiences of traveling to the fourth dimension in my merkaba (light-body), and I was very aware of how it’s different from what I experience at the third dimension. I will be sharing some of those experiences as part of my next book. I found it to be a wonderful place and look forward to having that be my home.

One last thing I want to say is that the next two blogs will be parts 1 and 2 of a channeled message from Archangel Michael and Isis. They talk a lot more about the fourth dimension and how we’re in the midst of transitioning into it. They also talk about the timeline for making this transition. So reading that will shed further light on this whole topic.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Relating to Money & Twin Flames

From High Angel Pietre

Part 2 of a Message Received through Mercedes Kirkel

on January 20, 2013

Question: I would like to ask about money and have your perspective on money, as we go forward in these changing times. A lot of people live their whole life just focusing on making ends meet, which could be a limitation on how to evolve in their own development. What’s your perspective on money and how to navigate in relation to it?


High Angel Pietre: This is a very broad question and I enjoy it.


The first thing I wish to say is that money is a very third-dimensional mechanism, which is very much based in the physical kind of consciousness. In the third dimension, when people are very physically based, very dualistically based, they often lose connection with their life-purpose, which gives meaning to their life. When this happens, individuals find other things to give meaning to their life. And one of the things that many people have found is money—the attainment of money, the collection of money, the keeping of money, the spending of money, the flaunting of money. (Pietre laughs)


Really, money is only a vehicle that you have created in the physical realm for representing energy. It is a way of storing energy in a physical, concrete form—not the actual energy but the exchange of energy. Rather than giving energy to someone in the present moment, you can give them money. Then they can give that to someone else later as a form of energy and it can be stored. It’s an understood system. You can exchange energy in this way so that you do not have to exchange it in the moment. You can do it over time. There is some ingeniousness to this system. It does address some of the challenges you face in the third dimension with physicality relative to space and time. But it also has its limits.


The greatest limit of money is that it gives people the sense that energy is limited, that there is only so much available, because money is finite. And usually the money that any particular individual has is finite. Any time there is a sense of limitation like this, it is generally accompanied by a sense of fear—fear of there not being enough. This is another characteristic of the third dimension. There is a sense of there not being enough of what you need—whether that be money, things that money can buy, resources, or things that you need to survive and sustain you in the physical dimension. It can also take subtler forms, feeling that there is not enough friendship, not enough love, not enough community, not enough caring, not enough whatever.


This consciousness that there is not enough is one of the hallmarks of the third dimension. And money greatly reinforces this consciousness. This is probably the greatest limitation that most people suffer relative to money, this reinforcement of the idea of there not being enough. In truth, there is plenty. You might say there is more than enough. There is certainly always enough.


This is part of the shift to the fourth dimension. When you are in the fourth dimension, if you need something, you will realize that you have the power to manifest it. You have that power now in the third dimension. But because your consciousness is so tied into physicality, duality, limitation, and the sense of there not being enough, it is difficult to make use of that power. It is difficult to believe in it. When you make the transition to the fourth dimension, it will become easeful and obvious that you have that ability, that power. When you have that, it will change everything.


Imagine that you had enough of whatever you needed or even wanted at this time. How would you change your world? How would you change your life? Would you still do what you do now during the daytime? Or during the nighttime? Would you still spend your time and your energy in the same way? Would you care about money? (Pietre laughs) Would you need money? Would you relate to other people differently? These are valuable things to consider, because they give you a glimpse of what you’re moving into.


In some ways, a person’s sense of dependence on money, or their attachment to money, or their feeling of being confined or limited by money is a reflection of where their consciousness is primarily resting right now in the spectrum of moving from completely third-dimensionally based consciousness into fourth-dimensionally based consciousness. The greater freedom you have in your consciousness, the greater freedom you will have relative to money. Ultimately, that freedom will allow you to interact with money very freely. But at that time, you also may not need money anymore as a method of exchanging energy. It will have become obsolete.


