Mercedes Kirkel

What’s “Feminine” and “Masculine” Got to Do with It?

By Mercedes Kirkel

Tina Turner immortalized the question, “What’s love got to do with it?”. Now I notice a spin-off of that question dancing through my mind: “What’s ‘Feminine’ and ‘Masculine’ got to do with it?” Of course, my question isn’t as catchy as Tina’s phrase, which only goes to prove I’m not Tina Turner (in case there was any doubt in anyone’s mind!).


My question (“What’s ‘Feminine’ and ‘Masculine’ got to do with it?”) has come out of conversations I’ve been having with people (in my mind) about my just-released book THE HOLY GRAIL: Sacred Masculine & Divine Feminine. As I talked about previously, I haven’t had the energy to discuss and promote this book the way I wish I could because of my health challenges. But that hasn’t stopped me from thinking about what I would like to be saying.


So I’ve been having imaginary conversations with all of you. In those conversations, I share why I care so deeply about this book and what it offers to readers. I explain that Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene are bringing information that I think will be new to most people. And that information has everything to do with the Masculine and Feminine, really the sacred Masculine and the divine Feminine. They delve into a number of fascinating topics, including what the Holy Grail really is; what the underlying nature of our world is; and what we need to grow into higher dimensions. And all of that has to do with the Feminine and Masculine.


This isn’t about gender, as in men and women. This is about all humans because we all have our inner Masculine and Feminine. And we all have the higher octaves of those inner parts of ourselves.


I especially hope that men and women thought-leaders and event-leaders in the growing field of the Sacred Masculine and/or Divine Feminine will receive this information, because it provides such a crucial understanding relative to our Masculine and Feminine nature. I see THE HOLY GRAIL becoming essential reading for all those seeking the higher expression of Masculine and Feminine, taking its place amongst other classics such as The Chalice and the Blade; When God Was a Woman; Iron John; and King, Warrior, Magician, Lover (not to mention the many writings about Jesus, King Arthur, and the Holy Grail).


But this isn’t just a book for leaders and teachers. It’s for everyone who wants to grow and be the highest version of themselves, and those who want our world to be the highest version of itself. May we all receive this guidance and may it make a difference.



To learn more about THE HOLY GRAIL, click here.



©2023 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title and subtitle, 2) “By Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website:

To receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:
Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her books are available at To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list. Mercedes also offers workshops and private sessions.


Solstice Gift

By Mercedes Kirkel

I think all the events in our life are for our spiritual growth—especially when there’s a pattern or a certain dynamic that happens repeatedly. I believe those things are Spirit trying to get us to see something about ourselves, something we’re not conscious of, so we can change and grow. Deep soul lessons and opportunities.


Recently I was meeting with my cancer support group and we were sharing about the challenges and the gifts of our cancer journey. We were all able to connect with the challenges, but no one shared about the gifts. I thought that was really significant (since I believe that all our experiences are gifts, even the painful ones). So I kept thinking about it afterward, asking, What is the gift of cancer for me?


I knew the platitudes, like “This has helped me to value every moment of life” or “This has helped me to be more compassionate.” But those were just ideas I’d heard, not really what I felt or what seemed true for me. So I kept meditating on it.


I also was meditating on something else from the group. I noticed (not for the first time) a pattern I have in this group of speaking strongly, in a way that I think feels overpowering to others. I bring a certain force that I don’t enjoy, but that comes out anyway. I was thinking I must have been triggered to speak so forcefully and was considering what the trigger was.


In the midst of that I got a message. The message said, “You need kindness.”


At first I thought the message was about why I was reacting in the group, because I was needing others to be kind. (I was primarily reacting to one participant who had a lot of anger and blame relative to their cancer.)


But then I realized the message was about me, that I needed to be kind to myself. The angry individual was reflecting my own lack of kindness—toward myself as well as others. I immediately knew that if I was kind to myself, that kindness would overflow to others and they wouldn’t trigger me.


I could instantly feel how different it would be to live from a place of kindness toward myself. Wow!!!!


I’ve always been a driven kind of person, expecting perfection of myself. Part of being perfect was “demanding” kindness of myself. (Even as I write this, I see the irony in what I was doing—“demanding” kindness!) Did I need cancer to start to be kind to myself? Maybe so.


This new orientation feels very different. It’s actually being kind and letting my inner taskmaster go.


