What Happened on December 21st, 2012
From Lady Mary
Part 1 of a Message Given through Mercedes Kirkel
on January 6, 2013
Blessings to all who are gathered here, to all who will be receiving this at future times, to all beings everywhere who are open, who are moved to grow, to receive the light, to expand themselves, to be part of this wonderful shift that is happening in your world. I offer my blessings to all.
I am Lady Mary—Mother Mary to many of you. It is the same one.
I come to you today because this is a most beautiful time. It is a time in which you have been through much, many of you. And it is a time of wonderful new things coming in. Because I have such a special relationship with the beings of the Earth, I feel moved to speak to you at this time, to share with you and to try to help you in any way that I can about the time that you are in, this new time period. And so I begin and will do my best to talk about this.
Many of you were tuned in and very aware of the winter solstice that you just went through. Many of you heard many things about this being a very significant time, an important time. There was a wide range of what people were anticipating to happen at this time. Some thought it would be a time of hardship, of possible catastrophe, of possible ending of the world as you know it, figuratively or literally. Some thought that it would be a wonderful time, a transformative time, possibly the time when the Earth would shift into a higher state of reality and the people of the Earth would shift into a higher dimension. Some were not sure, some were open, some were cautious. There was a great spectrum of what people were anticipating.
Now you have moved through this time and some people are wondering what happened. Did anything happen? Some people are feeling quite sure that things did happen. Some people are perhaps feeling disappointed. Some people are relieved that the things they were anticipating did not happen. There is still a wide range of responses. So I would like to address this passage that you have just gone through.
To begin with I would like to say that this particular date was not standing in isolation. In some ways it was a center point that you were moving into, but that you have been moving into for a long period of time. So the changes that had been occurring didn’t just begin on December 21st. You have been leading up to them for many years. And they did not end on December 21st. They are continuing now.
Yet something did change at that time. It was an opening into a new portal of energy, which many of you felt. Some of you felt it as a lightening, a releasing from perhaps denser, more difficult energies that you’ve been experiencing. Some of you may have felt a certain level of purification, which is part of what can accompany moving into higher energies. Anything that is not fully matched to that energy, fully in harmony and in synch with that energy, can come up to be released. In that process of being released you will often experience the energy as it’s being released. So it can feel like you are going through a lower energy time, a difficult time, and it may be accompanied by various symptoms. Many of you are familiar with this. You often call it “ascension symptoms.” It is part of the process that you have been going through. So some of you may have experienced that, too, during this time, which may have come as a surprise.
Regardless of whether you experienced a lightening, or a more difficult time, or perhaps did not experience much of anything at all, it does not change that the energy has shifted. You are in the beginning phase of a lighter energy, which you may experience as lightness at the physical level, lightness at the energetic level, lightness at there actually being greater light in the world, lightness at the emotional level, lightness at the mind level. There are many things you might be experiencing. And you may be noticing that you feel different. It might have a subtle quality to it, but if you tune in you will notice that there is a different feeling. There is a sense of more light available to you in more easily accessible ways. This is a wonderful thing that your Earth has gone through, that your world has gone through, and that you have gone through.
Of course, how you use this will determine the way that it unfolds in the future. But in some ways you have already chosen your path as the Earth. You have chosen the path of greater light. You are coming out of a time of great darkness. You have chosen to leave that great darkness behind. You have chosen that the learning you received from this is complete, does not need to be repeated, does not need to be continued. You are moving into a time, a new age, of greater light. You will see the changes one by one, person by person, aspect by aspect. Of course, people will not be changing all at once. It will happen as a process. There may be some dramatic moments, but in general it will continue as a process. But you are going to see things getting easier, personally and collectively. That is a very wonderful thing.
You are going to start to realize your power to manifest the world you want, personally and collectively. You will wonder why you didn’t see it before, why you didn’t realize that this power was available to you. But you were involved in other forms of growth, other forms of learning. Now those forms are not necessary anymore and you can move forward.
You will see that it becomes easier to connect with people, to help other people, for other people to receive help, for you to receive help, for you to give help. The connection between all of you will become easier and stronger. The love that you have desired will start to become more literal in your world, more obvious, more manifest. These are all wonderful things that you are moving into.
The more people that move into this, the more that others will be helped to move into it. It is a tipping scale, where enough people are making this choice, enough people are living in this state, that it becomes much easier for the others who are in the process of choosing, have not yet chosen fully, to join you, to cross over, to create this new world together.
Not everything will be perfect immediately. It will take time. There will be things that will still be painful in your world, things that you identify with darkness, that you want to end. They will not immediately all disappear. But over time they will lessen, decrease, and eventually be gone. And you will be moving into a wonderful new age that your hearts have called in, that you all desire so much in your hearts.
So I come to reassure you of this and to support you in listening to yourself, in giving space to that part of yourself that may feel new, that may feel lighter, that may feel drawn to function in ways that you haven’t functioned before, that may be drawn to not function in ways that you’re familiar with, that seem necessary or even essential. Yet now you’re feeling a call to not do those things anymore. I support you in listening to that, in allowing that. You are giving birth to the new in yourself and in your world, and it will require change. You are fully up to it. You are strong, you are ready, and you are capable. This will be coming in.
Keep turned to the light. Be compassionate with those who are still drawn to aspects of darkness, but do not identify with them. Do not give energy to their draw to the darkness. Give love. Love them. Hold them in light. And show them your joy, your light, your brightness, your peace, your happiness, your heart space. Let your hearts be open and shown. It is safe to do this. Create a world that is about the heart. This will be a most wonderful world. This is your future. And I celebrate it with you.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address (www.mercedeskirkel.com) is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.