For many of you, that will be a great joy. It will free up energy because there is energy bound in the way that your consciousness is relating to money and assuming limitation around money. So that is very much involved in this transition being talked about. That does not mean that overnight everyone will let go of money, and you won’t need it, and everything will change. That is always a possibility, but it is relatively unlikely in the scale of possibilities. It is more likely that you will change gradually in your relationship to energy and exchange of energy, because this tends to support stability in individuals, as well as groups. And it is generally the way that is most easeful for change to occur.


Question: I would like to ask about how to stay centered when one has the feeling of having one foot in the third dimension and one foot in the fourth dimension, and not really doing either one of them solidly. There can be confusion that arises or just deep inner angst around having one foot in this dimension and one foot in the next.


High Angel Pietre: This is natural for the kind of change and the speed of change that many of you are undergoing. It is unfamiliar, which often brings a certain level of fear with it.


It is probably more the foot, as you say, in the old ways, the old dimension, the old consciousness that is more experiencing the fear. The third dimension is very much centered around fear, in general. And it is fear specifically about survival, because it is a physically-based realm with this sense of limitation and this pervasive sense of separation. For many people, at the physical level, that is represented by death—separation from life. So at the most physically based level, there’s a sense of “How can I spend my time doing these things?” or “How can I allow myself to be in this way that might be dangerous, that might not support my survival?” That is a third dimensional fear that arises, when you stop doing the things you have learned to do at the third dimension to insure your survival.


There are things you can do to make it easier. One is to know that you’re going to feel a certain level of discomfort, or fear, or anxiety because you’re experiencing new things. Just that awareness can help. Oftentimes children go through this, when they’re experiencing something new to them in this lifetime. What can help them is to have others who are older, who they trust, who have already gone through this who reassure them. If you have connection with guides, angels, beings who you sense are operating at a higher dimension, you might ask them for their help, their support, their reassurance, if that is open to you.


You can always ask for help. You can always ask God directly for help. You can always ask for help from whoever feels most available, accessible, and aligned to you to ask for that help. It is good to ask for help that is for your highest good and the highest good of all. That is always a valuable thing to do. But you can ask for help in very practical ways. You can ask for help for very day-to-day things: “I’m struggling with this.” “I’m feeling tired.” “I’m feeling grumpy.” “I’m feeling confused.” “I’m feeling unsure.” “Please help me.” You can ask for those. Oftentimes people don’t realize that you can ask for help, just the way you might ask one of your best friends for help.


And you can also ask your friends for help! (Pietre laughs.) One of the things that’s very, very valuable to do is to talk to other people who you sense are going through something similar. This is why gatherings of this nature are very important, for you to talk to others about what’s occurring, because support is very valuable. For those of you who are in the forefront, who are the leaders in going through this change, it is very valuable to have support from others who are in a similar position. So talk to them. Tell them what you’re experiencing. Ask what they’re experiencing. Ask how they’re dealing with it. That will be helpful, to support each other in that way.


It’s also very valuable to notice your own process and be aware of it. Notice that you might be feeling confused, overwhelmed, tired, whatever it is. Then notice, “Oh, things still worked out alright, even though I felt strange, funny, I didn’t do things the way I usually do them. Things still worked out alright.” That can help reassure you that you can take the next step and you will be alright.


Or you might reflect back and say, “Well, things worked out alright in this way. And this could have been better if I had made these choices instead.” Then you can modify your next steps. So this can also help you, by being aware of your own process and how it’s working or not working. Allow that to inform you.


Do the things you already know how to do. If you know how to take care of your body well, do that. If you know how to take care of yourself well socially, do that. Do it even more than you might tend to do. It’s like preventive medicine. It will support you and you might be surprised. There might be things that you’re needing more of that you don’t realize. You might be needing more of physical strengthening, more of getting out in fresh air and having exercise, more of being nice to yourself, being gentle and nurturing with yourself, things like taking a bath or a nap or a special dessert for yourself or whatever it is. Think about the things that help you and do more of them.


