My Halloween Gift
By Mercedes Kirkel I always love Halloween — maybe because it’s a week after my birthday. But I think it’s more than just that. I love the magic of the colors, the smells, the changing weather. And I truly … Continue reading →
By Mercedes Kirkel I always love Halloween — maybe because it’s a week after my birthday. But I think it’s more than just that. I love the magic of the colors, the smells, the changing weather. And I truly … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel Mary Magdalene: It’s been known for a long time that this would be the time when people on your Earth would be ready to engage in the ascension movement into the higher dimensions. Balancing and … Continue reading →
A Rendering of the Lord’s PrayerReceived by Mercedes Kirkel Adapted from Neil Douglas-Klotz’s translation of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who is everywhere and always present, the light of God Our Mother, who enlivens all, the love … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel Note from Mercedes: In this channeling, Mary is addressing the participants in the ASCENSION SCHOOL ONLINE PROGRAM, led by Mercedes. For more information about that program, go to Question: Why is it important to learn … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel [Note from Mercedes: In this channeling, Mary is responding to a participant in the ASCENSION SCHOOL PROGRAM led by Mercedes. For more information about that program, go to] Question: Can you talk about how … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel [Note from Mercedes: In this channeling, Mary is addressing the participants in the ASCENSION SCHOOL PROGRAM led by Mercedes. For more information about that program, go to] Mary Magdalene: Blessings, beloved ones. This is … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel Question: I have an issue with my spirituality that concerns my son. He is four years old and I think he’s amazing from a spiritual point of view. In my heart I feel I need to … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel Question: I think it’s very helpful to be practical in my spirituality. Can you talk about that? Mary Magdalene: What does that mean to you, to be practical in your spirituality? Questioner: That the … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel Question: Throughout my life I’ve had wondrous experiences that lasted from a few seconds to three-and-a-half days. I call them my “real life” experiences. Since you talk about dimensions, maybe I have to look at it … Continue reading →
Received by Mercedes Kirkel Question: I’d like to ask about cleansing processes and how to go about that? I’ve had spontaneous past-life memories coming up that were related to important events that were not dealt with in other lives. … Continue reading →