I’m very excited about this deepening in my spirituality, in a way I wasn’t expecting. I’m reminded of the Dalai Lama saying, “My religion is kindness.” And of the proverb: “Charity begins at home.”


©2023 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title and subtitle, 2) “By Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website:

To receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:
Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her books are available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list. Mercedes also offers workshops and private sessions.

Magdalene Appears

“Mary Magdalene” by Daniela C.

By Mercedes Kirkel

This year I, like so many others, had dreams of travel. Travel to shake off the stuck-ness of two years of living through a pandemic, while at the same time healing from cancer. I wanted to travel to the places my soul still longed for. But it wasn’t to be. My wellbeing hadn’t yet caught up with my dreams.


The first trip I planned was to walk in the footsteps of Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene in Israel. That dream ended up taking me on a journey, but a very different one than what I’d envisioned.


I’d dreamed of this trip to Israel for a long time—initially to experience it myself and eventually to lead Yeshua-Magdalene retreats there. As I considered how best to make this trip, I quickly realized a tour wouldn’t work for me. I needed to structure my own itinerary to the places that called to me, allowing the full time I needed at different sites and structuring the order of the trip in a way that was right for me. Even more importantly, I needed to have my own experiences, not influenced by the interpretations or beliefs of others.


I immersed myself in research about the area and the trip began to take form. I made reservations and started to experience myself already being in all the different places. I was alive with these places. Some part of my being already knew them and was remembering. I felt excited about going back physically to be there again.


It wasn’t until I started to look at possible flights that my guidance started to give me a new message. At first the guidance was quiet and subtle, but over time it became louder and larger. It was telling me I wasn’t up to international travel.


As often happens when I receive guidance I wasn’t expecting and don’t particularly like, I just sat with it for a while, letting myself absorb what I was being told and seeing how I felt about it. Within a relatively short time, I reluctantly started to feel the truth of what I was receiving. I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t strong enough yet. Not only would such an intense trip stress me out and undermine my ongoing healing, it also wouldn’t be fun. Traveling when you’re not well isn’t fun.


So I cancelled my reservations and let my travel partner know I wasn’t going to be making the trip. To my surprise, something very interesting happened. First, I noticed that there were signs that Israel may not be a safe place to travel at that time. I had a sense that my guides were looking out for my safety, as well as my physical wellness. But I also noticed something else.


I realized that my desire to experience the places connected to Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in Israel had been fulfilled—through all the research I’d done and the imagining of myself being in those places again. I actually felt at peace with not going there physically. I no longer needed to do that.


Around that same time, I happened to be watching a Youtube video about Yeshua by a professor of Biblical studies at UNC, James Tabor. In the video, Dr. Tabor showed a painting of the Sea of Galilee that looked the most like “the holy land” of 2000 years ago of any painting I’d ever seen. I immediately wanted a copy of the painting, as a final stroke of completion of my urge to experience that sacred land.


I wrote to Dr. Tabor and asked for help in locating the artist. Yet even before I received his very kind response, I’d already found the artist on Facebook. I wrote to her, asking if it was possible to obtain a print of that painting. She responded that she’d painted it specially for Dr. Tabor and hadn’t kept any copy herself. She then offered to paint a new painting of the Sea of Galilee for me. I felt deeply moved by her offering me this.


She also told me a little about herself. She had lived in Israel for a number of years and had felt guided to Mary Magdalene during that time. She was also quite a spiritual person. I felt incredibly blessed to have connected with her. I also felt exceedingly curious what this painting would be like.


About a week later, she contacted me and told me that when she’d started to work on the painting, Mary Magdalene had come to her. Mary told her to paint something else for me—a picture of Mary Magdalene rather than the Sea of Galilee. The artist wanted to know if I would be OK with changing the painting to be of Mary Magdalene. I told her if that was what she (the artist) was guided to do, especially by Mary Magdalene, then I most certainly wanted her to follow that guidance.


Within a very short time the painting was done and she sent it to me. As soon as I saw it I was blown away! She’d done an amazing job of capturing the Mary Magdalene I know and have experienced so many times. And the image is extremely potent. Everyone who’s seen the painting comments on how alive Mary seems and how much her image communicates.


This painting now hangs right next to my desk and I love it. I think of it as the Mona Lisa of the middle east. I feel Mary’s presence in visual form every time I look at it. And I feel myself back with her and Yeshua so many years ago, following in their footsteps.



©2022 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title and subtitle, 2) “By Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website:

To receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:
Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her books are available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list. Mercedes also offers workshops and private sessions.