Relate to yourself the way you might relate to a good friend who is going through something like this. What advice would you give to them? Give it to yourself and follow it.


One other thing that I strongly recommend is to create a regular practice, a meditation practice. I use that word cautiously, because some of you have very confined notions of what meditation is. It does not have to be sitting in a certain position and stilling you mind in the way that perhaps you have thought was meditation. It means doing what you do to allow yourself to access higher states of consciousness. Create a regular rhythm, a regular form and practice, where you do that as often as you need to to maintain that, to support yourself in that, where you don’t lose it. That will tell you what regularity you require. How often do you need to do that so that it is maintained, rather than forgotten about and then you re-access it and go, “Oh yes, now I remember again.” Find that. Support yourself with the regularity that you find is optimum for you. This I highly recommend.


The other thing that can be very helpful at times like these is to offer help to others, especially others who are close to the level that you are dealing with but maybe not quite there, so that you have your own experience to offer them and your own sense of confidence in the path. That can also be very helpful.


Question: Is there a twin flame for each one of us?


High Angel Pietre: There is a twin flame for everyone, but not necessarily manifesting in the same realm that you are currently manifesting in. Even if you are currently manifesting in the same realm as your twin flame, it is not necessarily for the highest good of both of you and the highest good of all that you meet and recognize each other as twin flames at this time. But there is absolutely a twin flame for each being.


In your meditation, in your sleep, in your times of resting in communion with your higher self, you can make the connection with your twin flame in the heart. You can potentially communicate with your twin flame. What is more likely is that you would be most moved to simply rest in that incredible heart space together. That is something that is always available to everyone.


Sometimes twin flames will make an agreement that one of the twin flames will incarnate and the other of the twin flames will support the one who’s incarnating from a higher dimension to help them remember who they are, and to help them remember that they are not separate from the higher dimensions.


As you move into the higher dimensions, it is much more likely that you will be uniting with your twin flame in that same dimension. But here in the third dimension, there has been concern about individuals forgetting their process of knowing themselves as God and returning to God. For this reason, this structure was set in place as a safeguard—having one of the twin flames remain in a higher dimension to help anchor that awareness, so that the one in the third dimension did not become lost by forgetting who they are and what their life-purpose is.


We will close now. This has been most special for me to have this time with you. My heart is enriched by my connection with all of you. You are all beautiful beings, more than you may know. Your light is so strong, so powerful. Your love is immense. And I, along with many others, hold you in high, high regard. We offer our love, our blessings, our support, and protection.


Blessings to all of you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

What Happened on December 21st, 2012


From Lady Mary

Part 1 of a Message Given through Mercedes Kirkel
on January 6, 2013

Blessings to all who are gathered here, to all who will be receiving this at future times, to all beings everywhere who are open, who are moved to grow, to receive the light, to expand themselves, to be part of this wonderful shift that is happening in your world. I offer my blessings to all.


I am Lady Mary—Mother Mary to many of you. It is the same one.


I come to you today because this is a most beautiful time. It is a time in which you have been through much, many of you. And it is a time of wonderful new things coming in. Because I have such a special relationship with the beings of the Earth, I feel moved to speak to you at this time, to share with you and to try to help you in any way that I can about the time that you are in, this new time period. And so I begin and will do my best to talk about this.


Many of you were tuned in and very aware of the winter solstice that you just went through. Many of you heard many things about this being a very significant time, an important time. There was a wide range of what people were anticipating to happen at this time. Some thought it would be a time of hardship, of possible catastrophe, of possible ending of the world as you know it, figuratively or literally. Some thought that it would be a wonderful time, a transformative time, possibly the time when the Earth would shift into a higher state of reality and the people of the Earth would shift into a higher dimension. Some were not sure, some were open, some were cautious. There was a great spectrum of what people were anticipating.


