THE HOLY GRAIL: Sacred Masculine & Divine Feminine (An Excerpt from the Book)
By Mercedes Kirkel
I’m thrilled to announce that my latest book—THE HOLY GRAIL: Sacred Masculine & Divine Feminine—is now available. Yay!!!!!! I see this as an extremely important book, right up there with my first book, MARY MAGDALENE BECKONS. Making this available to everyone has been a high priority for me and I’m breathing a huge sigh of relief that it’s now out in the world for all of you to access.
In the Preface I explain how this book came about. In celebration of the book being released, I share that story with you below. I think you’ll enjoy it.
Preface to
THE HOLY GRAIL: Sacred Masculine & Divine Feminine
“I’m a spiritual channel, which means I communicate with higher beings. I’ve been blessed to communicate with many amazing beings, but especially with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. My channeling began in 2010 when Mary Magdalene first came to me. Over the course of a month, Mary downloaded an entire book of groundbreaking spiritual wisdom to me. Those messages are recorded in Mary Magdalene Beckons.
“After the publication of that book, I spent a number of years helping people understand and apply Mary’s teaching in their lives. Throughout that time, I witnessed over and over again how transformative Mary’s process is, especially for women. But few men seemed interested in Mary’s instruction, and the few who were often had a harder time understanding and implementing Mary’s teaching than the women I worked with. I’d always assumed Mary’s guidance was equally important for men and women, since her focus on heart-based living felt universal to me. But I started to wonder if my assumption was correct.
“At a certain point, I asked Mary Magdalene, ‘Is there a different spiritual path for men?’ To my great surprise, she replied, ‘Yes.’
“’What is it?’ I asked. This book contains the response I received from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua (Jesus). The messages they proceeded to give filled me with awe and excitement. This was information that I hadn’t heard elsewhere—beginning with their explanation of what the Holy Grail really is. And they continued with so much more, addressing fundamental human questions vital to men and women: Why are we here on Earth? What’s our purpose? Where is humanity headed? Are there differences between men and women (beyond the obvious physical ones)? What’s the path for me?
“Yeshua and Mary more than answered my initial question about the spiritual path for men. They gave me a trove of new information centered on the cosmic roles of the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine. This wisdom is extremely timely and greatly needed because there’s so much confusion in our world regarding the Masculine and Feminine. Yeshua and Mary’s universal—yet very practical—guidance empowers us as men and women, Masculine and Feminine, evolving together on our evolutionary quest.
“As valuable as their teaching is, there’s another gift that Yeshua and Mary bring in these pages that I cherish even more: their profound love. Yeshua and Mary love the Masculine and Feminine, and they model that love through their instruction, as well as their relationship with each other. That love is available to all who read their words. It’s a taste of sacred love that feeds the heart and nourishes the soul. Welcome to the Holy Grail. May this potent knowledge guide your course into the future. May it guide us all.”
I hope this mini-taste of the book inspires you to the full meal. There’s incredible wisdom in these pages that I believe our world badly needs and that can help all of us on our path of spiritual growth and wisdom. To learn more about the book, CLICK HERE.
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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her books are available at
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list. Mercedes also offers workshops and private sessions.