Response to School Shooting

Mary Magdalene Crying Statue, Sepulcre Arc-en-Barrois

By Mercedes Kirkel

Like so many of us, I am in pain from the recent school shooting in Texas. My heart hurts­—for the victims, their families, their loved ones, and for all of us affected by one more incident of killing in this way. I grieve and mourn.


Mary Magdalene says that grieving is an essential part of healing and spiritual growth. And I believe she really knows.


Mary has shown me how to open to grieving and pain, rather than avoiding or denying it. Her instruction has allowed me to follow the pain, letting it take me to a deep place deep inside where my inner divinity resides. Pain lets me know that some part of my inner divinity isn’t fulfilled, and shows me which part it is.


In this case, it’s protection of life that’s not fulfilled. Life is precious and I want it to be protected.


When I connect with that place inside that values protection of life, a reconnecting to my wholeness occurs. The shock of the shooting caused me to separate from my inner wholeness. Now, through reconnecting with this part of myself that knows what it is to have protection of life, I begin to heal. Connecting with the already-fulfilled state of protection of life makes me whole again, yet in a new way that’s somehow stronger.


When I’m ready, when I’m sufficiently healed to be stable again in my wholeness, I will use my increased strength to make a difference. I will do what I must to manifest the beauty of protection of life in our world. I don’t yet know how I will do this but I trust that I will. I will be part of creating a world that protects life.


So be it.





©2022 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title and subtitle, 2) “By Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website:

To receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:
Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her books are available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list. Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions, including:

To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to

Dialogues with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Becomes #1 Best Seller


Now a #1 best seller on Amazon!

This weekend was the book launch for my latest book—DIALOGUES WITH YESHUA AND MARY MAGDALENE: The Journey to Love. I’m delighted to say that since releasing the book it’s become a #1 best seller on Amazon. Yay!!!!!!


During the book launch, I shared stories about the book and read excerpts. In case you missed it, here’s the recording:



There are so many things I love about this book. I love how strongly you can feel Yeshua’s and Mary’s love, as well as their wisdom and guidance. I love how the main character, Tom, is so vulnerable and honest in revealing his challenges and longing for spiritual growth. I love how most of the book is a “man-to-man” conversation between Yeshua and Tom, focused on Yeshua teaching Tom how to love the Feminine. I love how I still get immediately drawn into the beauty and truth of what’s being shared, even though I’ve read it countless times!!!


I’m so happy to finally be able to share this exquisite work with all of you, as I’m confident it will speak to and touch you the way it has me.


“As a teacher of Christ consciousness for 40 years, I rarely have chosen to write a review of a book. Dialogues with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene is one such book. The questions addressed in this book are ones most of us would love to ask if we knew the reply would be one we could count on. Mercedes has an incredible way of approaching sensitive topics such as the errors made within the Church, sexuality, dimensionality, and the seeming complexities of love. This material speaks to the heart and soul.”

—Michael Mirdad, Unity of Sedona Spiritual Leader and author of The Book of Love and Forgiveness


“Full of deep insights… this book explores the nature of love in an inspirational way that many readers will find very moving.”

—Stuart Wilson, co-author of Power of the Magdalene and The Essenes


“An empowering self-mastery guide to the healing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within your own body, heart, and mind. Yeshua and Mary Magdalene beckon.”

—Claire Heartsong, author of Anna, Grandmother of Jesus


“Yeshua and Tom’s ‘man to man’ dialogues are, for me as a man, immensely appealing and nurturing. Hearing Yeshua tell me that I AM God struck a chord of almost indescribable resonance in my whole being: heart, soul, mind, and body. Mercedes’s channeling of these multidimensional divine personalities shines with authority and grace.”

—Saniel Bonder, founder, Waking Down® and author of Healing the Spirit/Matter Split


“An extension of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene’s mystery school teachings of the past, this book offers profound understanding… For those who cherish the “Anna” books (Anna, Grandmother of Jesus and Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes), this book is the next step.”

—Catherine Ann Clemett, author of Are You a Magdalene?


“As a retired Presbyterian minister, I have wrestled with some of the questions Tom raises and found much wisdom in these conversations… May Yeshua’s wise advice resonate for us all.”

—Rev. Trey Hammond, co-author of Exposure and Risk: The Great Coming Church


“Expanded insights and higher perspectives, inviting the reader into their heart. I highly recommend this book.”