Now you have moved through this time and some people are wondering what happened. Did anything happen? Some people are feeling quite sure that things did happen. Some people are perhaps feeling disappointed. Some people are relieved that the things they were anticipating did not happen. There is still a wide range of responses. So I would like to address this passage that you have just gone through.


To begin with I would like to say that this particular date was not standing in isolation. In some ways it was a center point that you were moving into, but that you have been moving into for a long period of time. So the changes that had been occurring didn’t just begin on December 21st. You have been leading up to them for many years. And they did not end on December 21st. They are continuing now.


Yet something did change at that time. It was an opening into a new portal of energy, which many of you felt. Some of you felt it as a lightening, a releasing from perhaps denser, more difficult energies that you’ve been experiencing. Some of you may have felt a certain level of purification, which is part of what can accompany moving into higher energies. Anything that is not fully matched to that energy, fully in harmony and in synch with that energy, can come up to be released. In that process of being released you will often experience the energy as it’s being released. So it can feel like you are going through a lower energy time, a difficult time, and it may be accompanied by various symptoms. Many of you are familiar with this. You often call it “ascension symptoms.” It is part of the process that you have been going through. So some of you may have experienced that, too, during this time, which may have come as a surprise.


Regardless of whether you experienced a lightening, or a more difficult time, or perhaps did not experience much of anything at all, it does not change that the energy has shifted. You are in the beginning phase of a lighter energy, which you may experience as lightness at the physical level, lightness at the energetic level, lightness at there actually being greater light in the world, lightness at the emotional level, lightness at the mind level. There are many things you might be experiencing. And you may be noticing that you feel different. It might have a subtle quality to it, but if you tune in you will notice that there is a different feeling. There is a sense of more light available to you in more easily accessible ways. This is a wonderful thing that your Earth has gone through, that your world has gone through, and that you have gone through.


Of course, how you use this will determine the way that it unfolds in the future. But in some ways you have already chosen your path as the Earth. You have chosen the path of greater light. You are coming out of a time of great darkness. You have chosen to leave that great darkness behind. You have chosen that the learning you received from this is complete, does not need to be repeated, does not need to be continued. You are moving into a time, a new age, of greater light. You will see the changes one by one, person by person, aspect by aspect. Of course, people will not be changing all at once. It will happen as a process. There may be some dramatic moments, but in general it will continue as a process. But you are going to see things getting easier, personally and collectively. That is a very wonderful thing.


You are going to start to realize your power to manifest the world you want, personally and collectively. You will wonder why you didn’t see it before, why you didn’t realize that this power was available to you. But you were involved in other forms of growth, other forms of learning. Now those forms are not necessary anymore and you can move forward.


You will see that it becomes easier to connect with people, to help other people, for other people to receive help, for you to receive help, for you to give help. The connection between all of you will become easier and stronger. The love that you have desired will start to become more literal in your world, more obvious, more manifest. These are all wonderful things that you are moving into.


The more people that move into this, the more that others will be helped to move into it. It is a tipping scale, where enough people are making this choice, enough people are living in this state, that it becomes much easier for the others who are in the process of choosing, have not yet chosen fully, to join you, to cross over, to create this new world together.


Not everything will be perfect immediately. It will take time. There will be things that will still be painful in your world, things that you identify with darkness, that you want to end. They will not immediately all disappear. But over time they will lessen, decrease, and eventually be gone. And you will be moving into a wonderful new age that your hearts have called in, that you all desire so much in your hearts.


So I come to reassure you of this and to support you in listening to yourself, in giving space to that part of yourself that may feel new, that may feel lighter, that may feel drawn to function in ways that you haven’t functioned before, that may be drawn to not function in ways that you’re familiar with, that seem necessary or even essential. Yet now you’re feeling a call to not do those things anymore. I support you in listening to that, in allowing that. You are giving birth to the new in yourself and in your world, and it will require change. You are fully up to it. You are strong, you are ready, and you are capable. This will be coming in.