—Linda Mary Robinson, author of Being True to Yourself


Click below to buy the book



©2021 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “By Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website:

To receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her books are available at

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions, including:

To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Traveling to Other Dimensions

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Note from Mercedes: In this channeling, Mary is addressing the participants in the ASCENSION SCHOOL ONLINE PROGRAM, led by Mercedes. For more information about that program, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: (continuing from previous post) The other reason for activating your merkaba is that it supports you in traveling between the dimensions—but only if you choose. You will not be out of control, suddenly traveling to dimensions you do not want to be traveling to.

In the beginning traveling to other dimensions is usually not something most people will choose to do. It is certainly not necessary, other than moving into the fourth dimension. I do suggest you begin to make use of moving into the fourth dimension and practicing from there, because that will be a contribution to all beings at this time, including yourself. Your accessing the fourth dimension, integrated with your heart, is valuable to all. The merkaba will help you with that.

It may feel scary to contemplate traveling to other dimensions. You may have beliefs that this is connected to dark energies or dark beings who use these kind of processes. Perhaps such beliefs are supported by ideas that have been instilled through your media or religions, or potentially ideas you are still carrying from past-life experiences.

In truth, these energies have been misused in the past. One of the most clear and strong situations where that occurred was in Atlantis. Many beings who have incarnated at this time to contribute as light-workers to the transition that human beings are going through were also present in Atlantis. Many have memory of this kind of power being misused. That is not the only time it has ever been misused. But that is one particularly potent time, of which many people have past-life connection to and memories or a sense of.

Experiences of this kind of misuse are a growth process. Like any growth process, such as a child learning, you will make mistakes. You learn from those mistakes and that makes you strong. Then you take that strength and try again. This is what I encourage.

The merkaba, in and of itself, is a very safe thing. It is as safe as your chakras. It is simply part of your energetic potential, which you are probably not making use of at this time and probably not that familiar with, or have not even heard of.

There can be fear and suspicion because of that unfamiliarity or foreign-ness. Ask for safety and clarity that engaging your merkaba is right for you. Pursue what you need to have that safety and clarity.

I hope that what I have said has contributed to that.

For more information, go to:

©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (

If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s second book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Mercedes works with people by phone, Skype, and Zoom. To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: How Your Merkaba Helps You

Star Tetrahedron by The Playful Geometer

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Note from Mercedes: In this channeling, Mary is addressing the participants in the ASCENSION SCHOOL ONLINE PROGRAM, led by Mercedes. For more information about that program, go to


Question: Why is it important to learn about the merkaba?”


Mary Magdalene: It’s helpful to learn about the merkaba. Your energy body is there to help you and the merkaba is, in some ways, the completion of this stage of learning of what your energy body is, what it can do, and how it can help you. The merkaba is here to help you in a couple of primary ways.


One is it’s very much for your protection. It acts much the way a crystal acts, only it’s not the physical form of a crystal. Many of you have heard from various sources that as you progress in your spiritual development and move into the higher dimensions, you are going to change from carbon-based beings to crystalline-based beings. Your merkaba is part of this. It acts in many ways like a crystal.


It also acts differently than a physical crystal, so there are also differences. It’s energetic; it’s not physically based. But it has some of the qualities and capabilities of crystals. One of the things that crystals do is they can protect you. They are very powerful forms of protection, if you know how to use them. Your merkaba is the same. You can use it for energetic protection. This is something that many of you would be benefitted by.


So that is one of the reasons it’s important to learn about the merkaba—so you can have full access to its protection, which will support you energetically.


Another reason is that your merkaba is an activation device, which is also similar to a crystal. Crystals are used right now by your scientific world in many of your technological advances, such as the computer world. What you call your high-tech industry is often based on crystals because crystals can activate high-level processes. When you activate your merkaba, its crystalline nature is going to be very supportive for you in being able to manifest much more directly, easefully, and effectively.


Now this can bring up fear for some people. Some people have fear that that’s too much power and “who knows how I’m going to use that.” Perhaps they have memory of a past-life where they misused power or perhaps they just don’t trust that they have the wisdom to know how to use power. Those are healthy fears.


However, I want to remind everyone that you are already manifesting. You are simply doing it in a more primitive way at the third dimension. But all of you are manifesting all the time. So when you access the fourth dimension, it’s simply that your manifestation will happen more directly and more quickly.


You already have experience with making choices around what you choose to manifest. It is very wise, very sagacious, to realize that yes, there are ramifications to your manifestation. It is important that you use that power for the highest good, for yourself and all. This is why this power is not given at the third dimension. It is given at the fourth dimension, especially after beings have done your emotional work.


This is another reason for doing your emotional work. That is a safeguard. Your emotions are very powerful protectors. If you are not engaging for the highest good, you will get feedback through your emotions. It will be very painful for you. And conversely, if you are manifesting for the highest good, your emotions will also give you feedback of joy, balance, wholeness, ease, contentment, peace, all of those kinds of things.


You actually have a lot of skills already developed that are safeguards against you misusing power. This is not to say that you can’t misuse power. But it is much less likely if you have the ability to go into your heart. This is why it is important that you are a heart-and-mind integrated being, rather than simply a being acting from the mind, dissociated from the heart.


The merkaba will help you to manifest in integration with your heart. And your heart will participate and steer you.


To those of you who feel afraid of having more power, I hope this is reassuring.


Your world actually needs the people who are connected to their heart to take power. Your world is tremendously imbalanced by people assuming power who are not connected to their heart. It is a responsibility to engage your power but it does not have to be a heavy responsibility. If you do the work of staying connected to your heart, then your power will be a natural ability, in balance and in integration with your heart.

For more information, go to:



©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s second book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Mercedes works with people by phone, Skype, and Zoom. To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: How Women Will Change Your World

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

[Note from Mercedes: This channeling is addressed to me personally, but the message is universal.]


Blessings Dear One,


This is Mary Magdalene. I’m responding to your call for help in processing what you witnessed in the recent Judicial Committee hearings with testimony by Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh.


I understand that it was very difficult for you to watch what occurred because it stirred up great pain for you. You had memories evoked of the kinds of trials of women that occurred in the Inquisition. You had memories evoked of your own sexual assault. And you also felt the pain of your cultures’s orientation toward women: the discounting, the suspicion, and the double standard between the way men and women are related to.


I am aware that you have done much work to heal your pain since the Senate hearing and I acknowledge and commend you for that.


Part of what came up for you through your healing process afterward was the awareness that humans, in general, have played all roles in their many incarnations. This caused you to be aware that in other incarnations, you had probably taken the role that privileged men in your culture are now taking. This led you to consider what would cause someone to act in that way toward women, or toward any group of people.


You accurately identified that being driven to uphold and maintain power comes from fear. There is fear on the part of the privileged group of what might happen to them if they lost the power that they currently hold.


This fear, which is driving many at this time, and particularly men, to treat women in the way that they do is what I wish to speak about.


There is generally the assumption among men in the privileged position that they would be treated poorly if they lost their privilege, just as they have treated others poorly. There is fear that they would not have enough, either to thrive and be happy or perhaps even to survive.


Underneath this is an even deeper fear. It is fear of the Feminine itself. Ultimately it is fear of the Feminine within themselves. It’s a fear of their own feelings and tender side. A fear of their own vulnerability. A fear of their own heart.


This fear drives them to try to cover up that vulnerability, that tenderness, those feelings. So they act as though they do not have these things. That was the display you saw in the second half of the hearings, first from Judge Kavanaugh and later from the Republican senators, all of whom made a dramatic display of their righteous anger at the “villains” (the women and Democrats) who they asserted have so wronged them. But you, Mercedes, and probably many others, felt a lack of authenticity in what they were portraying. There was a nervousness behind it all, a desperation.


That was their fear of the Feminine, the Feminine that comes from the feeling heart and whose heart knows the truth. Feminine feeling and heart is strong, and that strength is part of what men who fear the Feminine are aware of. Dr. Ford was strong in her admission of being terrified. Judge Kavanaugh was not able to meet her in that strength, and instead attempted to use aggression to deflect from his lack of strength.


There is an inconsistency in this that is not understood. Those who fear the Feminine realize the Feminine’s strength. Yet they mistakenly assume that opening to their own Feminine will make them weak. So they cut off from their inner Feminine and compensate through an outward show of force. This is what happened at the hearings.


What would happen if they opened to their Feminine? They would start to feel and be informed by feeling. A feeling person cannot treat another person as “less-than.” A feeling person who has injured another person feels this and is disturbed by it. That disturbance motivates the one who carried out the injury to make amends. This is the basis of emotional responsibility.


The question for all of you at this time, beyond the immediate situation of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, is this: How can it become safe for men to open to their Feminine aspect?