Keep turned to the light. Be compassionate with those who are still drawn to aspects of darkness, but do not identify with them. Do not give energy to their draw to the darkness. Give love. Love them. Hold them in light. And show them your joy, your light, your brightness, your peace, your happiness, your heart space. Let your hearts be open and shown. It is safe to do this. Create a world that is about the heart. This will be a most wonderful world. This is your future. And I celebrate it with you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Mary Magdalene: The Dark Night of the Soul

An Excerpt from 

Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love

by Mercedes Kirkel 


Message from Mary Magdalene:


Beloved ~


Yes, I want to talk to you about the dark night of the soul. This is a very mysterious concept to many of you. Most of you have a place within you that you’re afraid of going, something that brings up too much pain. The dark night of the soul is about facing your fear and pain and going into it rather than avoiding it.


What happens when you do that? It is not what you fear. There is an initial period in which you feel your fear, feel your pain, whatever it is. There is often a feeling of expansion with this, since you usually have shrunk back or contracted away from the pain or fear. There is a sense of relaxing and opening as your feeling nature expands into your whole experience. At some point, often sooner than you would expect, a shift happens. At that point, your experience changes to one of trust and peace, perhaps a sense of being carried—as in carried by a river rather than fighting against the current.


What has happened is that you have connected with the beings of light that are there to support you, to carry you. The pain may or may not go away, but your experience of it is different because you are in the light. The light is stronger—and you are more attracted to it—than your pain. You have entered the River of Light, and it is now cleansing and guiding you.


Your job as humans is to stay in this River of Light. That is your true heart’s refuge and calling. It doesn’t take you away from life. It takes you into true life. This is the river that truly quenches our thirst.


All people eventually, sooner or later, come to the dark night of the soul. There may be more than one dark night, depending on the person’s design for their lifetime, the depth to which they let themselves go into their pain or fear, and the depth with which they connect with the River of Light. All connections with the River of Light are divine gifts that move us further in our path of growing in love and light.


With all my blessings,

I AM Mary Magdalene


Commentary from Mercedes Kirkel:


Mary’s discussion of the dark night of the soul continues her instructions from the previous transmission about turning to God when we’re in pain and asking for God’s help. Now, she gives us an actual step-by-step practice for how to connect with God through fully experiencing our fear and pain.


Mary acknowledges that the dark night of the soul is a mysterious concept for many people. She explains that most of us have a place within our being—some part of ourselves—that we don’t want to experience because it brings up too much pain. The dark night of the soul is about facing our fear and pain, about going into it rather than avoiding it. Most of us are afraid to open to our pain because we imagine doing so will invite in too much suffering. We may picture ourselves sinking in a quicksand of agony, possibly becoming so overwhelmed that we die of pain. These deep-seated fears activate our instinct for survival. But in reality, when we go into our pain, something very different occurs.


Mary tells us there’s an initial period of simply feeling the pain, which includes feeling the fear associated with it. And so we feel both our fear and our pain. As we continue opening to our feelings, we’ll experience a sense of expansion, a sense of relaxing and opening.  Where before, out of fear, we contracted or shrank away from the pain, now the contraction begins to unwind and release as it is replaced by expansion, relaxation, and openness. We experience our feeling nature as it extends again into our whole being.


At some point in this process, we undergo a shift as we feel lifted out of our distress. Mary points out that this release often occurs sooner than we expect, countering our tendency to assume that we’re going to be stuck in misery without end. Even if the conviction that we will never get beyond the pain does arise, we can boost our faith by remembering that this state is temporary and absolutely will change. I have consistently found that the process works exactly as Mary describes. Even so, during the early stage of opening, I still notice my deep-seated belief that I’ll get lost in my anguish and be overwhelmed by suffering. This is why I find it invaluable to be aware that an integral part of the dark night of the soul is my initial assumption that my pain will last forever. Now, when that thought arises, I see it as a sign that the process is under way, and I continue to open, knowing that a shift will occur.