You see, the women’s movement empowered women to open to their Masculine side. And now it is time for men to open to their Feminine side. Certainly some men are already doing this, but many are not, especially those who have been in the dominant role in terms of holding power in your society.


The biggest way that women can step into the leadership position at this time and support this next step will not be by telling men what they must do. That would be coming from their Masculine and most men do not want to receive from a woman in her Masculine.


Rather, women must demonstrate to men what it is to open to feeling, just as Dr. Ford did when she expressed her terror of testifying and her fear during the original incident. You must show your feelings, especially when you’re experiencing emotional pain, and do this without crossing the line into blaming others for those feelings. Saying what happened isn’t blame. Blame is where you seek to punish or hurt others because of your pain. Dr. Ford did an excellent job of demonstrating this. She revealed her experiences and feelings, without going into an overlay of power by directing anger or blame at others.


Beyond expressing and showing feelings, women can support men in opening up to their Feminine side by guessing what men are feeling. This is using women’s emotional intelligence to help men identify their feelings, because men often aren’t aware of what they’re feeling. It is important to do this sensitively and respectfully. This can be done through asking if such-and-such is what someone is feeling, rather than telling them that this is what’s going on with them (which puts the “teller” in the position of being the authority over them through knowing more about what’s going on with them than they do).


These two things—demonstrating your own feelings and helping men to identify their feelings—can make a world of difference in supporting men in feeling safe to open to their Feminine. And this will change your world.


This isn’t a magic wand that will change things overnight. You are undoing thousands of years of programming. But it can happen extremely quickly in the big picture of things. This is the greatest power that women have. But most aren’t yet aware of this or skilled at using it. Most are still trying to use their mind to change things. But that’s not where this change will come from.


I want to address something else about what so many women experienced in watching the hearings. The majority of women in your world today have been sexually violated or assaulted in some way. Because of this, many women experienced a very personal kind of pain in watching the hearings. It brought up their own pain from their experiences, which have not fully healed.


For many who are abused or assaulted, there is often an initial survival instinct that occurs of blocking out what happened, both functionally and emotionally. Over time this blocking out becomes a habit which turns into suppression. But the memories and pain will break through this suppression at times. One of those times is when hearing someone else describe a similar situation, especially if it’s done in a vulnerable and feeling way.


This is what happened for many women in listening to Dr. Ford recount her trauma. It allowed their own trauma to come forward and be felt in a deeper, fuller way.


In such a situation, I strongly urge any woman (or man, for that matter) who is feeling their own pain being stimulated, to allow themselves to feel it. This is what I call grieving. It is to fully feel one’s emotional pain. Until this is done, full healing won’t occur.


This is not easy for most people because most people at this time have been taught not to feel their pain. This is actually very damaging to people because it prevents healing from occurring. Allowing the emotional pain to be felt will inevitably lead to healing.


So for anyone watching the hearings who had this reaction, I urge you to allow yourself to grieve and heal your own pain. Do this before you make any attempts to change what’s happening, either in the hearings for the Supreme Court position, or in the interplay between men and women in general. Take care of yourself first, however long that takes. When that is complete and healed, then you can consider contributing to changing your world, if that’s right for you.


There are many ways to contribute to changing the world. It is a very individual process and choice. But all of you will benefit from opening to your Feminine—women and men. And women are likely to be the leaders in this. Most women have a ways to go before they’re fully acting out of their own Feminine. This means showing their feelings and allowing that to be enough, without going into the mind with analysis or bringing anger and blame.


Your world is shifting from head to heart. Feelings are the key to this shift. Find the key and make use of it. This is what I recommend.


In great love and care,
I AM Mary Magdalene



©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:

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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s second book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Mercedes works with people by phone, Skype, and Zoom. To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: My Prediction for the Future

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Hello beloved. This is Mary Magdalene. Thank you for calling upon me once again, as I am happy to be of service and help in whatever way I can. I have heard that you would like me to address the question of predictions for the future. And so I shall.


Humans in general are very oriented to wanting to know. This includes wanting to know what will happen in the future. This is because your world is a place where things are always changing and this brings about fear. Ultimately it is fear of survival and wellbeing: “Will I be able to survive and thrive in the midst of what will happen?”


This is a very spiritual question. I say that because, from my point of view, spirituality is about two things. It’s about consciousness and it’s about love. The question of “Will I survive and thrive?” reflects a third-dimensional consciousness. In the third dimension, beings are relating to life in a physical way. So your focus is on physical survival and physical wellbeing.


For those of you who are growing spiritually—which I assume is the case for those listening to my words—you are in the process of growing beyond the third dimension and it’s attendant consciousness. You are moving into the higher dimensions, beginning with the fourth dimension. And as part of this, you are moving beyond the exclusive focus on physicality. You are moving beyond being driven by wanting to survive and have physical wellbeing. Of course those drives are still there. They won’t disappear. But they will no longer dominate or control you because they have been superseded by another drive.


As you move into the fourth dimension, your higher awareness begins to open and you begin to relate to the experiences of life differently. Rather than merely wanting to survive, you begin to look at the events you’re encountering differently. Whereas in 3D you interpreted certain events as threats to your survival or wellbeing, now you begin to see that these events aren’t external things happening to you. And you aren’t at their affect as a victim. Rather, you begin to see the wholeness of what’s happening. You begin to see your inherent relationship to these events. You begin to understand that something bigger is going on. You’re not merely in a dangerous world that can wipe you out, which you need to oppose with your strength and mind. Rather you start to see that you are a part of these events. You start to understand that you have agreed to these events at the soul level.


This is a huge shift out of 3D consciousness into higher consciousness. Now you are not merely a separate individual struggling to survive and thrive, who can become the victim of circumstances for no apparent reason. Rather you start to understand yourself as a creator. You have created these events, in some way. That creation may have happened in this lifetime. It may have happened before this incarnation, as you prepared to incarnate in the pre-birth state. Or it may have happened in a previous incarnation, which is what many of you call “karma.” Karma can be from this lifetime or a previous lifetime.


Karma is not a punishment or a reward. It is part of the process of learning and growth that your soul wants and is calling in. Similarly, the external events of life are not random occurrences with “good” or “bad” consequences. They are opportunities that your soul has created and called in to support you in the growth your soul desires.


This is a huge step of responsibility. In the higher dimensions, you naturally assume responsibility for the events of life because you are aware that your soul has taken a part in creating them. Sometimes the events have been created by other souls as well. But your soul has certainly had a part in that creation or the event wouldn’t be occurring in your life.


This is a great step of trust for most human beings. You are moving into trusting the events of your life as being for your benefit, even when they create hardship or suffering. Ultimately this is a great step forward in trusting God. As you learn to trust the events of life as serving you, you will increasingly see the greater pattern of the wholeness of life. And this greater pattern, or deeper picture, will lead you to God, inevitably.


That is where you are all headed. Toward God. This is your ultimate purpose in being here—to know God and to unite with God. And this brings in the second aspect of spirituality that I mentioned earlier, which is love. To know God is consciousness. To unite with God is love. And the two go hand-in-hand. As you know God, so will you unite with God. As you become conscious, so will you love.


My prediction for your future is that you will grow in this consciousness. This is the deeper prediction that transcends events. You will start to care less about the events and care more about the reason for the events, the opportunity they’re offering you to grow in your consciousness and become aware of the bigger pattern. This will lead you to God. And as you unite with God, you will know love.


This consciousness will also change your life. Ultimately it will change your world. That is the law of attraction. The more you remain in this new consciousness, the less you will require external circumstances to reign in your former consciousness, which was dominated by the illusion of fulfillment in the merely physical world. Now your fulfillment will increasingly come from your deeper awareness of the source behind events. This will lead to the events calming down and becoming more benign, as they are no longer the focus of your energy or creation. So your reality will become more peaceful, simpler, more stable, more balanced. This will free up your consciousness even more to follow the thread of knowing the greater pattern, and through that knowing God. And as you know God, you will naturally be moved to love.


It is your choice as humans how quickly this will happen. At present it is underway, but not likely to happen in the immediate future as a complete and accomplished state. It is much more likely it will be a change over years and decades. But it is certainly underway. And for any particular individual it can happen much more quickly, if you are dedicated and motivated to do the work.


What does this require? It requires free attention, free from the constraints of being bound to mere survival and physical wellbeing. This generally requires a base of discipline of your basic life functions. Discipline gives you that freedom. Without discipline, your energy and awareness tend to be consumed by your “problems.” This is why spirituality has traditionally involved discipline.


But discipline is not the point. Discipline in and of itself doesn’t make you spiritual. It simply can support you in freeing your energy and awareness to be available for the spiritual process of knowing God and uniting with God. It can potentially speed up this shift into higher consciousness.