What is this shift? Mary describes it perfectly as a shift to trust and peace, perhaps a sense of being carried—as by a river—rather than fighting against the current. I find this description affects me viscerally. I can tangibly feel the transition from a somatic state of fear and contraction to one of trust and peace. I notice that my belly relaxes and my breathing drops lower in my body. My state of growing relaxation is deepened by the image of relaxing my fight against the current and allowing myself to be carried by the river. I feel a sense of lightness and ease, along with the experience of trust and peace.


Mary explains what has occurred: we have connected with beings of light who are literally supporting and carrying us. She calls this entering the River of Light, an experience that cleanses us of our fear and guides us. While the pain may or may not go away, we are changed because we are in the light, and the light is stronger than the darkness of our pain. As we are drawn to experience the light, our pain will inevitably recede, if not go away altogether.


I picture the original pain and accompanying fear as a pitch-black cave. The cave represents the dark night of the soul. When we choose to open to pain, we choose to enter into the shadows of the cavity. Stepping inside, we allow our consciousness to expand to the cavern’s full dimensions. We feel its cool, moist surfaces. We may still fear that the darkness and the unknown will overwhelm us, yet another part of us whispers that opening to the cave is the best option and urges us to trust the process. We begin to have a sense of letting go and relaxation as we release our resistance to experiencing whatever exists here. At a certain point, we’re drawn to the other side of the cave, which opens into a River of Light. We give ourselves to the river, experiencing a great depth of trust and peace. As we let ourselves be carried by the beings of light that form this river, we’re cleansed and guided to where we need to be. Our pain becomes more distant as the light of the river replaces the darkness of our fear.


The process Mary describes reminds me of Elisabeth Kübler- Ross’s model of the stages of grief that people experience in coming to terms with death. These stages—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—seem similar to Mary’s description of the first part of the dark night of the soul, where we expand into the cave of our fears and eventually come to acceptance. Mary’s elucidation of opening to the light reminds me of accounts of people at the edge of death who have seen angels or various manifestations of light and experienced great bliss and peace. Mary suggests that we can have these experiences not only at death, but during life as well.


In fact, Mary tells us that the River of Light takes us into “true life” and that our job as humans is to stay in the river. She’s not just talking about an isolated, one-time event. The River of Light is a state we can continue to experience. In so doing, she tells us, we realize our true heart’s refuge and calling, which “truly quenches our thirst.”


Just hearing Mary’s description stokes my longing for union with this river and for the place in my heart to which it connects me. I feel the trust and peace the river carries us to. It’s a place I know in my soul, and yet the path there still surprises me: that surrendering into pain leads to such beauty. I’m heartened by the awareness that each time I engage this process of letting go into pain, I’m strengthened in my ability to stay connected to the River of Light. Residing in this river has become my spiritual path.


I believe that opening fully into any moment will take us to the River of Light and the heart’s refuge. And yet, pain is a particular gift for supporting us to merge with our experience. It’s like an alarm that keeps going off to remind us that something’s not right. If we heed the warning, pain provides a unique form of help, guiding us all the way through to our very depths and beyond. However, our painful places are also the ones that most of us tend to avoid. Mary points to our avoidance of pain as the biggest stumbling block to uniting with God. I think that’s why she’s so insistent about focusing on pain in her communications. She sees we need it. Merging fully with our experience, to the point of total unity or oneness, is the way through to our next step in spiritual evolution. And because it’s a process of surrender, it’s a particularly Feminine path she’s bringing forth—for both men and women.


Mary makes it clear that, sooner or later, everyone will experience at least one dark night of the soul. She urges us to recognize it as a doorway and make good use of it. As her final words affirm, “All connections with the River of Light are divine gifts that move us further in our path of growing in love and light.”



1. Notice you’re in pain.

2. Choose to fully experience and open to the pain.

3. Merge with the pain by relaxing and expanding into it.

4. Allow the pain to take you to Source (inner divine qualities).

5. Experience the shift into peace as you begin to flow with the River of Light.

6. Rest in connection to God.

7. Let God direct your actions.

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