As to predictions, I wish to support you in letting go of focusing on events that are to happen. because that is not the consciousness that will be most helpful. Instead focus on going beyond events into the bigger pattern of what’s behind the events. This leads to connection with God. It also leads to your world shifting, to 3D giving way to 4D and the dimensions beyond. This is what I predict will be happening for all of you.


In 4D, your consciousness changes from seeing the world as a fixed place that’s physically based to seeing the world as an energy realm that is fluid and which you are always affecting. Rather than seeing yourself as the victim of events or circumstances, you now see yourself as a part of all events and circumstances. More and more you will see yourself as the creator of events and circumstances. You become empowered to deeply make use of your freedom of choice. You start to use your power to choose and create much more powerfully. So the focus in 4D is upon manifestation and creation.


Right now the majority of humanity is in the process of releasing the exclusive focus on the physical, which is the consciousness of 3D, and moving into the focus of this greater energetic pattern that underlies the physical. You are in the process of shifting into 4D consciousness and reality. This will continue and grow, for individuals and for humanity as a whole.


You are not prevented from doing this by authorities, political leaders, social structures, or any other feature of your world. Your consciousness is your own creation and you are at choice to change your consciousness however and whenever you choose.


It is easier to make this shift in consciousness when you are in the company of others who share your intention. It is especially supportive to be in the company of others who are further along in doing this than you are. These are your teachers and guides. To put yourself in their company is a beneficial action. This includes receiving that company through writings or audio and video media. But it is most supportive to share that company in life. Creating associations with others who share your intentions to grow in this way is very valuable, as is finding teachers who can guide and support you in your growth.


My hope is that many people will be moved to engage this shift as deeply and thoroughly as possible. I encourage you to connect with others who are similarly engaging their growth. This will not only support your own growth. It will maximize the effect you have in your world. Group consciousness is a powerful form that can support the totality of change in your reality. It is a contribution to others at the energetic level, whether they are aware of it or not, and whether they are currently choosing the same path or not. That is an act of love. And it can change humanity’s trajectory.


With that kind of intention and engagement, this shift will be accelerated. It is already happening at an extraordinarily fast rate, in terms of human evolution. This may be difficult to see from your perspective, but from our vantage point there is tremendous change underway, which you might say is happening at the speed of light. Truly it’s happening at the speed of consciousness. But it is incredibly fast in terms of how quickly it’s possible to change. We are most pleased about this.


We also have complete confidence that this shift into the fourth dimension and beyond will happen. Again, it is not for us to say when it will happen, because you are creating it. But it is underway and we already see the endpoint. It will happen and we are here welcoming you to your new reality as you make this transition. We receive you with our form of open arms and greatest heart love. We are ready to receive you. And we’re wholeheartedly looking forward to that “homecoming” for you, into your new home and reality of the fourth dimension.


In great love and service,
I AM Mary Magdalene

©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s second book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Mercedes works with people by phone, Skype, and Zoom. To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: You Are a Spiritual Leader

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

[Note from Mercedes: In this channeling, Mary is addressing the participants in the ASCENSION SCHOOL PROGRAM led by Mercedes. For more information about that program, go to]


Mary Magdalene: Blessings, beloved ones. This is Mary Magdalene. And I am so very happy to be here with all of you.


I understand that all of you have been engaging in most intensive and quite advanced practice—activating your energy bodies, and laying the foundation for accessing the fourth-dimension and manifesting in the fourth-dimensional way. I want to acknowledge all of you for the work you are doing. I want to state very clearly (if you are not already completely aware of this) that the work you are doing is a great contribution to humanity. All of humanity. And even beyond humanity.


This is such important work. The greatest way beings can contribute at this time in your world is through this kind of personal transformation. Through that, you change the quotient of light on Earth, and the light being magnified through the Earth into the cosmos.


This is always the case for anyone who does spiritual work. In your case, you are doing very particular work that will particularly contribute to the transformation that beings are called to at this time. Of course, this includes your own transformation. But it is contributing to much more than just the personal level of all of you.


So I want to make sure you are aware of that. You are leaders in this way. Even if you never call yourself a “leader” or ever view yourself as a leader, even if you never choose to work with others in any other form, the work you are doing is at the forefront. That is what is meant by spiritual leadership. You are leading the way of this present-time transformation through the work you are doing with yourself. And we at the higher levels are extremely grateful to you. We thank you all so very much.


©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Mercedes works with people by phone, Skype, and Zoom. To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


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